Any 40-ish survivors?



  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Eema - your story about the hospital and mammo is disturbing.  Sadly, it is similar to a lot of stories I have heard, both in the BC context and with other illnesses.  There were even some shocking errors in teh course of my treatment.  Nothing important in the end, but my onco was embarrassed on at least two occassions when I suprised her by actually reading my reports and pointing out plain errors.  She was great to follow up with the problem and get it corrected, but damn . . . this is life and death stuff here . . . a little common sense and attention would have made these errors obvious.

    Kim - I am not sure if you read my post to be complaining about anyone's view here.  I absolutely was not.  This thread is great fun.  I was just venting about some other threads.  I always recognize that others have different perspectives than me.  It is was makes people interesting.  If everyone thought just like me, I would be bored.  And probably very scared.  Ha!!  :)   What gets me going is when people take absurd positions that really make no sense when you step back and think logically about it.  Like the pink stuff.  I get that people hate it.  But I do not get people taking that so far as to undermine its purpose and benefit.

    Well, gotta go.  I will try to stop in over the weekend.  It is going to be gorgeous here this weekend.  I hope you all are having equally beautiful weather.  I had to be out on a golf course this morning for my job (really . . . I represent them in a lawsuit) . . . it was so nice to be riding around in the sunny, autumn air.  I wish my job were always like that.  Days like these make life worth living!!


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi Lisa,

      No, I understood what you meant. Actually that was my attempt to make you feel better. See that's what I mean...I wish typed words could be read as they are intended...I'm not good at it though. I just wanted to say don't let those folks get you. I hope you enjoy the weekend. We are having one of my sons friends over Sat. Tonight I think dinner on the river with the three of us . Sunday the boys are going to shoot clay pigeons and I will be going back to Ohio to visit my old neighbor. I hope we get to catch some football games and just enjoy life a bit.

    Do you all ever wish you could just have as many drinks as you like...I know that sounds weird...but in the old old days....there were beautiful afternoons like this one that I would love to sit outside and not just have a beer-- but not count how many-- not to say I would get loaded ( well not every time) Lol    Having a really cold beer ( outside ) on a beautiful day was a favorite,but they are like potato chips ...I want more than one

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    On my 40th birthday last week, I had 3 margaritas.  I enjoyed every one of them!  You deserve a day not counting!  No one ever told me that I really needed to worry about that.  I mean, like you, I don't drink much.  A glass or two of wine when friends are visiting, but that's about it.  But hell, you only turn 40 once, and I was definitely celebrating this year!  (Hubby bought me a beautiful strand of pearls and my Dad sent up some $$ and I got a gorgeous pair of Frye boots that I'll have for at least the next decade!  I usually wind up putting birthday money in the bank, but this year I spent it on ME!  Such fun!)

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Happy Birthday Profbee!!!!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Thanks, O2B!  I was never big on birthdays, but I now plan to celebrate every damn one of them from here on out.  I mean, I am lucky--just stage 2, and I have a great prognosis, but having that scare that I may not be here to see my boy grow up--well, that's changed many ways.  But in some really, really positive ways.  The major thing was that I really, truly, value and appreciate my friends and family.  (And my pearls and boots!  LOL!)

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Happy Birthday Prof!

    You beat me to the margarita comment.  As I was reading Kim's post, all I could think was that this is the perfect kind of day to sit out on a deck at a mexican restaurant and drink margaritas.  I am typically a liquor drinker more than beer or fruity drinks, but I do love a good margarita. 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    That's JUST what hubby and I did!  Right by the tug boats in Portsmouth, NH.  It was perfect.  My son has kindergarten in the mornings, and until November or so he's going to after school at his pre-k place 3 days a week to make it a bit easier on us with the schlepping to Boston for chemo appts, etc.  It just so happened one of his long days was on my birthday, so we got to go out for a nice long lunch and hubby even accompanied me to every little consignment shop in town.  :)  It was GREAT! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Thanks to all...I will have more than one and enjoy it too!! Happy birthday profbee....I didn't like birthdays either and do now ....enjoy those boots and that little boy....I just love my boy. Every age has been my favorite ( even 13 ) Lol

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    I love a good adult beverage every now and then...

    My 39th birthday was  huge celebration (1st yr after dx)...My 40th we did not do anything (on the birthday)  however a month later I went to Las Vegas with my girlfriends :)  

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Happy birthday profbeem enjoy those boots and pearls! 

    I enjoy fruity sweet/tart drinks, I usually don't have more than one or two because I am always watching calories, and would rather eat dessert than have an extra drink.  I remember the days that all my calories came from beer! 

    Beautiful weekend in NC!!  Going to Fall outing for work tonight, should be good food, but no drinks! 

    Kmur-- sounds like things went well with your PS visit.  So you think you are done?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi everyone,

    Christine...yes, I think I am. She said ( which I knew ) I do have a little rippling,but to me it is not worth the added surgery. The fat grafting she did made a really big difference. I did ask her about the soreness. I have a very high pain tolerance but some areas are still tender. (only where the fat was taken)  She said it can take a couple of months for that to go away and suggested message in those areas. How are you with regards to soreness and have you seen "the finished you know whats"

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011


    My belly feels much better this week, I am still wearing the binder and tummy is sore when I pull panties up and down.  I go Monday and get the few stitches out and hopefully get rid of my lovely caps! The caps are clear and open at the end, so yes I can see the final product.  They look kind of freaky, he told me they would be bigger initially.  The width is good, but they seem long, they better shrink.  One is fairly pink, the other kind of pale, I hope it is ok.  I feel certain I will do the tatoos.   I am pleased with how things look, although a still have a slight divit at my cleavage line on one side (it looked better, but now that the swelling is down, not quite as perfect).  I quess I will see what the PS says on Monday.  I want to be as good as I can be, but also realistic.  The original parts can not be replaced. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Christine...good you are not as sore now. She did explain to me they shrink as well ( who knew ) That reminds me of Seinfeld and a different body part. Mine are still pink but not as pink at the start. I may change my mind about additional grafting.  She said there is more we can do. I'm like you in that I really don't expect perfection but just want them to look nice after all this....

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011
      Off to dinner now with my guys. Talk to you all later Smile
  • bcisnofun
    bcisnofun Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2011

    kmur - I love your post and outlook on life. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi Everyone....I know our girls in far away places are looking forward to summer,but wow what a beautiful fall morning here in Kentucky!!  This morning we dove to our favorite bakery for pastries....Oh my....what a treat!!  I have been very very bad this am...always tomorrow right??

    Thank you bcisnofun.....I am such a work in process....I used to worry,worry. For some reason I also used to see the negative before the positive. BC has really changed me in so many ways. I have to say I do the funniest things anymore...I bet people think what is wrong with her. I won't bore you with the details...but I love people and my family/friends never know what may happen next. I could tell so many stories.....

    I have posted some new/old pictures on FB ...I will try to find more so that you all can see the family. I really enjoy all of you girls. This forum is kind of my face book...I really don't use the real facebook much. I am so glad we can talk here about what bugs us/scares us or what makes us so very happy....THANKS to you all for putting up with my windy posts.

  • bcisnofun
    bcisnofun Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2011

    what a blessing it is to be a work in progress. 

    it's a beautiful day here too.  It feels so good to be done with chemo and feeling good enough to actually get things done.  Wish the hair would grow in, but patience is still part of my work in progress.

    me too on facebook.  I still just don't really get it. 

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Love to all you girls on here!

     Just a quick one to say "Happy Birthday" to Profbee for last week!  40th is such a landmark birthday in my view!  Glad you had a good one!  Congrats to Betsy for raising all that money - is the walk next Sat.? Good luck for that. I did a Pink Walk for bc last year when I was in the middle of chemo (only about 3 miles!). I only raised about £200 - ( $320/350?), but I was so proud of myself for doing it! This year, though, they cancelled the local walk and moved it about 40 miles away. I'll have to find something else to do for it. I agree that the whole "pink and fluffy" thing with BC does trivialise it somewhat and I imagine that those who have issues with it on these forums, often those with Stage 4, feel that the media as a whole can make it seem like a non-serious cancer, which is merely a few months of inconvenience. We know that this is not the case, but at least lots of fundraising is happening now, which can only be good. I'm very far from the brainiest person on here, I strongly suspect, so please forgive my simplistic views!

     Glad that things are better breast-wise, Christine and Kim! I know what you mean about the Seinfeld quote, Kim!  Elaine says, " They shrink?! I don't know how you guys walk around with those things!"  I'm such a comedy show geek!  Like you (were) I am a worrier, though maybe less now than before bc ! The newspaper we get printed a speech that Steve Jobs made in 2005 to Stanford Uni. students. He had already had his first brush with cancer then -   I found it inspirational - check it out!.  Decided to get my act together and re-join my slimming club on Monday.  I also signed up yesterday with a tutoring agency to get some money this school year (hopefully!)  Haven't done any tutoring for a few  years.  I've been looking for shop jobs too, but the pain and lack of movement recently in my chest/arm has ruled that out. It's muscular pain according to the GP, aggravated by the rads damage and LE, but it's bl**dy painful and annoying!!  Can't even wipe my you-know-what unaided sometimes - what a lovely thought!  Love to you all on here,

     Sarah xxx

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Sarah... the walk is all weekend... opening ceremonies type thing Friday and then 26 miles on Saturday and 13 more miles on Sunday... Will be Tired.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Sarah....I just had to say I saw that speech...his line is short..don't waist it living someone else's life  (something like that) spoke to me.  I wish I could speak like that when it really matters.... I think your view is well spoken.  Oh ...yes, that was the episode I was thinking of...we were on the same track!!  Great you are getting to teach...I imagine you to be a very good teacher.

    Betsy...thinking of you as you walk for your Dad today.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Thanks, Kim! I wasn't fishing for compliments there. God, I've been worrying about that for the last hour - I really must get a life!  I'm not a good in-front-of the class teacher, in fact I sucked at it -  I  was a big yawn and very bad tempered and impatient with the kids!  A cross teaching robot! I'm a lot better 1-to-1. You seem like a lovely woman - wish we could all meet up - we all seem to have things in common.

     I'll shut up now! Time for dinner!

     Sarah x

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Good Afternoon!  Just reading through the posts and I realize that I also am not as articulate as most of you. With that said, no I am not real crazy about Pinktober, but if it reaches someone else to get checked and prevent them from joining this club the all the better.  I made a comment on the pink thread because I do get a little tired of it.  I don't mind packaging pink, but when the product turns pink then I avoid until I can buy it in it's normal color.  I can't speak on the Steve Jobs thread, because honestly I really didn't know who he was until this past week.  Don't own anything Apple.  I do love his speech from 2005.  It puts things in perspective for me.  I too was/ am a worrier, but I don't sweat the small stuff anymore.  Love that I am able to get back into my life and not think of BC every waking moment.  I hope there comes a day when I can go days without being reminded that I am a BC patient/survivor. Love Seinfeld!

    Happy Belated Birthday Profbee!

    Betsy I hope your walk for your Dad went well today!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Betsy...You must have posted at the same time I did....good luck as I said with your walk I thought it was today only...take care of yourself.

    Thank you Sarah...I would really love to meet you also. Well all of the ladies here. I love to read each persons view. I find I learn something new all the time. I really think if we all met would be all laughs.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Happy Belated Birthday ProfBee!!! 

    We have our family party for ds 8yr old party tomorrow.  I have not told anyone about the MRI spots or the biospy except my mom.  Is that weird?  I don't want anyone (my sister, my two sister-in-laws) slipping and saying anything in front of the kids and I really want the focus to be on my son since last year alot was on me since it had only been a month after my dx.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the b-day wishes, all!  

    Meegan, I think that's super brave and awesome of you.  Have a wonderful time tomorrow.  You're a super mom!   

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Meegan,  I understand totally about not telling your family yet.  Protecting our children is important and your 8 year old should rule tomorrow at his party.  Even though you only told your mom, you told all of us, so let us take the burden of worry away from you tomorrow and have a great time at the party.  We understand.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Meegan...You are a wonderful mom...Christine...well said. I hope tomorrow is a great day.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Sorry to confuse you all about my walks... Tomorrow is a one-day walk for alzheimers in Princeton, NJ...and then NEXT weekend I am doing the 3-day Avon Walk for BC in NYC... Thanks for all the well wishes!! At least the weather tomorrow will be like summer! Wearing purple tomorrow and pink next week... I know, I know... the whole pink thing... whatever... I think of it as a pep rally.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hi bdavis,

    Hope you are doing well.  I have read some of the DIEP threads about NOLA docs and sounds like you get major lipo with your second stage of surgery, do they charge you for this or just throw it in because they are nice?  I had some fat grafting with my nips last week and my PS only took what he needed for my breasts and axillary area (he could have been more generous on taking tummy fat).

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    They throw it in.. My doctor told me specifically he does not charge for the extra lipo... silver lining for sure!!. I suspect he wil lipo from my knees, all around legs/thighs, love handles, back fat, and then the fat that has accumulated under armpits... these were the areas HE suggested (except for the knees, but many women get that too).. and the more I look at myself, the more I just want to do it... I will never have a chance like this again.