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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    I was sweating a lot while throwing up which could have caused the chills.

    I don't think the fruit smoothie was bad, but it is a possibility.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Oops I forgot to say Thanks Gina...I don't see myself that way..and lately all I have to do is sniff something yummy and POOF for me too...but now it goes to my hips???  Oh and legs too....that's ok though...I would rather be happy than skinny!!  Lol

    BTW..That is great that you have become a vegan...I see your finished dishes and I want to travel down there to eat with you!!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Man, I just think vitamins equals vomiting once...repeated vomiting sounds like an illness.  I hope you can just rest tonight!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    The only reason I mention the smoothie is ....not long ago I had a blueberry/pomegranate smoothie and had cramping followed by the "TROTTS" as my grandma used to say

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Who knows?!  I feel better now so whatever it was seems to have resolved itself.  Going to drop that stomach burning supplement from the schedule just in case, though.  I was going to drop it anyway once the bottle was empty.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     I take a few vitamins but sometimes wonder if I should...I know nothing about them really...I have been taking Biotin/ folic acid and sometimes a magnesium supplement called tastes like lemon and you warm it like tea kind of

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2011

    I posted on the Hair forum, but I don't seem to get a lot of feedback--which makes me think I'm in the minority....I have weird male pattern receding hairline.  It is super-freaky when I shower.

    I was at my oncologist this am, everything looks good for now!  I'm waiting for my bloodwork to tell me whether I'm officially in menopause, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer.  I'm sad, but I'm alive.  And when I was at the office this morning, a gorgeous 32 year old sat next to me, and we talked about her treatment.  Stage IV, beautiful 8 month old on her lap.  I wish there were more I could do to raise awareness.  She talked about Komen, and how she felt the Stage IV patients are left out of the mix.

    It makes me so sad that sometimes, I really don't know what to do.  I told her my new mantra, which she seemed to like:  "I'm going for more good days".

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2011

    Lr44993--supplements have often made me feel that way:  multis especially.  I think it's really common.  Did you do chemo?  I found that while I'd never had GERD in my life, I now have a wee bit of it, and it makes the supplements and Fosamax (my latest addition) more difficult to take.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    LtotheK~ chemo? my hair grew back around the rim first, the crown of my head still is not as thick as the other.  I'm waiting for the mullet look to kick in, and I'm thankful, any look is better than none.

    I know vegan is not for everyone, being TN I thought I give it a try, but as for GERD, heartburn, stomach aches, they all is really strange, and a plus!

    Kim thanks for the compliment.  I;m trying to "prettyfy" my food as an incentive to eat this way....and if you head this way, definitely dinner and I'll show the city!

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2011

    Sagina, yuppers, chemo.  TCx4.  Mine also filled in strangely and uneven, sounds like yours, too.

    I was vegan for a while, now I'm a long-time veg.  I enjoyed vegan, it was a fun challenge.  Vegan with a Vengeance is one of the most fun cookbooks I've ever used.

    Forgot to mention, a friend of mine swears by sauerkraut juice (sold at health food stores) for GERD.  She and her mother both stopped Prilosec, they've been so successful with it!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    LtotheK - I too have male pattern baldness.  Only just last week I shaved my head again as I was looking so odd with hair around the rim only.  I have "some" stubble" on top now, nothing like the coverage/volume on the sides ... and it seems quite receded.  I feel your pain.

    32 years old.  This disease sucks.  Our pool guys wife also has BC.  She is only in 20's and I'm not sure what stage as I don't want to ask.  All I know is that she has gone through chemo and the cancer has continued to grow.  The pool guy like to talk to me about it as I think it comforts him that I'm very positive and "look" healthy and happy. 

    I once vomitted after taking my vitamins.  It came on really fast.  I swallowed them and within 5 minutes felt sick.

    A pool update: yesterday we came home and the grass had been laid.  Wow, it makes a difference seeing grass rather than dirt.  Today, fingers crossed, the glass fencing is being installed around the pool perimeter.

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    I had the male pattern baldness too at first..freaked me out, but eke tussle it sprouted o. The top

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2011

    Thanks, gang.  I have a very full head 13 months PFC. The two issues:  it grows about 1/4 inch a month--dang it!  And the hairline on the two sides looks like a man.  I use a lot of product to move it around to make it look okay.  Also, my beautiful eyebrows, which I loved along with my long eyelashes, are trashed for what I believe is forever (at 13 months, they probably won't do much more than they are now).

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Kim.. you are back in teh FB group

    Tori... so I guess the question was answered... the FB group os private... but if you post on someone's wall that is not private.

    Sarah... yes, FAH is F***ing A**hole Husband, but we could certainly add a few letters, like FADBH (F***ing A**hole D**che Bag Husband)

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    I have a small bald spot on one of my eyebrows. It is easily corrected with powder, but annoying nonetheless. Weird that it is the only hair that has not returned to normal.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Wow LtotheK 1/4 inch a month is awesome!My last chemo was Sept 2009 and have a full head of hair but it took me until April 2011 year for it to get long enough to straighten so I could look like me again... My eyelashes are shot and I think only half of them came back but that is my only hair issue...I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be to have such awesome growth but yet the receding hairline...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    I was trying to straighten my hair last night... not really happening... its only been a little over 5 months since the poison... I never lost my lashes but they thinned and have never really rebounded... brows are fine... I did lose them but they came back and seem normal.

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    I had the male pattern baldness too at first..freaked me out, but eke tussle it sprouted o. The top

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    My brows and lashes are doing well, but my hair is short, straight and fine.  No scalp showing, thank goodness!  I have gotten a few compliments, I will try and put a picture on facebook, I promise.

    Hope all are doing well!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    It's been 3 weeks since my last chemo and my brows are rapidly disappearing.  They had hung in there, somewhat sparsely, for the chemo duration.  I have to use a lot of powder on them.

    Eyelashes!  What eyelashes.  I have some and a few odd bits of stubble.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited October 2011

    I think I need to log on every 6 hours or so to keep up.  I have so many comments, but you know how if you start typing a post then go to the next page you lose it?  Aargh.

    Welcome to the new girls-so glad you're here.

    Kymn!  So glad to hear from you.  Your hair (and your face) is absolutely beautiful!  I'm so sorry about your FAH issues.  I'm sending you cyber hugs. 

    Thank you to "the other" Kim for keeping up on everyone's issues-you are so kind to everyone.  It's awesome.  I feel sometimes neglectful because I created the group but don't log on everyday?  Facebook is so easy for me because I do it from my phone-but I absolutely love this group and do not want it to end.

    Yeah, so I'm weaning myself off the Effexor but I'm still severely depressed.  And anxious.  Today was a 2 Xanax day, and I'm curremtly on my 3rd beer.  Called my husband sobbing about 2 hours ago-poor guy.  He works 12 hour days (physical labor) with an hour commute each way, and he has to deal with me freaking out on top of it.  God bless him.

    You'll be happy to know the fish is eating a little, but I'm not sure about the pooping.  At least he didn't die while my daughter was at science camp.

    Love you all!  :-)

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2011

    Kmur---I LOVE your candy theory!  So glad that it's true...I will defintely enjoy Halloween weekend now!  :)

    Lisa--Girl, sorry that you got so sick...that is no fun at all...hope you are feeling better!  I take supplements, but have always taken them with some sort of food, so I haven't experienced the yuck you had....

    Profbee--candy-aholic, huh?  "Well, my name is Tori and I'm a candy-aholic"   :)

    Kiwimum-I had all my eyelashes until after chemo was done...I lost most of them, but kept putting eyeliner on, so it wasn't that noticeable...same with my eyebrows...lost the manority of those too, (and filled them in the best I could) but they came back quickly.... 

    Back to TV shows.....I'm thinking I'll check out that new show "Grimm" that starts on Friday.  For some reason it intrigues me...prolly because it's from the creators of LOST.....

    Anyone dressing up for Halloween? Or am I the only "big kid" here???  :)

    Sleep well sistas!


  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    Tori - I am dressing up and going to a nigh party..dinner/dance thing

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Kim - sorry you are having a bad time.  Be careful mixing beer and xanax though!!!  

    I am still feeling a bit funky in my stomach.  I no longer think this is supplements.  Has to be either a bug or the fruit smoothie I had was bad.  But I feel a lot better than yesterday.  Lord, that was rough.  Lost 4 pounds though!  :) 

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2011

    nope no halloween party for me, will take my daughter out on mon she is a penguin lol very cute and nice and warm cause its getting pretty dang chilly here in alberta. Me not much in the mood for partying yet prolly spend the weekend in my jammies lol

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Lisa 4 pounds???? heck some me your recipe! lol.  Feel better soon!

    Halloween costumes remind me of this time last year when I had port surgery.  My BS put it in and knocks you out for it.  So the Friday before Halloween I get to the hospital, check in, get called back, and snow white greets me.  Kinda wish she would have been the evil witch cause she wasn't very good at sticking me with the needle! So snow white leaves to get help, and in comes the sexy lady pirate who IV's my hand no pain! yeah!  Then a lady comes in and says she dressed as my OR nurse and gives me a spook cocktail to make me feel good.  With head spinning they wheel me into OR, there were so many people in there, and then I see a mask and in a latin accent I hear, "I'm Antonio Banderas." poof, off to sleep and such good dreams....

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Don't do Halloween much, just a harvest carnival.  I even try not to buy all the candy because I just eat it! candy-holic here too.  Actually, food-aholic is more like.

    Gina- your story about your port placement cracks me up!!!!  My Halloween last year was to recover from my BMX.  I will have my 1 year "anniversary" of that tomorrow on the 27th.  Can't believe it has been a year already. Don't really have any emotions about it one way or another, except that I will have been cancer free for a year tomorrow.

    I thought about watching Grimm.  Freaks my daughter out everytime though show a commercial for it though.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Sorry, missed some.  Lisa I hope you are feeling better and Profbee hope Jack is better today too!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Gina - you do not want to lose 4 pounds this way.  I was vomiting so violently for so long that my abdomen and back are painfully sore today.  Feeling much better although my stomach is still a bit funky.  I am starting to think this was a bug or some bad food rather than vitamins.  Glad it is gone.  Yuck.

  • browniefranks
    browniefranks Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2011

    Hello you all, the last 8 months were hell, diagnosis at 39, turned 40 between chemo and radiation and got my port removed today and taking a me day with the kids in school. @Irr4993 go and see your doc to make sure you do not have anything serious. Try to keep taking fluids so you don't get dehydrated. 4 lbs is a lot to lose without trying. Take care.