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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Gina...too funny ...Would love to think about Antonio right before being conked out...not so keen on the Snow White character though Lol!! I really don't like needles...

    No costume here either..we are going to a dinner thing and I never know what to wear. Not a fancy girl...I really need someone to tell me what shirt goes well with what pants etc...

    Lisa...does sound more like bug/bad smoothie...I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Sending good wishes to Eema..hope all went well today

    Christine..hope the doctor put your mind at ease today.

    Glad to have that year behind you I'm sure mamachick..congrats ahead of time!!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2011

    Kim I am so sorry you have such trouble with Depression, I wish I could help but I am thinking of you and praying you are able to get this under control..Big Hug

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Kim, honey, I'm sorry you're feeling this way.  Don't feel "responsible" for checking in here--it's OUR group--but I'm glad you do b/c we miss you when you're not here.  I caught somewhere where you said "Burley" is a nickname for "Kimberly," and you're not burly.  It cracks me up often.  Maybe it's time for a call to the docs to see if your meds need to be adjusted. We've all been dealing with the extraordinary, so don't feel bad that things aren't ordinary.  :)  Lots of love to you!  I hope things ease soon.  

    Thanks all for asking--Jack's seeming better today, but then he just zonked out at 5pm.  ugh.  He'll be up at 1 am!  I guess this is just taking a lot out of him.  Poor little guy.   

    For Halloween, I got a Batgirl t-shirt to wear since Jack will be Batman, but I'm really considering throwing on my fake Uggs (I caved and bought those ugly shoes for $20 to wear to chemo to be nice and toasty!), carrying an umbrella, and being Britney Spears when she was bald.  :)  

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hi girls,

    I agree with burly so much action on this thread.  Some interesting Halloween costumes, wish I could see you all, take pictures for facebook if you can. 

    Burley, I did not go back and read, but why are you stopping your effexor?  I know you have had a rough time lately, is it a good time to make a change?  Forgive me if I am being nosey.

    So I went to gyn office today, I love the female PA there who has always done my exams.  I told her about my tailbone pain, and how I am trying not to be alarmed with every little ache and pain.  She suggested a bone scan, but told me it would be up to me.  I am going to call her next week.  Although no injury, I have had 2 recent surgeries (July and Sept), and she wonders if they may have positioned me akwardly.  I like the way she thinks, I think I will up my ibuprofen for a week and see how things go. Not sure why, but I cryed for a brief moment while we where talking, not once have I ever cryed at my oncs office. She asked to see my new girls and was quite impressed.  Well at least I am done with the gyn annual exam for the year.  Yesterday I got a letter reminding me I needed to schedule my mammogram, shame on them for not updating their system!  I will wait until they send me another letter or two, then I will call and make someone feel really bad.  Ok, guess I am feeling alittle grumpy/sad today, no snow white here.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Kim...wish I had some kind of magic words to make things better. I'm sorry and hope you can get some of the meds to work as they should.

    Christine ..glad your appointment went well...sounds like she is supportive

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Kymn - glad to see you back and I can't believe you have so much hair already!!

    KiwiMum - was meaning to ask about your pool, I'm glad it's almost done.

    My favorite holiday is also Thanksgiving.  All about family, food and football!  And NO presents!!!

    I got great news last night, my scans were clear!!  So, hopefully I don't have to go through chemo again, chances keep getting lower!

    Will post more later, am still pages behind somehow...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    ReadingMama, maybe just mastectomy?  That is great news!  Of course you need to do whatever it takes to kick cancers butt.

    KiwiMum- when is the pool party?  I will bring snacks and drinks!

    Kymn- my hair is sad compared to yours, you are so beautiful.

    Ok, as usual I am avoiding chores and on the computer, more later.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Chores? oh crap, yeah me too.

    Lisa you are right, I can't stand throwing up....I end up with violent dry heaves and usually bust blood vessels in my eyes....Gingerale can really calm a tummy.

    Ooo, how bout a virtual pool party when the time is right?

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    YAY Meegan!!!!!   Awesome news!!!!  Funny what you said about Thanksgiving...hubby says it's all the family of Christmas without the distraction of presents!  LOL!   

    Christine...only time I ever cried at a doc appt...EKG!  I was just beside myself with ultrasounds of miscarriages and cancer and when they started I just lost it.  It's a total release to spend time with a medical professional that you know, like, and trust.  I'm sure it's a testament to your good relationship with her.  And the surgery positioning thing doesn't seem like much of a stretch to me.  I hope that's it!   

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Meegan....all I can say is YAY!!!!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Great news Meehan!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    And Meegan too. Damn autocorrect.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    profbee, thanks for making me feel better about my tears today.  I am usually always saying I feel great and smiling, even at the onc office.  Meltdowns are just not my style, I don't want to be someone who complains about every ache and pain.  My PA also said, "if you can't cry with me, who can you cry with?", of course that made me cry more.  I have been a patient in that office for about 18 years, they have seen me through infertility, pregnancy loss at 30 weeks  (harder than cancer) and the high risk pregnancies of my 2 boys, maybe just being there set me off.  Hoping tomorrow is a happier day.

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    I had tailbone pain back several years ago when I had my hysterectomy.I figured it was from sitting my butt in the hospital eventually went sway, but took some time

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    MEEGAN... YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Has anyone tried hair extensions?  I am thinking about giving them a try.  That was the plan originally, but then my hair came in so curly that I decided against it.  However, now that it is long enough to blow out straight and the weather is dry enough to keep it that way, I am thinking they may work.  

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Yay Meegan.  Congratulations. That's the best news I've had all week. :)

    Christine - yes to a pool party!!  Everyone welcome.  Fingers crossed for completion next week.

    I've just come back from rads #3.  I've also had to make another LE physio appointment. My cording in my arm still hasn't gone away and seems worse.  Also I think I have cording on my chest now too.  Bugger.

    Can't answer the hair extension question Lisa as I've never had them.  I did try and get eyelash extensions a few weeks ago.  I was disappointed to discover that you need eyelashes to extend. lol. I guess I should have known that.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Kiwi - LOL about the eyelash extensions.  That makes sense.  Kind of like you have to have hair on your head to use hair extensions??  :)

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited October 2011

    Great news Meegan!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Exactly Lisa.  I have no hair on my head either but am interested to know how long your hair has to be before you can get extensions.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    I read that 3 inches of hair is enough to use extensions.  I am talking about the clip in kind.  I worry that the other kind that they actually bond to your hair would be too damaging.  At 3 inches, my hair was way too out of control to blend in with extensions.  I am at about 5 inches now.  Your hair looks fairly straight.  If it comes back in that straight you probably could do extensions earlier than me.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    I hope it comes back straight. I am dreading chemo curl ... not that I don't like curls, just not on me.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Yay Meegan!  Best news of the week!

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2011

    KiwiMum, I had cording something fierce. A couple of things to comfort you:  my PT said there are no studies showing definitively it precipitates or makes you more prone to LE.  My PT was a miracle worker, he really got in there and got me through it.  FWIW, if you aren't getting resolution, you might try someone else out who has experience with lymphatic drainage and BC issues--the guy I worked with worked almost exclusively with cancer and BC patients.

    There is a place here that does extensions for cancer patients for free, how nice is that.  They require 4 inches, and it is the permanent kind. I'm wary, since I know it is actually quite hard on hair.  But I know folks who did it and were very happy with it post treatment.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the tips LtotheK.  My PT does specialise in lymphatic drainage and BC, it's just taking ages to resolve.

    Tonight I told my children I have breast cancer and now only had one breast. They have gone to bed upset.

    When I was diagnosed in March this year we didn't tell them everything. They are children, we wanted to protect them.  We told them that Mum had a lump that could make her sick. The lump has been removed and mum was now having medicine to make sure it didn't come back. We decided not to use the C word or to tell them I had had a breast removed.

    I always take my bra and foob off when I get home. Tonight when my eldest DD gave me a hug just before bed she felt one side had a "bump" and one didnt.  She kept touching and saying "why do you have a bump on this side and not that side". My youngest then came to have a "feel" and so I had to tell them.  It broke my heart to see their faces.  They don't know what BC means and were more upset about my missing breast. To be honest, I'm surprised they hadn't figured it out sooner.  I thought maybe they had but didn't want to ask about it.

    My eldest even said that a girl at her school had asked her if I had BC and she said no.

    Anyway, thanks for "listening". My DH is out at a work function and I really needed to talk about it. I'm sure there will be more questions over the coming days.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2011

    KiwiMum, this is heartbreaking.  The older I get, the more I realize there just aren't "answers".  The old:  we do the best we can with the information at hand rings true.  Just so long as you understand no matter what you do with your dear little ones, it will probably be difficult for them and you are doing the best you can because you love them.

    I wonder if there is some kind of specific counseling through Gilda's Club for this very issue.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Sorry, have been not been on, but wanted to say YEAY!!!!!!!!!! for Meegan.  I am so happy for your good scans! 

    Kiwimum- it is so hard to know what and what not to tell your children.  We were very open with ours, but sometimes I wonder if we should have sheltered them a little more.  It was hard because ours are home all the time due to home school, so they really knew when mom was having a bad day or even surgery.  Had to have grandparents or baby sitters all the time during treatments.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone,

    Kiwimum...I wish I could talk instead of type...gosh..telling our children is hard. I remember it very well. So very hard to do.  Have they asked any more questions?  I told our son about the BC,but quickly let him know they caught it and I will be ok...I will lose my hair and I may not feel well sometimes. There was more to it but will not bore with the details...I know I shouldn't say it or think it...but in the back of my mind while telling him I was hoping I would be ok....I have never lied to him....the more distance I have from that night the better I feel. I hope you don't mind me telling you this...I just wanted to let you know I can really relate to your post. Hope they are ok and were able to continue on as kids do....

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Aw, Kiwi. I'm sorry.  We said "breast cancer" since the beginning with Jack--but he's 5 and it didn't have any real meaning for him.  I said I had a sicky on the inside and the medicine I was going to take to make me better had some funny effects on the outside like pooping a lot and losing my hair.  (He was very sad about the hair.)  I also made sure to tell him that it wasn't contagious at all, and I've kept him posted saying I'm getting better---but haven't stressed that too much (no I'm all better and the cancer is gone and I've had a complete pathological response b/c I'm still in chemo and lost my hair again and have another surgery (just exchange) to do so from what he sees it's not all done).  But I'm getting better and I should have no more "appointments" after Christmas--is what I've been saying.

    It's tougher b/c I would guess by your daughter's response that she has some ideas about cancer already. lost charge and this has been sitting here.  I'm sure others have chimed in.  I guess you'll probably have a few talks about this...not easy, love.  

    Lots of love,

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the support everyone.  My youngest seems oblivious to the whole thing but my 9 year old (going on 10) was looking at me funny all morning.  I asked her if she was ok and then assured her to please ask any questions she might have.  She did say to me and DH this morning - "you didn't tell me". I think she feels mislead because we didn't exactly tell her the words or exactly what I had done.  That was the decision we made at the time.

    Kim - the same as you. When I reassure the children I will be OK, I am hoping I will be.

    I know time will heal and we just need to go slowly over the next few days.  I have involved them in the rads and bought 25 x scratchies.  So far they have taken turns each day to scratch and have won no money yet.