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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2011

    Ladies, I lurk on this thread all the time! I always LOVE reading your posts...I don't post a lot on this thread, since I don't have human kids, so it's a bit more difficult to relate....but I always read! ;)

    Anyone on this thread like me....with a DH, but only fur babies? Would it be okay to join the FB page even though I don't have kids?


  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Hi Tori!  I have kids, but fur babies too.  I don't think anyone on here is going to discriminate.  Betsy is the the one to talk to about the FB invite.  You are very welcome to join us there too.  I just don't know how to invite, very computer illiterate.  What kind of fur babies do you have?  We have a dog, cat and a very social rabbit.  Had fish but DH decided he didn't have time to care for his 55 gallon tank anymore so now I have an extra wall to fill.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Stacey!

    Right now, we just have a wienie dog...and we are looking for another one or two to add to the brood. We've always had at least 2-3 fur babies at a time, but between giving one back to my sister ( we were taking care of her lab while she was living out of the country) and other ones "going to college" we've just haven't had a chance to go to the pound....

    I love movies....and primetime tv....I also have to admit I like to read entertainment magazines! Hoping to be able to connect with some ladies here....

    Have a great night!


  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011


     Course you are welcome on here, Tori! I did a bit of a double take when you said you didn't have "human" babies!  I have heard the expression "fur babies" once or twice before, though! I also have a very furry fur baby!

     Stacey - I'm sure you are lovely looking too! I haven't seen your pics., but I was kind of saying that I don't like to have photos of myself on show as I am rather huge and pasty-faced! I weigh 211 pounds most of which which I gained in my mid-30s, through anti-deps messing around with my eating habits. Chemo added about 11 of those too!  It's the devil himself to lose as I get dizzy from the a.ds if I try. Still, try I must! Hope you weren't offended at my comments.

     Love, Sarah x

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Hello. I am back after a manic 24 hours. Yes we won the World Cup! It was very tense and we managed to win by 1. A real nail biter. Then huge celebrations everywhere.

    We didn't get home until the early hours ... and a LOT of wine later. Today we took the children into town to see the victory parade. Wow, it was chaos. 200,000+ people. We waited hours and then could barely see. It was worth it though. It's not often you have a world cup in your country ... and win it.

    I too have fur babies. Two Burmese cats who are equal parts loveable and crazy.

    Sarah I too have put on a lot of weight during chemo. All my clothes are tight and I'm focussed on losing those pounds. So tedious.

    Tomorrow I start rads. I'm not feeling anxious about it. May the 5 weeks pass quickly!

    I better get off the couch and put the children to bed. It's an early night for me too, I need to recover from last night.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    I too have loved looking at your FB pictures. Sarah - great to see a pic of you. Its a lovely pic and now I can "see" you when I type here.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Good Morning Ladies....

    Tori... I had to say you are welcome to chime in anytime...I have gigantic furry babies and sometimes my husband and I talk about them like those people who talk about their children too much and you want to run from them so they don't bore you to death!! Lol

    kiwimum good luck to you with rads and yes I hope this time will fly by and and you can then think about pool time and summer!!

    Sarah..I think your photos are so very nice. Just love being able to put your words with a are not pasty are very lovely!! Hope you don't mind me saying that.

    profbee..hope you got some sleep and hope Jack is feeling better...when my son was little and sick I always looked for the sign of hunger...then I knew we turned the corner!!

    I know I'm missing something,but I can't go back to re-read or will lose this ....

    Have a good day

     BTW... forgot to say your pics too...there is one I almost posted on but will tell you here...looks like it could be a picture of your mom and dad?? anyway he is looking at her so sweetly kind of being funny...that was the cutest picture!! So good to see you all and I can mentally see you when we post here. You are lovely as girls saying that about your pictures...

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Sarah-  I was in no means offended.  I was teasing, but I know that is hard to understand sometimes in written word.  Just didn't want you to be disappointed if you ever looked.  And I must say you are beautiful just the way you are.  I don't see a pasty face woman when I look at your picture.  I have always been on the larger size after puberty.  I understand how hard it is to get it off.  I actually maintained during chemo and didn't gain, but that is a miracle.  Even if I am faithful to the gym I don't lose weight, maybe inches but not weight.

    Kim- that is my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary.  They have always been that way.  Such a good example for me.

    Profbee hope Jack is better today.

    Kiwimum hope rads isn't too bad.  Talk to you all later, need to get the kids to school.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     Stacey - I saw your pics and you do look lovely !- you look good bald too!  My parents- in -law had their 50th last year - an incredible achievement IMO! My Mum and Dad would've had theirs too, but my Dad died when I was 13. I wrote my mother a poem to commemorate  their marriage, kind of, which made her cry. Treasure your parents, Stacey!

     Sorry your little Jack has been ill, Profbee, hope he's recovered/is recovering.

     Kiwi - so exciting for your country! We all wanted the ABs to win in UK. Not really fans of the French here - old rivalries and all that. Hope your rads go well. It will be knackering!  Rest and drink plenty of water.

     Kim - you are an example to us all!  You always find something nice to say to everyone - I am so pleased to know you on here!  Love to you and your family - furry and non-furry!

     Love, Sarah

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Thanks again for all the thoughts.  I have not caught up completely yet.  But for me, this is the thread where I am (or was) moving on, I pretty much only check this thread and the Herceptin thread.

    Burley - love the fish story, but I think the turtle story beats it!

    Kiwimum - I also was trying to be "equal opportunity" with toys and bought my dd all these trucks.  She never used them a separate toys like my son did, she would only use them as transport for her dolls!  Seems there is something to the "nature" theory, at least with my two.

    Also Kiwimum - this may be going around the Rad thread if you are on it, but 1 lady on mine had a great idea to buy a stack of scratch-off lottery tix for the # of Rads you need, say 34, then play 1 each day.  You may win some $ and you will see the pile get smaller every day!

    I keep going back and forth like a ping pong ball between my decisions, last Monday I thought I had a plan, that changed by Friday and now today I'm back to the original plan... See the second PS Wed. and will hope to talk to the first PS and BS again this week and finally decide.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2011

    Hello all...

    I too tend to lurk here like Tori. And Tori, I am a proud furry parent as well to two rescue mutts and watch several primetime shows. Which ones are your favorites?

    Profee - I hope little Jack is better soon. Nothing worse than having your little man sick.

    Kiwi - So happy your team won and you were able to take part in the celebrations....Good luck with the rads..

    Mamachick - Love your attitude (per your posts).....

    Wishing everyone a good day, off to get my Oncotype results this afternoon.  Hugs!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hello to all, working today, just a quick check to see what I have missed.  Hope everyone is having a great monday.

    No kids required for this site, just need to be "40-ish" and have a good sense of humor!  Also listen to some of us ramble. 

    More later.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi Everybody...

    Sarah.. Thank you and just know I'm equally happy to know you too. You know you always have kind things to say too....

    I do think that is part of what makes this group of ladies so is good to have someone to chat with and understands all that you are saying..hope that sounds right.

    mamachick..I thought that could be your mom and dad...I have never met them but know I would just love them....I just love those couples who still really love one another through raising children and everything else life throws at you and you can really tell in the picture  very sweet.

    Meegan...I think you will make the correct decision for will probably just come to you ..we are here. are welcome  to jump in anytime good luck with your results

    Hi Christine...hope you're having a good day! When do you go to the DR.?? Can not go back to read...

    Oh ..just thought I would add I'm really good at that rambling part!! Lol

    Have a good day

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Hi ladies.  It's the first day back at school today for the children. They are currently sitting on the couch in their pjs feeling sorry for themselves.  I mean really?? You've had 2 weeks off.  I wish I was a child again and had no bigger worries than feeling hard done by because I've got school today. lol

    This term is only 7 weeks and then they are off for Xmas/Summer holidays. It's about 6 weeks long and we are planning to get away for at least a week to somewhere with a lovely beach.

    It will be a busy day for me. Drop children to school, go to work, come home and pick up nephew to take him to his exam, back to work, off to rads, then physio, then back to work.  It doesn't sound like I'm going to get too much work done today. Oh well.

    Gotta rush.  Hugs to all. Have a great day Kiss

  • nads
    nads Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2011

    Hi Everyone , I'm 45 and was diagnosed in Dec 2010 , went through a lunpectomy and a mastectomy in January 2011,and finished Chemo at the end of June .I have 2 kids ,my son 13 and daughter 20.After I had the mastectomy I was adamant that I was not interested in having recontructive surgery done , now I;m not so sure. I have gained so much weight , that I  am starting to feel uncomfortable and try not to look at myself in the mirror.  

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    nads, welcome to our group.  Glad you are done with chemo.  Many of us have and have not had reconstruction, we can try to help with any questions you have.  Sorry you are feeling a little down about yourself, boy we all have those days.  I have 13 and 15 year old sons.

    Kiwi, I bet you are worn out from all your excitement this weekend.  Don't we all wish we could be kids again.  Good luck with the rads, one step closer to done.  Are you trying to work too?  Can you believe Christmas is so close?  A beach sounds great, we are going to go skiing in Utah for Christmas break, cold but beautiful.  Last Christmas I had just had my BMX, so this holiday should be so much better.

    Kmur, I go to gyn on Wednesday afternoon, and I am going to mention my concern.  My CT last month was only of chest, so I need to get this off my mind. 

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Welcome Nads!  Sorry you have to be here, but glad you are joining us!  There are a lot of ladies on here that can answer questions that you may have on recon.  There are also a lot of threads about it too, but I am sure you have found those already. It really is a personal decision, but a hard one.  South Africa!! Wow, this site really does make this world small. Weight, uhhh, my least favorite subject, but one that is always on the forefront of my mind.  Will be a lifetime struggle for me.

    Meegan- I too know you will make the right decision for yourself.  I hope you get all the info you need from your appointments this week.

    Profbee- hope Jack is feeling better today!

    Kiwimum- you wear me out even without having to do any treatments!

    Odie- you are too sweet!

    Kim I ramble too.  I won't be offended if people skip my posts.  They just don't look so long when I am writing them. lol  My parents were high school sweet hearts.  So they actually have been together 56 years.  I may be biased, but they are as sweet as they look and they would love you too.  I couldn't have done the last 1 1/2 yrs.  without them.  They drop everything and drive 12 hours to help me in my struggles and to be here for the kids when I can't.  Have a great evening, ALL!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     ok I'm probably set to ramble right please forgive me..

    Kiwimum...I chuckled to myself as I had the perfect image of your girls in pj's bummed about school..and I have to use your phrase "hard done by"  That is one I'm sure I could add to my go to lines when I need made me laugh..You wear me out too with the thought of running back and forth..take care of yourself.

    Nads...welcome to the group of girls...I'm also sorry you have to be here but happy to have you join in with us. The whole BC thing takes my view..I think you have to tackle one thing at a time in some cases...there are girls here that have had just about every recon you can think of some delayed as well...I hope you will find us helpful and just a word of warning...sometimes very funny topics come up here...

    Ok Christine...Thanks for letting me know...I'll be thinking of you wed....I would do the same just to cross it off my worry list...( I really don't like that list) Lol

    mamachick...just love your folks...they probably hold hands too ...How wonderful to have them in your life ( and your children too)

    I am off to my Sharing Our Stories meeting ...will talk to you ladies later Smile

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    Tori- I have 2 doxies..both standard size, one just turned 12 and one is almost the little guys! is a wild boar color,and one a black and tan dapple.

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    I have Also enjoyed seeding some of the FB pics..I don't have any pics on here except from the hair thread..and I have also gained a lot of weight..first from chemo and then from thyroid surgery..nothing in my closet fits!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Hey gang!

     Welcome, Nads!  I was at Dana Farber for my treatment this week, and my hubby said something about how the receptionist had taken out her weave.  She looked really nice, and I said well, y'know, I have a thing for us natural girls....meaning I go bald.  The woman behind me said, "Me too!" and she meant that she didn't do reconstruction.  We both chuckled and I said how I'm doing that part, but not the hair.  And I realized that you just don't know HOW you will feel about it until you are there.  I thought I would wear the wig.  I didn't know HOW I'd feel about it.  I was pretty sure about reconstruction, but I've had doubts about whether to do nipples and tattoos...on and off.  Anyway, my point is...and now I'm that it's okay to change your mind...and it's not at all strange to not be able to anticipate how you would feel now.  You've never been here before.  

    I haven't gained weight (yet...still on the chemo part maybe that's more the hormone therapy part later?), but I do realize that without hair, I don't look in the mirror much at ALL anymore.  I barely ever put on any makeup.  I'm trying to see it as a positive--that I'm fine without it--but I must admit that it more likely just comes from giving up trying at all.   

    Welcome to Tori too!  I don't have pets (besides 3 goldfish!), but I do love dogs.

    Thanks for all your well wishes for Jack.  He was quite the treat today...ugh.  Bored, tired of eating the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast), and overtired made for a cranky boy.  But, it's 5:30 pm or so and he's ZONKED out.  It's going to be another early morning.  Poor little guy...tummy upset is so sad...he must have washed his little hands 100 times today!  I think I"m going to snuggle up next to him and see if I can nap a bit.  :)  I think just reading about Kiwi's day tired me out!  :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Boy... I go to work for a day and you ladies have been busy... anyone who wants to join us on facebook, just friend me and then send me a message telling me your screen name... betsy schreier davis

  • labrat
    labrat Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for all the welcomes guys! Called the doc (MO) but she wasn't in today.

    To fill in missing info, haven't had a period since before my diagnosis (which should be showing now). Did 4xAC and 4xT followed by radiation. 

    I might call my Calif. MO or MD - That's where I did all the chemo and rads. Until recently, it really seemed like this was all long behind me. For those of you now in the middle of things, know that it will be that way some day :)

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2011

    Hi ladies, so sorry I have been gone for so long its been over a month since I posted, I just didnt have it in me, FAH has been so difficult even had to call the cops on him one night I still dont know where this came from I just want it to stop. I am still broken hearted but moving forward, going to paint my bedroom next weekend so it no longer feels like our room. Everything is in the Lawyers hands right now so hopefully it will turn out and the kids and I can keep our house they have been through so much this year with my cancer and their stepdad leaving they really dont need to be uprooted right now. I sure hope you have all been well and moving forward in your various stages of treatment I have thought of you all often just didnt have it in me to be on.

    So I am 3 1/2 PFC and thought I would share with you where my hair is at.

    Kymn Perry

    Hugs to you all and I promise to be back soon


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    KYMN... Glad you are back... and I see you agree with the FAH... He is a loser FAH and you are precious!! Great hair!!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Wow Labrat.  I can't imagine going that long without having a period and then starting again! 

    Christine- thinking about you Wed.  I am curious too what the doc. says. Can I tag along on your ski trip?  My family doesn't ski, but I grew up skiing and miss it so much.  In my early 20's I decided that I wanted to go to CO to ski, but couldn't find anyone to go with me so I went by myself for 10 days.  Had a great time!

    Kim- Is Sharing Our Stories a support group?  Never found a group and not sure if I want to go to one now.  I vent on you all if I need to.  I consider you girls my support group.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Kymn, thinking of you! And I soooo remember the FAH discussion, and I think we all got it just right. 

    I went on a retreat last week and realized that even without cancer none of us have time to waste on the wrong things, once we figure out they aren't right for us....Hang in there, love your picture, you are beautiful!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Kymn- I missed you post somehow.  Glad to see you back.  Your are beautiful, I agree with Gina. So sorry with what you are dealing with.  I hope both you and the kids can find a new normal soon.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Kymn - nice to hear from you. Your hair is adorable.  I hope things are getting somewhat better day by day.

    I've just been out for my lunch break to enjoy the sunshine. It's a beautiful day here.  I think our pool is going to be complete in about 2 weeks ... so I went shopping.  The girls both wanted some inflatables.  I bought a whale, a dolphin and a lilo for me!  Can't wait. The excitement is growing in our house.

    Profbee - I hope Jack is feeling a bit better tomorrow.  It's awful when they are sick.

    Nads - welcome. You couldn't get a better group of ladies than this group.  I've not had recon yet as it's early days for me.  I definitely have it on the "want" list. Maybe late next year. We have a lot of South African's living in New Zealand. There were also lots here recently for the rugby world cup.

    Christine - good luck Wednesday. I'll be thinking of you.

    Kim - I hope you had a good Sharing Stories meeting.

    Gotta fly, off to rads. xx

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hey all..

    kymn...good to see you and heck with him you are a beautiful girl and I think your good things are yet to come...I will be thinking of you - your hair looks very stylish- Love it!!

    yes mamachick it is a kind of support group..but only one more meeting left...they are a fun bunch of is weird that something so personal can make you feel close to women you don't really know...ok did that make sense? Yes me too only I think of you all as friends I guess who can talk about all this stuff.

    profbee...hope tuesday finds Jack feeling better- have a good nap

    kiwimum...we posted at the same time...hope the rads just fly on by