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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Kymn your hair is so thick and full, I think I looked like GI Jane 7 months after chemo, you look great!! 

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     Hi Kymn - nice to see you back, Good riddance to your ex.! Does FAH stand for what I think it does?! You have had a very rough time. BTW - you look gorgeous! Like a 60s model!

     Welcome to Nads. We now have girls here from 4 of the 5 continents! Don't know if Antarctica counts as well - bit chilly!

      Hi to Odie too!  I just thought of a show I love at the mo.(I love British TV, but was brought up on US shows too as we all were here - Banana Splits, Monkees and Bewitched for ex.) Anyway, love The Big Bang Theory - esp. Walowitz!  He should have his own show.

     Thinking of you, Christine. Def. get it done - more worry, it never ends now, unfortunately. Always a niggle at the back of your mind.

      Kiwi - gosh, you are one busy woman!  I admire that and jealous of the pool! .Show us some pics when you get to use it.

     Hope you enjoy your meeting, Kim. Love to everyone else,

     Sarah x

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2011

    Ladies--thanks for all the welcomes!  I too, haven't really joined any other kind of support group. I have found myself coming here and reading and learning what I need to ask, research, and do to keep me heading to my new "normal".  I also have been doing what I can to help others...I knew from the first time I came here, I was going to do what I can (even if it's a little right now) to give back.

    Kmur-I have to admit, my husband and I are "those" people that talk about their pets like their children too!  :) 

    Odie16-Girl...I watch a bunch of them...(or at least I DVR them and try to watch them)...I like Private Practice, Amazing Race, American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Modern Family, Law & Order SVU, Burn Notice, Parenthood, Whitney, and some others that I can't remember....Yes, it's a lot, but I try to see them when I can...I hope all went well with your results!

    Kymn, you look stunning...I sincerely hope that things are getting better and better for you each day.

    Betsy-quick question about the FB page...Most of the people on my FB page do not know my the group something that everyone on my friend's list can see I joined?  I know, I'm being silly...just want to check...thanks! 

    KiwiMum-I see you are in New Zealand...please forgive my igrnorance, but is it fall there or no?

    We've been lucky here in Oklahoma with weather lately.  It's been fantastic!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will last at least one more week so the kids can go trick or treating and not freeze!  :)  I LOVE Halloween!  

    Was out bumming around today and am floored to see all the Christmas decor out already!  Is it just me or are people just "skipping" Thanksgiving these days???

    Thanks for letting me babble!


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Tori - Harry's law with kathy bates - it's so good!

    Sarah, yes FAH is F****** Ass**** Husband, if my chemo head serves me right

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      You girls are so funny with Kim's x's you think he's walking around feeling a kind of burning sensation from all of our a voodoo doll? Lol  I'm sorry kim if that humor is not funny...I just have this image of him feeling those little punches ( so to speak)

    I will be hopping all over bear with me...   Tori...We are with you regarding our dogs...we tell stories about them all the time...good grief....I know we are annoying...I do love dogs though and my cat too..we had fish and an iguana..we have a turtle now too...and yes Thanksgiving is the missing holiday...but one of my favorites  ( so much to be thankful for :)

    Thanks was a good  meeting..Have some new friends there...very nice ladies

    I hope I didn't miss anyone..

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      OOps I Kathy Bates,but have not seen the show yet!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Hey guys.  I only have a minute, but I wanted to quickly say welcome back to Kymn!  So glad to hear things are moving forward.  And your hair!!  It looks really long for only 3 mos PFC.  Wow.  And the style is adorable.   

    Hope you are all doing well! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Back to share some good news--my biopsy showed endometriosis, NOT cancer! Yay for endometriosis!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      YAY  indeed!!!  Surgery this week??

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Yay Eema!

    Torigirl - it's Spring in NZ.  It's just starting to warm up for summer.  Fall starts in March/April here.

    And yes no one can see anything you write on the 40ish FB page. It's a closed group.  I also don't want my friends seeing these posts.  Most of them know but I don't publicly talk about it on FB.

    Rads was pretty uneventful.  It took a bit longer than I thought because they are doing 4 sites. I was on the table about 20 minutes.  I can't remember who suggested this but I intend to buy 25 scratchies on the way home. In NZ they are called scratchies and you buy them and scratch to see if you've won anything - like a lottery.  Someone mentioned their friend had done this and scratched one per treatment to count them down. It's a bit like an advent calendar and if I'm lucky I'll win some $$$ to.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    eema - YIPEEEE!!!!  its not cancer!

    ToriGirl - I love my fur babies!!! We have 5 (two dogs, three cats) I have an entire photo album dedicated to past and present fur babies on FB cause they are so sweet! I am not sure how I would have made it through the last few years without them...

    edited to fix formating


  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited October 2011

    Eema - Wonderful news!

    Kymn - you look fabulous!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011


     Ha ha, Kymn - I was thinking the H stood for "hole"!

     Really good news, Eema - pleased for you!

     Kiwi - we have scratchcards too here - good idea as a way of counting down!

     We like Halloween and trick or treating here as well, but it's not such a big a deal as in the States. My son usually goes round our  housing estate with a group of kids from the neighbourhood, but he says he's too old now - 13 next month. When I was a kid back in the Dark Ages we just used to throw a sheet with eyes cut out over our heads and just run around the area howling a bit - the trick or treat thing hadn't arrived yet!  We also have Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th Nov. which commemorates the plot to blow up Parliament in 1604 or something. It involves fireworks and a bonfire with an effigy called a Guy on it - a bit like a scarecrow. Kymn could throw her FAH on it if she lived here (in dummy form!). Not everyone does the bonfire bit though.  Not really a fan of fireworks. Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday, I think - wish we had it.

     All the best, Sarah x

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    Michelle- I had a total thyroidectomy on Aug 17th

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hello Everyone...

    Hi Betsy...would you mind putting me back in the 40 ish group?? I took myself out to see if it looks private from a person on the outside...if I am looking at it correctly I understand it to be if you post something just within the group -only the group will see...but I think if you post something to someones "wall" then people outside the group can see??? I could be wrong though so feel free to set me straight there ...I know there are several girls who do need to keep the BC side of things private??

    I just love son is too old now too..but he really never liked dressing up and all anyway...we did go years ago and it was fun. I think I mostly just like fall and all the colors and coolness..put some candy in the mix and I'm so happy!!

    Hope you girls have a good day....I gotta rake leaves ( speaking of fall)

    Eema...just in case we don't hear from you today...I am sending you best wishes ( I think you have surgery this week??--could be wrong though....miss you my friend!!

    Good wishes to everyone else!!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2011

    Good morning all.

    Tori - Loved Harry's Law too...Don't forget Castle & anyone else watching the new show Revenge?

    Speaking of revenge,   ha ha  -- Kim, you are beautiful so don't waste a minute on someone who only brings you down... Love the hair! 

    Eema - Congrats no cancer! Woohoo!

    Kmur - I am so with you. Love fall and throw in Chocolate candy....Almost as good as Christmas... Thanksgiving is also a favorite holiday of mine and will be extra special for me this year. Lots to be thankful.  hsd   

    Kiwi- Love the scratchers idea. Nice way to count down the treatments..

    Edited to add that I am also one of "those parents" ...ha ha

    Happy Tuesday all....Have a great day!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    I know, I've been really dancing by myself for a while... my girls downstairs get evicted tomorrow and I have so much to do and not much time to do it.  I'm also getting a little frozen by panic, but today is a beautiful day, so before I begin my surgical bowel preparation and the exploding toilets begin, I'm going to go for a walk.  Can't go too far, because there are no places with bathrooms in my neighborhood.  Although we are neighborly, I would feel a little uncomfortable knocking on the door and asking if I can use someone's sh!tter because I can't get to mine fast enough and don't want to have to do THAT laundry!

    Ah, if you can't laugh about poop, what can you laugh about?   

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited October 2011

    Odie16---too many good shows on right's hard to pick and choose which ones to follow.  I wish different stations would stagger their new season line I could see all the ones I want to watch...but alas, I know that will never happen or networks would collapse...

    Eema!  Too funny girl!  I think you can always laugh about poop (and farts!)

    Have a great day all!


  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Still, STILL have the boy home sick...ARRRRGH...but had to quickly say...

    YAY EEMA!!!!!!!  Woot WOOT!!!!  I'm so relieved!

    And Kymn....DAMN, honey, you look fierce!  :)

    Gotta run, but must also say that I'm a complete candy-holic.  :)  And, I love the show Castle...and Burn Notice...nice, fun, interesting shows.  We DVR and get to them when we can...way behind on both. 

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2011

    good morning ladies, thanks for all the compliments and support. And yes I think the H stands for hole lol. I am so tired today at work cant wait till I start sleeping for 8 hours again. As for shows I am hooked on Dexter and 2 broke girls lol. Gotta run

    Hugs Kymn

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

      Afraid I have another "poop" story, Eema!

     My mother's friend told her she saw a man yesterday with his trousers round his ankles "relieving himself" inside the gate of the Vicarage. He had obviously staggered drunk from the pub opposite and hadn't been able to control himself. She went up to him as he was mid-poop and told him off!  We have a woman vicar (Reverend) and can't imagine what she would think if she had seen him!  I can't believe how disgusting and disrespectful some people are.

     Anyway, all the best, Sarah xx

    (Good luck for your op., Eema)

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Hope to keep this short, have too much school yet to finish and then exercise.  Frist-  YEAY!!!!!! Eema.  Will be thinking about you today and tomorrow as you prep and have your procedure.

    TV show.  I admit I don't watch much, forget things are on.  Don't have cable or anything like it.  Watch biggest Loser and eat cookies and chips while watching.  Parenthood and love Harry's Law and the Mentalist, but seem to miss them more than watch. Oh and Whitney kills me, funny.

    Went to the mall yesterday and saw more Christmas than I did pink.  Had to look for the pink.  I just wish they didn't start so early with the Christmas.  Love Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Gosh...I have seen none of the Tv shows...I need to take control of the TV I think??? I wanted to share with you all my candy theory...I'm sharing this cause I have just had my hand in the candy jar...did you know if you only take one bite of said candy bar..then walk away..the calories don't count?? This also works for donuts..if you break one in half and only eat one half..those calories don't count either...Lol  That's my story...I have to say snicker bars are just one of the best things ever made.........

    hope you all are having a good afternoon

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     I do like "junk"-type sweets  - ie full of sugar!, but prefer dark, bitter chocolate or really good Swiss milk choc. You have those Reece's Peanut Butter cups in the US, don't you? - they are scrummy!  I have made my own version for parties and they are very dangerous as I will scoff the lot if there are any left-overs!  Will have to get some bags of those fun-size choccie bars for Halloween. I remember in '98 when I was very pregnant during this time of year stuffing in loads of those as no kids had come round - shame!  There is no hunger like pregancy hunger!  I was slim then compared to now though.  Is your son doing anything for his birthday next month, Kim? My son is 13 on the 17th and I always make him a special cake - will have to get planning it next week or so.

     Love, Sarah x

    (PS - getting addicted to this site - will have to wean myself off a bit! - apologies for the rambling on - again!)

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Well, I have had a weird morning.  Was feeling great and getting a lot done at work.  Made a very good choice this morning of a fruit smoothie for breakfast instead of fast food/gas station food.  No coke with breakfast either.  Drank a big glass of water and washed down with it my usual handful of supplements and vitamins.  Good for me, right?

    Out of no where I became violently ill.  I am talking uncontrollable vomit and the other (will leave out the extremely gross details).  My stomach felt like it was burning.  I rushed home, throwing up the entire way.  Thank goodness I had an empty drink cup in my car.  Continued with the sick for a little while after getting home, then started chilling so I go under the covers and fell asleep.  I just woke up from an hour long nap and feel fine other than being very very thirsty. 

    WTF?  My theory is that one of the supplements upset my stomach.  It has made my stomach hurt before, but nothing like this.  

    Anybody else have any problems with supplements making you sick?

    I really did not have time for this today. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Oh my gosh Sarah...yes I have always made his birthday cakes...we have had Elmo,Winnie the Pooh, Star Wars...can't remember the rest...and your Reece candy sounds good!! The request for birthday this year is a pie...Key Lime..he loves them so ..I guess that will be it. prenatal (sp) vitamins would make me very sick if I took them in the morning..I switched to night and no problem..hope you feel better

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Lisa, I don't take anything at all...waiting till all the chemo is done,but chills and stuff sounds like flu.  DS, Jack, has had diarrhea since FRIDAY....I'm at my wit's end.  But when I called, the school said a bunch of kids were out with the vomiting flu.  I sure hope you don't have the flu.  Take care!!!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Lisa~gallbladder maybe?  I've heard a lot of BC sisters say that can happen after treatment? Attacks from both ends.... I take prenatals (cause I'm eating vegan and figured they have the most iron etc 1 three times a day not all at once though), krill oil and calcium with D. No problem with them yet.

    Stacey I can't stop laughing - whenever I'm channel surfing and see that show, I"m gonna crack up and want chips!

    Emma and Sarah ~ I agree, and see that's something you can't facebook - they just wouldn't understand!  I put on my status once that I"ve entered the "Poised" phase of my life....thank you chemo.....don't think any of my friends got that one....

    Kim you look so good, can't imagine you have to worry about calories or half of all I have to do is smell food, and poof, there's another pound.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    It seems way too short lived to be flu.  But I did think the chills were strange for a vitamin reaction.  I do not have a fever right now.

    Maybe all those supplements, two of which are immunity boosters, attacked the flu so it was just a two hour flu bug?  LOL.  I have had a six hour stomach once flu before so it is possible with my juiced up immune system.  :) 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Lisa...since no fever and you are better now..maybe try switching to evening for vitamins??? The thing with chills I remember....when I would get would cause sweating...then I would chill??  I have also heard of the flu being around though too...I would think you may still feel badly though??? What about the fruit smoothie?? anything that could have been bad ?