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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited November 2011

     Yes, have a drink on us, Kiwimum!

     Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

    YAY for Kiwimum!!!!  Doin the all done dance!!...I hope you have a few drinks

    I know I will miss something...but don't want to post a long will say ..thinking of all you still in treatment...Gina..crossing my fingers..Profbee..hope your cough gets aggravating those coughs that will not go away..Kim..hope you are feeling better..and Michelle..I hope your DH is recovering well and you had some good family time...Eema ..I also hope you are recovering well. Hope all you girls who celebrate Turkey Day had good food and company.

    Martha...your post made me laugh....I DO remember that episode of WKRP..too funny

    We spent our holiday in very pretty..nice weather and met wonderful people..seems we always meet someone who just makes me smile..I think those people are meant to be there in our lives...I ate so many wonderful and very fattening afternoon even had three beers within two hours....YIPPEE..then I did not let myself feel guilty ( even better)

    Christine...I found another thread recently...There is a BC girl here in N.C. who has a bar and I think some of the girls make a pilgrimage to see her...I have no idea what it is like but thought it would be fun to do may want to look at the thread about slouchfest her "name" is weesa. Thought I would run that by you before I even ask her if she really does have a bar and if so where and all that...wouldn't that be fun to meet some of the others here too?

    Sorry I did a long post anyway...Hope everyone is doing well

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

    Profbee~can't remember but did you have rads if so how far out? Just wondering if your lungs are irritated?  My RO made an appt for me 6 months out to check on side effects, healing etc.  Mine is in Jan.  already....can't believe it's gonna be six months already.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    ok, crazy but I miss you all when you don't post for a few days!  I really have a life, but you all have become such a part of it.

    Kmur,  I will need to check her out (weesa), if she has a bar and is in NC, count me in!  If she is close I could check her out before you all come.  I wonder how I explain to my DH that I am meeting friends that I met online, guess I will tell him we met thru support group.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

      I didn't even think of that??  That may not be the best way to meet,but she sounds very funny..I think the BC girls meet in October...I am really guessing though. It is really funny because I have never chatted online or sometimes I funny it is that I tell you all things I don't really share anywhere else.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    kmur, the other day I was thinking of someone from here and almost mentioned her as a "friend" that I know , when talking to someone else.  I can see how married people get in trouble with the computer.  I also have shared more laughs and tears here that I would have ever guessed possible.  I am totally serious about meeting up with you and mamachick someday.  I am going ahead with my tats with my PS in about 2 weeks, if they need any touching up, it will be Earlene.  I have even thought about a small tasteful, discrete tat on my hip or somewhere.  BTW, just posted on the slouch line, I will find out where she is in NC.

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2011

    Me : ) 

    Diagnosed in 2010 at 40 years of age.  I turn 42 next month and am looking forward to many more birthday parties.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

      Welcome keeping the faith..sorry you have to join us...but look forward to chatting with you. The girls here are THE BEST

    Christine ...I posted on that board too...those girls crack me up and I love to laugh.  I have told a couple of people about this group and my DH knows as well...He is an IT guy. I know what you many things we don't have to explain here..I think all of us really understand..I think you have to be there..and I am really serious too. I know we will meet and it will be lots of fun.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

     Shoot...I forgot to say ...I am still considering a tattoo as well...I have had the artwork since DX..I was to chicken when we went to Florida last summer...but still may..not sure where though..shoulder kind of toward the back or ankle???  Please let me know what you think of your tats...I am still waiting...I am so chicken to have them turn out  too dark...

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2011

    Hi Kim

    Hi Keepingfaith

    Most of you saw that I posted a "I'm finished" message on FB.  Thank you for all your congrats messages. It's funny but yours mean the most, rather than friends or family, because you too have walked this road and REALLY know how great it is to be done!

    I'm trying to ignore the fact that my skin is fried and been painful for days. I've just popped some pain killers.  The nurse said it would get worse and peak at 7-10 days. After that it will heal.  Is that what you have experienced?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2011

    Kim - what's the artwork of?  I'm too chicken to get tattooed.  I thought my rads tatts hurt and can't imagine sitting still for a real bigger tatt.  What happens if you move?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

     Hi very happy for you...I know what you mean...I think we DO know where you are ...For me...yes it did get a little worse..I did turn a bit black and my skin did crack and it did scab and was not too bad ..I also did pain meds a couple of days also had a script for my skin...That helped alot...after you get through this part...MUCH better. My skin was a bit darker there for some time but is now hardly noticeable

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    kmur, she is close to ashville, WE MUST make a trip there this early spring.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

      YAY!!! Sounds like so much fun...I love Asheville. I had no idea where she was and then not sure if I was guessing incorrectly...That would be so fun..You will have to let me know some dates ( whenever you have the time to think about it) and I will do the same..I am not sure when spring break is for us but will look.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011 is your daughter and her collarbone?? Oh..and the pool....your non-injured she swimming now?? Gosh...that would be hard to have one that can/one that can not swim.

  • missy_111
    missy_111 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2011

    Kiwimum-   Congrats on finishing!!  I had 28 rads, and about a week later it turned fire engine red, like a really bad sunburn.  I applied aquaphor frequently.  I did take about a good 3 weeks for the skin to heal, and return to normal.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited November 2011

    Kiwi - my skin healed surprisingly quickly after rads. I was worried because I burnt pretty bad - all pink and raw and oozy. It was so disgusting. But within a week it was healed. I was given silvadene cream which worked wonders. You may want to ask for some.

    Will write more later. In a hurry to a meeting, but wanted to quickly respond to kiwi.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

      Kiwimum..I missed your question about artwork....It is a really  ( well I think anyway ) pretty very small butterfly..the body is actually the BC is not exactly pink,but has some purple in it. I know there is some fancy way to scan and print..I'm ashamed to say,I will have to wait on my son to show me how, but I will try to post it here. I am a big chicken..not in the hurting part,but in the "Do I want this forever part" I just can't decide...probably end up drinking a few and end up with my tattoo!!!  LOL

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2011

    KiwiMum - Congrats on finishing Rads!!!  It is such a big milestone and SO great to not have to go everyday anymore!

    Today is my last day at work.  It feels weird, but I am happy to be almost at my surgery day.  Tomorrow will be busy, I have 3 mo f/u with RO, then my last Herceptin, then I go to hospital to get the dye for the SNB.  Then I get a massage, yeah!!! Hopefully I can sleep tomorrow night, I think I will take a whole unisom, instead of just 1/2...

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

    KiwiMum~congrats!!!!!!!! My underarm got the worst of it, grayish, black, peeling skin the last week of rads.  It hurt a little, but looked so much worse. I had the Silvadine cream too at the end.

    I got my scan results - ALL CLEAR! amen, whew, and no scan till next year.  One blood test in between and a doc visit, but that's it.

    Readingmama, the SNB dye procedure didn't hurt me at all, although they told me it was painful.  I think  man must have said that, not going through all the stuff we've already been through!  Good luck get some good rest.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

      Meegan...I am sending you good thoughts..please let us know when you you are.

    Kiwimum..I found the picture for my tattoo..this is the website  positive promotions is actually a sticky note and the number is sp187e

    because I am truly computer goofy..this is the way it looked when I got to the destination

    Ok see I am soon as I typed that last letter the link lit up I guess you will be able to see it...hope you are having a good day

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    Gina amen on the clear scan news!! 

    Meegan, we will all be thinking of you this week, enjoy that massage.  Last year when I had my surgery, also around the holidays, I realized it did allow me time off from work with my family and no big expectations on entertaining, etc.  I know you will be over the worst part way before Christmas so you can enjoy.

    kmur, I would have no idea how to post a link, I am proud of you.  Are you getting a tattoo?  Where?  Someday maybe I will do a small one on my hip bone, and of course in less than 2 weeks I am schedules for the breast tattoos (wish I was doing them this week).  After we get thru the holidays, lets look at our spring schedules.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

     Christine..I don't know if I will ever get a tattoo...I have saved this little butterfly just in case I do..I don't know where I would put it either..I thought ankle?? I like the idea of hip better though....I swear I can not make any decisions anymore  Lol  I will look at the Spring too.

    Gina...I know I said YIPPEE on FB but you and I posted at the same time here..I am sorry I missed it....You know I am so very ...VERY happy for you...hope you get to celebrate a little.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    I am going to take a few pictures of my PS doing my tattoos next week (hopefully he won't object, quess i can use my cell phone).  I am hoping I can watch, I have a xanax saved for the day. I don't expect any pain, but the thought is creaping me out abit.  I never do anything radical, kind of liking the thought of an eventual small hip tattoo, crazy thought since the only people that would ever see it would be DH and docs.  Ok, off to the gym, get some fat off the hips first.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited November 2011

    Hey gang!  

    YAY Gina!  :)  We're all thrilled for you.  I still have this damn cough, but the PA today said my lungs still sound clear, and I didn't have rads, so I think this is just kindergarten germs that won't go away (Jack has the same damn cough).  

    Kim, I was talking to a friend and I said "a lot of my friends said..." about SEs from Herceptin or something...and I was like, "well, discussion board friends," and she said, "that's okay...they're friends,"  and I said, "you know what?  They ARE friends!"  :)  

    I never wanted a tattoo before--my brother went in the navy at 17, so needless to say he has enough for the whole family.  But I've been thinking of little pink boxing gloves.  :)  But I do really like Kim's butterfly!  

    First Herceptin today was a total breeze.  They didn't even give me any benadryl, so hubby and I did some Christmas shopping after.  Jack's one lucky boy!  :)  

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2011

    Gina, glad to hear the good news and Profbee, glad your lungs are clear and hope the cough clears up soon.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies!  Been busy as usual lately.  Going to to try to do some catching up here.  I have been keeping up with reading but not posting as much.  


    Kiwi - Yeah for being done!!! Your rads went so quickly.  It seems like you just started them.  Now on to back to normal!!!  And growing some hair!


    Gina - awesome news about the scans!  I know it is such a relief.  I nearly had a nervous breakdown trying to listen to the voice mail from my onco with my PET results.  I have never been so scared in my life.  Then I cried for a good 10 minutes.  Then I suddenly got as close to back to normal as I had been in the 2 months between diagnosis and then.  It was the first time I thought I would be okay.  Such an amazing feeling.  I hope you do something fun to celebrate!!


    Keeping the faith - welcome.  Another New Zealander!  


    Prof - give the cough some time.  I had a horrible time geting over a cold earlier this year.  The cold part was over in February, but it was about June or July before the coughing finally ended.  It was so annoying.  I was worried about it at first, but it was gradually (although very slowly) getting better and like your doctor, mine did not hear anything so she was not worried.   


    It is strange to me too - the whole internet friend thing.  I have posted on chat boards other than this one and it is the same thing there, although perhaps not as personal as here because of the subject matter.  But even there, different posters develop different personalities in my mind and I have my favorites that I consider friends in a weird way.  Even Facebook is like that.  A number of my FB friends are sorority sisters who I have not seen in 20 years.   Thanks to FB, we “chat” often and I know everything that is going on in their lives.  It is like we are all close friends again, and then every once in a while it dawns on me that I have not spoken to them in 20 years.  LOL.  It is weird.  But I enjoy the cyber friendships.  Particularly on this board as I have kept my diagnosis so quiet - you all know a hell of a lot more than just about anyone other than my mom.


    Tattoos.  I wish I had the nerve.  I have wanted one for years (since college).  Either low on my hip/pelvic bone or low hip/butt on the back.  A pretty and very small red rose is what I always imagined.  But I hate needles and am afraid of the pain, so I have never done it.  I am not sure if I would get a BC one.  I would not want the constant reminder, although I guess I already have it with the scars on my boob and in my armpit.  But I think you should do it if you want!!!  


    I hope you all had a great thanksgiving.  The 4 days off could not have come at a better time for me.  I needed a break.  I did a lot of nothing.  Mostly hung out with my niece and nephew, who had me cracking up all weekend.  They are so funny.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited November 2011

    I have no idea why that post in is italics??

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2011

    Checking in ....

    Gina - Congrats on such great news.  Hope you can celebrate...

    Kmur - Love the tattoo. Very tasteful and pretty. 

    Readingmama - Sending prayers and gentle hugs for you tomorrow & on your surgery day Wednesday.  Wish you the best and please check in once you feel up to it to let us know how you are doing....

    Profbee - Glad the lungs are clear but bummer on the continued cough. Congrats on successfully starting your Herceptin & holiday shopping today. 

    Gentle hugs & sweet dreams to all....

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone.  Thanks for all the advice for my rads burn. It's good to know it will heal fast. I will check out silvadene cream.  It's quite tender today.

    Kim - love the tattoo.  Very cute and delicate.

    Meegan - wow. Good luck sleeping and for your surgery. I'll await good news.

    Gina - BRILLIANT NEWS! The best!! Amen.

    Profbee - How many tattoos does your brother have?? Little pink boxing gloves is a great idea.

    Keepingfaith - I completely missed that you are also from NZ.  Hello fellow kiwi!

    I took today off work to go on a school trip with my youngest.  It was great and I enjoyed every minute of it ... but am now totally exhausted.  My feet hurt!  I'm also starving hungry and waiting for dinner to cook.  I'm still trying to lose weight (not very successfully) and am trying not to snack before dinner.  Very hard!