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Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    yes that is why I think I never went cuz I heard the same rumors about it .thats why I hope they are loved by their owners. My thing with horses is more as an attraction to have them spoil like pets lol I cry so much when I watch movies with horses been hurt. I stop watching them .last one I watch was the one about war and horse surviving it. Cant remember the name. I will watch an old one the horse wisper robert retford hahahahhahaha I love him too . Well not much studying just reading hoping some stay in my az brain lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    So I opted out of the jazz tonight. Having a quiet day and decided it needed to stay that way. The rain was brief, but winds came in and the walk was a bit challenging. I was glad in the end I opted out of the outdoor music. Sitting in the wind here not enjoyable either. Walk was lovely, just what I needed.

    Enerva- I LOVE the movie the Horse Whisperer. I have lovely memories around it as I saw it during a time when my mom was visiting out here years ago. We were up in Santa Fe and a t-storm moved in (my mother hated thunderstorms) so we ducked into this little theater (now long gone) and it was just starting. It was a great escape from the weather, but we both loved the movie too. I have seen it again on HBO in the past year again and it is just a great film. Robert Redford comes to Santa Fe a lot actually due to the film industry here (he runs the Sundance festival in nearby Utah). I would LOVE to meet him.

    The horse injury that broke my heart was Barbero in 2006. He broke his leg during his start from the gate at the Preakness. They tried for a year to rehab him and could not save him. It was horrible and made me realize horse racing can be very dangerous for the horses.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    Okay, time to STOP watching horse videos.

    But Enerva, watch this. You will like it.

    Celtic Horsmanship

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    BB- that is true. Big winners will stop racing, and start being bred. The males are particularly valuable because of the stud fees. He is one of the lucky race horses. Horses are such lovely spiritual animals.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    Found this one cleaning out my pictures directory.


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    lol jazz thanks for the video, did you watch this one?

    i love it

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    ok one more

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    BB- good to hear you are having a good day! I am always grateful for those perfect days! Will put you in a good place coming into the new week!

    Enerva- yes, I did watch that and thought it was great. I know horses really need to trust you having spending time with them. I also was injured by a horse that didn't when I was a kid. I thought that video was the essences of what horses are really about. That young stallion was a beauty!

    I had a friend come over today who watches my house when I travel and she came to pick up keys and go over things to be ready to help this week. We had a good visit, talked almost 3 hours and made plans to do a latin jazz concert when I am back in town.

    Tonight I am meeting friends for dinner who are moving here.

    Hope everyone has a good duration of the weekend. I will ping you all when I am back from my travels to CO.

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Hello, all.

    I had internet problems for a week.  Also I had legal paperwork, and I'm headed back into court again.  The good news is that, last week, I attended a couple of informative workshops.  The bad news is that my car is now breaking down.  *sigh*  There has been much more happening, especially for my sons, but I don't want to type too much.

    Catching up now on the conversation here...

    About "being alone," I've always been very comfortable alone.  I traveled alone in my 20's.  I took more vacations alone than I ever did with the ex after I met him.  But, these days, if I were out somewhere surrounded by couples, such as a restaurant, I think I might feel out of place, too. 

    About Subaru - I loved all the cars I had when I was young and single, but my favorite was a Subaru that could switch into 4-wheel drive.

    Melp - Good luck with surgery! 

    Milky - I hope all is well!

    Hi, Jazzy.  :-)

    June - Do you work with AutoCAD?  I took one of my teenage sons to a school to look into it.  It looks as if there are a lot of jobs in that field.

    Sparkle - You're right about volunteer work - and a volunteer position looks good on a resume, too!

    BB - I'm sorry to hear that your mom is having health problems.  BTW, just like your sons...  My firstborn can do no wrong in anyone's eyes.  It's a hard act for my second-born son to follow.  My second-born is so sweet, my heart breaks for him.  He has many talents, is very creative, but looks down on himself, no matter what I say.  I love all of my sons so much, and I want the best for all of them. Our situation has been tough on them, though, too.

    Enerva - It sounds as if you are your nephew's mom because you took such good care of him.  I'm sorry your sister is in such pain.  If there are no bone mets, why is she having pain?  Also I'm sorry about the test.  I know you worked hard, but all this stress is taking its toll.  One of my sons had an important test a few days ago, and he seemed so worried.  I told him to just relax and think of this test as practice (for when he will take it again later). 




  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Thanks, BB, best of luck to you, too!  I hear ya'.  This is stressful. 

  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2015

    thanks lifeiswonderful im excited about it!! have any of you had reconstruction and how good did you heal from it?

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Melp - I have permanent implants.  When the TE's were exchanged for the implants, I don't remember whether I had to have drains.  But I do remember healing very quickly.  Later, I had fat grafting over the implants.  I think you might be having a different procedure on one side, though, right? 

  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2015

    yeah im having lat dorsi on the left side because of radiation and i cant do the tram flap. right side already has a TE in it.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2015

    Do they put permanent implants in over the muscle or under?

    BB - I would think most likely yes

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2015

    40% recurrence increase from alcohol alone??? Seems high to me I can understand smoking being 20% as that affects so much, oxygen levels in blood, toxins, ages cells and so on, but the odd glass of wine or beer at 40%...............?????

    So no smoking no drinking and too shrivelled for sex....boy this survival stuff is real fun...............

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    BB- wow, that is a high reoccurrence for smoking and drinking. I don't smoke, but have the occaisonal glass of wine which my MO's said was okay. They told me no more than 3 drinks a week, and I rarely do that. Only if I have a biz dinner will I have a glass of wine.

    Your docs seem on top of things.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    BB- I have been thinking I want to revisit the drinking thing with my current MO. The one who told me 2-3 per week max was one I saw out in AZ when I was having treatment for rads. I never discussed it with the one here, but have an apt coming up in July and going to put it on my list for the next visit. I have a 15% reoccurence possibility based on oncotype score.

    Getting ready to head out of town and hugs to everyone here.

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Lily - The implants go under the muscle.  Or, really, inside of it, if I understood my PS's explanation.  My foobs can "flex."  lol

    BB - I hope the job opportunity works out for you.

    Melp - I had rads on the left, and my PS recommended lat dorsi, but I was only willing to do implants.  I hear lat dorsi works well, though, after radiation.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2015

    Which muscle please? THere is no need for lat dorsi first to use that as the muscle they use the pectoral muscle?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    Hi ladies, Well it is official i am going to my little trip alone. Yes i paid for an extra seat and my polish girlfriend also says she can not make it ;( Anyway i hate to wait the $. I guess its a lesson i must learn not to buy tickets for others ;(

    Now BB and Lili and Jazz i have not clue what is my % of recurrence? hummm i think is very high but i have not idea my MO had a hard time figuring out i was Stage 3A so i wonder if she has a clue as per the % of recurrence? How is it determined ? I have my Mo new appointment on July 09th. I am glad i do not smoke but a few weeks ago i had one cigarette lol boy i miss my 20s when i was a smoker and i did not think about the consequences, now everything i eat or do i am always wondering Is this good for me? when will we be normal again ? Is there a day when we will feel normal? i don't see that happening to me. I still feel i am having a nightmare specially having my family going through it now. I am not happy with my MO. I fear that if i have something going on it wont be catch early due to her not even scanning me or scheduling any blood work. I have done those things on my own with my family Dr. well only the blood work and ultrasounds but nothing is been done to the overall chest area. So bad i feel like i am a bomb which can explode at any time and then they will say oh its too late it is every where now . This is my biggest fear.

    Anyway hope all are ok BB how i wish you were here to take that trip with me ;(

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Lily - In my case, the PS placed the implant "under" (or "inside") the pectoral muscle because I didn't have a lat dorsi.  I've heard it's different for the lat dorsi because the back muscle holds the implant in place - is that right?

    Enerva - Traveling alone can be nice, and maybe you'll meet people along the way.  As for a recurrence, I worry, too, but then I brush it off.  I was diagnosed with stage 2A, which sounds very early, with a tumor just under 2 cm and two positive nodes.  But, the stage number doesn't tell the whole story:  In my case, the BS couldn't get a clean margin. That is, the tissue at my chest wall tested positive for "extensive" cancer cells, so they hit me with everything they had - first with chemo and then with radiation all the way up to my neck.  We can only do what we can do.  Anyway, I hope all of us never have to deal with BC again.  I don't get scans, either, but I am surprised your MO doesn't order blood work for you.

    Well, ladies, I've been in dire straits again and again.  It seems I'm in a bad situation pretty often these days.  But, somehow I always seem to find creative ways around these problems.  This time, though, I think I'm really stuck.  Without going into detail, let me just say that everything is going wrong, and the next two days are going to be a challenge.  My sons have been brainstorming solutions with me, and we might've figured something out for tomorrow.  But the next day...  well...  it's going to be interesting.  lol


  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Well, I was worried about the past two days, but everything worked out in the end.  There are still more problems to resolve, but I'm doing my best.

    Good luck, BB, with quitting smoking. 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited June 2015

    Life- glad to hear things are improving. These are stressful times for you. I know you are not out of the woods yet, but hang in there and persevere. Praying the universe will make things right for you and your boys.

    I am in Denver and heading out to Crestone today. The trip has been good, made some new contacts, and saw my friend who was interested in me coming to do work for him if he got this job here he was hoping for. In the end, he is not taking the job because they are low balling him on salary. But he is doing a referral over to them just the same for me, so it could still work out. He is also referring me to his other client site he is working at. I met some great folks at my networking group and they are doing referrals too. I have two other things in the works too, one in town and another that I am gathering more info on that is out of state with limited travel. So things are moving again on the contract search.

    The weather up here was crazy Thurs night into noon yesterday. Heavy rains that had things flooding. I drove home from my thursday evening event and saw there were roads starting to flood and stalled out cars. I have an SUV and thank god for cars that ride above the waters. I got back with no problems and so glad to be off the roads. The rains ended yesterday and it looks like a good day for driving.

    I am packing up and heading over to Crestone to the southwest here to visit my friend. Should be a 3 plus hour trip. I am hoping to see some long horn sheep that are common in the Rockies.

    BB- you are making some difficult changes with the smoking and drinking so be kind to yourself.

    Enerva- did you survive the week?

    Lilly- I saw your other notes on Hermits and thinking of you here too.

    Melp- you have your surgery coming up and sending you good vibes.

    Everyone else, have a good weekend.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    hi, trip was nice . Hope you all had amazing weekend.

    I got too much sun and burned my face .

    Will post more pictures tmw

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    here are some more pictures from yesterday






  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    at least i had a good day yesterday. it was a bit cold so i didn't realize the sun was still burning my face lol

    This morning got some more bad news. Sister is declining fast ;(( i wish what ever is going to happen happens soon. I dont want my sister suffering so much.

    how are you all doing this morning i will go back a few pages to catch up with all of you. here is my burned face.


  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    Enerva - Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.  Glad you enjoyed your well-deserved trip.  But I'm sorry your sister is not doing well.  Didn't you say she has a young daughter?  How is her daughter holding up?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited June 2015

    life her daughter does not know what is really going on. She is staying at another sister s house. My sister doesn't allow her to visit her now. Its very sad cuz her daughter will be affected by this. I am not sure what to say about it my family is respecting her wishes so no one tells her daughter the truth . She knows her mom is been treated for bc. She knows about the knew tumor but she does not know about the spine c. I asked my siblings how is her daughter taking it. They told me she is ok she is busy with school and she does not know cuz she is not In The same house . My sister haven't seen her for 1 month now since radiation started. Now this wed the mo ll see her and talk about what's next. We have not idea how long she ll be able to hold on. She is not eating much and her legs are very painful and weak so she is no longer able to walk . Its very hard not to be able to help its just brutal.

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited June 2015

    That's sad about her little girl.  I can understand your sister trying to protect her daughter from it all. 

    Please keep us updated, if you can, about what the MO says.  I hope there's something else the MO can offer her.