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Single life after a mastectomy



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends!

    First day back to client site went well. Got some set up work done and planning to do some more detailed project work next Mon and Tues before I leave on my holiday trip. I also heard the exec VP in the area I am working may want to talk to me about some things I have been wanting to do with them for awhile. We will see. I won't be on site today, but may do a conference call later this morning.

    I have a bone density test today to check on my creaky old bones and how the Prolia shots are doing to improve my bone health. I did not get a reminder call yesterday so I am a bit worried the apt did not get scheduled right by the cancer center. I left a message for them last night, but probably won't get a call back in time this morning before I have to leave to get to the apt. Wish me luck! I need to get this done before I see my MO in late Jan, and do any more Prolia shots. If this is not helping, I won't continue with the shots.

    Cubbie- I hope you found the counseling and group support helpful. Glad you are getting your rads treatment started. Do be careful with the lifting, is there anyone that can help you with those things at work?

    BB- I hope your appointment this week went well and that you have found someone to help you.

    Life- this is still a good time to find new work as companies have new budgets for the new year. Have you checked with your local cancer orgs to see if they have any programs to help people who are trying to get back to work post treatment?

    Melp- I hope you are feeling better every day.

    Heart27- I hope you are coming through your treatment too.

    Lilly- hugs to you as always.

    Wishing everybody a good day and a good weekend too

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015

    ladies my nephew passed his exam yahooo

    I am so happy this is the best gift for me this year lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    E- that is awesome news for both your nephew and you, congrats proud auntie! Smile

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015

    hs ha well now I ll be able to pass my car to him n get another one lol off course still need the lottery to come true lol

    But at least I waisted no money on him he delivered lol


    I am still at work

    Hope u all have an amazing weekend

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Some photos from a visit to our old town last night.





  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy - When you say "photos of our old town," is it the town where you live? Or is it a historic site? Whatever it is, I love it. :-) BTW, I never thought about companies hiring for the new year or about checking with local cancer organizations. Thanks for those ideas.

    Cubbie - I hope all goes well with your radiation treatments. The radiation tends to tighten everything up, but I found that physical therapy helped somewhat. I couldn't afford to continue with the physical therapy, but it's something to think about as you move into this phase of your treatment plan.

    Enerva - Congratulations to your nephew... and to you, too. Enjoy your weekend!

    BB - Hope all is going well.

    Lily, Simplicity, everyone - Have a great weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Life- Old Town is a historic part of Albuquerque, and it is beautifully decorated this time of the year, and always fun to go down there for a visit. I tried to go to their scheduled shop and stroll a few weeks ago, and it was a madhouse, no parking anywhere close by, etc. So I opted out of that event, and several friends were up for going to do our own thing. Much better! More space to walk around, etc. We thought some of the shops would be open longer, some closed early as we arrived around 5 p.m. Yet, others were open quite late into the evening!

    I have one more holiday type event I will do tonight, my favorite for this time of the year called a Yoga Solstice gathering. We do a gentle practice around a ritual of "letting go" of the years stuff, and manifesting what we want for the new year. Then there is a vegetarian potluck. YUM! I enjoy these types of things far better than big holiday parties.

    Cubbie- hope you are feeling okay after the first rads. It can zap your energy. Hope you are resting and family is behaving.

    Hope everyone is having a peaceful weekend.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited December 2015

    I didn´t click with the charity psychologist at first but she has been excellent the past be straight with this woman and tell her you are not stupid and funnily enough had thought of those things, what you want is real help.....I HATE the idea of you in a homeless hostal or shelter......I am hoping something turns up for you but have no idea what.....

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited December 2015

    I am erratic, feel very out of control emotionally and like I am not coping.  Realised last weekend coincided with time two years ago when i lost all the reconstruction i had had done , and paid for myself, and since then I feel really hopeless on that front......its not on your scale but I have lost so much last three years and sometimes wish i could swap places with people who do really want to live as I am far from sure, such a selfish thing to say but its the truth...................this bc stuff can really drive you crazy, or the PTSD that came with it

    I don´t feel in control financially either, as am living on overdraft but am in much better position than you, now the election results are about as bad as they can be as no clear majority and loads of conflicting parties who will be trading off for power...............not what Spain needs.

    Dont you have any Friends who can look after your most important things?  What are your options for accommodation?  Worry about you.......

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited December 2015

    Morning ladies.

    Cubbie, no way I could have gone back to work that early and my job isn't very physical. Hope you're doing well and resting when you can.

    BB & Lily, I wish I had magical words to male it all better for you both :( This chit does suck and changes so much. I'm having loads of trouble out of my kids (21,17,14). Seems to be increasing since treatment has been done. Or I just have a bit more energy to notice.

    BB, I sincerely mean it when I say, my doors are open. I don't know you from squat really. But the personality that comes through in type, clearly your a decent person. I don't have an extra room but I have a roof. You get here and we'd make it somehow. Seriously. I promise I'm not a wacko (ok well, in all fairness). I do just want you to know you have a place in NC should you ever need it. I'd probably open my doors for most I've met on here and have for friends from my single parent support site. I was stuck for a long time in that 'lost' area of the system for a long time, with 3 kids. Not a fun place to be. Hopefully your next session will go or did go well?

    O poo. Gotta check my calendar. Think I have an appointment today.

    Just got home :) Had a great night with E, his dd and him cooked us dinner (the friend I've reconnected with) and then went over to another friends. Have yet to sleep cause we were having such a good time catching up, talking and drinking wine that I forgot to take my med's :/

    I've had an upset stomach for the past 4 days or so. Haven't been eating good but hey! Guess who ate some broccoli last night? This non veggie eater right here. Yep :) Even went back for seconds. I found something new I like!

    E glad to hear about the nephew. How are you feeling?

    Jazzy, love the photo. My kiss my funk decorations? No more have gone up and my lights in my window? *sigh* I gave up. They won't stay up. Idk why. I've never had this much of an issue. I've taped them back up probably 20x. I quit. I gave up.

    Lily, hugs. Be careful. The mind can be an evil, deceitful little devil. Don't believe what it's telling you. I've really had to remind myself of this lately. Especially with the holidays being here, these damn kids behavior and o so much more as you know. Ex doesn't help. He's...unique lol He just never got the parenting thing and is/has been enabled by his parents all his life.

    Hope everyone has a good day. I gotta get some sleep.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015

    hi ladies .so much going on here. Bb me too if there was any way u could come to Canada I have a room for you. I am so tire just counting the days for the 25 so I can sleep and just do nothing all day lol

    Well tmw I ll see my nephew we ll find out about parking in his building and get ready to transfer my car to him. I am as broke as hell but I was thinking I may not even live long so why not get a nice car even if I end up living in it ha ha ok that is stupid nahhh I ll only do it when I find a deal plus my nephew is not ready yet been a new driver means a high insurance so I am working magic calling and trying to get him some discounts.

    OK so I have been working crazy hours I figure is the only way I may be able to pay of my debts.

    I must tell you ladies before bc I had savings now I also live in over draft and its scarry

    Ok enogh of that

    here a few of my latest creations I wish I could one day open a little craft shop somewhere warm or north in a nice little town


  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2015

    Enerva - I can picture your being very happy with your own craft shop. All of your creations are adorable.

    I'd love a new car, too. I'll have to wait...

    BB - I was selling things to pawn and secondhand shops last summer. Like you, I had very little to sell, but every little bit helps. So... your sis thinks we're wackos, eh? These forums have been a lifesaver for me. A place to talk with other survivors when no one else understands. I hope your next therapy session is better.

    Lily - I hope you're doing better soon, too.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015

    good morning. I finally got a seat in the train it seems a lot of people are in vacation so plainty of seats

    I can't wait for Thursday I am so looking forward been off for 4 days :)

    I started doing coconut oil pulling lol and today is the first day I manage to last 20 minutes have any of u done this?


    by Erica Stolman | February 21 2014

    oil pulling, benefits, holistic

    Everyone has a morning routine… mine has recently changed. Let me share::

    1. First things first, I battle with my alarm (i.e. hit snooze thirty times).

    2. Bitzy then wakes me up, I stumble to the kitchen to feed her and let her out.

    3. We both get back into bed & snuggle for a bit.

    4. I turn on morning cartoons (not kidding).

    5. Head to the kitchen & put a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth.

    6. Get back in bed, set a 20 minute timer, start checking emails.

    So, you may be wondering about #5. Why the hell am I putting a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth & then getting back into bed with a 20 minute timer?

    Two words. Oil Pulling. One word. Obsessed.

    Oil pulling has been around for years, which makes me upset I've only just found out about it via the interweb. It's an ancient Ayurvedic technique that involves swishing oil in your mouth for 20 minutes to help improve your oral & overall health. The idea behind it is pretty simple- the oil is "sticky" and when you swish it around in your mouth bacteria gets stuck in the oil & dissolves.

    It's easy to do. Pick an oil, you can use ORGANIC coconut oil or any other vegetable based oil (Sesame/ Sunflower/ or Olive). I prefer coconut cause I like the taste & it also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, & anti-inflammatory properties. Put anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon, depending on what you can handle, in your mouth & swish for 20 minutes.

    [ SIDEBAR: these pre-packed CocoPull packets are amazing & make the whole process so easy!! ]

    I know, I know you are freaking out about the 20 minute thing, but TRUST me when I say- it flies by. Something about the whole process is relaxing to me. No talking, just swishing. Pull the oil through your teeth & make sure NOT to swallow it (you don't want to swallow the bacteria you are trying to get rid of). When your timer beeps, spit out the oil into a plastic baggy or directly into the trash. Don't spit it down the drain cause the oil will solidify again & could mess up your pipes.

    benefits, oil pulling, holistic, health

    Now for the benefits:: The below are all SUPPOSED benefits I have read that people have experience– I will share what I've noticed further below.

    + Whitens teeth.

    + Strengthens your gums/teeth/& jaw. It helps with sensitive teeth & even has reported to help TMJ sufferers like myself (mainly due to the jaw movement strengthening your jaw!).

    + Prevents cavities & gingivitis & benefits overall oral health.

    + Helps ease the symptoms of acne/ eczema/ psoriasis/ & other skin care issues.

    + Helps the ease the symptoms of a hangover (hallelujah!!!) & migraines.

    + Has been said to help people who have sleep issues.

    + Clears out your sinuses.

    + If you have halitosis, oil pulling has been said to be a big savior for many sufferers. People reported that their morning breath improved greatly.

    + Helps with general oral pain issues.

    + Could assist in hormonal imbalances.

    + I will openly acknowledge that the items listed above are things people over the years have noticed through experience, but there is very little scientific testing done on the process. That said, there are a few studies that have been done on Oil Pulling which you can find here.

    All I know is that after doing it myself & seeing improvement in my oral & overall health… I don't see the harm in continuing.

    Plus, my teeth really are so much whiter, I don't care what anyone says.

    coconut oil, health, oil pulling, benefits, organic

    I have now gotten my best friend, my mom, my dad, & my Dad's best friend hooked on oil pulling. They've all been doing it for a week, so I called them this morning & asked them if they've noticed any changes… here is what they said.

    + My Dad says his teeth are much much whiter & it helps clear is stuffed up sinuses in the AM.

    + My Dad's bestie said she has had terrible plaque psoriasis on her scalp (nothing has ever worked for her to clear it up), after 2 days of oil pulling it's nearly gone! She literally called me ecstatic/almost in tears after two days of OP-ing.

    + My Mom has pretty healthy teeth, but she does say that she notices that they are whiter.

    + Katie, my best friend, says she noticed her teeth have gotten whiter she find the process relaxing so it doesn't bother her to do it.

    + As for me, let's see– my teeth are seriously much whiter (which is great cause I can't do any sort of white strips- my teeth are too sensitive), I have had an easier time falling asleep (which is typically very hard for me), my teeth have been less sensitive to hot & cold (mostly cold), & the best result of all- my jaw has stopped bugging me as much! I have major jaw issues & awful TMJ. Last week it started to get bad (the lock jaw/shooting pains). I decided to oil pull cause I read it helped & literally after I was all done my jaw was feeling a lot better. I was pretty pleased.

    If you do decide to try it, I am dying to know how it works for you/ what changes you notice/ if you like it/ if you can handle the 20 minute swish/ & whatever else you want to share.

    xx, E

    P.S. For more health, wellness, & lifestyle tips (plus some fashion, obviously)- follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

    P.P.S I am by no means saying this is an end-all-be-all cure to any illness nor claiming that I am a medical professional. I am just a girl who researched something she found interesting/ found out it worked for her/ & shared it on her blog!!

    // UPDATE //

    Sooo… this post has gotten quite a bit of attention, so much so my site actually crashed for a good deal of time ( #stressmeout ).

    I am so happy to see this information has proved helpful to so many people. I have been getting a lot of questions though… so I decided I'd add in a little FAQ to help clear things up!! Please read the below carefully as I am doing my best to answer every question but it is getting a little difficult :) THANKS!!

    P.S. Went to my dentist this week & it was the best appointment I've had in a while– yahoo! I am totally attributing it to OP.

    Q1: I hate the taste of anything coconut/ I am allergic to coconut. Anything else I can use??:: Absolutely! You can use other vegetable based oils such as cold pressed organic sesame oil, sunflower oil, or olive oil.

    Q2: I see that you have pictured refined coconut oil, but lots of people are saying you should ONLY use unrefined coconut oil??:: Here's the deal with this one… unrefined coconut oil is better, but all I had on hand at the time was refined. The main thing that helps with the oil pulling is the Lauric Acid in the coconut oil- the refining process could remove some Lauric Acid & add in chemicals/solvents. Yet, by the time the process is complete, there will still be around 50% Lauric Acid and little to none chemicals or solvents left over- so you will still get the benefits. People will have varying opinions on this, but that's what I've found out about using refined coconut oil.

    Q3: 20 minutes?! There's no way I can put oil in my mouth for a full twenty minutes!!:: My first bit of advice– try it! I was a little frightened by the number at first too, but once you get going the time flies. I personally find the process to be relaxing. If at any time your mouth is too full of oil, spit out a little & keep on truckin'.

    Q4: Do I NEED to buy organic coconut oil?:: Yes yes yes!! The benefits will be greater with organic oils.

    Q5: I gag over weird textures- can I melt it first before I swish?:: Certainly! Many people say no no no to nuking in the microwave cause of radiation, yet if it's just 10 seconds (which is all you really need) I wouldn't freak out about it. That said, the better option would be to run the jar under hot water & then pour the liquid into a bowl for swishing.

    Q6: Can I OP while pregnant?:: I have read that if you are out of the first trimester you are good to go. Yet, if I were you, I would read some forums (a Google search provides a ton of mommy forums discussing this) so that you can make a decision you are 100% confident with OR discuss with your doctor!!! I am not a medical professional, so I don't feel comfortable on saying YES or NO to this.

    Q6: Can I OP while breastfeeding:: I have never had a baby so I have never breastfed but from my research I have read that this mild detox wouldn't effect your blood stream (which is would would alter your milk). Again, I would do your own research to make a decision that you are comfortable with or contact your doctor.

    Q7: Oil Pulling with braces/ crowns/ fillings/ dentures. Is it okay?:: The word on these few things vary as well, so again, I don't want to give too much advice on these issues as I don't want to be liable for any issues that could arise. From my understanding though, with dentures you should remove them before OP-ing & with fillings it should be okay (haven't had any negative effects with mine). As for braces & crowns– braces they say it's fine to Oil Pull, but could whiten around the braces so when you get them off it looks weird. For crowns, there are some reports the act has loosened the crowns or even caused them to fall off. If it were me, I'd avoid it.

    I ll try and see how it helps overall

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Hi friends- this will be my last day here for a bit as I am working to wrap up at the client site today and then heading to the west coast for Xmas. Yes, I am going out to do the holiday with my sister. I had a pretty serious "sister to sister/come to jesus talk" with her in the past few weeks about this visit. Things seem to be calming down, and going to make this as good a visit as I can. I don't have much family left, therefore, I work to try to have something with those that remain. I am going to be busy next year with this new contract, so I won't be seeing them for awhile.

    I went to a yoga solstice event on Sunday night and put all of you in the circle with us. The winter solstice is a time of going within, but also a time of letting go of that which we need to release to make room for the new things that will come with the new year. The thing that came up for me was self forgiveness. You know, that internal conversation we have with ourselves that we have not done everything well enough, etc? I am now replacing those thoughts with "I am doing the best I can every day."

    No one has any idea what the financial impact is with treatment to cancer patients. The healthcare system will offer you everything under the sun, but with you having no idea what it will cost. None of us would purchase any other service without knowing what things cost. I know personally that I am given the co-pays or deductibles, but know we all had things that were not covered by insurance we ended up paying for. Hoping everyone digging out can find their way through to better days.

    E- I agree with Life, it would be fun to see you have your own craft store or have you thought about selling online at Glad you are going to get the car over to your nephew. Maybe a new car would be a good goal to work towards after you get some things paid off?

    I am glad you will have some time to yourself this coming Friday. Good to have a day of rest to look forward to. You sound busy with work.

    BB- that program sounds like it will help you to get started. I think you will be a good companion to another, and with time, can find better work. There have been several times in my life that I had to start over and start with something, although not the ideal. One of my long time friends always says "get what you need first, get what you want later"

    Cubbie- I hope your continued rad treatments are going okay. Take it easy girlfriend.

    Simplicity- I hope you are recovering and able to have an easy Xmas. I know the kids have not been easy during this time, and that expectations are high this time of year. Wishing you a peaceful holiday sister.

    Lily, Heart27, Melp, and everyone else here, wishing you an easily holiday week. Be back here next week when I am back from my travels and settled back into work.

  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2015

    simplicity- it's more my hot flushes that keep me awake sometimes. But yes it is still hot.

    bb- for the last few weeks I have been going through a down patch with the first Xmas with mets dx. Talked to my psychologist the other day and she gave me strategies to help distract me from negative thoughts so I can try and live life as best I can. Hormones are still working so no chemo yet!!

    Onc says I have a few years but I haven't asked him to go into averages of exactly how long he thinks I will have til the Mets get worse and treatment stops working. He did say I'm responding well to the current treatment.

    hope everyone has happy and safe xmas

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2015

    Melp - It's great that your current treatment is working. May it work forever. In the meantime, as time passes, oncologists continue to learn more, and new ways of treating mets may be made available to you, if you ever need a new treatment. I hope you'll enjoy a peaceful, happy Christmas. I'll be praying for a cure.

    Jazzy - I hope you enjoy your holiday. Thanks for bringing us into the circle. (Self-forgiveness has helped me a great deal, too, although I'll always have a few regrets that will stay with me forever.)

    Enerva - Jazzy's suggestion sounds like a great idea. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, too.

    The weather has been unusually warm here, and this week will reach the 60's and 70's in temperature where we live.

    Everyone - Enjoy your day!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015

    hi melp 27. I agree with the Dr in trying to distract ur mind, it's not easy I wish there could be a turn off switch for all the xtmas mood around the air. Today my siblims started passing videos of my sister and it just made me so miserable I just want to tell you I am sending you lots of love. Please reach me any time u feel like venting I know this just sucks.

    I made a warm hood for myself wanted to show you guys.

    I wish you all a great holiday feel with love and patience. It seems I myself need some this days.

    Jazz yes I ll look forward to working to pay sone debts so I can find a use car but newer than my present one.

    Bb . Lili simplicity life sending u all hugs


  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2015

    bb- thanks for your opinion. I'm not really fond of alternative therapies but they can work for some patients.

    enerva- thanks for your kind words.

    Happy Xmas to all of you and I hope next year is a healthy and happy one!!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015


    Wishing you all a merry Christmas ladies .I watched a movie and now going to bed.

    I had one drink sitting in my living room and now just want to sleep. Loopy

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited December 2015

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2015

    Enerva - The hood looks beautiful. Merry Christmas to you, too!

    Melp - Happy Christmas to you, too, and best wishes for 2016.

    Simplicity - Merry Christmas!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Merry Xmas friends. Sending you all love and best wishes this holiday. Praying for better days for everyone here for healing, good health, work, love and so much more.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited December 2015

    wow...jazzy..that's awesome!!

    ladies - Merry Christmas!!!!! xoxo

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    June- so nice to hear from you. Merry Xmas and hope you have a wonderful new year!

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2015

    June - Nice to see you here again. Merry Christmas to you!

    And same to you, Jazzy.

    I hope 2016 brings good news to all of us.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Hi ladies- flying home this afternoon. Big snow storm in my state, but I have been told only a few inches in my area of town vs. feet in the eastern highlands. We are supposed to get another storm on Tuesday too.

    Visit has gone okay. Ready to sleep in my own bed and back to the client site tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is having a good rest of the weekend and that you have a good short work week for those working this week.

    May 2016 be a fresh start for us all.

  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2015

    hi all

    I'm still a bit up and down. missing my mum who is my major support through my cancer. distracting myself is the key.

    Hormones are still working to slow growth of my tumours so that's positive :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2015

    Melp- thanks for saying hi. I am sorry you are missing your mom. Sending you hugs across the miles.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2015

    hi Melb and all wish you all the best and sending u lots of strength and hugs. Well me too I have been down missing my love ones .just glad the year is going away soon hoping we ll have a better one now.


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited December 2015

    Evening ladies and Merry belated Christmas to you all.

    I completely under estimated how physically exhausting, and emotionally down the holidays would make me.

    I have been reading as the emails come in so I've been keeping up, or trying to.

    I joined the Arimidex thread since I started that wonderful 5 yr therapy um, Monday? I also have some kind of stomach bug and Dr gave me something to 'make me more comfortable' for diarrhea, which I don't have :/ Bleh.

    Long story BB. But no. Didn't hear from him over the holidays but did yesterday morning via our support forum. Seems he'll 'pop' in here and there when it's convenient for him. I removed him from my FB and update page after a lot of thought. He said nothing of it. If he doesn't want to share what's going on in his life, I'm hesitant to share what's going on in mine. Idk. But a big root of frustration for me. Just stay or leave, kwim?

    Hope everyone has a nice night. I'm nauseated as hell and rarely bow to the porcelain God but did last night :(

    One of my cats showed compassion and solidarity by puking right beside the toilet last night after I got done.