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Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    oh jazz enjoy the time with your friend and the get away sound perfect. Yes is sad but I do see what u are saying we must keep our bc experience private. It makes no sense how cruel people can be. I honestly think this world is not what we thought . There is so many nice people out there hopefully we will meet them and not the evil ones lol

    Good night all

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    I was reading about molds and I wonder if I have the virus. Lol lots of videos sugest molds are a result of a virus in our blod Humm

    Anyhow the one in the led stopped bleeding now :)


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    HI I posted this in another fOrin in error this morning.

    I have some bad news and some good one.

    Bad one : I saw my ps this morning and gain I was push away .he says my issue is caused by radiation and there is nothing he can do unless it becomes worse in his eyes it can be worse before he can fix it. He said he will refer me to a pain killer doctor who can then prescribe me some kind of med for the burning and the pain. I listened and I asked him will this pain doctor have a solution for the interna scars he said no but he can prescribe something to control what you are feeling . I said OK then this will not work for me I don't intend to became a pain killer dependant person. Thanks for your time and I walked away.

    As o walk away I realized there are 2 factors 1 I am over 40 # 2 I had bc so = I am not worth fixing that is how they see it. Very very sad but a reality .

    Good news: Milky contacted me she has an appointment dowmtown so I am waiting to see her. :) such long time and so nice to see someone whom I can feel totally conected ;)

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    so I spend the afternoon with milky and we had an amazing time walking all over downtown at the end I lost my phoneand was able to get it back lol

    She is OK with me sharing the picures with you .



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    E- I am so sorry about the recon issues. Hugs sister. Heart

    The photos of you and Milky are so lovely. You both look great and glad she connected with you and hope she is doing okay!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    good morning ladies. Yes Milky is doing good. She still smiling :)

    I have a pcr promotion today and well ll try to send my resume to a few places cuz yesterday I came back and was dead we did a lot of walking I shower and went strait to bed .

    Hoping you all have a good day.

    Sending you hugs

  • milkyway2
    milkyway2 Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2016

    hi ladies how are you miss you all we are close to each other and relate to each other .Life is busy i started university again as a full time student .yes my house is not clean haha its hard with studies to play single mom role .

    Me and Enerva had an amazing time yesterday i told her lets conect with other friends meet them

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Milky- good to hear from you and so great to hear you are still in your studies! I remember you were starting the last time we heard from you, but think part time. I hope you are doing well and that the kids are well too.

    I have only met one other sister from BCO so far, a woman who lives here in NM who went through the same radiation treatment in AZ I did and gave her some advice about that before she went. She took me to lunch later, about two years ago and heard from her recently and she is doing well. I agree it is good to meet up with people when you can!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2016

    Hi Milky! I get that. Single mom of 3 here also. So glad you two got to hang out!! Beautiful ladies!

    I get to meet a BCO sister Saturday. I am so excited! Took her husband by some muffins yesterday as I was thinking of him and her daughter sitting and waiting. Also thought he may have questions regarding recovery.

    I go back into surgery next Wed :( I'm scared but the Dr called with a cancellation, and I am so tired of hurting everyday, packing this wound twice a day. So I took the opportunity. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I need to move forward from all this

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    simplicity I ll be thinking of you . I am so tired and I think all you have been through is too much . Hang in there this should be better soon.

    Love u all

    Night night

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Simplicity- I read you FB support group post. I felt this was probably the direction you were going next, given the recovery has not gone as planned from the recon. You have been put through the mill and then some.

    I will be the voice here to remind you to get your bedroom nice and comfy so that you have fresh sheets, things by the bedside, etc. Don't be afraid to ask for a visiting nurse either, especially since you don't have any adults right there to do things for you. Most health plans come with some level of home health after surgery.

    E- thinking of you friend and your job situation. Keep us posted.

    BB- you out there friend?

    Hope- how are you doing with everything, still here with us?

    My friend left two days ago and been busy recovering from her time here and work is crazy busy. Looking forward to this weekend and a fun concert, but the friend I am going with is sick so who knows what will happen.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    HI ladies well today I enroll again I a few courses lol excel level 2 cuz I want to take some macro ones and requires the excel 2. Also microsoft access 2013. And I also took Project management. So yes I ll be super busy again lol but I figure I rather be at college after work hours than home driving myself cucu thinking of what's next. So class Monday and wed nights .

    The burning is still there and the arm disconfort. I ll research this weekend on physio therapy to break scars . I also work tmw . No my choice but no much I can do . I sent resumes around but nothing yet so I will keep at it.

    Hope all OK

    Sending u all hugs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    E- can you get a consult with a neurologist to figure out what is happening with the nerves? Other doctor sounded like he just told you he had nothing more he could do for you. That does not mean another specialist cannot help you.

    Some of my cancer docs have encouraged me to loose weight. I lost 40 pounds and have slowly gained it back being on the AIs. I exercise and don't eat much these days. It is a well known fact that AIs can cause weight gain. So my MO finally suggested I see an endocrinologist and started working with her on some things. My cancer docs don't have much to offer around this stuff, but the endocrinologist does. So look for the next specialist around the issue you are dealing with to help you. Sounds like you have a lot of nerve pain.

    How is your sister doing? Have you communicated with your nephews since you got home?

    Wishing you good luck with the classes, and knowing all the software programs will help you to better qualify for the jobs you are looking for. Did you have to take that other job in the mean time?

    Melp- been thinking about you and hoping you are doing okay? Are you feeling okay, and updates from the doctors, the L better?

    Simplicity- hope you are getting ready for the surgery on Wed. I think this is going to help and put you on a better path to recovery. You need to move beyond this stuff. I hope E is going to be there for you on some level.

    BB- you out there girlfriend?

    Been a super busy few weeks with being out of town Labor Day weekend and then straight into a visit with my out of town friend. We had a good time, but she is very high energy and needs to be constantly moving. I have learned to create my own plans too while she is here and with me working. Had last Sat to myself and she was up in Santa Fe on Monday while I worked. It is nice to have company but also nice to have them go. LOL!

    Got lots of catch up to do and focusing on getting house things done, some exercise in, and have a concert tonight with a friend. Weather here is beautiful and the harvest moon is gorgeous.

    Wishing everyone a good day and weekend!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    HI . Just came back from working at a bcp place . No I didn't sign the letter. I will do the task what ever is throgn my way but I won't sign anything. If they want they can fire me and I will go to unemployment I don't care anymore. I am doing enough already.

    Yes the issue with my right breast is do to internal scar which are big and are shrinking my one side of the breast by pulling half of the breast to one side and pushing the implant towards the midle so the burning is the nerves around that area also the pain is under the arm so if I can find a physio whom can break these scars the skin may be release ? Well not sure but I ll try to find help . Yes the ps said that is what radiation side effects are and be it. He is not much help to me. I ll seak other ways .

    I am tired today but I will read my books also tmw ll drive pick up a used book I found for $60

    Which is better than $160 is I buy new :(

    Bb hope u are OK

    Sending you all hugs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    E- I am not sure they can fire you for not taking another job. I have been in similar situations with groups being disbanded and told I had to go apply or take something else that was either not a good job, less money, etc. The other option was to take a severance package and leave. Both times I told them thanks but no thanks, I will take the cash. You should ask if you don't sign if you will receive a severance package since they appear to be eliminating your job.

    Banks are awful places, you need a better place to work.

    Speaking of banks, I had a bullying experience with my business bank a few months ago where they tried to get me to open up a line of credit against my business and outright lied to me about what was involved. I called the whole thing off, did not need a loan anyways and know people get bonuses for such things. The FDIC has just fined this bank for forcing people to open up accounts they did not want. Well, I was one they tried to strong arm. I had to change some things five years ago and hate to have to redo my business account, and need to decide what to do with this situation.

    Beautiful day here, off to the outdoor concert. Hope the rain holds off.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    BB- sorry to hear things are hard. Those people around you complementing you are sharing what they see and hopefully you can absorb that and believe it. Sometimes we are are own worst enemy with our thoughts. I know I am. I am also extremely dense when someone is hitting on me.

    The bank was Wells Fargo. The local branch manager was trying to push a 100K line of credit for my business I was not looking for, but then wanted to use my social security number to secure it. I realized right away what they were up to and got rid of the whole thing. Glad they got fined, but these behaviors and deeply rooted and no bigger consequences to the financial orgs from the big 2008 crash. Did you know that banks and related in the US represent like 6% of the GNP, and yet, that mismanagement of extending all those loans brought our entire economy down. Speaks volumes to the power they have with Washington.

    The endocrinologist has me on another drug to help with blood sugar and weight loss. Been on it a week or so and seems to be working. I am trying to take good care of myself but this whole insulin resistance thing and cancer can go hand in hand. Trying to turn around some root cause things here that don't help anything.

    Thanks for popping in.

    E- can you find a way to get some $$$ to go to school FT and finish a degree? You have some people here who are doing that, Milky is and believe Life was going back to school to finish her degree. Maybe that is the better thing to do, you have work experience and maybe find something PT that is easier to do with school. Just an idea.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Hoping everyone else is doing okay. Getting some things done at home today and feel a cold coming on. Everyone here has been coming down with them and not sure yet if it is allergies, but have a feeling it may be more. Dosing up on Vitamin C and drinking lots of fluids. I have not been that hungry in the past few days, always a sign for me that something is looming! I have been going non-stop for a couple weeks with being away, company in town for a week, work and all the rest. I will work from home tomorrow if I am under the weather.

    I went to a great concert last night to see Cyndi Lauper here at a local venue. Her music was of the era I was in grad school and it brings back great memories. She is a great high energy person and bounced around the stage like she did in her 20s. My friend I went with is a fellow consultant and someone I always have fun with. We are working on a the presidential campaign together too, doing some phone bank stuff.

    And things with my single older neighbor seem to be better. It appears that her brother who lives up in northern NM may be moving in. They are both older and hopefully can help each other, but am realistic about the fact there are now two older people in that house. I am glad she figured out something to allow her to stay in her home, but also keeping my space from the situation. The whole guilt tripping thing told me to back away.

    Last days of summer here in the US are ending and Melp should be coming out of winter and welcoming spring soon. Wishing everyone a a good start to the new season this coming week.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2016

    Morning ladies.

    2 more sleeps *quiver*

    BB, haven't seen ya, but am sure you're more beautiful than you think/feel right now.

    You've been through a lot sweetie. Don't believe what your mind is telling you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Wishing Simplicity a successful procedure today and a speedy recovery!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2016

    Evening ladies. Got home from stage II late last night. E brought me some fruit which was perfect cause my mouth was so dry!! My stupid self tried french fries lol Lord no! E went home because I knew I would be restless, and I was. Didn't go to sleep until about 3:30, then I was in and out and finally gave up about 5:45 or so.

    Dr didn't get to my abdomen, but 5 incisions later :( He was afraid to do it for fear of it opening up again. Not quite healed up enough I guess. I don't get it really, cause he had looked at my abdomen prior to surgery. *sigh*

    I have larger than I expected under arm incisions, and around my breasts. The left breast where the abscess hole was hurts something fierce. The hip incisions aren't bad. The right breast looks a whole size smaller I guess from the pulling forward, up and removing all the scar tissue. Just doesnt look natural at all. Surely it will settle more with time.

    Hope everyone is doing ok tonight.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Simplicity- thinking of you this morning sister. It sounds like you got some things taken care of, but know the biggest concerns was some of those open wounds in your abdomen that won't close. I hope they can address those in his office as you said on your FB page. One step at a time here, hoping the you can get through the pain these first few days and get rest. Glad E was able to come and be a support to you, the fruit sounded perfect.

    Wishing you better days friend Heart

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Hi friends- just checking in to see who is here today. Been quiet here lately which means people are either busy, dealing with things, or perhaps lurking. All that is okay too.

    BB- sorry to hear things are still status quo. Hugs sister.

    Simplicity- continue to follow you on FB and hope the pain is better and you are able to rest more.

    E- thinking of you with all the stuff at that job of yours. Hoping that you can find a better job with time.

    I have been thinking about Melp who has not been in here in awhile. I went out to see when she was here last on this thread or any of the others and it was 8/22, well over a month ago. Just wanted her to know I am thinking of her and we are here if you need any support sister.

    Fall has moved in to NM with a big drop in temperature, but the coolness is welcome in this hormone free body of mine.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2016

    Morning ladies.

    Thank you. My abdomen is closed. The one hole that was the biggest, has a bit of a scab on it, than that thou. I think he ran out of time personally. Plus we had excitement in the city, so not sure but they really seemed to be rushing me out of there.

    BB, Thanks. I think any imperfections or issues from this surgery will have to remain. I cannot go through another surgery. These incisions are a lot bigger than I was prepared for, on my breasts anyway. He said 3 incisions. I have 5 O.o I know a lot of this, once you're in the OR, can't be predicted, but sheeeesh. Ugh.

    Wish I could sleep more than an hour at a time. Back to the recliner. I tried my bed but get so dang sore!!!

    Hope all have a great day

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Simplicty- I was wondering if you had any impacts from the issues going on in Charlotte the past few days? Our country has become an even more violent place. We have huge problems here too, but mostly focused at the children.

    Wishing you more sleep sister. With time many of those scars will blend in and become so hard to look at. I had five scars on my body in 2012 between major abdominal surgery and the bc surgery and always had to look away for a long time. Not that they ever disappear, but they will look less severe with time. So back to the patience thing, hard for us all.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2016

    No not really Jazzy. I'm a good bit North. They had protests here the other night, but all went well. I hate the division and wish it would just all go away. I guess there are protests still going on tonight.

    BB, yea, my abdomen is like that. Think it will always be. idc Course I am not sure there much I do care about these past couple days lol I am just BLEH.

    Trying to decide what to do about work tomorrow. Work at all? If so, Work half day from home? Go in to the office? Half n half? The lack of support and replies, idk, I am sure they're tired of hearing about it and dealing with it. My reality right now thou

    How is everyone else? Melp? Life? Enerva? Anyone?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    Simplicity- do you still have drains in? I would work from home if so, then ease back in, half days, then to full time again. It take so much energy to heal. I had to work PT after my surgeries. Hoping you can get more sleep.

    Doing okay this way. Tired from a busy weekend. I had two friends over for dinner late afternoon and we had a good time. That is it for my Martha Stewart entertainment moments for awhile.

    It is really cold here, I was out early this morning to the growers market and it felt more like Nov than Sept.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2016

    Morning ladies,

    Still have 2 drains in yep. Called off today and tomorrow (Dr appt to hopefully get these drains removed). Very uncomfortable. I have some paid days off, just not sure how many. They seem hesitant to tell me. I can plan better, and it's a bit of peace of mind, knowing what I have to work with *sigh*

    Hope all have a great day! I am crawling into my bed (or going to try)

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    HI hoping every body is OK

    Simplicity wishing you a fast recovery. You deserve this to go well .

    Well I called in sick today due to I have an appointment and I have no more days I can take

    I am waiting to see the onco who usually just gives me a look and says OK see a next year.

    Just want to go it over so I can go home and study for an exam tonight lol

    Hope all of you are OK I continue to apply for jobs and hoping I find one soon.

    Sending you hugs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2016

    E- let us know how the apt went. Saw your posts on other threads tonight and hope you are doing okay. The work stress is bad for you. Sucks my way too. But leaving for my vaca in less than 2 weeks. I am ready to be done with this project.

    Just watched the first presidential debate. Exhausting. Won't do that again.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2016

    oh I miss it lol

    There is something I have been watching lately and want to share here lol

    Is this guy his name is Mathews and he gives advice about relationships. He has a book but no need to get it since he has lots of videos and I must say he is very good at it lol

    Well work has been giving me a lot of stress but I am keeping my head up . Today the team leader of the team I am force to be in well he quit. There u go

    I must not be so crazy after all that job is so bad the same situation is repeating again now that team is firm by me and another kid. Today an email was sent saying me and another kid form that team. There were 4 . 2 quit and they gave my level 2 job to another and move me there to form the team which requires 6 people to be now done by 2. :(

    Sorry if I confuse you all I don't make sense now is late but yes I am through in a hell situation . Again