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Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    ok I ll look for it,  thanks Jazz 

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited August 2014

    Humor Break

    Ladies, I saw this today, and I immediately thought of our little group...



    Before I lay me down to sleep,
    I pray for a man who's not a creep,
    One who's handsome, smart and strong.
    One who loves to listen long,
    One who thinks before he speaks,
    One who'll call, not wait for weeks.

    I pray he's rich and self-employed,
    And when I spend, won't be annoyed.
    One who'll pull out my chair and hold my hand.
    Massage my feet and help me stand..

    Oh send a king to make me queen.
    A man who loves to cook and clean.
    I pray this man will love no other
    And relish visits with my mother..


    I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with
    big boobs who owns a bar on a golf course,
    and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This
    doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit..


    This is so true, isn't it?  lol   


  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited August 2014

    Jazzy...  I'm sorry to hear about this latest news.  Basal cell carcinoma seems to be very common.  I know people who've had it - they had it only once; it was removed, and it never returned.  They're fine now, many years later.  I'm sure you'll do just as well.  I have a mark on my face and genetic propensity toward skin cancer.  I've been putting off a dermatology appointment because I'm financially broke and busy.  But, you were smart to have this spot checked!

    Every woman I know who had scalp surgery managed to cover the shaved spot by parting her hair a different way.  Whatever works for you!

    I'm just always impressed that you live your life so fully.  You seem to have many friends.  :-)  I was a fan of Yes, too, back in the day.  I didn't know they still had concerts.  Don't let this latest news get you down.  It's the same way we dealt with BC - This is another bump in the road.  After it's been handled, then you're right back to living life fully again.

    BB - Hope everything is well!

    Enerva - Hope you're getting some rest.  I'm still awake every night.  But, tonight's the night for sleeping.  Yep.  I'm going to sleep tonight.  I just know it.  *fingers crossed*  lol

    Milky   - Glad you're doing better now.  Good luck with those exams!

    Piper - You're so right - it's all about the thrill of the chase for these guys.  lol

    Hugs to everyone.

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited September 2014

    cannot type much. baby M is bouncing on my knee and non too thrilled attention is taken from her.

    B texted me to say she is fine. misses everyone. may have computer this week. she also has no coverage for out of usa calls/text

    ok miss m has had it

    off to bathe her

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Life- thanks for your note. I am doing okay, just had to get some things figured out to be ready to do this on Tuesday. I either cancelled or postponed a few things going on between Tues-Thurs. I expect to just come home on Tuesday after the procedure and then just rest. As you say, one shot deal and then hopefully we will be okay. I know basal cell is very common and not one they worry about, like melanoma. 

    And the derm center also called Friday to advise me what it will be costing me out of pocket, which won't be cheap and with so little out of my deductible this year, I will end up paying for a bunch of it. So I totally understand your comment about not going to see anyone due to cost. I always feel a bit stressed when I get news I need some kind of procedure done until I know more about what I have signed up for and how much it is going to cost me. I feel more prepared now.

    Oh and I LOVE your poem. So true. And I hope you did sleep well last night too....

    I do have a lot of friends and summer is a very social time here where I live. Now that the summer music is about done, some of that will slow down. Sept and Oct are my favorite months here as the fall settles in. Warm days and cooler nights. The crispness of fall is already felt in the mornings here right now. I am trying to spend more time outdoors, good for the soul.

    Piper- that baby sounded way cute and hope you got off your shift and are resting. Thanks for letting us know about BB and that she is okay, just still computerless. It is hard to be without your technology for very long.

    I am going to take a break and go to Santa Fe to shift gears today. I wanted to go last weekend but was tired from all the goings on with the paint job here at the house. I have better energy and going to go check out an exhibit at one of the museums and then go into town to my favorite spiritual book store. 

    I hope everyone is doing okay, sleeping well too.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Life- since you are a fan of YES too, a few more tidbits about them. I had not heard anything about them since like the early 1980s. I figured they just disbanded like many other groups of that era, and many of them did go off to some single album work. Jon Anderson, the lead singer and the "voice" of YES has been in and out of this group for years. Some of the other original members like Rick Wakeman long gone too.

    Anderson was not going to part of the band this time, and I found that out AFTER I got tix, but a good friend told me their lead singer (Jon Davison) sounds just like him. And he did too. I wonder how many people they had to audition to find that voice?

    I always thought their keyboards were one of the most impressive parts of their music.

    Here is a clip from one of their concerts earlier in the month, very similar to what we saw. Enjoy!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    hi all, hope you are having a great weekend. I am just going to clean today even though it's beautiful out I decided to clean and get rid off a few things today. Like books and things are just in closet but never really use. My friend invited me to go together beach they will be out doing the paddleboard thing but I made an excuse I don't really feel like it. I am glad bb is ok. I sent her a text but I know why not a answer now. 

    Hopefully this week goes by fast. On Tuesday I go in for my lab test for my surgery. Hoping all good. Then next Wednesday 27 finally the day. I have a friend who offered to take the day off so she can go pick me up so I may save the taxi cost coming back. Still not sure a what time is my surgery but if it's early morning there is not public transportation going there early like before 6 so I may have to take a taxi there.  Oh well I am excited to have this done. 

    Here is a top I am making, still not finished but you can have a pick lol


  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited September 2014




  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies- back from Santa Fe and just what I needed. Although I spent some money which I had not planned to do. I got my final invoice payment from my last gig today in the mail, and think I just needed to go have some fun. Went to the museum I wanted to check out to see the turquoise museum and then down into town to some of my favorite places.

    I stopped at a place I have not been to in awhile called Jackalope in search of some Mexican tile light switches for the new colored accent wall (which I found) but also discovered ALL kinds of cool things including hidden galleries, and also a prairie dog habitat. Prairie dogs are indigenous to this area and there are some communities not far from where I live too. But a lot of times, they try to get ride of them as they think they are pests or they have their communities where businesses don't like them. Sometimes they find ways to relocate them too.

    So I commend this place for creating a habitat for the prairie dogs on this property so they can co-exist. They are SO adorable, and I was talking to this little guy in the photo below and he was just hamming it up for me to take his picture. Yes, I like to talk to the animals and sometimes they like it too!


    Oh and I took a different way to the museum than I normally do and went right by the hospital there where I hope to have some new work too. That was a nice thing to happen so I know exactly where to go if I get called to go meet with them soon.

    Enerva- I think you are taking good care of yourself to be heading into this surgery. Blood work coming up and then surgery next week. I have to get my head in the right place for ANY procedure, especially surgery. Even this minor surgery I am doing tuesday has required me to just prepare and focus on what I need to be doing before, the day of and after. Your surgery is a much bigger deal. I am glad your friend will come pick you up, I would rather take a cab to a hospital and get a ride home just because of always feeling out of it with the anesthesia. I am glad you have the help you need and know we will be in your pocket on surgery day.

    Piper- Because of blood sugar issues, I am supposed to keep to 45 grams of carbs per meal and 15 per snack. I will say I think I eat less than that during most meals and snacks are probably about that most of the time. I ate WAY too many carbs yesterday with some pizza I had at Whole Foods and later ate some enchiladas I also got from the hot food bar there. I really did not feel good the rest of the day, it spiked my blood sugar. Today I have been eating proteins and vegetables and doing better. 

    I do still drink a little bit. My onc said no more than a couple glasses a week. I sometimes don't drink at all for long periods. The drinking is definitely around social activities. After two drinks, I just change to seltzer. A lot of people know I like wine and that I used to drink ALOT more than I do today. I just tell people these days (the ones who don't know about the bc) that I just limit my drinking for calories/weight management. Some of my bigger drinking friends really had a hard time adjusting to me not drinking as much. I told them "you can still drink, I just don't". 
    Lots of people seem to need a drinking buddy. Winking

    I hope everyone has had a restful weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    i saw this in another tread

    It's making me think,  I have to admit that I usually am a bit of a joker and usually people around me laugh at what ever comes out of my mouth so now I wonder. Humm never realized about the possibility that it maybe just an act cuz i am not very happy in side.

    Anyway, today I hide in my cave, I cleaned did laundry then when to get groceries and continued to crochet a little. The top is almost finished lol only dedicated a few hours to it this week. I am supposed to do my weight training tmw but I won't I will wait for after I come back from my hospital appointment. I just remembered they say we should not exercise the day  before the blood test due to something not sure but I will not risk it. It bothers me not to do my usual routine but one day delay is not a big deal. 

    I am worry cuz i amnfeeling a bit of a sore throat coming due to my cleaning today. I always do that i am allergic to dust and also the chemicals and somehow I always over do it cleaning lol 

    Will take some lime with honey  Tomw

    Jazz I love the picture, I usually bring food to the birds and the animals by the lake. I feel sorry cuz here no many people do.

    I will be thinking of you Tuesday and right on your pocket. Hoping these days go fast.

    Good night all

    Oh yes I love that poem lol I bet milky will like it too

    Men are idiots lol 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Enerva- that was a good article. People definitely have a perception of what they think depression is. Most people think it looks like the person who cannot get out of bed, shares morbid thoughts, etc. I have seen many dimensions of it in my family and with some friends too. My best friend from college is one of the funniest people I know, but has been clinically depressed for many years, which I have known. My brother was a super funny guy too but had manic depression. So I have seen people be funny a lot but also knew they were struggling inside.

    I have a good sense of humor but am generally a pretty serious person in life. I think humor has it's place to lighten a situation up when it gets to to intense. I also love to talk about stories with old friends and have a good belly laugh. I think these things are healthy. I think people who strive to be funny all the time even during something serious going on are hiding something else.

    I do think you seem okay, going through a rough time right now, but think it is good you are checking in with yourself. 

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited August 2014

    Jazzy - The new vocalist really does sound like the original.  And I love the photo of the prairie dog - so cute!

    Piper - Thanks for checking in with BB for us and letting her know we're thinking of her.

    E - The crocheted top is really cute.  :-)

    I hope everyone is able to enjoy some rest tonight.  Goodnight!

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited September 2014

    Walked 4 miles this morning. Not my fastest, however, I may have to be happy with what I can do for now as my feet really can be problematic. That said My scale smiled favorably upon this last weeks efforts. #2 down. I have a long way to go. 

    TY Jazz, I do know you are following the diabetic guideline, but I find them useful for me as well so I can get an idea on how to disperse my carbs. Overall, my total daily carb intake is in line with yours. 

    I am busy doing laundry, chopping veggies and fruit and making some go to meals for I am working tonight then a fake day off and 2 daylight shifts. Friday is girls night with my former coworkers (from back in the day I did L&D) at a small community hospital. They closed our unit several yrs ago, maybe going on 5 come Jan. Nice we all still get together every blue moon.  While I have never gotten extremely close with many people I have worked with at different places over the years, this is the one job I felt closer to the women than any other. to finish all of the foodie stuff I have going on in the kitchen. 

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

    Thinking of you Jazz and wishing you an uneventful procedure tomorrow. I may be snoozing in your pocket, But know my thoughts are with you none-the-less.




  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Piper- thanks for the good wishes. I feel like I am centered and ready for tomorrow. I know everything will go well and doing my daily blessings for all the people that will be taking care of me tomorrow. Something I learned to do with all that went on before. By blessing the doctor, nurses and others, you feel like you are doing something positive in preparation for your procedure. Enerva- I suggest you try it too, I do find it helpful and comforting. I also pray for clean margins!

    I was reading something on another thread I am on about someone newly diagnosed and dealing with that "all about me types". We were all telling this gal not to engage with people like that, at least put them aside for awhile. It is a skill I really honed during my time of diagnosis and treatment. I had to do it again late last week with a few people too in my life who get into their drama when I am trying to tell them I need to have this skin cancer removed. It made me realize once again I don't need to be doing that. I told a couple of them "I need to focus on my upcoming surgery, talk to you later." They usually will back off and wish me well with the surgery.

    And piper, I am glad you have something fun planned for the end of the week. I always have made friends through various jobs/contracts I have done here. Some places are better than others for connection. Also, good job on the weight loss. I am working on it too and have similar issues with my feet so I cannot walk for long distances anymore. Anastrozole sucks.

    Enerva- good luck with the blood work tomorrow. I know you are heading into the zone to prepare for the surgery in 10 days.

    Life- I hope you are getting some sleep?

    BB- hope to see you back here this week.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    ok I finished the top, this one took me longer due to been dónde with a fine tread and doble tread and to many details lol butbit looks beautiful it cover all my scars lol no body will know what's underneath lol 

    Here is a picture.

    Also I saw doctor oz today and he was talking about eating more protein through the day so to lose weight faster. He mentioned avocado, punkin seeds and sun dry tomatoes lol from these 3 I only eat the avocado but not very often lol anyway I got some Italian sun dry tomatoes in a yard. But not sure about the benefits of this one since it's done in olive oil by my Italian friends lol

    Well I am excited about my surgery but another same time I bit worry.  JAZZ tmw all should be ok I hope you sleep well tonight. 

    I think I am getting better but yes maybe some depression has been there all my life. Not just now. But nothing I can't control lol plus when I met milky and I saw how she is coping with all of this crap it reminded me that yes I need to laugh again. I better laugh and be remembered as a happy person than a sad one. I also feel I can't stand people that are bullies. I remember how at work they were always making fun of others and I hated it. Maybe once I get my license I will be able to say good bye to that job. I will focus on getting this surgery over then getting back to work then getting out lol 


    Piper I love the work you do. I wish I could have gone to university when I was young :( 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Enerva- that top looks so cute and you look so cute in it.

    And no doubt you will be nervous about the surgery. Be sure to have food you like, your bedroom comfortable, etc. so you have what you need when you come home. Is the work done at your neighbors so you won't have that noise to deal with?

    I think we all have bouts of depression in our lives. I know I have. And many people I know have had times of it too. Especially around life change such as the death of someone close to them, around a health crisis, job loss, or some other event. Let's face it, we cannot be up all the time, even in the worst of circumstances. I am glad society is talking about this now. 

    Watching Dr. Oz today and they are talking about the characteristics of oldest, middle, youngest and only children. What they said was middle children have the greatest tendency towards depression. Interesting, both my brother and mother had major problems with depression and were middle children.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    ShockedOk took a pill so. Ready to sleep 

    Night all.  I ll be thinking of you tmw.hopefully all be ok n not pain.

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited August 2014

    Enerva, I'm sure you're asleep by now.  But... goodnight!  (I love the crocheted top, by the way.)

    Jazzy - I don't know if you'll see this message now.  But, best wishes for your surgery tomorrow!  Rest well, and remember to come back and let us know how everything went.

    Piper, Milky, BB, everyone - Goodnight!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    Good morning, as you know I took a pill last night, I had some bad news and didn't want to be all night thinking. 

    My sister saw a second opinion and this new onco said bad news offcourse I don't believe anything. He at least gave the order for ct scan he said maybe my sister already has c in her brain or column just cuz the way she feels. I told my sister not to believe anybody that until there is a test that proves it. I am so worry now. 


    JAZZ I m in uour pockets everything will be ok try to get home and rest. 

    I will be on line as I am always from my phone. I will go to the hospital around noon.  Hope you all have a great day.

    Talk to you all later this afternoon.

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited September 2014

    Hi Ya Life! :)

    Milky-how was your trip girl?

    Where is Stix hiding?

    A Hi for BB for when she returns!!

    E-It is never too late. My BFF just became an RN 1&1/2 yrs ago. Lot's of non-traditional and midlifers entering the profession. I kid you not. Anywho.......too bad I am not drawing your blood today...I am darned good if I say so myself ;)

    Jazzy-Think I made it for the pocket party. Jumping in with a quick step (sending healing energy as I take my walk here in a few and some sunny positive thoughts-have lot's of that here to share)

    Wishing you both swift and easy peasy procedures






  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Piper ;) here is us jumping into jazz s pocket 



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    ok I am at the hospital now. I am super early lol so it's been driving me nuts the hole thing about the implants my ps is planning on using so I sent an email. I didn't drive today instead I took the bus and the metro and wile on the train I decided to send my ps an email lol 😁 I am just uncomfortable leaving things for them to be the ones to decide without our say. So here this is what I said.

    Hi Dr. Hofer, hope you are great. 
    I spoke to Mary, she gave me the style of implants you are ordering.
    I am a bit worried about the 605,615 volume also why texture? 
    I rather have the smooth NSRX700
    I know about the ancient school of thought that texture implants helped prevent capsules contracture, the down side though is that textured implants cause traction rippling and so what kind of trade off is that? I  want to avoid rippling. 
    Keep in mind my TE were 600cc so I need 750 or at least 700 cc to keep the projection that the TE provided me.
    Also I want back the upper pole fullness which maybe gain by the round X.

    Pls consider changing those 605,615 to the 
    120 700


    Pls forgive me I am just worry about the results I ended up with due to not getting the proper implants at my exchange surgery. 

    Let me know if I make any sence. 

    Give me you opinion. At least this Way I made my point right?

    Hope we hear from jazz soon ;) 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    ok I am on the bus on my way back home now. I got my blood done and they still don't know the time of my surgery but said I am #4 so maybe around noon. Also said that I should call the day before to confirm the time. I think it's bs. Cuz i need to make arrangements but oh well my girlfriend will pick me up after 5 or 6pm I ll have to fast all day lol I ll get home now eat then go to do my exercise and my walk I miss that a lot lol 

    JAZZ waiting to hear about your day. Sending you hugs ;) 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies- procedure went fine. They were able to confirm they got everything/clear margins. I am glad to have this done, but exhausted.

    I have about six or so stitches in my head and a funny bandage on top of my head. I go back in 2 weeks to get the stitches out.

    Enerva- I saw the comment about your sister and will be back on line soon to hear about this. Very worrisome news. I will talk more to you about soon. I am sorry to hear this too. Hugs sister.

    Thanks everyone for being in my pocket today. I felt like I was in good hands a the derm center, with my doc and all the people out there like you guys who care! 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    oh Jazz I am so glad you are out and all clear. Yaaahooo 

    Well yes I am worry, I will know today when will the ct scan will happen but I am worry I can be honest with you I fear. But to the rest of my family I tell them I am not worry, I know all is ok and scans will be clear :( 

    I don't know what else to say :( 

    I just want to have confirmation before I panic 

    I had lunch now and I am on my way downstairs to do exercise then my walk ;( 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited August 2014

    ok I am back from my walk I did a lot almost 6 km I am very stressed out :(

    Jazz hope you are feeling better and you get lots of rest and no pain.

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited August 2014

    Great news Jazz. Happy all went well. Hope you are able to rest :)

    E-your E-mail makes perfect sense. Obviously you have done some research and put a lot of thought into your second (and what I know you want to be your last) go round.

    Off to run some errands.

    Sending tons of hugs



  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited August 2014

    Sorry I couldn't stop in earlier.  I have a big problem right now - fortunately, it's not something medical.  But it seems that I'm now a victim of identity theft.  Anyway...

    Jazzy - Glad to hear the procedure went well, especially that the margins were clear.  :-)

    Enerva - I agree with you in telling your sister not to let this kind of news worry her yet.  Some doctors are just not very good with patients.  Sometimes they say things that frighten us.  Maybe this oncologist just wants to rule out the possibility by giving your sister a CT scan and other tests.  As for your e-mail, you really do your homework.  :-)  Best wishes for a surgery with an outcome that makes you happy. 

    I'll check in again tomorrow.

    Goodnight, all...

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited August 2014

    Oh Life...I am so sorry you are going through this. We had a breach at work. Many coworkers information was stolen and tax returns basically taken. They have offered the entire system identity theft protection for the next 5 years due to this major breach. Very stressful for sure. Gosh...

    Giving you lots of hugs girl.

    Here's something to make everyone chuckle. We all need a belly laugh now and then



