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A place to talk death and dying issues



  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited May 2015

    SyrMom...I third's what Hawaii's all about! We were there in August (a few too many years ago) and it wAa spectacular! It rained a bit...warm, lovely rain! Honolulu is busy...but I like being a tourist, watching tourists. If you stay in the heart of it, like Diana says, there is everything you need!!! You can rent a car for a day & see the outter island if you want, but everything's accessible. My kids like Maui better....but it's more spendy & not the interesting (I think) historical things. If you & DDs fly west, and find cheap flights from Seattle to Hawaii...come be our guests. We're in an apt but it's free & I'd show you my town (prob not on your bucket list, but fun!). We're close to the airport too!

    Calico....enjoy your peaceful retreat! My spacer pre-diep migrated & cut into the brachialplex muscle...much less severe than what you're facing...but it wS debillitating. Hope they find the cause & it heals! Wishing you pain free days...always!!!

  • cling
    cling Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2015

    SyrMom: my son ran away with my car to paradise after he graduated from college. Since he won't come back to Texas, we have to visit him in Hawaii! My first trip to Hawaii was in 1980 Oahu was already a tourist Mecca but Kauai caught my heart. One of my recent visit to Oahu and Maui was after the discovery of breast cancer. After discussing with onc and surgeon on treatment, I told them there are two plans I won't change, one is attending my 40th reunion, and another is to visit my son. The chemo plan was completed worked around my traveling. I went to the 40 reunion, and recently attended my 45th reunion. The trip to Hawaii was scheduled on the 3d (happy) week after 4 rounds of chemo, with few days delay for the start of my 5th round. That was a very good family time; despite of my low red blood count and lack of energy I went to the top of 10,000+feet high Haleakala Nation Park in Maui.

    If you consider to visit a sample of Hawaii life, Oahu should be the first one. Waikiki beach is a popular place to stay, but too commercial. AAA should have some good suggestions for you. We have taken the around island commercial tour trip, hopped on bus by ourselves (very convenient), drive around to the lands end, or chauffeured by our experienced DS to the hole in the wall restaurant. Every trip is different and beautiful, you will enjoy it. The locals are proud of publications by Andrew Doughty on various islands, such as "Oahu Revealed" or "Maui Revealed." Those guide books will give you some view from a different angle. Take at least a week for the trip in Hawaii. Even fly from west coast is a 6+ hours trip, and Hawaii does not have daylight savings time for summer!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2015

    Dr gave all clear, as soon asi get the money i will b on my way..june end or july...way excited

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2015

    Blondie-great news. It will be a fun thing to look forward too.

    Syrmom- Yep, Hawaii on my bucket list also. My son and DIL love it on Mauii, it just depends on price range and proximity to beach. It is a pretty long flight even from west coast so get in as many days as you can.

  • CalicoCat
    CalicoCat Member Posts: 299
    edited May 2015

    YAY, BLONDIE!!!!!! You go, girl. and have a terrific time!!!

    More later!!!



  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2015

    Started writing message & lost it.  Anyway, thanks for all the input/experiences in Hawaii.  I have an appt with AAA this week.  I keep hearing Maui or Kauai.  I usually do a lot of researching on my own, but just haven't seemed to be able to, get tired and fall asleep - very frustrating.  I just want easy, simple, beautiful & we can decide once there how busy we want to be.  Of course, I will have to check out where the hospitals are, just in case.

    Thanks again.     

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited May 2015

    Easy, simple, beautiful....sounds like good criteria for a trip! Let It Be :-)

    Woohoo light means Go!!!

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited May 2015

    Calico- How was your meditation retreat?

    Hi Blondie! Howdy do to everyone, hope you are having a pain free day. Hugs!

  • ABeautifulSunset
    ABeautifulSunset Member Posts: 600
    edited May 2015

    Been there a few times and to every island. Maui is my favorite, but very polished and expensive. I don't know what you heard about rain, but it's not the rainy island. Kauai is the rainy island. If you go, stay in Princeville or Poipu. It's gorgeous, but it will probably rain some.

    Oahu is easy, but Honolulu is a big ass city. I love the North shore. Going back there for my third time this summer.

    Good luck and have fun. It's Totally worth the trip.


  • car2tenn
    car2tenn Member Posts: 132
    edited May 2015

    Just a tip for anyone with neutropenia...I ordered off the Internet a gizmo that goes around your neck . It is especially helpful on long plane flights. Mine was worn around my neck 2 weeks ago on a flight across the Atlantic. Coincidentally my oncologist was going to Europe the same week. I used the ionizer and washed my hands a lot and I was well the whole time despite low white cell counts. The oncologist unfortunately got sick after flying on Air France. Healthy though she is she is convinced to try the ionizer next time. just saying....glad I did it.

  • CalicoCat
    CalicoCat Member Posts: 299
    edited May 2015

    Yo, Rosevalley and all my sisters!!!  I've just now been able to come up for air after my meditation retreat last weekend.  It was held at a retreat house just outside of Sequoia National Park.  There were 14 of us, all women,  and the word was to unplug and just "be".  We had classes, and group and alone meditation time, a Saturday night movie with a spiritual message ("The Legend of Bagger Vance"), really nice.  Food was yum and too dang much of it!

    Well, my 3 MRIs in 4 weeks don't seem to have provided any real answers about why my left arm/hand aren't working worth a hoot.  Maybe the EMG next week will give some hints, but somehow I don't think there will be any treatment.  We have to drive about 4 hrs. to the neuro, and then will turn around and come back.  Pretty much wipes me out for that day and the next.

    I had my 7th Halaven treatment on Tuesday, and #8 will be this coming Monday.  I seem to be tolerating it pretty well, but anybody's guess as to whether it's helping or not.  I'm sure my next CT is right around the corner.

    My sister e-mailed asking how I was doing, so zi describefd how not hzving a left hand thzt worked well make it very hrred to type!!  She wrote back that it looked like I was cursing, and made for interesting reading. :)

    xoxoxoxoxo and glad to be back home!!!



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2015

    Calico. U did better on it than i did...hang in there it is almost the end. 

  • CalicoCat
    CalicoCat Member Posts: 299
    edited May 2015

    Yo, Blondie!!!!  I hope this doesn't sound unfeeling, but I'm so glad that my 93 yr. old mother, who died May 7th, went before I did so I'm here to tie up loose ends on her "estate."  Ain't much left (she's been on Medicaid for years), but there's still junk and stuff that has to be done (getting her funeral paid for, for one).  My mom used to say she wouldn't leave us a lot, but it should be enough for each of us to buy a new Cadillac.  Well, didn't work out that way.  She never would have believed she'd live as long as she did, or that 2 of her kids would predecease her (my older sister and brother).

    Are you dreaming of beaches and palm trees swaying in soft breezes? :)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2015

    Omg calico how did u know... i told her that i want to go to this  restaurant we went 2 b4 where the boats come up 2 eat. Also mayb sanabel beach, 2 get shells. As i said georg he is paying 4 himself e is going n trying to take my gs who is 8 with us...trying to get the money 4 him to pay 4 them plane ticket. I am so excited. Didn't get the tickets yet.. need 150.00 and have90.00 getting there, lol, qsked his father , waiting 4 his contribution...

    How do u feel?  What r u doing? , scans, chemo  dr appt, what

    Happy weekend

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2015

    Hi All : After my party my best friend and I drove from Memphis To Kissimmee , FL. There were suppose to be 4 of us but it ended up just be us two which worked out wonderfully ! We spent the night in Atlanta so that we wouldn't have to drive the 12 hrs. straight. She thought she only had a cold when we left home, but began to get sicker by the minute. When we arrived in Fl. she was so sick. We went to look for a minor medical clinic , and was blessed because there was a hospital across the street from the resort. She ended up having Strep throat. When I booked the vacation I expected to just have a 2 bedroom ! We ended up with each of us having our own 1 bedroom apt. I was so glad after her diagnosis of Strep throat ! I certainly didn't need to be exposed to that. We still ended up having a wonderful vacation, even though her medicine took a couple of days to kick in. I'm planning on a trip to Hot Springs Ark. soon . I don't won't to die with regrets. Thinking I wished I had traveled more or done this or that. I'm still taking just one day at a time, because I know that it only takes a moment for a bad turn to occur.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2015

    Yep n thrilled u went

    That is why i want 2 go to regrets

  • CalicoCat
    CalicoCat Member Posts: 299
    edited June 2015

    Hi, MsCal and Blondie and all my sisters. I got the proverbial kick in the stomach today from the messenger, Dr. Onc. Seems all heck has broken loose somewhere. After 7 Halaven treatments, my tumor markers have gone from 800 to 1,800. I'll get a chest and abdominal CT on Thursday and see the onc next Tuesday. I feel sucker punched because I always keep up with when they test the tumor markers. The results are available a few days later, and I call in to get them. At least then I'm prepared. Just dropped the ball on that this time.

    My onc gently discouraged me from driving the 4 hrs Wednesday to get the nerves in my left arm tested by my neurologist. He figures there won't be anything to do for the numbness, lack of coordination and strength, so why bother? Good question, but think I'll go ahead on the off chance that there's some kind of impingement in my elbow or shoulder that could actually be treated. Hope springs eternal . . . .

    Anyway, I'm dreaming of reclining on a nice chaise longue with waves quietly lapping, sipping on a stout punch in a hurricane glass, and twirling the colorful paper parasol in it.

    GO BLONDIE!!! :)



  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited June 2015

    Calico- ((((Hugs))))) Hope does spring eternal. Prayers your way. Can your DH or a friend drive you?

    Blondie- we are all right with you on the beach! Wish we could take a collection here like a card shower and fatten up your purse. I haven't any idea what BCO might think of that. How come there isn't a Make A Wish for Adults? I know others have talked about organizations that help with respite vacations for cancer patients.. maybe someone will come along and pop in a name.

    Thinking of you all! Be well.

  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2015

    Blondie, there are several websites that list wish fulfillment programs that might offer financial assistance for your big dream trip to Florida. Here is one link:

    Their website includes Wish fulfillment organizations for adults and families and lists a number of programs, including the following:

    Dream Foundation. The Dream Foundation fulfills the wishes of adults suffering from advanced illnesses. The foundation helps adults find peace and closure with the realization of a final wish. Dream Foundation grants requests to adults older than 18 years old whose life expectancy, confirmed by their physicians, is one year or less. They must also confirm that they have limited resources.

    If you come across the group Making Memories, which is allegedly a program to help women with metastatic breast cancer, be careful. The Department of Justice has investigated them and they have made a whole lot more money than they have given to women who apply for assistance. Also one program, The Breast Cancer Society, was recently charged with outright fraud. The website I gave you at the top is one that is considered reputable. I wish you the best if you decide to try one of these resources!

  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2015

    Calico, I join Rosevalley in giving you a big hug ((((((Calico)))))). I understand why you feel sucker punched, and I hope you've been able to catch your breath a bit. That's a lot of information to absorb, then of course there is the emotional impact. I will be thinking of you as you go through the neurology appointment tomorrow, the CTs on Thursday, and the visit with your MO next Tuesday. Be kind to yourself and accept kindness from others as often as possible--and let them know when you need it!

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2015

    Calico : I hope your scan turns out to be nothing except dead cancer cells excreting from your body ! that's what I always tell my Onc. when mine are on the rise.
    Blondie I'm with Rose : I'd like to see each and every one of us making our dreams come true ! I wish we could have some type of fund to help each other.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2015

    We are blessed to have a time share. My DH have thought so many times about getting rid of it because we haven't been using it. It's coming in handy for me right about now.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2015

    Thanks so much n people have pmd me asking to contribute,  feel funny, i have trouble accepting things from people.

    I saw those  sites, of ones they r checking breast cancer society,  i do get stuff from the warehouse,  has been a godsent, got alot of things 4 my house. As a matter of fact i got juicy couture boots for free n they didn't fit, gave them to dd2, she priced  them, 350.00 cocouldn't  believe it..

    Love u guys

    Calico, so sorry, what now, scans..big hugs

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2015 happy the trip ended happily...and you didn't end up w/strep throat!! I need to go somewhere fun!! hope your arm has some kind of dx, maybe after the EMG???? Good luck...even though I hate those things, they tell the story pretty well.

  • karrenne
    karrenne Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning everyone,

    I am 23 and I recently lost my mom on the 21st of May 2015. I am from Mauritius (excuse my bad english). My mom fight cancer for 3 and a half year. She was really strong. However her health worsen and was diagnosed bone mets, eye mets. I am unable to recover from her death that is really hard for me. Her platelets was at 6 one day before she died. She dies at the hospital and I could not talk to her as I would have wished. I just wanted to share. I wish hope to all those women fighting against this disease.

    I am young and I had to support my mom through this journey. She was such a strong women she never gave up till the end. To be sincere when she diagnosed with breast cancer I wished this would be the end but however it spread to her bone, to her eye. She could hardly walk in the end but she never gave up.

    I give hope to all women... do not give up.. this disease take the most precious women that life ever gave me.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,560
    edited June 2015

    Hi karrene. Welcome to We are very sorry for the loss of your mom and for all you're going through... We're sure she was lucky to have you by her side all that time.

    We wanted to let you know that there is another forum where you will also be welcomed with open arms and you can connect with others under similar circumstances than yours. The forum is called For Family and Caregivers of Members with STAGE IV Diagnosis. You can start your own thread there, we're sure you'll get supportive feedback soon.

    Thank you for joining our community, please let us know how you're doing,

    The Mods

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,607
    edited June 2015
    Karrenne, you have my sympathy on the passing of your mom. Realistically, it is going to take some time for you to heal, you will go thru many phases over the next year or two.. Don't rush yourself. You will experience ups and downs over her loss and eventually come to terms with it. God bless.
  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited June 2015

    Karrenne, thank you for coming here to wish us well when you are in the midst of your own grief. So sorry for the loss of your precious mom. I'm sure your tender care gave her much comfort in her final months. One day at a time, dear girl. Just keep those good memories close to your heart and the little smiles will come when you least expect them. Hugs

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2015

    karrenne: I'm so glad that you were there to take care of your mom , take care and be kind to yourself now. Thank you for being concerned about us as you're going through your own grieving process.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited June 2015

    Karenne- You must have been such a loving daughter to your Mom during all her treatment. I hope her wonderful memories bring you comfort and happiness in the years ahead. Take care of yourself. I have a friend who spent a few years in Mauritius and told me the people there are warm and friendly. I hope you have friends and family to comfort you. Take care.