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Radiation recovery



  • MamaV
    MamaV Posts: 373
    edited October 2011

    Prayers, prayers, prayers for you Janis!

  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    Hi, ladies, a quick question, after radiation, do you go back in 4 weeks for the follow-up care. Is that all for RO appt? So, we just see MO on the regular basis from now on. Is that pretty much all? 

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2011

    Janis, you're dragging quite a crowd of us in with you.  Waiting for best news.

  • neecee
    neecee Posts: 125
    edited October 2011

    Congrats tamcathtech!  Welcome to the other side!

    Thanks merilee - how did you know I love fireworks?

    Janis- praying for you today.!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2011

    Hi Jenny, I went to see my RO two weeks after radiation ended, and he wants to see me again in February. My breast surgeon is going to do my breast exams, and I am going to see him in February too. Janis, I hope all goes well today.

  • MamaV
    MamaV Posts: 373
    edited October 2011


    I didn't have to see my RO for follow up (I miraculously didn't burn with 36 rads).  I had my 3 month PFC check up with my MO yesterday.  Will see him every 3 months for 2 years, then 6 months for 3 more years, then annually after I hit the 5 year mark.

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Posts: 142
    edited October 2011

    Congratulations tamcathtech!!! I know your glad to be done... I went to my MO 1 time a month for 3 months. Next appt. is in 6 months. Neecee looking good... Glad your hair is coming back in.

    Janice thinking of you today. Prayers for a successful surgery... Who is next for completing RADS???  I have lost count girls. LOL

  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    I am interested in all medical bills:

    My annual Gyn check-up this year including two visits of mammograms: Original charge $1,224; Eligible charge: $689

    My Biopsy: Original charge: $6,206; Eligible charge: $3,805

    My Lumpectomy: Original change: $10,136; Eligible charge: $6,230

    My Radiation (including initial RO visit, initial mock-up, and dry-run session): Original charge: $67,577; Eligible charge $37,717

    The weekly RO dr. bill just came in and still processing. This is weekly seeing RO during those 7 weeks of radiation (the charge is $800 each) : Original charge $5,800

    My medical oncology (two visits): original charge: $386 Eligible charge: $235    

    The total this year for me is: Original charge of $91,599 and Eligible charge is likely to be around $60,000. I have a high deductible plan so I have paid about total of $2,500 deductilbe & out of pocket amount. I have always in perfect health and thought the high deductible flexible medical saving plan works for me. I am going to op out this plan and go with a HMO or POS type of plan for the next year. Life is just way too unpredicable.

    I still feel so sorry for all those uninsured people. I had a relatively minor instance. I don't know what I would do if I have a more sever one and with no insurance???!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2011

    My surgery was cancelled!  I am so upset because we got to the hospital and I was good to go.  Got a nice fat IV poke in my hand and that was painful. IV all set, they gave me an oral pill to take for nausea.  All the routine BP and all that, everything looking good.  The anesthesiologist came in and chatted up, young gal and so nice.  She said as soon as the docotr came in she would be back with "happy drugs".  He came in and we talked, all set to go.  Got happy drugs.  Well, I wasn't happy when right after the doctor came back and told me the surgery was cancelled!  His associate who monitors a machine that measures the nerve pulses...was MIA.  My doctor was so nice and felt so bad but he said he had no choice.  They were clearly worried about the missing man, said he had not shown up nor could they reach him.  How odd.  Anyway that was that.  Got dressed and went home.  He did say we are rescheduling for next Thursday, but DH said the nurse simply told him Thursday.  So, have to clarify that.

    Thanks to each and every one of you who have lent support and good thoughts.  I'll save them for next time!  :)

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited October 2011


    I cant believe it! I'm sorry his associate was MIA, and do hope he's ok, but........wasn't there ANYONE else? Don't they UNDERSTAND how difficult it is to get all prepared for surgery, especially as far as you got with IV's etc to just say sorry, come back some other day! I'm so sorry! Perhaps we all just need to stay packed in your pocket to cheer you on to face this again.

    Bills: my RO treatments are costing 3600 per week including 2 X-rays weekly and the dr visit weekly. The surgery including the hospital and surgeon bill which covered about 6 office visits was 33,000. The insurance paid a lesser amount of course. Perhaps you need to move to Ca? I think we're cheaper!

    I finish next Wed 11/2 now God willin and the sun don't shine ( is that how the saying goes? Lol). Was delayed two days this past week due to skin issues. I'm not having any more of those I've decided. I'm just not going to show them!

  • ann329
    ann329 Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    Oh my gosh Janis, that's a heartbreaker.  I can't imagine!  I do hope the machine guy who was MIA is okay, but wow.  My jaw dropped to the floor reading your post.  We'll still be with you Thursday, or whatever day they can get it together and get your procedure over with - right girls!!?? 

    Hugs to all


  • lrw333
    lrw333 Posts: 142
    edited October 2011

    That seems so unprofessional or something. I mean is there only 1 Dr. who can do that job? Once again Janice I would NOT have held it together as well as you... So sorry they put you through this. It would make me question the whole thing. The stress you must be under..                                     Jenny wOw  how do they expect you to come up with all that? Blows my mind. Seems so unfair. Surely they will work with you on all of the bills...                                                                   Mostlysew hang in there. Not to much longer!!!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2011

    Janis this is so shocking. Why would your doctor allow you to get happy drugs when he knew the other doctor was not there yet?

  • BobbiMarie
    BobbiMarie Posts: 29
    edited October 2011

    Janis, OMG!  I'm so sorry you have the waiting game again.  Everything happens for a reason.  It may have been the right plan to wait.  Will continue to think of you and have you in my prayers.

  • BobbiMarie
    BobbiMarie Posts: 29
    edited October 2011

    Jenny 12000 - My rad onc won't see me again unless the med onc refers me to him for something.  I just see my med onc now every 3 months and my 'normal' doctor for my annual checks and mammos.  They are each affiliated with different medical facilities but my friend went to the same RO and that apparently is the standard protocol.  The RO seems to have a pretty easy gig.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Posts: 509
    edited October 2011

    Janis, I feel so bad for you.  What an awful experience.  I will continue to pray for you.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734
    edited October 2011

    Janis, I am so sorry for that experience but you have to know that was some kind of divine intervention. If the surgery went forward something surely would  have went wrong. Something was indeed very wrong. While you are waiting, try to focus on the wellness you have  achieved so far.

    Take a few extra walks , do a few extra set ups or yoga and use the time until then to gather strength.

    If I were you I would ask the team if they all have their liability insurance up to date...that will snap them into focus with a quickness!

  • neecee
    neecee Posts: 125
    edited October 2011

    janis - how frustrating!

    jenny12000 - I have also been amazed at the bills!  I have a PPO plan, and after the deductibles and meeting the annual out of pocket max, we will still pay around $10K out of pocket.  I now understand how those without insurance go bankrupt with a major medical occurrence.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2011

    Thank you everyone.  Surgery is back on for NEXT Thursday....Nov. 3rd.  I did talk to my surgeon's nurse today.  She said the machine guy was in hot water...basically claimed it was a "failure to communicate" problem.  Main machine guy (not a doc) was out of town and claimed he had contacted his partner to come do this surgery in his absence.  Partner claims otherwise, saying he never got the message.  WHATEVER!  Just hope he shows up for our next date and doesn't stand me up again.  There will be no more happy thoughts if that happens!

  • MamaV
    MamaV Posts: 373
    edited October 2011

    Janis - I'm with Merilee on this one.  Some reason God didn't want you in surgery that day!

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Posts: 509
    edited October 2011

    Janis, So sorry for the delay.  I, along with many other people, continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Janis, Wow, that is messed up! But I also think that if things went down that way, then for some reason God did not want you in that O.R. I'm sure things will go better next week.  I'm sure that several people got chewed out over that one, so they will probably treat you like a Queen next week. I would also make sure that they don't bill an damn thing to your insurance company, not even a charge for a band aid! Just unbelievable!

    Remember, we all love you, you will get through this. Rant all you need to here.


  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734
    edited October 2011

    Ask about liability insurance, you will treated like royalty

  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    I am 5 weeks post radiation now. Everything seems to be going very well except the skin gets itched easily like after the exercise (the bottom of my breast - the bottom of boost area...which the RO nurse had said it's the most common area with the skin issue). I didn't see anyone complaining about this one. Wonder if this will just gradually go away?

  • MamaV
    MamaV Posts: 373
    edited October 2011


    Mine gets itchy when I get sweaty after working out sometimes.  I finished rads in Sept.

  • jenny12000
    jenny12000 Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    Thanks. nice to know it should be normal then.   

  • ann329
    ann329 Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    First, Janis..  thinking of you this week - especially for Thursday.  May all who are suppose to show up and may everything go well!  (((hugs)))

    Second, have any of you had a hard time in social situations?  I'm having a hard time with friends from my "old" self - not all of which know what I've been through this year as I'm not a tweeter or facebooker of every detail of my life.  I don't know.  I'm just having a difficult time with people, some of which were close to me, who have good health.  How the heck do I shake this one ladies!  I think I'm jealous of their good health - I want mine back!, and then when they start $itching and moaning about insignificant things in their life I have to bite my tongue...ugh!   

    Sorry for the rant.  Guess I'm not as chipper as I usually am today.  Love you all for listening.  xoxoxox


  • julianna51
    julianna51 Posts: 21
    edited October 2011

    Ok, I've been lurking a lot and not really posting but I have something wierd today.   A month out of rads, my skin was never bad but today I've been feeling pain (like an internal burn) and looks like I have a bite or a little sore spot.   Strange, don't have any idea where it came from or why.  Just met with my RO last week and all was well.   I have been back working out again so maybe getting some of that itchiness you all are talking about.  

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Posts: 142
    edited October 2011

    Julianna I still have the stabbing pains and the itching has never went away for me. I am still peeling in a small spot under my breast. I don't have an internal burn type feeling though.

  • tamcathtech
    tamcathtech Posts: 16
    edited November 2011

    Ok, so 1 week post radiation!!! Doing well, skin healing wonderfully...Went back to work for first time in a month, work went well, even got out early...was looking forward to an afternoon nap..........Then I was in a car accident, REALLY???? I was not injured, sore neck, hit my "good" boob and my knee. I stopped at a stop sign, no traffic, then a truck pulled up on my right to turn right, blocking my view, I started to cross intersection and was smashed into by a car coming from the right... I did not see that car until it hit me!!! I wonder if it came from a parking lot across the road and the truck had blocked my of course i got a ticket because I was at the stop sign....Both cars were towed away, All 4 people in other car signed refusal for treatment forms, then when the driver got out of her car  and started walking around she said her back hurt. The ambulance came back and took her in, hope she is okay.There were no skid marks I don't think, she had to have been accelerating when she hit me. Bad intersection, has needed a 4 way stop for years, but it is a state highway and not happening...UUgh!! It could have been much worse but this SUCKS....REALLY GOD??? Haven't I proved I am strong already this summer (separated from husband, 3 weeks later BC diagnosis) now THIS???


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