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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited June 2013

    Janis that is a shame that the cardiologist was so unhelpful.I can tell you now though that don't take his advice to seriously.I know for sure you can absorb only 600mg of Calcium at one time and the rest your body can't get rid of.Each tablet of time is at least 750mg and when you can't get rid of the excess CA it builds up in the blood which can in fact over time cause heart problems and kidney stones.

    Good luck tomorrow.

    Thanks for understanding about my daughter.I try and make some time to do something with her each evening.Last night she showed me how to do some paper folding and we actually made something.Usually when I walk the dog she won't come.Has something to do with some little boy that lives on a street we walk on.He likes her and she won't even walk past his house.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2013

    Sab, So sorry about dental pain. I know what it is like because all my teeth are crowned except 4.l So glad you are feeling better.



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Kate, glad you had a good day and more to come.  You timed this well. 

    Janis, your description of the cardiologist appointment is alarming.  I have had unexplained chest pain for a very long time.  My cardiologist has followed me and treated me with respect all these years.  His goal is to monitor me and keep me in top health no matter what other issue I have.  I do not understand why this doctor seemed to make light of your pain.  Even if it is not cardiac, he should have your best interests in his sights.
    Hugs & prayers for the next's getting crowded in the pocket.

    Josie, those of us who have or have been through these years with our girls know it is challenging and we have to pick our battles.  Somehow my 3 made it through and are responsible adults who treat me with respect.
    I think you are a great mom.

    Bunkie, thinking of you - it all sounds overwhelming...i hope you can come up with a plan a few steps at a time.  Can you get help -- maybe a student who needs a few $$ -- to get rid of stuff that is not needed?  or to wash and freshen up what you can? 

    Has anyone heard from April?  hope she is doing better.

    SAB, feel better...I do not envy you!  But I am sure it will be worth it!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited June 2013

    Sab I'm so sorry you had all that dental work done .Sorry I missed that post and I just went back and found it.I can sympathize with all the teeth I've had pulled.I admit Never had crowns though.

    Joan thank you that is so sweet of you.Sometimes I don't feel like a good mom.I haven't been feeling very much like doing housework lately.I do the minimum.I have just not felt like myself lately.Kind of stressed I guess.And I just don't care about what gets done and what doesn't until it hits me when I look around and then I get depressed.Maybe I am depressed and that's my problem.I don't really have $40 a week to go to counseling right now.I guess I'm just going through the motions in life lately.At least that's how it feels.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited June 2013

    Joan - It will all work out. The place has been scrubbed and cleaned by a company that does that. I also have a cleaning lady twice a month come in. It is just an old house and has old stuff in the building materials. Getting out of here is my best bet when I can manage it. The only way it would be a good house for me would be to gut it and redo the entire inside. Not going to happen.

    Sab - Ouch!! I need a crown in my back tooth. Avoiding it because the last one I did could not stop the pain and had to be pulled later. Lets hope my next one is better.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    Thanks all for the sympathy :-) You guys know when the real pain starts right?  When you have to pay the bill! Bunkie, good luck with the next crown.  

    Josie, I know you have had a lot of dental work done.  It's very hard. I also hear you about your girl, and how you are feeling.  It's difficult to stay even when those around you are in turmoil, but you are doing an amazing job.  I have a feeling the house dust will wait (unfortunately mine never goes anywhere without me!) but your kids will not.  So it seems to me like your priorities are in order.  Don't forget to take care of yourself though, so that you can take care of them. Can you devote one morning a week to yourself?  A home made masque and bubble bath?  A coffee on the deck with a book?  You get the idea.  For me it's exercise that keeps me sane and able to cope with family issues.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    SAB, I agree with dust will always be won't.  My kids are out and I still don't feel like cleaning up some the past few...stuff everywhere...too hot maybe? 
    I really empathize with you, Josie, about looking around and just feeling like it's all too much.  That's been my life this spring...and now that work is winding down, I still feel it.  I find it helps to get out...for a walk if up to it...or to plan something ahead.  I try to find something to look forward to...even if it's the smallest thing. 
    This morning I had a phone message from my NJ grandaughters - sooo cute... I  sent them glittery totes with bracelets inside...I got thank yous and my 2 yr old princess said "I love you" in a way that just made me melt! Then she told me "I'm going to camp" - her 2nd day.  Innocent 

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2013

    You all have heard me whine about being in a kind of funk, tired, disinterested, fading around 3:00, when I used to work until 6 or 7 or 8 without any problem?  Well, today I found out that's perfectly normal.  I had my six-month post surgical follow up:  Dexa scan, mammo, breast surgeon, and radiation oncology NP.  All good, thank God!  But the nurse practitioner told me  it is perfectly normal to feel this fatigue for about six months after radiation. She prescribed a little ritalin.  Gee, do I wish I'd seen her a couple of months ago!  Anyway, I'm going to try this drug.  Cross your fingers, please, everyone.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2013

    Brookside, glad you found out the cause, and I hope the medication helps.

    Joan, so glad to hear that your granddaughters are girlie-girls as are my 4 granddaughters. You are a wonderful grandmother. Thank you for the well wishes.

    Cindy I hope you are still celebrating

    I shopped till I dropped this morning and early afternoon. Now its off to the donut shop. Tomorrow my birthday party is in Malibu. I adore it there.



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    Hi y'all

    Well Kate, I'm passing the Bday :))) wand to you! I've had a great 6 days of celebrating...and making a great entry into a new decade lol! Will be in your pocket for party in Malibu.

    Brookside - glad you got some answers...fingers&toes crossed for new RX.

    SAB - ugh dental work...just got mine cleaned:D A OK relief

    Josie - daughters...luv them...thankfully our moms survived us! Dust, mess, don't worry...rad fatigue...let it go...R&R take good care of yourself and NO guily:)

    Joan - we all want to go to camp! Camp Longhorn on Lake LBJ has the best water fun's not fair...I think they should have an over 55 fun day and open to those who really know how to play. Rest up its gonna be a long long night in the tent:)

    Bunkie - got the hose on the market? Found an apartment yet? Can you slip away for a long summer vacation in CA? Take care!

    April - how's the asthma? Are you feeling better and did you got in this week to see RO and MO to discuss your breathing issues. Here Kitty Kitty!

    RunFree - how's tami? It's been almost a month...hope it's a nonevent for you. July 4th is coming are you inviting all your new found neighbors time:)

    Sew, Janis, Susannah...time for BBQ...getting ready for fireworks!



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Cindy and Joan for the encouragement .I will try and make a little time for myself.I should really be thankful and not be depressed.I have friends that love me and family that love me and that's really all that matters.I was just in a funk this morning I'm sorry I was such a downer.I'm feeling better now.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Cindy!  Just coming up on three weeks on Tami, and so far so good, no side effects.  Fingers crossed.  You're right, I should have another party!  The cleaning we did was such major stuff that it still looks fine, and it would just be an afternoon of flurry to get it back to party-ready.

    Brookside, I hope Ritalin is just the ticket for your post-rads fatigue, and wow CONGRATS on the clean scans!  I'm frankly a little jealous of your Ritalin Rx.  I've been thinking for years I should try some, due to chronic issues of difficulty focusing, poor executive function or whatever.  Anyway it must have been a huge relief to hear your fatigue is all par for the course. 

    Lots of other stuff going on with everybody! Kate, I am delighted to hear you are having such a great time with all your birthday partying, and I hope your day in Malibu is as wonderful as it sounds!  Janis, I shared everyone's shock at the cavalier attitude of that alleged cardiologist, and I hope the tests you had yesterday (?) prove to be more revealing than he was.

    I had an interesting experience today.  I met someone who is a life coach who says she specializes in joy, sort of.  I was not looking to hire her or anything, but she did ask what stuff I would want to talk about.  I told her in very brief terms that I have a new relationship with joy since I've just been through breast cancer and had to use joy to block fear, then it caught up with me and the fear came back pretty hard for a while, but I still think it was a good coping mechanism.  That was really about it.  She went, "WHOA, that's heavy!" and practically said "TMI!"  Really? What I said was honestly not any more than I would have told a stranger on a park bench within five minutes.  It makes me wonder if the emotional ride we've all been through has started seeming normalized--not desirable but within our reality, if you know what I mean--to the point that even somebody who takes a professional interest in joy is put off by it.  Of course, her reaction might say more about her than any larger conclusion like this.  Or maybe I'm just too gabby. 

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    RunFree - run...don't hire her as your life coach! Youre not too gabby...

    Maybe she is not used to people being upfront and honest...or she lives in fluff.

    Her reaction shouts volumes about her.

    Our front seat roller coaster rides up and down and looped-d-dos have caused us to develop new coping mechanisms to survive...and we've been forced to accept a new normal. We can't go back our lives have changed...we go forward...thankful that we have today:)

    And each other...:)

    Throw a's about relationships not the dust ...

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2013

    Runfree I definitely think her reactions says everything about her. I have never met a life coach, but it seems to me that at the minimum they should have a degree in psychology, and she seems clueless.For me the emotional ride will never seem normal, and that is why I try not to think about it. I do everything I can to have a routine, and to feel normal in spite of chemo and swollen legs etc. I definitely have a new relationship with joy. Little things mean a lot. Thank you for the well wishes. Cindy than you for the well wishes too. Tomorrow I am going to party, party, party. Sunshine at the ocean bar, margaritas, and fun, fun, and more fun!



  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited June 2013

    Cindy, she lives in fluff!  What a great line!!!!  You and Kate are spot on.  I wasn't looking to hire her, but I agree, a life coach should be darn smart and deep and ready to hear a wide range of heavy things, even though they aren't therapists.  She did recover after a minute but I think she knew she'd reacted kind of tellingly.  Maybe one difference between a life coach and a therapist is that a life coach gets to sound like an expert, and a therapist has to listen.  I have a very good friend who's a life coach so I'm going to ask her if this was a typical response.

    Kate, kindly soak up that sun extra for those of us in the eastern rain bucket!  It has rained all week and tomorrow's going to be a downpour!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2013

    Runfree, just so you know an exceptionally good therapist can talk for half the session and listen for the other half. I much prefer those than a therapist who just says what do you think. So those exceptionally good therapists sound like an expert too.

    So sorry that you don't have sun. You know the saying it never rains in southern California, and it rarely does. I will soak up the sun tomorrow, and try to bring some your way.



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Cindy, welcome to the next set of life's adventures!  Funny how we don't seem to feel old...
    Last night I had my hair colored, cut, and dried.  I spent a lot of time in front of a mirror under the salon lights.  The customer next to me looked so young...the workers looked so young...and all I could see in the mirror was the work of Femara on my face and skin.  After the blowout and a nights sleep, I am feeling much better!  Since the poison oak, I've been keeping covered while skin heals...I am so pale and winter-y looking!  The only thing I can do is keep active, eat better, and wear things that I like and feel good in.
    Josie, you sound like me and probably everyone else...I go through really low spots and then pop out and find my joy.
    Speaking of joy, Kate, I am learning from your discipline to focus and keep going even when some days are just not good.  I wish you a great "endless birthday"
    Yes, my grandaughters are girlie girls.  They wear bows in their hair every day... I am astounded by their closets...endless dresses & shoes, to excess.  But their mom can do it for them and they have fun with it.  I just do not think they know what they have!
    Brookside, I did not notice just how exhausted you've been...I know you were slow to get back into work; but I am glad you had a good appointment.  It's good to hear we are within the realm of "normal"!
    We had a lot of rain for a short time -- I know we need more here.  Thunder wasn't bad.  This is our first rain in over a week. 
    Runfree, joy-girl sounds like a novice.  She should have pounced on you with "oh, you can surely get your joy back...when can we start?"

    As Cindy said, we live in a new normal but others may not handle it as we do.
    So good to be able to share the broad "normal" of life during and after BC.

    Here's to friends, family, health & joy!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2013

    Joan, I am so glad you are feeling better. You are very attractive, with or without a little sun. Just say to yourself that they will wish they look as good as you when they are your age. We are always our worst critic.

    I am so glad you keep on going even on a lousy day. On one of those days just be proud of yourself for going forward even if you feel bad.

    I love girlie-girl granddaughters. You are very fashionable, and they take after you.

    You nailed it when you said that the life coach, Runfree encourtered, should have said of course you can get your joy back. when can we start.

    Of course we do live in a new normal, but I try and keep the new normal as normal as possible. I try very hard not to think about my health. When those negative thoughts come in my head I say to myself I will be fine, and just go forward. As much as I can I stick to my normal routine that has nothing to do with health. If I don't feel as strong as I used to I say to myself I will soon. Maybe I am escaping, but even though they say I only have a 15% chance to live 5 more years, I think I can beat those odds, by staying positive, eating right, and starting an exercise program that I will start the week after my 6 hour chemo this Monday.

    Got off the track, and started talking about myself, but Joan you are very youthful for many reasons. Besides being very attractive you are youthful because of how active you are. Please learn to love yourself a little more. I think you are charming.



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    Joan, Since I've seen you close up I can confirm that you are really lovely!  I'm glad the poison oak is won't take you long to get a nice flush of color.

    Kate, How wonderful that you are starting a program for good health.  It is a very positive and powerful thing that we can do for ourselves.

    Runfree, I don't know how a coach can guide a person without knowing all of the challenges they face.  I think maybe coaching may not be that woman's calling.

    Brookside, I'm glad that you learned your fatigue was normal.  I'm sure that reading that will comfort and inform lots of ladies who read through the thread.

    11 pm here.  I more day of freedom before my dd returns from her school trip to Costa Rica.  I'm trying to decide what to do with my precious day.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2013

    RunFree, your use of joy as a tool reminds me of that guy, years ago (maybe the early 80’s?)  who survived a terminal disease by laughing.  He watched reruns of I Love Lucy, and all the other funnies, and laughed, and laughed, and cured himself, then wrote a book, and appeared on all the talk shows.  It’s for sure that deliberately seeking  joy and laughter won’t hurt, except, of course, when we laugh so hard our ribs hurt.

    As for joy-girl (great naming, Joan), she reminds me of a relative who made lots of money counseling people by asking them to imagine success—better tennis strokes/game, for instance.  I suppose he’d gone to a seminar and “earned” the training to imagine his own success!  Sounds like joy-girl lives in only half the universe, happily erasing all the non-joy in the world.   Seems you did her a huge favor by unintentionally yanking her back into the real world.  Now she can understand joy in its true perspective.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2013

    Joan, last time I had my hair colored, she looked at my brows and suggested coloring them.  Sure.  Wow!  I'd thought my brows had just thinned away to nothing, but, lo and behold, I now have nice dark brows without my regular morning artistic enhancements.  Very, very youth-izing.  Best emotional lift I've had in ages.  I recommend it to everyone!

    And yes, a good part of why I post some of the things I do is for others.  I know I read a lot of threads on which I would never post, but I do find, here and there, a hint for my own comfort, or success.  I assume, similarly, a lot of women (and men) in post rads funk think they’re just stuck with the way they feel.  Honestly, were any of you told you’d quite possibly have issues (other than skin) for six months after rads?  We tend to treat our rads skin symptoms like the flu, or a broken bone, or a post surgical issue—when the physical healing is complete, you’re done.  True for some, not for others. 

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited June 2013

    Kate - Happy one more day of your birthday! I think today you are headed to Malibu. Love it there and much better than that heat I see you all have. I think you said you do not go to the girl. I lived in Pasadena for 20 years and although not as bad as Encino etc it was hot in the summer. Spent most of my week ends in Laguna at a friends beach house.

    RunFree - RUN from that life coach. Geeze louweeze!

    BrooksideVT - I think watching I Love Lucy is a great idea. Especially the chocolate factory one. I actually have that on a t shirt. I notice when I watch all the Save the Children and ASPCA commercials I want to cry so I mute the sound and don't look. I also stay away from sad movies unless they are a romantic comedy.

    Joan - That poison oak takes awhile to really go away. It will heal.

    RMlulu - It will not go on the market till next spring. I have to get some stuff done or it will not pass inspection. I have a Realtor friend coming soon to look at it and give me some ideas. I think my contractor has been overselling me on unneeded stuff for the last 2 years to keep himself employed when the real issues are now starting to really surface. So much for knowing someone in the business.

    We have humid hot weather here again today but we are getting rain later. Should cool it off and blow out some of this wet air. Have a good day!!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    Brookside, it is so true that we are underinformed by our doctors about some SEs we might least I was.  It isn't just fatigue, but the range of motion, loss of sensation, LE, etc.  I guess they think "what's the point?" since we don't really have an alternative to removing the tumor. Personally, I would rather be prepared, especially since there are steps we can take to recognize and reduce the severity of SEs. Exercise, diet, compression, etc. 

    Off for a run before it gets too hot, clean up and then I am going to try to get in with my hair person. My extended family is coming to stay for the 4th, and I need to hair dye away a few years! I don't want to scare anyone!

    We BBQ and then go to fireworks in our small town.  Very traditional. 

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2013

    Bunkie, I'm sure with you on those commercials, especially the animal ones, which show deliberately abused critters.  As soon as I hear that music, I hit the off button or run from the room.  I know lots of others feel differently, but I think these groups are doing themselves a tremendous disservice when they run appeals we cannot watch.  I also question the ethics of the stations that run them.  

    Maybe your real estate friend can give you the real lowdown on the difference between an as-is price and an all-fixed-up one, and all the steps between.  Some buyers would just as soon go for the do-it-yourself version, and the truth is that a lot of seemingly necessary repairs do not get back the $$$ you've put in.  Also, I hate to think of you there for another winter with your windows shut and all those allergens trapped inside with you.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Oh you, my friends, are just what I needed.  I think I was just commenting on how I don't like to look in the mirror...with hair dye and no bangs :-P
    The bottom line is, I really have nothing to feel badly about.
    I read this just in time, as DD told me she resigned her job, starts in MA in a few weeks, and they are moving soon.  I have been so sad, and just asked DH if we could go sit outside downtown and have margaritas...and your sweet encouragement made me feel better!
    More later...gotta go change!
    Kate, keep the celebrating going!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    I am here! Feeling better but still not 100%. Cindy and Kate, hoping that your "birth-a-thons" were awesome.

    Janis, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. The docs told me to take my ativan like a good little girl at the hospital when I went to the ER last Friday cause they said it was likely all in my head aka a panic attack. Whatever. Since I just started the aromasin, thought it prudent that I go in in case it was an allergic reaction. know your body better than anyone so keep on those docs!

    Runfree, run FAST! Life Coach? Holy cow, I needed a way to make some $$ I know how. Just spread some "joy" HA!

    Love you guys. Have to rest. The awful air quality in the NE has been killing me with this new "asthma" thing which if truth be told I think is related to my rads no matter what they tell me. I am still exhausted too Brookside and they at least told me to expect that up to 6-9 months after ward. I just did not expect that to be ME! HA again!

    SAB, OUCH on the dental stuff. I have never had a cavity in my life but I have gum issues galore. HATE dental work.

    Bunkie, just sending hugs. Hoping the house stuff gets straightened out soon so you can live a quality of life.

    Joan, enjoy those margaritas!

    Josie - sending you a huge squishy hug!

    Sorry if I left anyone out. No oxygen to the brain these day...har har.  Heading for a few hours in front of the tube. Long week at work! xoxo

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited June 2013

    BUNKIE enjoy the cooler weather It should be coming your way soon!

    Joan I'm glad your going out for Margaritas have one for me.I don't drink except a few occasions.I'm sorry your sad about your daughter.

    Cindy I'm so glad your feeling a bit better.Take care of yourself.And remember you can always get a second opinion if you don't like your docs answers.

    I just got a phone call from my Rads nurse.She wanted to reschedule my 6 week Rads check up.It's only been like 10 weeks since Rads ended why wouldn't I just jump at the chance of putting off my appt for 1 more week.It was already been rescheduled before because they said he would be on vacation.It really makes me angry though.

    My co workers presented me with a photo book of the race for the cure that so many of them walked with me.The pictures were beautiful.And everyone signed the back of the book, even the doctors signed it.I just cried at my desk as I read everyone's little notes of love and encouragement.I am so blessed to have so many people that love and care about me.I should have nothing to be depressed about.I was so surprised and touched.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Dh and I ordered Mexican food and a pitcher and finished....then walked the town like tourists...then had coffee and dessert at the bakery at a table outside...we should do it more often (town, not margaritas!)...then went to the beach

    Josie, it is so amazing that they gave you the book and personalized it.  That is a wonderful memory for you.

    April, I truly hope you are feeling better each day.  Hard to believe you are working through all this.  Happy week end...and keep getting stronger.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited June 2013

    Morning ladies,

    Soooo yesterday we were supposed to have a short thunderstorm. This has been the wettest 2 mos I have ever seen. We ended up with 2 hours on nonstop heavy downpour.... about 4 inches and needless to say my basement flooded again. As I sat there crying knowing what was ahead I heard a drip sound in my kitchen. Well the flat roof over the breakfast nook was leaking once again. I had that whole thing redone and the kitchen semi remodeled 2 years ago. The people who did the roof in 05 did a good job on the house anfd garage.... except the flat roof. My parents were still here back then and would not let me give them any advice about who to use or what to have them do. After I took over the house in 09 the flat roof started to leak so I called the roofers back. After many visits and fights they redid the roof...or so they say. I had the kitchen fixed and thought it was over. Last year I noticed a little wet spot so my contractor went up there and patched a spot he thought was causing it. Apparently it is a much bigger spot this year. So I spent the night with towels on my kitchen nook floor and I stayed in the basement with two masks on pumping up the water as it rolled from my fireplace down there. I pumped 26 containers of water and then put towels down and came to bed. I was so darned mad I was just shaking. We had a dry night so it did not get anymore flooding and I will not have to shell out the money for my handyman to pump it much.

    What it did was finalize my decision to let the house go. Since my parents died I have been hanging on to some crazy notion that I was keeping their memory alive while I made improvements to their home. A home that was way too needy for this autoimmune/BC person to take on alone. I am a very determined strong woman and I just knew I could do some little fixings and sell the house for a nice chunk of change and move someplace warmer. During that time my body has been breaking down and mentally it has been a struggle. So last night with sore feet, tired arms and breathing heavy from the air quality down there I made my final decision to let it go. Next week I will get a Realtor in here for some advice on selling As IS and hopefully soon be done with all this. I have been searching for apartments in my area and have a few in mind. I will go see them this next month. I will be out of here by winter and whatever decent offer I get on this place I will probably accept. I am sure some buyer will come in here and buy cheap do their own work and resell it for twice as much. So be it. My piece of mind is worth every penny and I will never take on a fixer upper again.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2013

    Ohhhhh, Bunkie!

    How absolutely horrid!  I can't imagine what it felt like to see the water pouring in again, after all you've been through with that unappreciative house. Seems like it's ganging up on you, and I guess it's probably time to let it go.  I suppose your real estate friend will want you to fix wherever the water is coming from, and maybe just a few quickly done other things, but, really, give that house a kick for me, will you?