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Radiation recovery



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2013

    Thank you for the support Janis. I am leaving at 7 am. Blood draw is at 7:30 and my 6 hour chemo treatment starts at 9. Hopefully I will be done by 3 and home by 4. After this I will only have 3 more 6 hour chemo's left. So I will be 1/2 way through the bad stuff. I don't like summer because of the heat, so I especially can't wait for October. The heat will be over and so will my chemo.

    Sab, Sorry your elder dd was so banged up



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Kate, go girl, halfway mark!

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Kate, this too shall pass!  And after tomorrow, you'll be half done, as you say, and on the back slope of this chemo fight.  And those unwelcome cancer freeloaders will be on their way to oblivion!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Thank you for the support Sab and Runfree

    Sab, Did hubby have a fun birthday?



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    SAB, oh, so sorry DD was in such a state when you saw her...I am sure she's grateful to have her family to care for her.  I hope you have a good week with family around. 
    Kate, thinking of you and praying for an uneventful day...i know it's long...lots of pocket pals today...
    Brookside, I run a photo contest at my school each year.  I used to get finished photos brought to me; but now I mainly get cell phone pix emailed from the students.  You are right...if it doesn't happen instantly, it doesn't happen!

    Off to get some sleep.... 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Joan, Thanks so much for your support. Geez I got up at 3 and I don't have to leave till 7. I slept with an air conditioner and a fan, and I don't sleep well with the noise. I won 't sleep there, so I guess I will be tired all day. The hospital treatment center depresses me, because there are so many very ill patients. I feel so sorry for them, but I have to pound away on my lap top to tune everything out, so I can stay upbeat.I think I look like an employee because the other patients are all reclining with blankets over them halp asleep or asleep. I am sitting straight up in a chair without a blanket, and wide awake escaping on my lap top. I will be so happy when this day is over with and I will be at least 1/2 way through chemo. I see my doctor in two weeks and I want a long discussion about why I have to do 6 months of chemo and not 4

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Go get 'em, Kate.  Rout those ugly buggers right out.  Bye, bye buggers.

    Joan, I was thinking of your back yard birds.  Probably you have birdfeeders?  We can only have them in the winter.  Not only do they attract birds (and squirrels, of course), but also bears.  In fact, we're having a bit of a bear problem in our neighborhood right now.  Locals holler at them, or set off fireworks to scare them away, but it's a short term solution.  So out come the bear chasers.  Not sure if they have so official a title, but guys with trained dogs come out and have a good old time time driving the bears back home into the woods.  Every community has its own unique public service, no?

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hi y'all

    Kate - We are all in those, the gang is here to help kick off hump day and send any wayward c cells out of here NOW!

    Get em tiger warrior princess!

    SAB - hope the Bday for hubby went well...both dd are doing well...and you are ready for the 4th activities to begin:)

    Bunkie - meeting with realtors and looking for apartment

    Joan - how was the tent

    New neighbors just moved in...big watermelon or good old chocolate chip cookies...hubby dragged them in Saturday morning...oh my I had on my exercise shorts and a cami...barely got the girl in from free they wonder about me ha!

    Don't get another 1st impression...not fluff, but what would you call it...SoCal hip chick LOL:) ok, now lets go kick some €##€#£ today! We're here Kate!



  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2013

    Kate I am right here settled deep in your pocket.  It is very crowded in here, but I plan on staying for the entire duration of this treatment.  Cake balls are nice and fresh.  Lemon for you and I, and the chocolate almond for the chocolate lovers. 

    It is so hot here.  It is supposed to be 108 here today.  Our A/C is already running.  My dogs hang out at the floor vents.  They aren't dummies!  I took them for an early romp and something happened to poor Sammy's foot.  He stopped running and stood on the lawn, beckoning me to come help him as he held his paw up.  I felt all around the pads and couldn't find anything.  It happened so quickly I am wondering if he got stung by a bee.  I brought him in and put peanut butter on bread and smooshed Benadryl into it.  Murphy has a thyroid problem and gets meds twice a day.  He has no problem taking them in plain bread.  Sammy can pick a pill out of anything, eat around it and spit the pills out.  Such a silly guy.  He can't get the pills out of peanut butter.  Hoping he is okay, we will monitor him closely all day. 

    Cindy hope the new neighbors  settle in well and you make some new friends.  LOL on the meeting!

    Hugs everyone.  Kate, big healing hugs to you.  I'll be hanging with you all day!   

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Cindy and Janis, Thank you so much for your support. I just had my blood draw, and I am waiting to be called in for my treatment. Janis I can't wait for cake balls and wine when I am finished today. Thank you



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    SAB, how did the weekend go with your trauma'd dd, your travelled dd, and your birthday'd dh?  I'll bet you're totally exhausted after running around, mentally and physically, loving and listening, and celebrating, and giving 100% to each of them.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    my infusion just started. I have bad veins, but luckily she found one. First I am having 2 hours of fluids. Then 1/2 hour of anti-nausea, 1/2 hour of diuretics, 1/2 hour of one of the chemo drugs, 1 hour of Cisplatin (the dreaded chemo drug) followed by 2 more hours of fluids. The nurse said she can give me fluids with the Cisplatin to shorten this a little, but it looks like I will be done around 3. There is a delayed reaction to the chemo druga. I should feel ok today and tomorrow, with Wednesday and Thursday being my worst days.

    Again I look like an employee sitting straight up pounding on my lap top, while almost all of the other patients are lying down under blankets. I am blessed to be feeling fairly well.



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Sounds like quite a relaxed bunch!  Is everyone snoozing in the same room with you?  If so, Kate, you can be the snoring monitor.  I remember in grammar school they told us that the Pilgrims had very lengthy church services, with sermons so lengthy that there were ushers whose job it was to keep everyone awake.  They had long poles.  One end had feathers which they used to tickle the noses of women and some children.  The other end had a knob which they used to bop the noggins of men and certain other children.  Possibly any loudly snoring women as well!  You could use your magic princess warrior wand to gently, featherly, hush the snorers, then wave it to give lovely dreams to all the sleepers.

    Cindy, did you hubby snicker a little when he brought the new neighbors in for a first impression?  I'm sure you carried the surprise off with oodles of grace and finess!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2013

    Kate you should be finishing up right about now.  I know you have had a really long day.  If you like I will cook dinner for you.  We are just having chicken tonight.  I'll be happy to send a plate over.  Chicken and some fresh broccoli.  I so hope you feel good this week.  I am sure it is miserable but look at it as a milestone.  You are at least halfway there.  :)  We are all still here in your pocket and will be whenter it lasts 4 months or 6. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    hI janis I am finished, and chicken, cake balls and wine sound great. Brookside nobody was snoring, thank God. That would drive me nuts. I don't have another 6 hour chemo for 4 more weeks. Yeah!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    (((Kate))) way to go....I just checked in to see if you were's 6:30+ here.
    Good for you doing so well and being an inspiration to all (or maybe downright annoying to some 'cause you look so good....)
    Don't think about it again until you have to....praying for a good week with few SEs.

    Brookside, love the church trivia...LOL!  I can just see Kate with her magic wand...just waving...

    Cindy, Wow, you surely have set the bar high for your neighbor lookin' so sexy at home ... Innocent   Me? I hate when DH does that...he also hands the phone to me to say"hello" to someone I hardly know...

    I think it is GigiL who was going to sleep in the tent - I think she last posted 6/25...hope the big skeeters didn't eat her up!

    Am ready for the party...the pressure has eased up a bit in the pocket.  Yay!

    I'll be sipping wine and catching up with the Bachelorette - totally mindless entertainment, which is what I need.

    Does anyone have plans for the 4th?  Oops did we ask that already?  I have no plans, but DD#3 (moving to MA) will be out for the week end and I will have baby Caroline overnight ... am planning lots of things ... she is mama's girl and will be missing her.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Kate - yippee! Hump day are a trooper mighty princess warrior! RAH!

    Enjoy the chicken all our giggles and wiggles:)

    We love you



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Brookside I have a few people I would like to use the knob side on.

    Kate, Glad you have another one down.  Hope your SEs are minor!

    Joan, I remember my first slr was an old nikormat, all metal, that I took everywhere.  It was so much fun to experiment.  Even though it is tempting to point and shoot with a phone it will never get the same results. You make me want to dust off my camera (not the nikormat, that one got ruined in ocean water.)  My dd the elder still likes to shoot with film, though I find digital much more forgiving.

    Dh's birthday was quiet, but he was happy to have both of the girls home (though not the circumstances.)  Dd elder did not remember much about her accident, but she was told "bitch, you be flying."  She promises to rethink her aversion to helmets. She's still a mass of bandages and hobbling around on crutches at home, but feels better.  I can tell because she has started arguing with dd younger...their favorite pasttime.

    Company arrives tomorrow and the house is dirty, no groceries, nothing cooked, beds not made,laundry piled up, and garbage needs to go out.  Dh will be home soon and ask what's for dinner.  sigh.  I'll check back in a few days, everyone have a lovely 4th if I don't get back before then.  Hugs!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Janis, I can't believe the heat...hope you are OK...sorry to hear about your Sammy...
    Save the chocolate almond for me....

    Brookside, I feed the birds daily, sometimes twice...especially in winter.  Our biggest offenders are deer, raccoons and squirrels; and the crows, jays and grackles.  They come every day...
    We just got a squirrel-proof feeder but the songbirds haven't mastered it yet.
    Can you hang feeders high on a hook or on a high clothesline?  I have no idea how clever the bears are, but they can be relentless.  Love your bear deterrant squad...I wouldn't want to scare one.  Or leave a door open...

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2013

    Hey everyone!

    Where is Sew? Has anyone heard from her lately? A little worried about her.

    Kate, you are an inspiration to everyone going through this hell that is chemo. Amazing. Sorry it is too hot where you are. It has been really hot and humid here in CT too...sigh. I hate heat and humdity.

    Sab, hoping your daughter is on the mend and glad your DH had a nice BD!

    Brookside, loved loved reading about the feathers in church and the knob Great and interesting stuff!

    Cindy, could not help but smile about meeting your new neighbor like that..husbands can be clueless sometimes!

    Janis, hope your pupster's paw is feeling better now. Save me a chocolate almond cake ball, kay chica? Have you heard from the doctor yet?

    Joan, we are sharing this miserable humidity so hoping you can get in another margarita run with hubby to make it more bearable. So much rain too...ugh!

    Ok, gotta run and get the kitchen cleaned up. Normally hubby does it, but his knee is super swollen tonight (he needs tkr and is in denial since he alreay had the other one done and doesn't want to deal with this again so soon) so off to dishland for now.

    For those suffering from the heat, think fall (my very favorite season of all) and check out this picture from my guest room window. All the bedrooms have this view of our pond. Enjoy! Think COOL thoughts!

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited July 2013

    Kate, half way through! How is your leg?

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Oh April, what a spectacular picture!  Thank you!  I'm missing Sew too.

    Kate, WAY TO GO finishing long chemo #3!  It's rolling downhill from here!  I hope your recovery later this week won't be as unpleasant as it was before. 

    Brookside, we're having a problem with bears here too.  Right in the middle of town they are eating people's chickens and getting into trash and so on.  Joan, even if you hung bird food way up high, it would attract bears and that's a problem all by itself. 

    Also Brookside, I have a very distinct memory of a woodcut-type drawing of that feather/knob pole in early Puritan churches.  Maybe it was from some classic children's book?  I'm picturing illustrations by Lois Lenski, but I just looked a bit and couldn't find it.  Just a guess.  You may have read it somewhere much more sophisticated than that.

    SAB, sounds like a houseful coming!  My advice:  LOW STANDARDS.  I know, easier said than done.  So glad your older daughter is home and on the mend.  I hope she starts wearing a helmet in future!  Yikes! 

    My daughter, who will be 16 in a few weeks, has been on a trip to Europe with an informal school group.  SO EXPENSIVE because they're working with a tour company, but a fantastic itinerary.  They left last Monday and did two days in London, four days in Paris, and today and tomorrow in Madrid (where it's in the mid-90s!), home Wednesday.  She'd been to London before but not the others.  We haven't heard a thing from her, which I assume is good news.  Then again, she'd have to find an internet cafe and log into Facebook or email and that might be too much trouble, so she might be unhappy and we wouldn't have heard from her.  She loves to travel--I just hope she hasn't gotten drawn into group dynamics drama and I hope she doesn't have blisters and I hope she's gotten enough to eat (she's a slip of a thing and actually forgets to eat, which is NOT a gene she got from me!) and I hope the weather hasn't been tough on her and I hope she's had a great time.  As you can see, I'm very, very curious to know how it's gone!  So on the 4th, I suspect we will just be peppering her with questions and she'll be sleeping.  There's a fantastic 4th of July in a neighboring town but between the crowds and the parking hassles, it's hardly worth it.  We can usually see some sort of fireworks from our deck.  We're easily pleased I guess.

    Anybody else have any plans?  Great question, Joan!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Joan, I have a baby Caroline also.  She is nine beautiful months old and lives in Connecticut, possibly not too far from April.

    I'll be serving strawberry shortcake at our local fair on the Fourth.  Always fun.  And then I serve one to myself! 

    I'm also a fan of the low standards style of entertainment.  Unfortunately, I have a little way to go to get to what I consider a comfortable "low."  Silly, I know.  Nobody but me looks at the house.

    Congrats on being done for today, Kate.  How lovely to think about how uncomfortable the ugly bugger are feeling.

    Hi to everyone i missed.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    April what a beautiful view!!Fall is my favorite time of year too.

    Cindy my hubby would so be in the do

    g house if he did that.Usually our house is not readily available for company to just pop in.It usually takes a few days to prepare and a lot of stashing our clutter.

    Kate hope you did ok today.((hugs))

    My FIL had a big drop in his bp tonight and we had to call 911.his blood pressure was 86/45.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Joan, Cindy,Sab, April, Suzannah, Runfree, Brookside, Josie, AND jANIS thank you so much for all of the love and support. I don't think I could feel this strong without all of this loving support.

    Joan I love the Bachelorette too. It is a great escqape and I think Des is beautiful.

    April, lucky you that is an exquisite view.

    Suzannah my leg is better, thanks for asking.



  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited July 2013

    Joan, thanks for thinking of me. The tent camping went great. I have been keeping busy. Golfed with my DH and my dad today. I've got some mammo/surgeon business to take care of tomorrow. I will be glad to be done with that! Feeling pretty okay about it. Glad it is not too beastly early in the a.m. And is in my general area. That will be nice.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    Update on my FIL he has pneumonia.They admitted him last night.Poor guy.He has like 2 months or more of chemo.He's not even getting the IV chemo.It's in the pill form.But he won't stay home from work.I know he comes in contact with a lot of people at work.I guess he could of gotten it anywhere but I just keep thinking back to to when I visited my friend in the hospital a few weeks ago and she had pneumonia and after visiting her we went straight to my in-laws for dinner.I didn't hug her and I used lots of hand sanitizer after leaving her room.I also washed my hands after arriving at my in laws too.I didn't hug or kiss my FIL before leaving their house that night.I probably didn't he get him sick but You know me I over think everything.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2013

    Kate I wrote a long post earlier and POOF....gone!  I have no idea how that happens.  I did want to congratulate you on making it through with your usual grace and style.  That pocket was stuffed Kate!  I am so glad that you are that much closer to the end of chemo.  Thanks for providing the wine.  We had grilled chicken on a bed of lettuce from our own garden.  Fresh, crisp and delish!  I hope your week goes well for you. You know of course you always have us in your pocket cheering you on.

    Josie I am so sorry about your FIL.  Please don't over think this one.  Things happen.  He is old, fraile, and although very loved, you can't fix everything.  Just be there for your family when they need support.  Don't worry about your house!  People will not be coming by to judge your housekeeping skills.  

    GiGil your camping adventure sounds like so much fun. I will be hopping in your pocket for your mammo and any related tests they may be running.  Of course I will bring plenty of those chocolate almond cake balls.  Hugs are on the way my friend. 

    RunFree what a wonderful opportunity your daughter has gotten.  I hope she took a ton of photos with her phone.  Thinking seeing her tomorrow will be a joyous reunion.  I think it is awesome she had the chance to go and I hope she returns with a lifetime of memories.

    Brookside, count me in for that strawberry shortcake.  Sounds divine!  I will be first in line for some of that.

    Love and hugs to all of you amazing ladies.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Josie, I am sorry about your fil.

    Janis thatnks so much for all of your support

    I am feeling a little queazy this morning, but I just took the miracle drug Emend so I am hoping I will be ok



  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Emend to the rescue!  I've always heard such good things about that drug.  Hope it works its magic today.  So glad your leg is doing well.  You are in so much better shape than you were a few weeks ago.

    Josie, how upsetting about your FIL!!!  Of course you can't blame yourself, but I'm not surprised it crosses your mind.  It's good that he's in the hospital and they are on top of it.  Hope they can turn it around fast.

    Yes, Brookside, I'll take some strawberry shortcake too!  One of my top favorite things to put in my mouth.

    GiGiL, big support coming from NH!  Great to get that mammo done, see the surgeon, put another one in the book.  We are all there with you!