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Radiation recovery



  • MamaV
    MamaV Member Posts: 373
    edited January 2012

    Mostly Sew - you said it best ... "I'll get thru this, because that's what we do!"  We are strong!  Don't know why BC picked all of us, but you are right ... we can do it!

    Hang in there!


  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited January 2012

    Hi.I am just short of four weeks out (after finishing rads).  I am wondering how long others were sore, had swollen nipples, etc.

    I am still in pain, still have swollen nipple and aerola, still red, though that is slowly beginning to resolve, still feeling VERY weak, tired, and not myself.

    Am I alone here?

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    trubff - Earlier today I was thinking about asking how soon I will feel better - I am a week and a half out. I do ok in the morning - I get some things accomplished, but by 1:00, I am done and have to rest or I feel very ill. So sorry you are still feeling that way. I'm not just tired physically, but also mentally. My car recently broke down - I had it towed to my home and there it sits in the driveway. My adult children keep asking me when I am going to have it repaired, or at least get an estimate for repairs, I told them that I do not have any place I need to be right now, and if I do I will call a local taxi.I told them that I just can't deal with thinking about the car right now.

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    ...addition to post....after driving 1 hr. each way, five days a week, for 6 weeks of radiation, it was really nice to call a taxi (I live in a small, rural town and know the cab drivers), and be chauffered to the local stores. 

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    I thought I would feel stranded once chemo,surgery and rads were done, but I do not. I thought I would miss being in a medical setting - even several onc nurses told me I would - Maybe I still will, but at a week and a half without any appointments, I feel free. In fact, I am supposed to see my rad onc for a skin check on Thurs. All through rads I never had one skin problem. I just saw him a week and a half ago - I just cancelled my appointment. (I'm sure he would have liked to get one-more-billing day in on my insurance, but that's too bad). I have also decided to wait until the mid of Feb to see my MO. The only appt. I plan to keep in Jan, is with my gyn as I want to discuss a preventivve ooph. Here's to taking a break from med appt's!

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    ...oops - typed too many v's in preventive...Sorry about the money statement considering my RO. I just never connected with him...

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    ....that's it - time for a nap - I guess I just cannot type right now....I meant to type, "concerning" my RO.....duh to me. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2012

    Hang in there guys, it gets better!

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    Thanks, SAB!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2012

    OK - am ready to join you ladies as we're coolin' and chillin' after rads!

    penguin graduates

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited January 2012

    Happy Day Joan!

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2012

    Hello Marilee:  I am new here.  Unfortunately, I am just starting my rads (6 weeks to go) but topics like this are a useful tool for me since first hand knowledge is the best advice.  Of course everyone is different.  I would be very interested for advice on the creams for dryness and peeling.  I'm told that I can't use alot of over-the-counter lotions.  I have very sensitive, dry skin and that will be my most concern.  I have a terrible reaction to adhesive tape and the surgery strips and tapes after surgery have caused scarring to my skin.  Vitamin E helped there. So a severn "sunburn" will be ten fold to my skin.  Any advice ladies? Thanks-a-bunch.

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    Joan and Merilee - Thanks so much for the great pics to start the day with a smile! Welcome to all who are new. I have to do some house-sitting chores for my neighbor and then get my grandchildren ready for school, but will definitely be on our thread later this a.m,. Kingjr - so sorry you have to be here, but so glad you joined the thread. I did the same thing when I started rads. I joined a thread where people were already in treatment so I would have an idea of what is yet to come. All of our rad experiences are different in different ways. I will be glad to share mine with you later today. 

    Take care,


  • MamaV
    MamaV Member Posts: 373
    edited January 2012

    Joan - congrats!

    kingjr - you never know!  I have very sensitive skin too (although light olive Italian skin) - I have the worst reactions to tapes and all lotions, detergents, soaps, etc - have to use all "free" products.  I had a very light reaction to rads - just some light pinking and some light itching.  No burn or anything.  I'm also thin so don't have any skin 'folds' that often split and peel.  You don't have any nodes to zap (I didn't either) so you won't be getting too many rays I would think.

    I used Fruit of the Earth 100% pure aloe.  Only could find it at Walmart (bottom shelf by all of the skin lotions).  I put it on FAITHFULLY every morning (my rads were at 4pm), then immediately after rads - before getting dressed), then again as soon as I got home, then before bed.  I started that regime from the VERY first rad.  I wore cotton tank tops with a shelf bra and put swim suit liners that i took out of my bikini tops so my always at attention girls didn't show (I'm a 30 G - no kidding). 

    Whatever you decide to use be faithful and use it even though you don't think you need it!  Good luck!

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited January 2012

    Joan, congrats on finishing rads!!

    Anandagram and truebff, it took me about three weeks to really feel better.  Even now (I finished Oct 31) I have sinking spells that I feel sure are related to radiation--days where I just feel fatigued.  It's a different kind of fatigue than just being tired, for sure!

    kingjr, I am allergic to everything!  I got the cream the radiation clinic used and tried it in the week before rads started and had a reaction to it (just plain old Aquaphor).  So I spent the next few days trying to find something I wouldn't react to.  I finally took two things to the radiation nurse for her approval...plain emu oil and 100% pure shea butter.  I used both, but I liked the shea butter better.  I still use it.  My radiation nurse told me that their only fear about using different things is that some things burn your skin faster.  Fortunately I had good luck and didn't burn badly.  I had really red, itching, stinging skin, but it healed quickly.

    The other thing that I think can't be empasized enough is to not wear a bra if you can possibly get away with it.  Keeping the friction down and keeping air on the skin is really helpful.  I work at home, so I wore soft tank tops with no bra.  Good luck! 

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    Thanks, steph - I find that I do best in the morning - I already accomplished a lot this a.m., so I will simply allow myself the opportunity to rest this afternoon. Yes, I certainly agree with you - it is definitely a different kind of fatigue. It's the kind that has lead me to putting groceries back and leaving a store as I just had to go home! 

    Just wanted to share....I feel like a naughty kid who is skipping school - my skin is fine and has been throughout rads - I have olive skin - maybe that helped, who knows....anyway, I was supposed to go for a final skin check today - I just saw my RO a week ago! We are having a bit of an ice storm in the Adks, so I used that as my excuse to skip the appointment. i was a chicken and called-in on the answering machine when I knew noone would be in the office - I knew they would want me to reschedule - I am not! Yea - I'm free..... at least for today....

  • Beaglesgirl
    Beaglesgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2012
    I finished my last rads tx on 12/9 and I feel like junk. of course for most of us we have been through so many other things so its tough to tell what is the cause all of the pain, the fatigue, the depression but I'm exhausted from having to keep my head above water. I do still have a life that isn't BC I want to get back to! Surprised
  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012

    Beaglegirl - I finished mine Jan 5. I just shoveled a bit of snow for the first time this season - could not believe how much pain I felt in radiated breast. It made me more determined than ever to finish shoveling my sidewalk, that really did not even need to be shoveled right now, but I just would not give up. I finished, but am now taking Ibuprofen and getting ready to take a nap! We can get back to that life - I just know we can! 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2012

    Beagles-you make a good point.  by the time we finish rads it's really piled up on us physically and emotionally.  Honestly, I just started feeling "myself" after a couple of months. Be patient ladies, it will get better--give your body time to heal.

    kingjr-Everyone has different skin, but for me aloe (make sure it's all aloe and no alcohol) applied immediately after the tx helped a great deal.  I also used a variety of creams, and I think that calendula and xclair (rx cream) were the most soothing for me. Aloe and calendula should be available at Whole Foods or other health food markets. Start lotions right away, don't wait for redness.  Another tip someone gave me was to engage in gentle exercise, like walking, every day.  It helps to raise your energy level. And the other ladies are right--put away your bras and try camis with shelf bras.  Best of luck, and let us know how you come through!

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2012

    Congratulations Joan!!!I know your so happy to be through with rads... Treat yourself special. You deserve it...

    Welcome to everyone new. Glad your here. It helps alot to vent and we all get it. Hang in there I promise it gets better... Hugs and Prayers, lisa

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2012

    Hello again:  Since I will be sharing, my name is Linda.   First, congrats to all you ladies on your completion.  I want to thank Sher, MamaV, Steph and Sab on tips on lotions and bras.  Since my doc told me not to use lotions, is that only before treatment?  I'm assuming that I can put lotion on after.  Aloe has been good soother for me and I love Pounds for my dry skin.  Does the 100% shea butter smell good?  I hate "stinky" products even though they may be good for me.  Bras will be a problem.  Where does one find bras without underwire?  I am a hefty 38DD, going braless is not an option.  I like the idea of the tank top with shelf bra Steph.  Will try to find some.  Exercise tip SAB is very good one.  I'm slightly overweight and I know that I need to keep my energy up and walking is excellent idea, plus lose some weight at the same time.   Anyone take vitamin sups or drink Ensure?  I'm in very good health, besides the cancer. I feel confident to get through this.  I have a very strong will. I will come back to the tread with updates. Tomorrow is body scan to map out and get my tats. Thanks to all again, will talk soon, Linda

    P.S. Sher - are you from upstate NY?  I'm just outside of Albany. Had some ice/snow too but turned over to rain early this morning.

  • Beebop
    Beebop Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2012

    Linda - I will be starting rads next month. A friend who has already been through it recommended Emu Oil. She said it worked wonders and didn't mess up her clothes. I ordered some from Amazon and I really like the smell. Very mild. It is also supposed to be good for wrinkles so have been using it on my face too. I'll probably need to order more before I start rads!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2012
    Merilee, MamaV, stephN, Lisa,
    Thanks for the cheers.  I had a stressful day after rads, then traveled .... home now & have nothing on the schedule for ten days.  I rescheduled my angiogram for 1/26 and will have next week to take it slow before works starts again.
    Beagles - You have been through so much - it's a long haul.  I hope you can find some strength to move forward.  I am still hitting the wall mid day...I do not get much done after that point.
    The emotional toll is just as draining as the physical.  Some days it's both.  Hang on for better days.
    I'm happy to join the recovery thread Smile.................Joan
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246
    edited January 2012


    Linda-I tried many creams and especially liked calendula and Udderly smooth. I ordered calendula from amazon and I got Udderly smooth at CVS. I also found that drinking protein drinks helped me with energy. Please come back here and post if you have more questions or just to vent. Hugs.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited January 2012

    I used emu oil throughout rads and it worked wonderfully for me.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited January 2012

    The other thing I would suggest if you are just getting started is to go to the Goodwill and buy some very soft old t-shirts that you don't mind getting messed up with oil and such. Near the end of rads you will want something on your skin all the time and it will be messy. At the  end of rads recovery you can toss them out. Also double up on your water.

  • MamaV
    MamaV Member Posts: 373
    edited January 2012

    kingjr - try sports bras - if you can find some that aren't too tight ...

    Joan - woo hoo!  10 days of freedom!  Enjoy!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2012

    Hi everyone!  I have not forgotten you my friends.  I have company right now, my niece is visiting from Colorado.  She is 18 and just so much fun.  She is leaving tomorrow and I know that will be a big sob fest.

    Congratulations to eveyone on finishing rads, and on the road to recovery!

    Mama are you hon?  I have not been able to keep up here so hoping you are doing great!

    My BC breast has been swollen and sore for the past month.  It is not getting better.  I have to have PT on my back, and it is a challenge as i cannot lie on my stomach.  Now it is uncomfortable enough that it wakes me up at night.  Grrrrrrr.  I see my BS for my 6 month checkup on the 24th.  I am hoping this is just part of "healing" but I am a bit concerned.  I finished rads early October so no idea why this would be so uncomfortable now.  Any thoughts?

    Sending BIG hugs to all of you.  Healthier days ahead too!

  • itsjustme10
    itsjustme10 Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2012

    kingjr66  ...   I don't have the problem of needing a bra anymore, but they have those infomercial bras that are not as supportive as sports bras, but a lot softer.  I even bought one, figuring maybe I might need it, in the "as seen on TV" aisle in the drug store - it was called Ah Bra or something like that - it probably won't work for fitted business type clothes, but the rest of the day it should..   It kind of feels like a lycra t-shirt more than a bra.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2012

    kingjr66, going braless wasn't an option for me either.  The first couple of weeks of rads I could wear my regular bra.  Some suggested wearing a tank under your bra so that the cream doesn't ruin your bra cups.  When that started getting uncomfortable, I went to walmart and got these cheap cotton sports bras, they come in a 3 pack for around $10 bucks.  They are tank style.  I went up a size than I normally wear.  They keep the girls from moving and rubbing, and they are so cheap you don't mind if they get ruined with cream.  I still wear them since I am still a bit sore and swollen in my breast.  I would wear them to work, then when I got home I would switch to a cotton tank under a tshirt.  I did rads in August/September, it should be easier to camoflage not wearing a bra now that it's winter clothes season.