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Radiation recovery



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    Miserable experience, Josie, and it doesn't sound as though your boss had any helpful suggestions.  It seems her last job was on an assembly line, tasked with stamping out one extra widget/hour.  You might counter by asking to come in an extra half day to observe their star tech (if they even have someone they like) in action.  That way, you would have the double benefit of possibly finding a helpful hint or two, and also finding a couple of extra bucks in your paycheck.  Meanwhile, we're all pulling for you finding another job.  Practically any other job. Ughhh.

    Hi, Kate.  It sounds as though your Chicago trip could not have been better.  You must be so happy/sad/happy/sad/happy/sad, etc. to be home.  Just wrap that princess warrior coat around you as those reentry bumps give you a whack. 

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    Brookside, actually she is a nurse RN.And  as far as observing someone else inform uhh barely I'm the one and only Bone Density Tech.We have medical assistant s ,nurse s doctors, nurse practitioners,receptionist.Thanks for your support.I am just about to the point of taking a job at Burger King vs staying here.She made the comment the other day that the doctors aren't going to like the fact that My schedule isn't full and They will not have any reason to keep it open(bone density).Then denied saying it a few minutes later.I was standing right there.I asked her if I was going to lose my job when they close bone density.She was like"I never said that".Maybe she didn't realize she said it out loud.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    Passive aggressive, a verbal klutz, or just plain cruel?   I would suspect, however, the the not-full schedule refers to the limited number of days your machine is in use.  The hardware and software and maintenance agreement and insurance cost the practice the same whether it's used every day or not.  The problem therefore seems to be a need for more referrals from local physicians rather than a tech-specific issue.  Her focus on your organizatonal skills seems penny wise and pound foolish.  And icky!

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Hi everyone!  I'm back in Minnesota and have been doing some spring housecleaning.  I decided it was time to drop in and see how things are going.  Kate, so glad to hear your trip was as wonderful as it was.  It sounds just heavenly having all of that family time, and it seems you felt good and were able to do pretty much what you wanted to do.  I know it had to be hard to leave all of them.  Hope your flight home went well.

    Josie, you are a dear person to be such a support for your family.  Your brother in law has such a happy smile.  I have two uncles who are developmentally disabled, and I am guardian to one of them.  They have a happy life living in a group home in their home town.  They get out and about more than I do, and are doing great!  I have some legal work to do for them soon.  Time to get back to reality.  I enjoyed the winter in Florida, but I missed having useful things to do.  You can only languish in the sun for so long!!  I certainly hope one of the jobs you applied for comes through for you.  How could you possibly have functioned well with that supervisor following you about?  It is like being followed while driving, by a patrolman.  You always do something you wouldn't normally do.  How tension provoking!  Is it your fault there are not enough bone density tests?  Are you supposed to go out on the sidewalk with a sandwich sign and recruit them?  Unbelievable!  I am hoping and praying for you to be able to give these people your notice and get into a better situation.

    Cindy, it sounds like you are busy being the fun person you are.  Good for you.  Hi to all of you ladies.  I have been out of touch a little, but I never forget about all of you.  We need it to stop raining here in Minnesota so we can outside and enjoy spring a little.  We actually have two seasons here - summer and winter.  It is beautiful in the summer though with the loons calling on the lakes and the cool star filled nights.  I wouldn't be away from here in the summer, ever!  Beginning of winter is beautiful too, pristine and cozy.  Then it turns ugly.  That is when I need to fly!  I left my car in Florida.  It is parked outside and I am a bit worried about it.  I was thinking of driving it home, but lucky I didn't those tornadoes in my path sound horrible.  Many deaths and much property damage.  Is it my imagination or are we having some radical weather extremes these days?  

    Well, back to closet cleaning, etc.  I re-did my guest room this weekend.  That was fun.  Now on to the next....  I will check in soon.  Kate, I am just elated that your trip went so well.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Brookside, yes the full schedule means they want every appointment slot filled up for the 3 days I'm there.That's 1 every 20 min until lunch when I breaks for lunch last appointment being 4:40pm first being 9:00 am.

    Today was a nightmare .I couldn't believe she came in my office on my day off and reorganized everything.Placing things in file folders(labeled) etc..She thought I'd be happy.I was so ticked off and floored.I was a nervous wreck because I couldn't find anything.I felt like I couldn't do my job.Even some of the simplest of tasks were difficult for me.My hubby came by for lunch after his doctor appt. I was so shaken up My legs were physically shaking.I asked my manager if someone did that to her office how do you of she feel.She said it wouldn't happen because it's organized.

    Gigil I'm glad to hear your back home although hope you don't miss Florida too much.Thanks for your positive comments.I need all the support I can get.

    I hope there isn't anything wrong with me .I think it was the immense amount of stress.Some people handle it better than others.I personal don't fare too well.It felt like I was having a nervous breakdown.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    I forgot my Tamoxifen last night since we were at the ballgame.Imagine how today would have gone if that was in my system.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014


    Selfie with my hubby at the ballgame. 


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2014

    Josie,Lemon.Brookside and Gigil I did not have a good flight home. Monday was very rough for me. When I first woke up I was doubled over in pain and didn't know whether I should leave Chicago or stay. I finally decided that all my treatment is in LA so I better go homr. The flight was rough because of the lymphedema. I did get up as much as I could and it helped a little. I had the terrible idea to get off the plane put my luggage away, and then go to ER. OMG I got to ER at 7:30 and came home at 6, and they just about did nothing for me. Yesterday I had the nurse give me an enema after 7 days without bm's, That felt good, but I am still plugged with stool. Today I was better. I went to see my pain mgt doctor. I was out of pain meds. Now that I have my pain meds I feel somewhat better, but I have been sliding downhill lately. Tomorrow I have CT scans and Friday an appointment with my medical ocologist. I spoke to him by phone tonight and he asked when I am seeing the clinical trial doctor. I am seeing him nrct Wednesday. Maybe he is going to cut a decision to put me in a clinical trial or chemo and not both. In any case even I will admit I need treatment. One thing after another is going down. Except for my children and grandchildren. I have to admit that even though I was quite ill I had the very best time

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited May 2014

    So nice you travellers, Gigil and Kate, are back home.  And it sounds as though the two of you made the absolute most of your away-ness.  Gigil, it seems you've saved up oodles of energy and hit the ground running with the guest room makeover.  Kate, it was family, family, family, and now you're ready to turn your efforts toward taking care of your health.  We're all looking forward to your having your plan all set out and working through it, step by step. So happy you have your onc tomorrow; he's always home plate for you.  .

    Josie, it just gets curiouser and curiouser.  Whatever was she thinking?  If she'd set up a time to work on organizational stuff with you, now that could have been a big help, but not this way.  Now you probably need some extra hours to either figure out her system or reorganize so you can do your job.  It sure sounds as though she's on the edge of pushing you into a Workman's Comp claim for anxiety, PTSD, or the like.  Love the selfie, by the way.  You look so happy and loving.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Kate, I'm so sorry your not feeling well again.Sounds like it was the right decision to come home.Hope you can get some relief sooner than later.Keep us posted sweetie.We will be in your pocket if you need us.

    Brookside, yes I agree.If I was in on it then I would have known where everything was.And she even moved my personal stuff.She remarked ", now that day.I've got you organized this is your baby and I expect you to run with it "And you should be able to fill up your schedule by adding on patients.

    I'm fine at home so I know it's just my job and not like I'm going crazy.But it's embarrassing and scary to be that nervous at work.I'm going to keep looking for a new job today.

    BTW I get my ultrasound results today.Pocket Party!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2014

    Josie I am so sorry for all the troubles at work.  I know how hard you have tried and it sounds like they don't appreciate any of your efforts.  I hope you find a better job soon.  Working under so much duress is hard on the soul.  Try to keep your head up and not let them see how much they are getting to you.  Oh, thanks for the picture of the dogs.  Your dog is a real sweetie, the Golden is adorable.  I have two, both rescues.  I love my boyz!  Many happy days ahead for you Josie.  Oh and loved the pic of you and hubby at the game.  You are a great looking couple!

    Kate I am sorry your trip back was so rough, but you are doing all the right things now to get back to health.  You are such a trooper, and I hope they can get the treatment going that will give you lots of relief. 

    Gigil welcome back! I am so glad that you came home to enjoy the beautiful summer. 

    Pocket party for me on May 12th.  The day after Mother's Day I am having my surgery.  I had  a consult with the surgeon Tuesday and felt comfortable.  He did say the hernia was now large so he will do that and repair those valves that won't stay closed.  My surgery is at 2PM, I have to stay overnight and should be able to go home the next day. The diet for the first few weeks is really strict but I can cope.  I want to be healed b y the time I go to Colorado this summer.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2014

    Josie - love the selfie at the game too. Your boss is a piece of work. I don't understand how she expects you to have a full schedule. How exactly do you do that? Recruit patients? I don't get that. Sounds like she is doing her level best to make your life miserable at work. Unfortunately there are way too many bosses like her. In all the years I have worked, and it has been many, the biggest problems I had with bosses were women. How can anyone be expected to do a good job when they are constantly walking a tightrope.

    Kate - sorry about your trip home. I can only imagine how uncomfortable it was for you. Sounds like you had a great time with your family. brother had hernia surgery. He was in such pain before he had it - lot better now - hope you are too.

    GigiL...we are actually having a Spring in Tennessee. Where I live in Collierville, we managed to dodge those horrible tornadoes. Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Missouri - not so much. Even some towns in east Tennessee took a hit. It is so incredibly scary. When we first moved to Collierville a tornado hit our town. I was beyond petrified. No power for 18 hours, wind blowing really hard and our cove looked like a war zone and yes I heard the proverbial freight train sound. You are so at the mercy of whatever it decides to do no matter how secure and safe you are in your house. I have read that the worst ones happen in April and May. Looking at some of those pics of those tornadoes its a wonder more people weren't killed. My prayers go out to all those people affected and I intend to donate to the cause. Diane

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Janis, thanks,glad you liked the pics.They probably know how frazzled I am unfortunately.My manager came in at the end of the day and watched me work for a few minutes.I'm fine not at work so I know it's the stress at work.I just couldn't work yesterday very well.Everyone saw how stressed I was.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Ultrasound was all clear the only cyst was ovulation related. Yay!! Happy happy...

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2014

    Hi y'all

    Welcome Home Kate and GiGil!

    Kate - sorry your flight home was is hard enough to leave family, but than a bad flight...ugh. Hope your CT scan went well and info is coming. Fingers&toes crossed for a solid game plan clinical trial or not...a plan that makes you feel comfortable and confident.  Your princess warrior coat is fully loaded...all in!  So we will wisk you off to the Drs and than Happy Hour! 

    GiGil - Spring cleaning hgtv make over...go girl! Will you have the clan there for Mother's Day?  Bet it feels good to be home in your bed zzz:)

    Josie - luv the selfie:D happy couple!  Geezz what a day and what an office.  I'm with Brookside document all that transpires dates times comments get it all down...hopefully you won't need to grieve, but be prepared with the facts...even take a pic of your office space and the constant intrusion...whoa.  Fingers&toes crossed for that new career opportunity.

    Janis - in your pocket for hernia surgery...yes, you must be up to snuff for the Big 60 Birthday Bash!  Party Party for days...only do it once so make it fun:))). Let them eat cake and ice cream!

    Diane - weather just charges up that corridor...hubby is alway surprised how much his good old Arkansas gets, but he remembers going into the cellar ugh:((( the loss and devastion is so sad...the heartland.

    Joan, Brookside and you NE girls hope you get a meet cute over Mother's Day:)

    Went fly fishing this morning and hooked 4... I started to panic no guide to take the fish off the glad the first thing I did was remove all barbs, though admit I was more fearful of hooking myself...I'm a catch and release...or if I can see the fly and I think the fish is too small I just strip the line so I can't hurt the baby fish...not sure that's how it's suppose to go, but why traumatized a small 12" up is worth the effort to bring along shore.  Besides it's all about looking good casting right now...hee hee hat hair, waders, boots, vest, net, buff, yes a reel fashion statement :)

    Yippee! Decision Day!  May 2 is here! Ooo who!

    TBT & TGIF!  Cheers and pocket appetizers...sushi :D



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Thanks Cindy.Good advice I'll keep that in mind.

    Glad you had a good time fly fishing.Sounds fun.

    Diane, thanks for the support too.Yes I know most of my bad experience s in jobs have been with women bosses.Not sure why.

    Well my sister is having a second mammogram.They are watching a spot.She is pretty nervous.I tried to reassure her but I kind of remember just knowing it wasn't right and knew I had cancer even before they told me.I hope not.I will pray for her.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2014

    Josie, we will be praying for your sister too. I remember what it was like as well; I just knew too. My sister has ILC; she lives in Kennesaw, Georgia and is very close to the vest about her scans, etc. although she does let me know when everything is okay. I am such a poster person for anxiety its a good thing we both aren't like me. Keep us posted. Diane

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Thanks Diane I appreciate it.I faxed her my path report in case it was helpful for her doc to know.Also my Bracca results.They were negative but I thought it might help to have it in writing for her.She lives in CT.Which is 16 hrs from us.But we're close.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2014

    I am a little spacey tonight and can't remeber all of the nice posts, so please forgive me. I remember support from Brookside, josie, janis, edwards and gigil. Janis I am so sorry that yoiu need surgery and I will be in your pocket. Josie hang in there. You are too sweet not to have something come your way.

    I had my CT scans today, and I just know they aren't good. I am too swollen and with both legs involved this will be worse. I am just praying the tumors haven't grown too much haven't grown too much.

    I know you guys all like nice weather, but this is too much for me. When I left Chicago it was 48, and when I came back to Los Angeles it was in the 90's.

    My appt with doc is at 2:15 LA time tomorrow please have some support left for me.. I know you willwill   know you will but you have already been so supportive.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited May 2014

    Checking in...have not been around due to end of semester crunch ... days and nights full...I should be in bed right now.  I can sleep an extra hour on  Fridays.
    Kate, you are such a trooper...pushing through against all odds to make that wonderful trip.  it makes sense that you crashed on the way home and that your body responded to the accumulated stresses.  Sorry about the is almost always the worst decision but sometimes it is necessary when we feel we cannot control what is going on.  Little by little you will have to rebuild and get back to where you were before your trip...and then hope for improvements all around.
    Gotta go...

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited May 2014

    With you today, Kate.  You're starting a whole new phase, and there will be lots to listen to, react to, think about.  Please think of the scan, whether it turns out to be Big Icky or Just Plain Icky, as a super tool for your docs to use to design the very  best treatment plan just for you.  Be sure to take lots of notes.  It's easy to get stuck on side effects, while what you really want to know is the old WIIFM (What's in it for me?, or What combination of drugs of all the entire universe will get me feeling better the quickest?).  Reading over your notes will help you get past the negatives (mostly hair, I know) and focus on the benefits of the treatment.  Here's to happy tummies and slimmer legs!

    Joan, I don't think even SAB works more than you.  You two are my heroes.  That said, I'm really enjoying my "reasonable accomodation" of a 50% reduction in hours, and just now, four months into the year, a whole year past rads, beginning to feel my stamina and concentration building. 

    Cindy, a sports-related outfit is never complete without the proper gloves.  Go shopping, girl!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Kate, I'm sorry you feel like there is bad news .I hope not for your sake.We will be in your pocket.

    When do you think you'll have results?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Joan, sounds like your busy busy.But your reward will be soon as the summer break begins.What do you teach? I forget

    My day was better mainly because my bosses were absent.I'm sure they are going to give me an earful on Monday about not getting all my benefits done or working on extra add ons.Bring it on.I'll be ready with a letter of resignation.Or at least a promise of resignation.I am really not in the position to do that but I cannot take it anymore.

    More painting this weekend.My fingers are blue.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited May 2014

    Kate, we are with you.  Wrap that Princess Warrior Coat tightly around you and be sure to wear your Queen Tiara too.  It's not much of a surprise that both legs would be bad right now since you've just had 2 long airplane rides so I'm hoping it's your LE acting up and not anything worse.  I'm sure your visit with the grandkids, your children and all your cousins was well worth any swelling going on now.  We may not all post all the time, but our thoughts and prayers are always with you....just keep remembering that.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2014

    TGIF!  Tomorrow will participate in Relay for Life:). A few years ago I did to support gf in charge and gf team captain...I was overwhelmed by the humidity (a new Texan) but a tornado warning itch lightening and thunder shut us down and I got to sleep in my own bed itch hubby and AC.  Sadly mbc claimed my 2 GFs the week I was in their honor...I'll walk.

    Kate - praying that today went well.  Your pockets are so full :) sending comforting (((hugs)))

    Josie - enjoy painting...fresh paint :)  breathe, don't rush into know what is best...but if they discharge you unemployment benefits... But do you have a letter of recommendation? Hoping a new position comes very quickly...hold on!

    RT for fly fishing...Brookside with each sport or activity there's always the new look to make us play so much better :D

    Shout out to all



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2014

    Joan, Brookside, Josie, Sew and Cindy thanks so much for your intelligent support. I left doc's office feeling HOPEFUL. Since I had the scans 3 pm yesterday at a different hospital than he is associated with he did not have the results yet. What I am hopeful about is possibly being accepted in the clinical trial. I spoke about it s little when I was exhausted, so it was probably unclear. I have an appointment this Wednesday to see a DR. in charge of a clinical trial for an immune PD- inhibitor. This clinical trial works on the immune system to try and get the body to fight the cancer. There have been some good results. Not much data for bladder cancer. It has mostly been done for skin cancer and lung cancer. The results are something like 20-30% of the patients in the study have had remissions for years. You heard right YEARS> I think positive so I don't think about the other 75%. At least there is hope for 25%. Now keep in mind I have not qualified yet. Qualifying in my case is all about the breast Cancer. I don't know much more about that. I will find out more when I meet the doctor Wednesday.

     I am going to get a port. I have bad veins and I am tired of getting stuck multiple times.

    If I don't make the clinical trial there is still hope. I will do chemo again with a drug that is a little milder. Instead of doing Gem Cisplatin like I did beore I will be doing Carboplatin with Gem. Doc said there is hardly any nausea with Carboplatin. Affects on my hair will be the same a little thinning. I asked him about this type of chemo in regard to the swelling. He said the same thing that he said last time. "It may not work to take the swelling away. (Thank God mine worked last time.) If it works it could take two full months to get it to work.

    Yeah! at least I can have a weekend where it is easy to remain  positive.

    Sew, I so much appreciated what you had to say

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2014

    Kate, good for you.You sound so up beat and positive.We love you and are always in your pocket.

    Cindy, Thanks for the encouragement.Enjoy the relay for life.

    Here's good news Someone already responded to my application.She is interviewing Tuesday .Unfortunately it was like8:30 pm before I got the message.I will call first thing Monday morning.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2014

    Kate - good news...hope :))) snuggle in your's ok if the tiara silos while we hug you asleep...peaceful happy dreams.

    Josie - good news...keep that smile on your face as you paint the sky blue!  

    Faith Hope Love

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited May 2014


    That all sounds like hopeful, good news! It sounds like your doctor is very clear and honest which is so important. I hope you do enjoy your weekend. I heard it is so hot there right now! I am jealous, we cant see to get above 50 or 60 degrees here I hate it!

    My BMX/DIEP is on Monday. My anxiety was bad today I was actually making myself nauseous. I took my Xanax and feel pretty good now. Wish I could sleep the weekend away and get it over with. I am 110% sure this is the right thing for me but I do admit I am scared of the long surgery, he said 12 hours but if I get lucky only 10. Long time to be under but I pray worth every minute.

    Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2014

    Cindy- good for you participating in the race. We just lost a lady in our BC group@church. So sad. Such a sweet lady. 

    Josie- yea! Hope it's a good job and you get it and you can do the Johnny Paycheck song..take this job and shove it.

    Kate- we r all pulling for you to get good et results and get some well deserved relief.