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  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2014

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Had such a nice week/end with lunches and dinners and gift cards and cards. I am truly blessed. One of my gifts was the Iphone6. Pretty cool phone. I was really looking for a phone with a larger screen. It has that. ATT gave me a crummy 35 for my Iphone4. I guess that's better than nothing.

    April and Cindy - I'm sorry about your husbands too. Keep us posted. We are definitely praying for them too.

    Josie - I sure you were disappointed in the cake but hey now you are moving on up! Couldn't be happier for you and don't let anyone dampen your spirits.

    Getting that card back is sad Cindy. I hope she knew how much we all cared.

    Redhead - the kitty is precious!

    Janis - yum - how about we send you stamp money and you send the goodies?

    Have a good week everyone!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Diane, glad to hear your had a great BDay week/weekend. You deserve it.!!

  • BigDBeatingBigC
    BigDBeatingBigC Member Posts: 228
    edited November 2014

    Thanks for all of your kinds notes.   I just wanted to let you know that I finally have lost my job.  I suffered two bad falls at work.  Thank God I did not break any bones, but I was very badly bruised and knew then that it was just too difficult for me to go on.  Being constantly dizzy and not knowing when my legs will go out on me makes is impossible to do a good job.  I cannot just sit and type.  I have to be up and moving around.  I was not even drinking or eating because I did not want to have to get up and go to the bathroom.  That is how bad it got.  And so it was a decision I had to make.  Now I am without insurance and trying to figure my way around.  I will be applying for long term disability through a policy that my work has.  I have a lot of paperwork to read through, then get the documents filled out and turned in.  I turn 62 at the end of December and not sure whether or not I can also get Social Security or not.  These are all things I must find out.  I will have to purchase Obamacare as I do not qualify for Medicare.  I am pretty devastated as I am not sure if I will ever be able to afford a stem cell transplant, and without one, the myeloma will eventually get me.  I am scheduled to see my neurologist on Dec. 5 and we will see what he says about my legs going out on me.  My last infusion went okay.  I was in the hospital and got only a half dose and had no issues.  So we are going to try a half dose again in December.  I do not know if I can move now, yet I need to so badly.  I just cannot afford a two bedroom apartment, especially now.  I have a couple of friends who have been kind enough to come over and help me get rid of some things and they have promised to continue to help until we get it all done.  If any of you know how Social Security and long term disability works, please let me know.  Someone told me I could collect both, but others have said you can only choose one. I will miss working, I have worked since I was 13 and I am already bored to death just sitting at home.  My boss did not even say goodbye to me.  I am sure he is relieved to have me off of the policy.  He could have made things easier for me but I don't think it is in his DNA.  I doubt anyone will want to hire me now with my health history, but I have to get back on my feet (literally) before I think about another job.  My legs are so weak and I never know when they will fail me.  My neurologist is good and very well respected in Dallas, so I hope he can find an answer. 

    Love you all,

    Big D/Joan

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2014

    Joan Sweetie, I am so sad reading your post.  It has to feel overwhelming.  You can contact SS and get a lot of literature mailed to you.  Without an income find out if you can get Medicaid.  I have a feeling with your background you have some resources as far as gathering information.  If you are not up to the task, maybe one of your friends can help you through the process of finding help.  You can also go to SS website and see if you can muddle through it to get some answers.  You won't be bored!  I don't know much about applying for disability but I do know you are almost always turned down at first.  I used to volunteer for Wyoming Alliance for the Mentally Ill.  They are advocates for getting help for the mentally ill and dealing with SS red tape.  I know the process is the same for any disability.  Be proactive and keep at it.  I know it is tough but try not to get too discouraged.  There is help available to you and I am confident you can find it.

    Please know I care and you can call me anytime.  I am here to for you and hope with all my heart that things improve for you very soon.  I am so sorry you have to go through all this.  You have so many loving friends here so please come back often.  You are loved.

    Big, warm healing hugs to you.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014

    Hi Joan,

    My understanding is that if you qualify for SS disabilty (also known as SSDI) which is highly likely, you can apply for that under compassionate allowance (which I think is quicker) BUT since you are turning 62 next month. it would not make sense. You can receive your (reduced) regular social security and if it falls below a certain amount of money, you can apply for something called SSI (which is called supplemental security income) in case you need more to bring you to the accepted minimum standard (whatever that is)

    We are having a guest at our next staff meeting all about this stuff cause we see a lot of clients who want training for new jobs after they have an illness/injury so we need to be brought up to speed on what this all entails so we invited someone from the local SS office to speak about it. I can ask (using no names) about what you might qualify for if you like. The meeting is on Dec 5th at 2:00pm so the earliest I can PM you the information will be a week from this Friday night.

    Am thinking of you and know there are resources out there. Talk to the hospital social worker too about reduced price for any and all medical procedures based on income (or lack thereof) as all hospitals have funds to use for this stuff (best kept secret ever!) so you might only have to pay pennies on the dollar.

    Also, apply for "Obama Care aka Affordable Care Act)" right away and see if you qualify for a subsidy to offset the price. You might be surprised how little it can cost you.

    Hugs and best to you.

    To all the rest, I love you and always have you in my at work as usual so gotta bolt! xo

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited November 2014

    Wow, BigD, such a lot of !@#$%, and all at once.  Lousy boss!  Lousy cancer!  Lousy roll of the dice!  But thank goodness you have resources and options, and your very own beautiful self.   You are so lucky to have long term disability (and, I assume short term?) at work.  This will sustain you while Social Security plods through their bureaucratic minutia.  I can't be sure about this, but I believe you can receive both Social Security and long term disability from Social Security, but that there is a cap.  You do need to schedule an appointment with them and they will figure out your options and the best way to move forward.  If you have life insurance, do check whether your policy has a disability premium (paying) clause. 

    You will receive your stem cell transplant at the proper time.  Your insurance will pay what they pay, and the hospital will set up a payment plan with you.  Please do not worry about that right now.  Oh, and I know you know this, but a visit with an elder care attorney can do a lot to help you make the right financial decisions between now and the time (way, way in the future) when you will need that procedure. 



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Big D/ Joan, I'm so sorry sweetie. That is terrible. You have been through so much. I think you should be eligible for some sort of help or disability. Do you have a friend that can help you with some of the red tape?

    Maybe you can take better care of yourself. Sounds like you have good doctors. You are blessed that way.

  • BigDBeatingBigC
    BigDBeatingBigC Member Posts: 228
    edited November 2014

    Hi and thanks for your notes. I am not asking about Social Security Disability.  I will not qualify for that.  The long term disability I am applying for is through Guardian, through my work, which offers a policy to disabled employees (no short term disability where I worked).  I am filling out the paperwork now and getting the doctors to do the same.  What I want to know is when I turn 62 whether or not I can get my retirement as well, or whether it will be reduced.  I tried to call SS today and after waiting for an hour and a half on the phone, I gave up.  Will try again tomorrow.  I read a long time ago that you cannot get both SSDI and Retirement benefits.  You get the lesser of the two.  You automatically get your retirement at 62 and I will be 62 at the end of next month.  I decided to get one month of Cobra which is $800 and then I will apply for Obamacare for 2015.  I have no idea how I will afford my deductibles, I do not have but about $25,000 in my 401K and that will not last long.  My hope is that my neurologist will find the answer to why I cannot walk without falling and then hope that someone will hire me for a job, any job.  I have a feeling it will be tough once I tell them I have multiple myeloma, but I am more concerned about just being able to walk.  I cannot afford assisted care and my friends are not up to helping me get through all this red tape.  They know less than I do.  Texas is not a great state to live in when you need help.  I will call SS tomorrow again and see if I can get through to ask some questions.  I feel so lost and alone, I know you are all here and it helps, but it is hard to have no family and only a couple of friends who can help at times.  I hate even to ask them.  But I will not give up.  Whatever happens is meant to happen.  I worry more about who will take care of my two kitties.  One is great with a wonderful loving personality, the other hates people.  Runs under the bed and won't come out until they leave and my vet and his crew cannot even handle him without sedating him.  I cannot imagine he would be happy with anyone else.  But I will worry about that later.  Have a good evening, everyone.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited November 2014

    BigD, your Social Security retirement payments will not be reduced by your Guardian long term disability.  What can be affected is whether a portion of your payments is taxable.  Your Guardian, however, may be reduced by your SSDI.  And yes, if you have worked enough quarters, I believe you will qualify for SSDI, and can receive it until you reach your full retirement age.  You will probably want to begin receiving retirement payments asap, as it takes far longer for SSDI to kick in, but, once those payments are approved, the SSDI benefit may be higher.  It is likely SSI (Supplemental Security Income) that you don't qualify for.  It is all very complicated, but worth plowing through all your options with one of their amazingly knowledgeable reps.  Fingers crossed that tomorrow someone picks up the phone for you within a few minutes.  And for the purpose of that conversation and any paperwork:  Your doctor says you are not able to work at all.


  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2014

    Just checking in to say hi. April your granddaughter is such little cutie. I am sure she is bringing you so much joy. Josie, I am so glad you worked your last day at that place. It makes it all that much easier to be grateful for your new job. You have come a long way since you first started mentioning troubles at your old job. Thank goodness that is over.

    Joan, I know our paths will cross again. I just feel it. Sew, glad you popped in to update us and let us know what you are doing. It inspires me to free up some time for sewing and knitting. All I have to do is get this packing done and then I am home free. I am in residence now and tomorrow I will hit it hard. I have two days less than a month to get it done and get the movers here to pick it up.

    Big D thank you for stopping in and updating us. You are getting some very good information from everyone here. I will tell you that when you apply for SSDI, if you do, expect to be turned down, and if and when you are, be sure to appeal it. I just went through that whole process with my brother in law, and we finally got him approved. Thank goodness.

    Janis, your holiday treats sound wonderful. I would much rather be doing some holiday baking right about now. I can't wait to have a place nearer my daughter. We love to make traditional Scandinavian treats like lefsa and krumkake. We also like to do all of the old favorites, like peanut brittle, and peanut blossoms and haystacks. I have thought of stealing a few hours to make a few treats to bring with me to her house for Thanksgiving.

    Cindy and April, I am keeping your husbands in my prayers. You all need answers soon, and some treatment plans and results. So sad to think of Kate's letter coming back. She is still in all of our hearts.

    Brookside, you are always so helpful and have such insight into these complicated situations. It was fun seeing a picture of you and Joan and your meetup.

    Edwards late Happy Birthday. It sounds like you celebrated in fine style.

    Is everyone getting ready for Thanksgiving? Charger, lucky you. Mexico? Bravo! I am going to my daughter's house, and Cole's 12th birthday is the day after. He asked me to wrap his gifts in Christmas paper, since it is after Thanksgiving. I will do whatever that boy asks me to. He loves Christmas so much. The year he was born, he was born on Thanksgiving Day. He has been such a joy in my life, and everyone else's too. He is such a positive guy, I always feel better after being around him. He never questions why he has SMA and can't do things other kids can. He is just accepting and patient. He went to a school dance last Friday and he had his cell phone that he shares with his sister when they are away from home. He went into the office at school and called me, his grandma. That makes me feel special. I urged him to go in and dance and he did it. He has had the advantage of going to MDA camp and the dances there. Consequently, he is a chick magnet at the dances. He is not intimidated, while the other boys his age are not experienced with dances at all. I love middle school age. So much fun.

    Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with tranquil moments and lots of good food. Regardless of what we are all dealing with, we can enjoy our pleasant moments when we are lucky enough to have them. There are always some, if we are open to them. Sometimes in the face of much adversity, we can find feelings of grace and peace. I hope for those for every one of us throughout the holiday. Love, GiGi

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2014

    BigD - I am so sorry about your job and your loser boss and your medical issues. You are never alone though. I know we aren't with you in body but we sure are in spirit and prayers. I have to plead ignorance on SS and Retirement but others are very knowledgeable. I would suggest if you can to make an appt with SS and go see them up close and personal. Several friends have had to do that.

    Josie - Be safe with all the chaos near you. It is so sad and dangerous.

    Gigi nailed it. Somehow we can find grace and peace even when the situation seems hopeless. I can attest to that first hand.

    Happy Thanksgiving friends - group hug! Love you all.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Thanks Diane, w are doing fine. Luckily the parts of the city with the riots are not that close. But they are closer than I'd like.. I'm really saddened by the looting and violence. That is not helping anyone or solving things. And if you ask anyone what would they do in that situation they would do the same. It's easy to criticize unless your in that situation.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2014

    It's been a busy week end of cleaning and moving "stuff" around; and two days of work were exhausting.  I fell asleep after work...guess I needed it.
    Gigi, Cole sounds like such an amazing great that he calls you.  I hope you have a great celebration with Cole for his BD.  I, like Cole was also born on TG.  This year my BD was on Tuesday (it's after midnight, so I guess that makes it yesterday). 
    I love TG because I always get a BD celebration with my family. 
    Today I heard from 3 of my 6 kids (my daughters and grandkids) and also my brother in OH.  My DH had to work so the night before he gave me a few gifts and a buttercream cake.  I had a slice, saved a slice, and took the rest to work.  No one at work knew it was my BD and I anonymously put the cake in the faculty room for sharing.  I don't have meaningful relationships at work. My ladies group meets Tuesdays and they made a cake for me. 
    We leave tomorrow morning for DD#3 near Boston.  It may snow while we are on the road.  I am not ready to leave at all.  I have to pack the car and a bag for 2 days.  My son from Chicago will fly into Boston for TG day. 
    I feel blessed with family and health right now. 

    Sew, I am glad you decided to check in!  This thread really is nicer when you are around Smile
    Pace yourself, and stop by when you can. 

    Cindy, so sorry to hear about DH.  It must be a difficult time for you.  I admire that through all this you try to do some of the things you love.  I hope you find comfort with your new pup and that there will be some good news coming your way.  Hugs & prayers.

    Janis, sorry you won't be with family...I hope you can enjoy some of the memories you have from your trip and birthday celebration.  Your gift of baking, sharing and caring is a blessing to others. 

    Josie, I like your post about your last day at work...and you don't have to look back!  So glad you managed to get through a busy day at work on the new job.  I think it is better suited to you.  You have a lot to share and will be an asset for this group.  I hope it all works out for you in every way. 

    April, Aubrey is beautiful!  Thanks for sharing.  We will find a date in early 2015 to gather.  Meanwhile, maybe you can intercept Brookside on the road some day.

    Joan, I am sorry to hear that your job has ended.  It can be a lot of work to apply for benefits for which you are entitled.  Don't give up.  Get all the benefits you can and look into any medical help and even household help or meals that may be available.
    I know you don't like to lean hard on friends, but you may need to for a time.  It saddens me when a vibrant working woman such as yourself has to undergo such abrupt life changes due to illness.  You may check the threads here for information about services  The bottom line is you will have to speak with some representatives and it will take time on the phone, the computer, and at some time, in person.  Can you get immediate unemployment while you are waiting for your disability?  I do not have any answers about SS.  I just applied for retirement SS; and negotiating that local office was tough.  It is true that there is a SSI benefit to supplement retirement benefit.  It is good news that the infusion at half dose seems to be tolerable.   What would be the timing of the stem cell transplant?  If you can, start looking in to this soon.  It is all a lot to think about...and not easy when you do not feel well.
    Sending hugs and prayers that you will find a path to resolving these challenges.

    OK I better get more sleep since I have to be on the road at 11 AM tomorrow.
    Safe travels to anyone hitting the roads.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Joan, happy Birthday. I didn't know it was your birthday. Be careful on the roads.

    I may end up being sick for thanksgiving. My daughter had strep this week and got an early thanksgiving break. I've been brewing something for the past couple days. I don't think strep but not sure if it's a bad cold or what. I never did find a PCP so I might end up seeing someone in our practice. Apparently they require the flu shot for all employees. But I never get the flu shot. My son had the flu last year around Christmas and I never got it from him. I guess I'm going to work. Hopefully they don't send me home. I'm not running a fever though.Just feel crummy with a bad cough.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2014

    Joan811, happy belated birthday my friend!  It sounds like you had some special attention from family and friends.  The cake sounds fantastic, I would have eaten it all!  Nice of you to donate the rest of it so everyone could share.  I hope you have a safe journey and a wonderful holiday with your family. 

    BigDJoan, apparently I misunderstood what kind of help you were looking for.  I am sorry and I hope you find someone who can help you find the answers you need.  I do know it is a process, but never stop trying.  I know how upsetting all the uncertainty is.  Much luck to you in finding the answers you need.

    Gigil I love your stories about Cole, your love and pride shines.  He sounds like such a sweet and amazing young man.  Calling you from the dance, priceless! 

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you special ladies.  Enjoy it all with your family and friends.  Take lots of pictures too.

    I love you all, take good care.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited November 2014

    Josie, when you say "our" practice, I guess that means you're all settled in.  Great to hear.  I hope when they say they require the flu shot, that means they'll give you one for free.  I always got the flu every year, sometimes twice, and just kind of thought that was the way it was.  I was required to get my first shot when I was doing a chaplaincy internship at a hospital.  Of course, we'd be around some very sick people, and they didn't want to take a chance of one of us making them even sicker.  I didn't get sick that year, and have gotten the shot every year since.  Not only do I not get the flu, but I hardly ever get even a cold.

    Happy travelling, Joan, and everyone else hitting the road.  tomorow, I'm going to my son's a couple of hours north of here.  First, I planned to go today to avoid the storm (somewhere between six and sixteen inches), but then I realized that if the power went out, I'd want to be here to turn on the generator.  So here I sit.  Pretending to work at home, but I've already taken two naps on the couch.  Oh, well, I'll be there until Saturday, and that afternoon I have a client appointment in the area.  I never work on Saturdays any more, but I'm trying to take advantage of the gas (and personal wear and tear) saving.

    BigD, I hope you've been able to get a few questions anwered.  I might not have said this clearly before, but, while you and I (and we) know you are perfectly capable of rocking a new job, even if you have to do it from home, in order to receive disability payments from either your group disability plan or SSDI, your doc will need to certify that you are not able to work at all.  And yes, he will happily do this.  It does not mean that you cannot work; it means that, for right now, this minute,  you fit the definition of disability the carrier requires.  The group plan, at least, might allow partial disability after an initial period, but the trick is to get all the wheels in motion while you figure out your new normal.  Once all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted, and maybe you and the kitties are in that smaller apartment, you can take your time figuring out exactly what, where, and how you want to earn $$$$.

    My gosh, Gigi, I grew up with a Norwegian family right next door.  Her mother, always at her wits' end with my friend, was always saying, My gosh, Elsa!"  Elsa, the second daughter, was, of course, quite different from her angelic big sister.  Oh, the Christmas goodies!  Krumkake!  Sankake (sp?)!  Yulekake!  And more.  Even loved the fiske soupe (no idea at all of how to spell this).  You've put me right in the Christimas spirit.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014

    Happy Birthday Joan!

    Everyone else and Joan, Happy Thanksgiving! Just found out we are closing at noon (snow is coming down pretty hard) instead of 2 (which is when we close before a holiday usually) so that is least I should be able to get home in one piece.

    Love to all! xo

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited November 2014


    Joan - Happy Happy Birthday and safe travel! Bundle up! Glad your TG will be surrounded with family <3

    Josie - be safe...such a sad state of affairs...relish the new job!

    April - (((hugs))) for you hubby dad and baby! Click some pics

    GiGil - ah, sweet Cole! Wonder where he learned to be such a man...GM. Have fun:)

    Brookside - good info on extending benefits...brr your way

    BigD - praying for you and hoping you find the answers to your questions on finances...remember to appeal!

    Will head to my dads for TG not sure if my ds&dil&gs will be coming. DIL had a bad gallbladder attack and is headed to her mom...son has to work at hospital...oh well. Hubby will have MRI to determine just what is going on early next mammo is 12/1! 2 yr cancerversary coming up...:)))

    Happy Thanksgivng!



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Cindy, thanks for sharing your pup pic. Too cute. He's getting big!! CA looks beautiful. I'm jealous. It's snowing here.

    Brookside, yes I'm settling in. I really like the place but today I was a bit crabby and not myself. I really didn't feel well and we were so busy. The younger girl training me sometimes likes to not answer me when I have a question. She told me today look it up in my notes. This makes me a little crazy and crabby. I try to remain calm. She's only 25 yrs old and still lives at home. She's just a little selfish and immature. I will not make an issue an just kind of let it go. I probably need to keep better notes I guess.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited November 2014
    A very happy thanksgiving to everyone! Gobble, gobble, yumm, yumm. Burp.
  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving ladies! xo

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends.  Enjoy your day with family and friends. 

  • BigDBeatingBigC
    BigDBeatingBigC Member Posts: 228
    edited November 2014

    Thank you everyone and yes, I will appeal and make an appointment to see someone in person.  I applied online for my retirement benefits, and my doctors are in the process of filling out their paperwork.  I know it will take time but I will do whatever I need to.  I will let you know what happens just in case anyone else finds themselves in a position like this.  My cousin is saying she wants to come for a few months, so now I am thinking about keeping my apartment.  The cost of packing and moving would be expensive so I just have to think it all through.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  There is always something to be grateful for.  I can think of many, one of them being having you all here.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014

    Joan/BigD....xoxoxoxox Happy Thanksgiving sweetheart!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2014

    Big D Joan, I wonder if there are advocates in your area that work with Social Security who can help guide you. It may take some patience, but I am hoping that you find an advocate or someone there who is willing and knowledgeable.

    Happy Birthday to you Joan 811. You've been so busy, I hope you find some time to treat yourself to some relaxation and fun. Anonymous cake is one of my secret fantasies Smileand I'm sure you had some people puzzled.

    Cindy, at Rancho? So lovely and green, enjoy. I hope DH gets good news.

    Josie no job is perfect! If an irritating 20-something is your worst problem than you did well. I hope you are enjoying other aspects of the job.

    Gigi cute story about Cole and dances. He probably feels great about his coolness.

    Brookside, Sew, April, Lemon, Charger, Janis, Edwards and every one else that I didn't mention above, to all of you Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all had wonderful family time, and ate too much delicious food. I know I did!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2014

    Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving . I did have a lot to be thankful for this year.

    I'm thankful for my new job, my health(almost2 yrs cancer free), my family,my loving husband, my FIL coming through his stem cell transplant so well,and of course all of you and the support and friendship you all have given me since being a member here.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2014

    Awwwww Josie, you know you are very loved here.  You have a huge heart and that shines.  I am so happy you have so much to be thankful for.  Two years out is awesome, and the further out you are the less you will worry.  I am thrilled for your FIL too. 

    Cindy thanks for the photo, it looks so nice and warm there.  Pupper is beautiful!  Name?  I can't tell for sure what breed he is?  You probably mentioned it and I missed it.  I hope you had a wonderful holiday, and sending lots of healing hugs to your DH.  Fingers and paws crossed here for him.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2014

    Hope everyone had a nice holiday! I sure did and def ate too much. Too hard to resist. Made the rounds with both families which was exhausting so next year we are going to have them on separate days. Families have gotten so big now our visits are becoming drive byes with all the family we just have to see on Thanksgiving.

    I did hit the streets early Friday starting with getting a tree from Home Depot followed by Talbots, Starbucks, ATT store, Macy's and Dillard's. In between our traditional Turkey Bowl football game. Loved seeing sister and BIL. Wish we lived closer.

    Getting our new car today - yea! 2014 Hyundai Elantra GT - comes with heated seats no less.

    I appreciate my many blessings too. I have to remind myself of that when things start to go south.

    You guys are the best!
