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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited October 2011

    I concur highly with all that Mr. Clams said (I'm 2 wks post-op today).  The lanyard was awesome - especially helpful for when you are allowed to take a shower.  And we didn't have a recliner either, but DH used pillows and blankets and made a nice wedge for me on the bed along with pillows under the arms that worked great.  I didn't have a tummy tuck but it still is uncomfortable to lay completely flat at first due to pulling on the pecs/chest area.  

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011

    Mr. Clams, Thanks so much for the info.  I'm glad to hear you wife is on the mend.  I'm going to let my husband read your post this evening.  He has been my rock and I know Mrs. Clams is fortunate to have you.  denise

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Denise. I had BMX with TE. The PS put a little fill during surgery and once my incision heals I will be going in weekly for fills the once I am filled to the size I like we will do 1 more fill and then exchange my TE for my permanent implants. I am also having fat graphing to fill the dents

    The BS took 2 1/2 hours and the PS took 2 1/2 hours.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    10/13 - - -  I'm scheduled for a BMX with immediate recon - Mentor implants. 

    My situation is "unique" as my PS called me - - - I'm on my 3rd BC - 1995 RT, 2005 LT & RT again now.  

    As my options are now limited, I feel good about my decision. 

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    MargieC~ I'm SO glad to see your update!  It sounds like our procedures are very similar with the exception of the fat grafting (not familiar with this but it sounds interesting!)   My PS advised that he'll do a fill after inserting the TEs too.  I keep wondering just how much he'll be able to get in there....

    Also great to know that you were in surgery for 5 hrs total.  That's the same as I was told to "expect." 

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    AnnAlive~ In the small chance that I'm not able to get back online tonight, please know that you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow!  I wish you an incredibly smooth surgery -- and a super fast recovery! 



  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011
    Hi sandibj~  I'm so sorry to learn of your third diagnosis :(  But so glad that you found us.   I know that gamergirl will get your info added to the October list just as soon as she's back up and running :) 
  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011

    Thank you MargieC and you go girl!!! look at you up and typing away on the computer this morning. 

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    TracieM...I hope you are recovering well!!

     AnnAlive...Best wishes tomorrow!!

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2011

    Home from the hospital already.  Unfortunately, I no longer have just DCIS, it's invasive.  There was cancer in the SNB, so they had to yank a bunch of lymph nodes from the left side.  And i couldn't have the immediate recon because I'll be having chemo and rads.  I'm not going to lie, my head isn't in a good place over this.  I keep breaking out in tears.  

     I haven't read any new posts, but will make any changes when I can read better. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    If you can't get a lanyard you can use a shoelace. That was a tip we received from a nurse at the hospital and it worked great. tie the shoelace around your neck and used the safety pins from the drains to hang them on. It worked well for showering.

    Also we did not have a shower bench but my husband put a towel down on the shower stall floor and then put our beach cooler down with a towel on top of it. sounds crazy but it worked like a charm.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl~ Oh honey, I'm so upset to learn the outcome of your surgery.  I've thought about you so much over the past two days and this is clearly NOT the result that I had envisioned for you :(  How I wish I could take your pain away--- both the physical and the emotional.  

    Please tell me that you're surrounded with a shitload of love and support right now.  I'm here for you if you want to vent either on or offline, k? 

    Sending you gigantic yet gentle hugs...


  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl, you just made me cry.  I've been on the verge all day anyway.  The path seems to be 1 step forward and 3 steps back.  I'm so sorry to hear about your surgery.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,321
    edited October 2011


    I know what it's like to find out, after surgery, that things are not what they thought. After the shock and sadness, I know you will be able to focus on this new(est) reality. I still have my down moments but in the end, we all do what we have to do. Much love to you and know that I have walked in your shoes. Actually, I'm just a few steps ahead. Caryn

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl - I'm so sad to hear this unwelcome surprise has happened to you. I'm praying for no such surprises at my surgery, but there is so much unpredictability with bc. Praying that you will  heal well from surgery and prepare emotionally for your next healing steps. Hugs to you.

    Dukes_Up -  Thanks for the surgery wishes. It looks like I'm the only one on our list for tomorrow. I'm going in at 10:30am for surgery at 1:30pm, unless the call I'm expecting from the hospital within the hour changes it. Surgery listed below in signature, supposed to take 5 hours.

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl, I'm so sorry this happened.  Once you have all the info and reports and are done grieving, I know you will dust yourself off and circle the wagons.  Kick this crappy disease where it hurts.  Wishing you comfort and courage.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl...I am so sorry for this shock.  This cancer thing sucks.  And it is so relentless...and you try to keep everything in perspective, only to have to change the perspective you have to look at.  You try to remind yourself that you have to take it one day at a time, cross one bridge at a time.  You try to remember that this is part of life and that life can't stop just because cancer sucks.  You don't want it to stop, you remind yourself that you have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.  That other women are looking at your diagnosis as getting off easy and maybe it is.  And in some ways this is the most difficult thing of just never relents.  There is so much waiting, thinking that once you get something over (surgery, maybe), it will be done.  And it isn't done.

    And then you step back and remember that your life is not just cancer... It is the people you love and the accomplishments you are proud of...  And maybe, just maybe, this sucky cancer thing relents...takes a back seat to all the things that make your life full and wonderful. 

    I am only one year into this crazy journey.  I don't really know if I know what I am talking about, but I can say that your shocking news left me here...thinking these thoughts...  I hope that the beauty of life shoves the relentlessness of cancer aside for you quickly...for you and me and all of us...

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    I had a setback today...  it is minor, I think...but stinks just the same.  I found out that the brca test I was waiting for only was approved by my insurance yesterday...and the results will be in about 2 weeks...  I had had surgery scheduled for weeks in advance so it would be AFTER the results came, so I could opt for bmx if it was positive.  Well, I just spent a week getting my substitute teacher and my students prepared for my absence.  I just got all that done and behind me, focusing solely on getting ready for Friday. 

    I had a little bit of a melt down thinking that my bs would want me to reschedule the mx.  But, after his nurse heard my panic, she spoke with my bs and he agreed we will keep the umx for Friday.  I will deal with the brca results when they come and, if positive, schedule a prophylactic mx at my convenience... 

    I wish the brca was behind me and not another future looming thing, but I am glad that my bs let me retain control over these decisions.  I must thank him for that.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    CLC-  Ugh... I'm so sorry for the setback but I'm glad that BS is on board with your wishes to proceed with the UMX on Friday.  One of my greatest fears about this whole process is surgery postponement.  I just CAN'T have that happen after so much prep/anticipation.  Not to mention the mountains my husband has moved in order to rearrange his work schedule for me. 

    It really stinks that BRCA results take so long!

    Hope you can get some sleep tonight.  Personally, I'm not sure how I'll be able to handle just one more sleepless night.  My brain is JUNK! 

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Thanks, DukesUp...

    I am trying really hard to treat surgery like I would a really big workout or run.  I am resting, doing only light workouts and getting my massage, eating as well as possible...and ...sigh...not sleeping well...  It's like I am sabotaging myself.  I will try again tonight.  I imagine Thursday night will NOT offer a lot of sleep...

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl, God I'm right there with you. Have been crying on and off since I woke up from surgery on Mon. Your fears far outweight my disappointment that I'm now looking at another 7 months of this shit. I hope it helps a little to not feel so alone right now, I know that's how I feel now. We can feel alone together I suppose. It just seems like when we get a plan and we circle our wagons for that plan, the damn plan shouldn't keep on changing.

    I'm not sleeping much right now so if you can't sleep much tonight, I'll be here but hope your pain meds kick in and you can get some rest. Thinking about you.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011


    I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow.  You're in our thoughts.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    CLC- so sorry to hear these results. I am brca2+ and waiting for the results really sucked! I am glad that your PS realized that it was important to go forward with things as planned. I am thinking positive thoughts for you!

    Gamergirl- I was so sorry to read about your latest challenge. You have been there to support everyone else and now it is time to let us support you. Hang in there!

    AnneAlive- positive thoughts are headed your way for tomorrow.

     Hang in there ladies; it has been a tough week!

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2011

    Ann Alive - Good luck tomorrow - !  Go in there with that Game Face on . . . and we'll all be wishing you well!

    CLC - Your profound words have moved me to tears tonight.   You are right - this is relentless but our lives are so much more the cancer.   Yes, we are breast cancer, but we are women, friends, sisters, mothers. . . .  we are so much more. . . .  You keep one foot in the front of the other.   Many props to your BS . . . .I am taking "my girls" one at a time as well - no need to think that option isn't viable.  Stay strong. . . .  I hate it when people get timing wrong . . .ugh.

    Gamergirl - Oh Tracy.  I'm so sorry.   You know that has been on my mind.   I just wish you weren't going through it.   I cling to CLC's words:  Our lives are not just cancer.   Stay strong - get ready for that next step. . .   and know we are all here.    AND so is that wonderful family of yours.     We all will keep walking with you.  Cry the tears . . .   and rest.  I'm so very sorry.

    Survivor - You hang in there Dawn. . .    I'm still holding the spit bucket from the fight (time to spit again, everyone - SPIT) . . . let's get it on.   I know this is crap to deal with (unfortunately my crap comes next week - i'm sure). . . .   and I'm so sorry.   But you are an inspiration!   Know that ok?  Keep going!

    Praying for y'all. . .

  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Kelley--I sent you my list in a pm. Did you get it?

  • susanella
    susanella Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I was just dxed with IDC last Tuesday and am scheduled for my surgery on 10/13, next Wed.  It was supposed to be a rt lumpectomy but the MRI showed other suspicious areas in rt breast and in left.  I decided I was a bmx.  I am 57 and still have extremely dense breast tissue and fibrosystic disease. The drs. could hardly see anything on my mammo films. I was told I need chemo for 4 months because the tumor is almost 2 cm and I'm ER-/PR-, HER2 equivocal (sent for FISH).  I am terrified. I would like reconstruction and am open to suggestions.  I am very new at this.  I had prior back surgery so they can't use my stomach or back muscles.  Any info and support would be appreciated.

    Susanella -- Long Island, NY

  • shayes37
    shayes37 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2011

    Ginger48 and eema . . . Hi, I am new on this thread and was just wondering why you both were having hysterectomies. . . I am also facing that in the very near future . . . I was diagnosed 1-5-11, had lumpectomy, back in to get clearer margins, 4 AC treatments, 12 taxol treatments, 23 rads, and 8 boosts. . . Whew! very apprehensive about yet another surgery but even more worried about beingvthrown into menopause.

  • solange49
    solange49 Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone, although I haven't been posting, you're all in my thoughts and prayers. I've been pretty down lately and just ready to feel halfway normal again. After finishing all my chemo treatments, my onc told me not to get my hopes up about having immediate reconstruction after my BMX due to my stage of cancer and needing radiation afterwards. I had my PET scan Monday and met my my surgeon today. The good news is that my chemo reduced the size of my tumor and lymph node involvement by at least 50 %. the bad news is I'll have to wait a few months for reconstruction. I was really disappointed to hear that. I had hoped to wake up with something. I'll just have to get used to the idea.

    The office will call me tomorrow to schedule my surgery.

    Dawn- I'm so sry to hear about your setback. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Gamergirl- I'm sorry as well to learn your news. I know you were not expecting this at all. I went through chemo and was scared at first. But it's doable. There are so many good meds to manage the side effects that we didn't have years ago. We're here for you! Hugs

    Ann- I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and saying a prayer for an easy surgery for you. Hugs

  • solange49
    solange49 Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2011

    Oops...MargieC...I'm so glad you're doing well!!! I know I've missed a few of you but hope to catch up soon. :)

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    I'm sorry to hear of so many set-backs today. Gamergirl - {{HUG}} Just keep focusing. It may have thrown you a curve; just grab a larger bat.

    CLC - waiting for the brca is a pain. I'm sorry it's causing havoc with your plans. While it will be frustrating to have to go through surgery twice, at least you can take care of the cancer you have now, and have a little time to decide about the preventative side.

    Tracie - hope all went well today. And best thoughts for Ann tomorrrow.