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Between the Devil ( the red one) and the deep blue sea



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, I figure your tumour marker number will be 6,478. Can someone keep a tally?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I say 5765

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318

    "It was Barbe who came up with the crass idea of a lottery..." Ha! That Barbe...Wink I'm no gambler, but do I hear 5,000? No matter the outcome, you're a winner Marybe. Happy, Happy 2012... with no more crazy numbers!

    Love to all...


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, Please let everyone know as soon as you find out.  I'm going to donate in your honor.  Glad you're still able to work if that's what you love to do, but wish you could have some rest time too. You're in my prayers and thoughts.

    Dragon (Lynda) 

  •   One of my favorite nurses is on the phone duty today and she is going to call and leave the results on my cell phone today....I have left it in my car and will check it and get the results this afternoon.  I am not a negative person as you know, BUT I have been having a very good holiday week and am just not ready to spoil it with a possible huge jump in the numbers.  So bet on ladies....if we are raising money for BCO that is a good thing.   Right now we are going to go see WarHorse and I have already been told you should take lots of kleenex with you for this one.  Then we are going out to eat since I know we won't be able to get in anywhere this evening.  Hope you all are having a good day.  

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Marybe, i'm making another donation to BCO, this one in your name.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,746

    Marybe, we are thinking of you. We wish you all strength and much love in the new year. 

    xoxox The BCO Team 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    2012.  That's whatIi think the CA27/29 will be.  Why not?  Oh, Happy New Year too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    A Happy better New Year Marybe!  Think of you lots and wishing you all the best...xoxo
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600


  •     OK, and the winner is.......I am not sure who the winner is so someone else can figure that one out.....the CA 27.29 done on Dec. 28,  was 7,668.  Not exactly what I was hoping for, BUT it could have been a lot worse.  On Dec. 7, when I started on Adriamycin it was 7,444 and just a month before that it was 6,444 so at least it did not jump up a thousand this time.   It is only up a little more than 200 so  it has slowed down and who knows maybe next time it will have gone down.  This last test was done the day I got my 4th dose so really it was only after having allowed 3 treatments to get into my system.  I am disappointed, but not unhappy.  I do worry a bit about the nurse who called me and says You know I love you.....a nice thing to say, but it makes me feel like she is really worried that the numbers went up even though she put it very nicely by saying they are somewhat elevated from the last time.   So that's all I know.

    Now as for all of you women, you are just THE BEST and it makes me want to cry when I read some of your sweet posts and PMs.  It makes me downright proud to be a part of BCO and to think if the Yahoo breast cancer board I was on had not become infested with porn (some jerk ruined it and everything I was getting from there was something like Big Boobs, Get a load of these headlights, Free porn videos, F me hard.....anyway, you get the idea....And even though I complained to Yahoo they did nothing to correct the problem and it was just a crime for something like that to happen to a site that was supposed to give women information and support), I never would have met you gals.  So see something good came out of something bad and risking sounding like Mary Poppins or Little Merry Sunshine and incurring the wrath of those who feel breast cancer ruined their lives, I am going to say breast cancer actually did enrich my life.   I have met a lot of wonderful women, I discovered that I could do things I had said I never would do (like chemo), I no longer put off doing things I think are important, and I appreciate life and things I always took for granted before.  

    Thank you so much for all of your love, support and donations in my name.  I have said it before and I will say it again, I am no one special, but you certainly have made me feel that way and I appreciate it more than words can say. 

    I wish you all a happy healthy new year and pray that one day soon they come up with a cure and that future generations will refer to cancer as something people used to have to deal with like the bubonic plague or something. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Love to you Marybe!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    HAPPIER NEW YEAR everyone!!!

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    I don't like that your numbers were up a little, but happy that they hadn't jumped considerably and maybe will start to stabilize now.  Hoping for a Happy New Year to you and and all the wonderful, strong friends we have met along the way.  We are fortunate to be celebrating another year.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    The number was 7,668?  That is how many calories the slice of rum cake I had tonight had in it.  What a coincidence!  Tongue out

    Bet you see a drop in the number next time. 

    How are the super follicles doing?


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Stupid numbers.  To heck with them.  

    Rock on, Marybe! 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,318


    I have never posted on your thread but have read many of your comments since joining bco late in the summer of 2011. I took the express train from IIB to stage IV and have found your story inspirational. Your grace, sense of humor and optimism, touched with a good bit of realism is something I hope to find in my journey. That is who I am and that's the thing I hope bc never robs me of. Prayers, good wishes and great admiration to you!


  • Cathy2
    Cathy2 Member Posts: 40

    Marybe it's just a number and you feel great, so poop on it! Happy 2012 to all my fellow BCO family.

    Rum cake, now that sounds yummy!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,805

    Just donated a little money to BCO with your name on it. That test is so non-specific that staying about the same is the same as going down.

    Send me a piece of the virtual rum cake, please!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    xbrnxgrl glad to welcome youhere.. our marybe is quite a pistol, as you know!!!......3jays
  • china
    china Member Posts: 56

    Hi Marybe, I finally found you! I was worried since I had not seen a post from you in a while and posted a "Where is Waldoo scenerio of Where is Marybe" on stage IV forum. Our wonderful BCO sister from across the sea Chrissy B updated me .

    I so admire your positive outlook on life and cancer and pray that I am as strong as you are after 14 years! You have endured so much, chemo after chemo and still prevail in spirit/determination. You are awesome and I hope this new tmt kicks the hell out of your cancer mets, especially in your liver. I hope your tmt drops those markers.

    Next time you decide to plan a trip to Northville, Mi, give me a call/PM me. I have family there and in Novi. We can shop till we drop!  We would have to go in the summer since I would freeze my hinny off right now!

    I am so glad you had a beautiful Christmas party and glad you are feeling good. Take care of yourself. HUGS. My mentor in the fight against cancer! Dawn.Smile


  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hi Marybe. Just checking in to see how you're doing. Somehow I removed your thread com my favorites (stupid smart phone). Hope you see some great results soon.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Worried that we haven't had an update for a while....s'up????

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    Hope you are okay and will be back soon.


  •   I am fine and know I should post so people don't worry, but sometimes I just don't feel like posting.  My friend Ellen did not get to stay in my upstairs for very long.  Last Monday they admitted her to the hospital because she was dehydrated, having a lot of nausea and also a LOT of pain.  They did her radiation treatments, but did not even start the lower dose chemo like I am getting as they had discussed.   They did another MRI and found more tumors on her spine, and also her liver and kidneys.  By Thurs she was very confused and agitated and they were giving her ativan and she was pretty much sleeping after that.  They were not sure if the confusion was due to the organs starting to shut down or if the cancer had gone through her spinal column to her brain.  Friday they took her back to our hometown and she is now in hospice and they are saying she does not have long.   So this has me bummed out.  Instead of being thankful when it is someone else and not me, I am always feeling guilty that it isn't me when it seems like so many others have a lot more to live for than I have.....especially when they are younger since I have pretty much done all I wanted to do.  What I am trying to say, is it's just not fair. 

    My onco is thinking the way most everyone else is.....the fact the numbers did not make a huge jump this time possibly means the adriamycin is slowing things down. This Wed. will be # 6 so next week I will have them run the CA 27/29 again because I will have completed two full doses (3 = 1 since I am getting 1/3 the amount). So we shall see. Then depending on what the numbers are, we will do scans again either this month or wait til Feb.   Anything below 7,668 will mean they are going down....anything under 8000 will at least mean they did not make another big climb up. 

    I went to a party yesterday in Louisville with a local friend who has BC since she did not feel confident driving by herself. Tonight I am having the women from the one office I work in for lasagna.....cancelled the fondue I was to have last Friday because I was just too tired.  Went for my appt with the SS office this morning so now have to decide just what I am doing when....for sure am quitting one job, but have to work out a new schedule at the other office since I am not going to be allowed to earn much.  I wrote it all down, but it is still rather mind boggling for me. 

    So that is what is up with me. Again sorry for not keeping you updated.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Marybe, I'm so sorry about your friend. That has to be weighing heavily on you.  Please keep busy -- I know that's what keeps you going.

    Say, does anyone ever make lasagna for YOU?  Well, I would.  If you were close by.  :-) 

    We do want to hear from you... don't get too far away, you hear?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Cancer SUCKS! Oh Marybe, I am praying for your friend.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    Good to hear from you Marybe, even if it is so awful about your friend.....I'm sorry.. I hope this is a better year for you kiddo.....Take good care....xoxoxo ((((marybe))))
  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    Sorry to hear about your friend, Marybe.  I'm thinking of you.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,805

    Well crap, it is not fair, that is for sure. I have two local friends who aren't doing well at all and it just makes me ill. I don't feel guilty....because I don't want it to be me, but I feel awful because I don't want it to be anybody. Hang in there, Marybe.