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February 2012 Chemo



  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    (((Susan))) I can't even imagine what it is like to stand in your shoes. I think I remember the post you are referring to; I think I lost sight of the perspective you were coming from, and I apologize for it. I'm glad that you are feeling like you are in a better place emotionally now.

    Firstcall - hoping and praying for your results to come in quickly, but mostly to be nothing.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Got my port out today. OW I am sore. But so glad it is out! I hated that thing.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Pathology report came back -BENIGN!!    I am so relieved.  Thank you, each of you for your support. 

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Great news Firstcall!! So happy for you :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Firstcall. Amen to benign results! I'm sure your feeling an immense amount of releif.


    Isn't it nice not having that bump there? You'll feel better soon don't worry.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Wonderful news, Firstcall! So happy to hear!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Firstcall that is great news!!!!!!!!!!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Thank you everyone.  And thank you for the pictures Christina!  Now just waiting for my liver function tests to come back.  They were a little elevated, and if they still are, then I think I will have to have a CT scan.   My anemia is a little better, but still not on track yet.  

    Susan - I was waiting for you to point out that there is no Stage 5, even though some people think they have it.  And I think you are correct that the way to look at it is like a chronic illness such as diabetes or hypertension. 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    firstcall - awesome !!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Stage IV.  I stand corrected

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    MLB. That was partly black humor on my part, as in I'm doing everything I can to avoid stage V. :-)

    Firstcall. Here's to getting over the next hurdle with good news.

    I met with a tattoo artist this weekend. Having her put the fireweed flower on my right breast. That's the first flower that comes up after a forest flower. That'll be combined with the phrase "there is always hope." Significant scaring on my right breast so might as well put something pretty. The implants gave me utter hell (pun wasn't intended) with how it messed with my muscles. Thank god I finally found a decent physical therapist and pushed the surgeon to give me stronger muscle relaxants.

    Hope all are well.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Still have pain in my armpit so going to see onc a week earlier. (Next monday) i think it's nothing but you always have a tiny worry it's back.

    Going to have my hair coloured to cheer myself up. Going on a diet to lose the half stone i have put on.

    Love to everyone xx

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Gritgirl, it's not Vinnie the Nipple God you met with by any chance, is it? (AKA Vinnie Myers, a tattoo artist in Baltimore who does 3D nip tats that look amazing. I am going to go see him when the time comes.) You can find him on FB under 

    Vinnie TattooTheTatas Myers.

    I love the symbolism of the fireweed flower--how cool! 

    I've always wanted a tattoo, and now am getting 2--not quite what I had in mind, but them's the breaks.

    So my BIL's birthday was yesterday. He was all grumpy about being 46 with nothing to show for it, which made me want to shriek. Any birthday is a gift in my opinion. 

    Ali, hair appointments are always good therapy. Have fun!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Hildy:  I'm seeing a young lady here in DC. Her name is Liaa Walters. Vinny only does work re-creating the nipple.  He is very talented.  I'm having a more decorative item added to the breast since I had nipple sparing. :-)  I live not far from Baltimore, so when you come on down, let me know, and I can maybe drive up to B-more for lunch.

    Ali, I'm thinking that the pain in your underarm is more related to lymph nodes.  Get it checked, of course. But don't worry about it being cancer.  That's not a spot that typically gets hit.

    Even though I didn't have any lymph nodes taken out, there are lymph nodes in the breast that are removed with a mastectomy.  I'm having a bit of night time swelling as a result. My physical therapist recommended I go to a PT who does lymph node drainage, just to clear this off. So off to another specialist.  But, hey, whatever makes life more comfortable for me, I'm in. :-)

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    They found cancer in my armpit before the breast so i'm abit worried. I'm 90% sure its nothing. Going to physio for my arm tomorrow.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, good luck! First Call, yay, hope the other thing works out just as good. Hildy, I'm with you, any bday is a good one.

    Christina, yay, for port removal. I haven't taken mine out yet. And since I just had another magnesium IV today, probably a good decision.

    Grit, that sounds like fun. I would love to get a tattoo. Unfortunately, with my recent history of infection, probably NOT a good decision! Especially with me being allergic to so many antibiotics!

    MLB, AEM, hello! LOL

    To everyone, much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hildy and Grit

    Interested in how the nipple tatoos turn out.  My friends daugher had a tattoo party last week and asked me to come.  All I could think about was nipple tattoos and chuckled to myself.  I thought about getting something but I worry that I'll hate it and then what.  I like them on other people though.  I'm just a chicken I guess.


    Let us know how physio went.  I hope its just fluid build up thats the source of your discomfort.  Had that when the drains were removed, thought I had a pinched nerve and remember how sore it was.


    Wow still on the magnesium?  Any idea how long you'll have to receive that via I.V.? 

    Well everyone I sold my (ok our) house!!!!!!!  OMG I cannot tell you what a releif it is.  Rough living with someone you really can no longer stand to be around but there's light at the end of the tunnel now.  I got a place in a small duplex and can start moving!!!!!  Looking foward to regrouping, no stress and longer hair.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    MLB (which always makes me think of baseball, too,) what fabulous news! What a huge relief that must be to have that financial and emotional millstone off your back. 

    Moonflwer, what is up with all the magnesium IVs? Are they concerned?

    Grit, I forgot Vinny was an aureole purist, I suppose demand is such that it doesn't make sense to do otherwise. I think I have to wait several months post exchange before I can get the tats, but I'll definitely let you know when I head down. 

    I'm hoping to avoid yet another surgery with the whole nipple reconstruction thing, so I like the idea of tattoos that look three dimensional. He'll even tattoo it so it looks like you've had a nipple piercing, but I think my poor husband would plotz if I were to come home with a piercing, faux or otherwise. 

    But it still cracks me up:

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, so happy you finally get to move! Here's to a new start, all the crap is behind.

    Hildy, I'd go with the fake piercing! LOL what a great idea. If I ever complete reconstruction, I'd do that! Ali, hoped the tx worked. And hello to everyone!

    Ok, the mag thing is weird. But I take omeprozole, and anastozole. And a bunch of other meds that suck out mag. And tx that suck out calcium. so I don't know how.long they'll have go keep sticking it to me. No wonder I was tired though. I still take a shitload (um, is it too much info if that is literal? LOL) of magnesium pills. I take 4 daily. I was taking up to six, but that led to um, too much info... LOL SO I guess I will keep my port for a while. I do know the list of mag heavy food pretty much to heart by now though. Did you know almonds are one of the highest concentrations? Even more than spinach and broccoli. Now notice the um, "too much info" is a SE of mag. And guess what foods are contraindicated for "TMI" ? LOL yep. Talk about a balancing act. Now if mag is too low, potassium goes belly up. And repeat... LOL its always something LOL

    Much love, and have a good weekend.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    My middle daughter's depression is getting worse and she took to hurting herself with a knife. She is under the hospital but the guy we see is on leave, I spoke to someone else and she spoke to my daughter. This person then said I think she is fine but hide your knife away. I told her thanks for nothing, then went to my GP who is our family doctor and know's us well.

    He said she is worse and we all agreed to start a low dose of antidepressant. I don't know how I'm holding it together but I am.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    OMG, she's cutting and the goof at the hospital says she's fine?!!  One of my nephews does it too.  Itelligiant kid, great in school, although socially akward.  I hear they feel its a source of relief from stress. Hopefully the antidepressants do what they're supposed to.  What a worry.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    The good thing is she thinks her looks are everything so i don't think she wants to mark herself. Fingers crossed she will get the help. On a happier note my youngest is doing great.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali. Glad the youngest is doing better. So sorry to hear about the older girl. I have a friend who is a cutter. Hard to deal with.

    MLB. Congrats on the house sale.

    Turns out I have to a wait a few more months before doing the tattoo. The skin needs to heal more. C'est la vie.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali, so sorry about your daughter, that is heartwrenching. Let us know how your appointment Monday goes.

    MLB - congrats on selling the house!

    I am ITCHY ITCHY ITCHY. I think I am having an allergic reaction to the dermabond used to close me up after port removal. I have red itchy bumps all around the surgical site and it seems to spread a little each day. I am taking benedryl and using benedryl cream, but not getting much relief. If it is not at least a little better tomorrow, I am going to go to the urgent care clinic and ask for something prescription strength. I HATE BEING ITCHY!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, I am praying for you. Stay strong! Grit, sorry you have to wait. Christina, I get a rash from that tape too. Once its off, this sounds weird, and it burns a bit, but salt water rinse. Wipe it down with the salt water, dry well. Put in aquaphor or something similar. Should stop itching fast and heal. Red shoul be gone next day. Works for me all the time. To all much love.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I have a fibroid.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Grit: C'est la vie indeed. Did you find a good LE therapist? Mine says she'd be happy to look into her network for people down in your neck of the woods. 

    Christina: Any less itchy? 

    Ali: Fibroid is good, right? Is it a surgery leftover or something?

    I am sorry to hear about your daughter, thank goodness your GP sounds like he realizes what is going on. I really think adolescence can play havoc with our brain chemistry, which can be hard to deal with. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali - not sure what all a fibroid will entail for you, but so glad that it is not cancer!!!

    I am still itchy but it is improving. I saw my surgeon today and he said I had an allergic reaction to the stuff he used to disinfect the skin, before he removed the port. So now I am taking oral steroids + he gave me a steroid cream. I'm still itchy but it is much more tolerable.

    And since I had to travel so far to see him (he is only in the office near me on Fridays) I thought, well I'm already here all this way from home, might as well stop at JCPenny's... bought LOADS of stuff on clearance but I am going to cry when the bill comes in! LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Glad to hear its just a fibroid!


    Nothing like some good ole retail therapy!!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    It's fibroadenoma ( breast) and something about high dense boob. So it means watch and see if it changes and the pain gets worse. High dense breasts have a greater chance than normal breast of becoming cancer. Well I'm high risk anyway so can't win can I.

    Not worried at all I'll be worried when they tell me it's back.