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February 2012 Chemo



  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Susan, gee whiz you could live for years and years. Date, girl! Or at the very least, have a series of random, meaningless flings. Just because you feel like you can't buy the shoes doesn't mean you can try them on. Would you be interested in fostering a dog? I fostered cats for a shelter for a while, years ago. It gives the animals a break from the kennels while they are waiting to be adopted. It's a great cause.

    Good luck to you, MLB!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ooh, Christina, that a great thought. Susan, they also have fostering of puppys for the first year or two for helper dogs. My neighbor did that for a while. Much love.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Sending you all some birthday cake and bubbly, omg I'm 21 again xx

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Happy Birtday, Ali!  Hope it was a good one. 

    Good luck, MLB! Hope the showing went well. 

    Got buried by snow, two and a half feet or so, so much fun. Lucky thing I like to shovel! Now it looks like we have sleet and freezing rain falling, how much fun is that? (Answer: Not very much at all.)

    Spent an afternoon making heart-shaped chocolate sandwich cookies for my FIL, the kids made Valentines for him. Posted them this morning, then get a text from my BIL that FIL is once again in bad shape, so hubbie is heading down once again. I guess he and his brother can eat the cookies when they get there. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Happy Birthday Ali!!! Cheers

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Happy birthday, Ali.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Last Herceptin is done!  It was fun ringing the bell again.  Port comes out tomorrow!  Whoo Hoooo!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mlb - congratulations on the completion of the herceptin.  Nice milestone.  And good bye port too. 

    Staying busy here, and I have begun serious training for the Boston Marathon which is in April.  It will mark the one year mark since the completion of my chemo.  Some of you may remember that I went there last April, but took a deferrment because of the heat.  Well, now its a few weeks away, and I'm on track to run.  I won't set any records, but I hope to run and finish it.

    Hope everyone is doing well. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Good on you for the  training.  I just know you'll do well.  I remember how disappointed you were in your performance last year but you had just finished TX.  I could barely walk around the block at that point myself so even attempting to run was an amazing feat!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Having bad time with kids. I need help. All three hate me and blame my cancer.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali:  Just tell them you blame the cancer too. So sorry to hear about this.

    Btw, no dreams dashed here. Just adjusting to the uncertainty.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    I've just got to yr ago I sat with my 1st infusion...I will never forget how hard it was to come to grips with what had to be done...but you all know that :-) I don't think I will ever forget this date .

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Mabey its time for a little counselling session with the whole family.  I'm sure they don't hate you but they've been through alot of worry with you and then of course losing their Grandad.  Its alot for the young and innocent.  Can't hurt.


    I was just thinking the same thing although my date was the 20th.  What a year for sure.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I am not happy with my kids and I think they have treated me quite badly.

    My eldest daughter who is 25 lives in the city and earns £30k. She has racked up a credit card bill of £ 9000 and wants me to pay it. I was very angry with her and I told her I would pay one of her bills which is £ 600. I told her to get a second job to pay for her stupidity. She is not talking to me and frankly I'm angry at her.

    Middle daughter who is nearly 18 told my doctor that all her problems are because she thinks I'm going to die. She then tells me she is late for her period and her and the boyfriend are worried. God was on my side and thank god she is not. She goes back to docs next Friday to see about counselling and to go on the pill or a chip in the arm.

    DH and I have decided to stop handing out money when they snap their fingers just cos we feel guilty about cancer.

    I sat them down and told them I want no more shouting and screaming and if they didn't like it they can move out.

    I've had more stress after treatment then before, well it's going to stop.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i had typed in a whole response a few days' ago and it never showed up so-

    MLB- whooo hooo!!!

    Firstcall- you will be great at whatever you do -simply cuz you are DOING it!!!!

    ali--my response the other day wa sthat we all hate the cancer- now taht i see you have been enabling the kids due to your guilt (which you should not have any- you didn't CHOOSE to have cancer did you?) -well- i'm sorry -this may not sound right but you need to cut them off- you have been through so much already and need to take care of you! if they were small children it would be a whole diff scenario..

    gosh i hope you don't hate me after that --

    hugs to you all....i'm struggling with some stuff

    and my neuropathy/almost trigger finger in my left hand pointer finger is back????? wtf????

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    weirdness- i just went back "to the beginning" of our threads- wanted to see when i lost my hair-- it started to shed on 2/25 and was pretty much gone by about 3/3...anyhow- the weirdness was this: each of our profile pics changes each time we change them- meaning that the one we show now is the one shown in the beginning-BUT out signature lines -dx/tx etc- doesn't!!!!

    and many of us wrote "books" moreso then....starting with me!

    anyhow- just weird...


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Feeling better today and had a garden make over.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hey Margo

    I always loved your posts long or short LOL!  Whats up with the trigger finger?  Chemo, the gift that keeps on giving.


    I'm glad the youngest is going to talk to someone.  Should help a ton talking to an unbiased party.  Thank God she's not pregnant!!!  As for your eldest, you are totally right making her pay that bill herself.  Young people have such a sense of entitlement its unbeleivable these days.  Stay strong hun.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    AEM, I totally hear you on the date thing--I keep coming across 'firsts' marking treatment, surgery, etc., etc., and wonder if those particular dates will ever be just another day. I was speaking with my oncologist the other day, and she said that her patients always, always, remember their date of diagnosis.  

    Ali, glad you had a garden makeover--that sounds like so much fun! Much more so than the kid shenanigans. I think you are absolutely right to not hand over the $$. 

    Firstcall, as I mentioned last year we often watch the marathon on the course right around the halfway mark. Happy to make you a poster to cheer you on! 

    Lumpy, maybe its related to the weather? My middle toes get worse when it gets cold....

    So my FIL passed away this weekend, on his 90th birthday. He was so ready to go, but at the same time, my husband and his brother will miss him. They are not a demonstrative family at all--they come from a tight-lipped, emotions-are-illegal, spending-money-on-wakes-is-immoral, type clan.  So, no service, although maybe we'll have a gathering in the spring when more of his friends can travel. I find this a little shocking, but to each his own. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497's so hard to understand the why's and wherefore's of families isn't it! sorry to see the loss.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Greetings everyone - I wanted to report that I ran my half marathon on Saturday, and felt good about it.  Not a fast run, but I had a stress fracture in my foot on the first of Jan, and didnt run that month.  I did do a lot of swimming and biking to stay in shape, and started back running this month.  So I kept the pace light, and felt good.  Finished it in 2 hours and 25 minutes. 

    I think its nice that our group is still together this far into it.  I enjoy reading how each of you are doing, and I look forward to it. 

    Its funny, I am always having patients tell me how good I look now.  I have to laugh inside because I think what they are really saying is how bad I looked a few months ago, the last time they saw me.   I sometimes tell them I've been playing my country music backwards this year.  You know what you get when you play your country music backwards, don't you?   You get your truck back, your dog back, your girl/boy back, your hair back.....

    I have an appointment with my MO tomorrow.....see if my blood counts are getting back to normal yet. 

    I am grateful to be alive, and thank you to each of you for your support. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    So sorry to hear of your FIL's passing.  May he rest in peace.  Lumpy's right, all family's react so differently.


    Good for you.  I still feel like my life is a country song sometimes and look forward to playing it backwards LOL.  Im glad we still have this group too.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Sorry I have not checking in for a bit. I hope everyone is doing well. MLB I am not far behind you - had my last herceptin today and I get my port out tomorrow. I'm swamped between school and work, and I can't believe that I'll be graduating in less than 3 months. So much to do between now and then! Hugs and love to you all! Kiss

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina- good that you could pop in-keep your eye on that prize-3 months!!! whoo hooo....exciting!Wink

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Wow 3 months to go.  Amazing accomplishment in many respects!!

    Yay for the last Herceptin and port removal.  Its nice just to have a little scar where the bump used to be.  I'm so looking forward to (hopefully) some speedier hair growth as I'm sure are too!  Would be cool to have proper bangs again!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    1st chemo one year ago today. Celebrating!!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    msbelle - congrats - when is the one year from your last one?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    To everyone, congrats on completing a year of tx!

    Christina. 3 months. You are on the home stretch! MLB, glad the port is coming out too. First call, yay for the half marathon, and I remember how bummed you were last year. This year will be so much better. lumps, sorry about the trigger finger. Hope that gies away again. Hildy, sorry about your FIL. Mine is not doing well either, he's 90 too. One of the best memorial services was for a friend. They had a potluck out in the yard,everybody brought a dish, set up a buffet. Then, they taped everyone telling a story about the friend. It went on till everyone who wanted had a chance to speak. Much laughter among the tears. People just went and ate as they wanted, left that way too. Maybe you could do something similar in the summer for your FIL. Ali, I blame cancer for everything too! But, you can't just sit thee, either. Your kids are grown, or at least should be. I am glad the younger one is getting help, but your older one needs a little kick in the *SS! You are in no way responsible for her debt. My daughter was in the whole almost 40 grand (included a car) from her marriage that her ex stuck her with. She worked to get breaks from the bank, and then went to work three jobs to pay it back. We helped some, but she did the most. But we NEVER thought it was up to is go pay it for her! Stick to your guns. She is young enough to declare bankruptcy if she has to. And, just one more thing. People blsme the parents for things that went wrong, but, as soon as a kid begins making his/her own decisions, that is not gonna cut it anymore. They make their own decisions, can't blame the parent any more. Someday, ill tell you about my early life,and you will know why i think this. But you need to hold your ground. Whew, went off the deep end there for a minute. But it really bugs me when adults blame parents.

    Hey Grit, thanks again for this thread. What a life saver. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Much love to all

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    My last treatment is March 4 th and then I expect to be Deported!! I kind of dread that part though. Veins in the good arm not so good. I end up being a pin cushion. Anyone keep their port for that reason?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Msbelle, I have mine in still. They tried to draw me from my hand, couldn't do it after three tries. Went back to using my port. Thinking about keeping it for a long time. Of course, o don't let them use a tourniqet either.