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February 2012 Chemo



  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    So.....I had an appt with my MO this week.  Still anemic.....hasnt budged in 4 months.    And my liver is a little off.  So....I may be in for more scans.  I feel good....does that count? 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    First call, I'm with you, feeling good has to count for something.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Moonflwr - I am glad to feel well.   

    So....more tests.....something wrong in the waterworks dept, which may be related to my chemo.  

    Looks like I have a small bladder tumor now, and they're going after it.   

    I keep telling myself this year is still better than last year....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Crap on the DX but good that its been caught!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Firstcall, great that you are fit and running but so sorry about the bladder. If it makes you feel better my life this year has got worse. I'd have cancer back today rather than the trouble with my kids and hubby. All three girls are not right and my middle daughter has a BMi of 16. All three are very depressed so one has got into debt, middle one wants to kill herself and youngest is getting better. As usual DH sticks head in the sand and says everything will turn out ok.

    Me, I'm comfort eating and trying to stay away from the wine. So today I'm having a day to myself and stop the chocolate eating.

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me

    . Xxx

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Firstcall - are you taking tamoxifen ?

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Firstcall,  I agree with MLB--crap. Hoping it's small and treatable and (in the grand scheme of things) No Big Deal.  Curious about the link between tumors and anemia. My dad's colon cancer was found because he was quite anemic (along with some other things that led them specifically to search the colon, but the anemia was the first red flag, so to speak.) 

    Christina, are you planning on any graduation festivities besides the whole mortarboard thing? A week in the Caribbean, perhaps? 

    Ali, that sucks about your kids. It is so, so hard to watch your children--even if they are grown up--struggle with stuff that you can't fix. Can you get therapy for your middle girl? Sounds like an anti-depressant might help (I admittedly am biased, as antidepressants were quite helpful to me during a difficult period in my 20s.) 

    Just got back from three days skiing--had bought the tix before DH got laid off and we stayed with my brother, so it was a low rent type of vacation. It was so, so, nice to be outside skiing again. I only went once last year, in defiance of my PS's orders, and really missed it.  

    Now, of course, here we are back to reality.  DH is depressed, which is to be expected considering the past six months, but it's not helping his job search at all and that gets very frustrating. I want him out of that basement office and back in a work office! He's a guy who really needs external structure, and it's very hard for him to provide it himself. 


    On the bright side, had a six month checkup with my RO yesterday who was very pleased with how the radiated side looked. I'm scheduled for exchange surgery in May, and she and my PS are optimistic that I'll be able to deal with implants well, even with radiated tissue. Fingers crossed! 

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mlb - yes, I'm glad that we are able to catch things early. 

    Ali - no, it does not make me feel better to know of the problems with your kids.  Its tough.  You know, we still have to deal with life, in addition to the bc challenges.  It can wear on you. 

    aem - I am taking tamoxifen.  Every day. 

    Hildy - anemia is commonly linked with colon cancer, because it often causes slow loss of blood over time.  My MO thinks that my anemia might be related to my running, which also happens sometimes in distance runners, which is through mild loss of blood through the urine.  Or it could be from Chemo.   Or it could be from the combination.  But, being cautious he ordered a bunch of tests and we found this little tumor in my bladder.  I'm hoping that its nothing, but then I don't have a good history of avoiding rare things (like male bc).   I'm doing ok.....just feel a little 'battle fatigue'.  But I will do what I need to do. 

    I appreciate the support that we share here

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Praying all these obstacles in our lives soon pass. Remember last year this time we were all just hoping we would be here now and survive chemo. Everyone keep fighting!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    adrian-firstcall-don't get the wrong idea but i'd like to hug you!

    ????is there a realtionship between tamox and bladder stuff?????

    i'm on anastrazole and i don't remember the tamox stuff

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    lumpynme - thank you, I appreciate your thoughts. 

    My surgery is scheduled for next Wed. 

    I'm not concerned about the tamoxifen and the bladder, I think the cytoxan I had is more of a problem.  I keep telling myself that chances are it will come back benign.....but then I don't have a real good history with unlikely tumors.  I was reading about tamoxifen decreasing substantially the chance of Prostate cancer.    I've done ok with the tamoxifen.  Some night sweats, but in the big picture thats pretty minimal.   

    I appreciate everyone here, and your support means a lot to me. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    firstcall, so sorry to read this. That's got to be anguishing. Please let us know how things go next week. I hope the time passes quickly for you, and that you get good results from surgery. Hopefully it is nothing. You've got to get lucky sometime right?

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hildy, for graduation DH and I want to have a party and invite all the friends/family that have been so supportive over the past few years, through school and then cancer. I am so grateful for all the love and support I have received and I thought this would be a nice way to thank them, and have a little fun too! Otherwise I am just going to try to enjoy NORMAL LIFE until my DIEP scheduled 7/30. How exciting - exchange in May! May will be here before we know it!

    Ali, I hope things improve for your girls. Your family has been through so much over the past year.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Firstcall, good luck for surgery we are all here for you.

    Daughter will have weekly Weighing + counselling and i have to keep a food diary for her. She is very depressed but i hope things will start to get better.

    Have a check up on 20th March but i can feel a small painfull lump in good arm pit.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Firstcall, thinking of you and the surgery tomorrow.  I didn't know that cytoxan was linked to bladder tumors, off to research! This is gonna be benign. It just is. 

    Ali, hope the counselling works out--depression is very treatable, although the sticking point is that the person often feels hopeless and hence doesn't seek help. So she is very lucky to have you as a Mom, looking out for her.  I bet the lump is a lymph node thats swollen b/c it's doing its job, but it's good you have an appointment already scheduled, so you can have it checked out for peace of mind.  I made my RO feel up my neck last week when I was in, because I was convinced I had mets in my neck. She humored me and felt nothing abnormal, of course. 

    Christina, that party sounds lovely--what a great idea! I would like to do the same once DH finds a job--still on the hunt. 

    Hope all is well with youse guys--haven't heard from Gritgirl in a while, what be happening?

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    EVERYONE - On another thread someone posted about different retreats that are available for cancer patients (past and present) - many of them are low cost and some are free. She suggested we google the terms - so I'll put some links on here of what I found:

    This one is the one the other BCO wrote about first. The entire town welcomes us :-) I can't do it this year with our oldest graduating but would love to go one day with some or all of you guys!

    This one has information on a number of retreats, days, etc. that are available. Some are for children, but there are a number that are for breast cancer patients and 'survivors'. Just in case the link doesn't work - Google "The Gathering Place and Cancer Retreats" and that should take you to the page.

    This one has to do with beach retreats. Treatment has to have been within the last year ... If the specific beach retreat link doesn't work, go to and search the site.

    These retreats teach you to fly fish ... lol. They are 2 1/2 days and all expenses covered.

    I'm sure there are more out there -- I'll have to look.

    I'll catch you up on me later but first,

    Grit - How are you doing woman? I concur with the others that you not write off the prospect of a significant other out there. If that's the desire of your heart, I'm praying that it be fulfilled! You are an incredible woman and the right guy would be extremely fortunate to have you in his life.

    Firstcall- Man, oh man ... I will be cheering you on (from afar) when you run the Boston this year. And you have been tearing up the road too! Praying that you will get to the bottom of this anemia, that you sail through surgery and that whatever is there is benign.

    Hildy-Glad that you were able to get away and enjoy the great outdoors or the ski lodge ;-) So sorry that your husband is continuing to go through this ... it is so difficult, I think, to see our husbands go through a job loss and subsequent unemployment. I think so much of who they are is tied up in their work that when they are unable to do it ... it just cuts them down. Praying that he'll find work soon.

    Aem-You look beautiful as ever. So glad that you are doing well!

    Msbelle- Congratulations on finishing Herceptin! Celebrate Celebrate!! Yay!!

    MLB-Congratulations on the completion of Herceptin! Milestone Milestone!!! Hurrah!  

    Christina- You are in the home stretch for your graduation! How exciting! The huge party sounds like a wonderful celebration!

    Ali- Praying for you that that painful bump is just as Hildy speculated - just a lymph node doing its job; that your daughter can get help with this depression and be able to channel her angst away from you dear one. So sorry you have continued to have so much to deal with. Wish that there was some way we could whisk you away to be with all of us in the states for a holiday.

    Lumpy - You look marvelous! How is work treating you? Are you still enjoying the home you found while we've been together on these boards? How are the grandchildren?

    Hope I haven't missed anyone.



  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    What's Up?

    Craziness for sure, as all of you can relate to in one way or another.

    Right before Thanksgiving, my 20 year old middle son experienced Sudden Sensory Hearing Loss in his left ear that left him with a loss of hearing in certain tone levels and ringing in that ear. Nothing 'caused' this - as in he wasn't sick and didn't have an injury or anything. This usually occurs in elderly people and certainly older people, but not so much in 20 year olds. An MRI revealed nothing out of the ordinary. Oral steroids did nothing for him and his hearing on that side actually worsened. The only treatment option was for him to have timpanic membrane injections - three over three weeks' time. So as he was completing his fall semester and going through finals, he also had those injections. They were excruciatingly painful for him. But his hearing was restored fully in all but the highest pitch frequency tones. So we had much to be thankful for.

    My oldest had some major problems that were revealed to us the first of December. He was completing his semester in LA at the LA Film Studies Program and then had to return to Colorado after that. He was struggling with depression and anxiety and very much not himself. Getting him home, finding doctors here in IL that would work with him on a short term basis and then locating a team in CO for his final semester there before graduation was quite an endeavor. I was fortunate to be able to use miles to fly out to CO with him and stay with my best friend there for 3+ weeks to help him navigate the medical world and insurance issues as he began his semester. He also had a scare with a bump found that turned out to be a cyst, but could have been a tumor. Those were some long days between him finding it, having tests and an ultrasound, and getting results. He's doing so much better with ongoing intervention and will graduate in May.

    Our youngest, 19, did not fare so well his first semester of college and so returned home to find a job, regroup, and figure out what direction to take next. He finally recently found a part-time job at Pizza Hut, and had some interviews that seemed promising where he might be able to work an early shift at another place. It's a new normal to have him 'return' to the nest.

    It's difficult to see my children hurt or struggle. I'd rather go through anything than having them suffer. I know that they grow stronger as they pass through adversity, but it is hard to watch it and be helpless in many ways to do anything.

    It was strange going from November to February with ZERO medical appointments. But I had so much going on with my boys that it was a blessing to not have any. Had my check-up with MO (Rats my MO is on medical leave, so had to see one of the partners - but he is really good and spent a lot of time with me.) All my numbers were great! He told me to "keep on running" :-)

    I'm going to have a revision surgery the beginning of April. It was planned from the beginning. Reconstruction surgeon had placed some additional skin from my DIEP on my breast in the event that the NS masectomy portion did not survive. It did, so that skin is going to be removed. This was the plan all along, but I had to wait for chemo, rads, and then 6 months post rads to have it done. It's a little nerve racking to contemplate and I certainly don't want anything to go wrong - since so much has gone right - lol.

    You are all on my mind and in my heart -- even when I don't write. Could not imagine having gone through everything without all of you! I truly do hope that we can meet in person one of these days!! I would love to hug each of you and hear your voices that I've only imagined through your writing! Here's to another year of the February 2012 Chemo family!!




  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hey Diana. Sorry to hear all your kids have been going through - so grateful your son's hearing came back tho. Hopefully things will calm down from here.

    Ali I hope the time between now and 3/20 goes quickly. I would be sick to my stomach if I found a lump. We're here for you.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I appreciate everyones kind words and encouragement.  I have my surgery in the morning.  For the most part, I'm doing ok.  Yesterday I received a packet of information - pre op stuff.  As I read it, it seemed like every other word was the C word.  I guess it will be Friday at the earliest before I know the results, more likely the first of the week.  I just hope I can have a good path report. 

    My brother asked me if this was a major surgery, and I told him that the definition of major surgery is surgery on me, minor surgery is surgery on someone else. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Today my armpit is sore and i can feel something but it is small. I called the breast care nurse and she said she would talk to the doc on monday and get back to me. It doesn't help that i'm sorting out a claim for one of my clients (female doctor) she has less than 12 months to live (breast Cancer) Driving to work on the radio,  a woman telling her story of breast cancer and her treatment.

    Can we ever get away from bloody Cancer!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, boy. This board is heating up again. You all have to stop! I hope everyone is able to enjoy some peace, health, and just being. At least for a little bit. Much love to all. I will be praying that things get better for all.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I had my surgery today, and things went well.  The surgeon was upbeat about everything, but the path report will take a couple of days.  Friday, if I'm lucky, I'll know the results.  I appreciate everyones support.  My daughter (who lives in upstate NY) was very effective at keeping me calm the day before surgery. She sent me emails throughout the day.  No words, just pictures of my 3 granddaughters in all stages of play and dress up.  My friend John, came and filled my freezer with fresh caught salmon, halibut and cod, and a case of freshly canned tuna as well.  I have a lot to be grateful for.  I hope things are going well with each of you.  Ali - keep us posted on your armpit situation.  And I agree....cant we have a break from this C thing?  It just always coming at us. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    First call, I am glad surgery went well. Here's hoping the results are great. Much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    touching base-

    so glad to know firstcall's surgery is over- will watch fo rthe path report-

    ali- each lil issues iwth my left arm gets me going- last nite i fell asleep on that arm and owie!

    diana- i will have to update on the house and grands- so thoughtful of you to ask!

    i'm well but mentally exhausted. computer system at work still not 100% right so taking a short break..

    and where IS gritgirl????????????????????????????????????????????

    hugs and prayers to my february family!!!!

    oh-had my daughter take a new pic the other day - will try to upload the change- funny thing is i am wearing teh exact same outfit! but my hair ias longer so let me see if i can change the avatar!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    well poop! i have tried three times to add the new pic--it must be too big - and i deleted the old one sooooo-just picture me smiling til i can get it right!!!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I'm still here.  I was thrown by the responses to my last post.  I know everyone meant very well, it's just I think until you get to this place (stage IV) or have dealt with enough stage Iver's, it's a weird world.

    Here's what I'm discovering: metastatic or stage iv is not a for sure death sentence. it is a chronic illness, similar to say diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or any other disease that needs constant management. the word cancer just makes it a scary, scary concept.

    i am stable, and because i have responded so well to treatment, i am hopeful i will stay this way for a long, long time.  i talk to women who have been living with metastatic breast cancer for years (my immerman angel has been stage iv for 11 years now).  there are no guarantees, but i'm going with what is true right now. 

    i was freaking out the last time i posted and now i'm in a more stable place emotionally. here's the deal.  i will date.  i will adopt another dog when the time comes (i have 3 already).  i am refinancing my home for a 15 year fixed mortgage (i plan to be here to pay that off). i will make long term plans. i might foster children, if i want to.

    hopefully no one else will have to deal with this, but if you do, it's an adjustment and it very possible to go on living.

    firstcall, praying for your pathology to come out clean.  i know a few folks with bladder cancer and it is very manageable.

    peace to all.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Glad to see you back girl! You sound quite positive and in a good place.  You're right, the word cancer does take you to a scary place. Remember the young girl that had just found out she was stage 5, 3 months ago.  You had me pass on such sage advice on how you lived your life.  She called me yesterday and the tamoxifen seems to be doing its job.  All tumors appear to be shrinking! Of course she has to be diligent and go back for scans in 3 months but it was great to hear her sound so much more positive about life in general.

    You had a very positive effect on her so you know. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    MLB: Glad the feedback helped. And btw, there is no Stage V in cancer, only up to Stage IV. And Stage IV can be anything from one spot on a bone to it's everywhere.  No staging for this. I call myself Stage IV lite.  I think Stage V would be dead. :-)

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Gritgirl, I'm very glad that you are in a better place. Has your muscle tightness also settled down? I have that ongoing on my radiated side, and it can be surprisingly debilitating.

    You are right, it is impossible to realize what a stage IV diagnosis is like until you receive one. I have imagined it, of course, and worried about it, but that's not the same, and I am sorry to have thrown you for a loop with a flatfooted response--and thank you for letting us know. 

    Firstcall, glad to hear surgery went well. Fingers crossed on the path report...

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Agree to all above. Much love.