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February 2012 Chemo



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    As usual, wait wait and wait some more. Fingers crossed for a good result.


    I'm a big fan of ankle boots provided its not snowing really bad. Much easier to get off

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Must confess I was talking about fashion boots, not snow boots. you know, ankle booties or knee high ones, I could go on and on and on, because I have way too many pair.

    Snow boots, only the one pair. Not so much fun.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy, if they could make sno boots look good that would be better!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Margo, whoa that is a lot of driving. Sorry things did not work out. I hope that means destiny has something better in store for you.

    Ali - did you get your results in yet?

    Monica - the comment about your PS needing a boat made me laugh! LOL

    Hildy I am getting into boots. I have a little brown pair that are so cute and I've been wearing them a lot. Next Wednesday I have my pre-op appointment with my PS for DIEP stage 2...and right on the way home I go past a great big shoe store. I may stop in and see if they have anything cute in black... LOL I have really been out of control with the shopping since DIEP!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    i love boots and where them all year round. I have too many and always looking for more.

    Got my results i had to beg the hospital to tell me. Low grade Cin 1 so no treatment but a smear in 6 months.

    So next is mamno in Dec then nothing.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali. Glad its just a wait and see. But sad its just a wait and see cause its so hard to just wait!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Better than worse news for sure! Glad you finally got the results at least

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Checking in ...

    Ali - sorry you had to go through yet another scare with testing.

    Christina - hope you continue to heal well and everything goes as planned with your next DIEP procedure.

    Lumpy - that was quite a road trip --- so sorry that your plans have been delayed. Hope that you will be able to settle back in quickly and find something jobwise that fits for you.

    Hildy - when I read back I saw that you had a good 6 month check-up! Hooray

    Monica - seems like you've been going through the wringer these last months with infections and setbacks, etc. Hope you are well on the mend and feeling better.

    mlb - sorry about the mess with the running into people and facebook, etc. UGH.

    Grit - how are you doing? Did I read that you might need to go back on a different medication or am I confused? Think I saw that you had a close family member (or close like a family member) to help take care of in the hospital. Hope that he is okay.

    Hugs and love to everyone.


  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali, so glad that the results were no worse than what they are. The wait and see is stressful though.

    I'm not sure I've had any dreams about cancer through all of this. I don't remember any. But last night I dreamed that I had HER2+ cancer cells multiplying all over inside of my body. I have the heebie-jeebies now from it.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420


    That is a nightmare. Chalk it up to the season and remember all the bad dreams you've slept through that have never come true. (I don't mean for you to recall them all - just that they were just that - bad dreams)!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I hate dreams like that. They stay on your mind so much. I hope you have sweet dreams tonite. Much love

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Is it cheating if you pick out the cards you want-ahead of time? LOL. Me handing out treats in my Fortune Teller attire. LOLimage

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lol monica that is so funny!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lets see, the money card, The Sun card, and the wish card. Uh huh. Yep. Good cards! LOL.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    So I had a dream that I stumbled upon two tickets to game 2 of the World Series and took my daughter, and it was amazing.

    Oh wait. It wasn't a dream!!!

    xoxoxo to you guys

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy I am so glad you had a great time with your daughter. I jope it was an exciting game too.

    Iron man won the costume count at my house for the boys. Lots of super heros for both boys and girls. And of vourse princesses for the girls but all diffrrent kinds. Saw a few Merindas. And a couple of minecraft box heads. LOL. I love Halloween..


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Yes its a witchcow! LOLimage

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Monica, you did a great job decorating the house! I love it! Normally I do a little bit of decorating but for some reason I didn't this year. I think I've been too mentally distracted waiting for my stage 2 recon appointment, which I had yesterday. Overall it went well. I'm sore but the pain meds are a big help, keeping the pain to a tolerable level. I can't take all this binding off until tonight - I am dying to see what I look like underneath!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    oooh Christina! I hope they are YOUR ideal FOOBS! But remember that they may need to settle down a bit so might not look as good as they will later.

    Gee do you think surgery was on your mind and decorating was not? LOL. I didnt do as much last year becsuse of the same thing. So all my Halloween stuff fits in two plastic bins. And the big guys - pumpkin head and witchy just get garbage bags over their heads. Even my inside stuff fits in the bins. But remember its only the Halloween stuff. The Fall stuff has its own box! Lol for all the scarecrows and leaves. Then after Thanksgiving out come the, um, way too many boxes and bins for Christmas! Yes I over do it. But I love it. Over 40 years collecting stuff so I have a lot. But for Halloween I just love dressing up too. Lots of people take pics of their kids at my house sometimes with me ! BTW, I do one awesome Witch cackle.... and had requests to do it this year from some kids who remembered it from previous years. LOL. My little claim to fame...

    Hildy, that must have been wonderful fun for you! A neat memory!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    hi everyone, hope your all ok. I now have pleurisy and in a lot of pain.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali. Feel better real soon.

    Christina what do they do at stage 2 of diep?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Oh Ali, sounds sore. My sister had it once, not fun. Hope it doesnt last too long


    Yes please do tell, very curious.

    Been super busy with work but the good news is my boss hired another me YAY! He knows its been nuts and neither of us can keep up the pace or grow the business without help. Just not enough hours in the day. As it is I work until at least 9 at night Monday thru Wednesday, Thursday I shut it down at 7 for Yoga and 6 for sure on Fridays. Don't even read email on the weekends LOL. I'm actually taking Monday off to attend Rememberance Day Ceremonies which I always want to do and never have the time off. Nothing like honouring our Vets. Then of course one must attend the local legion for a toast to the regiments. Looking forward to it.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hello all!

    getting cold here in NE Ohio-tomorrow i hope to cut the front lawn for the last time and have bags and bags of leaves to rake in the back yard...

    i finally had an interview yesterday-my old company-diff job--but no decision til next week even tho they are desperate right now and the COO has endorsed me to return!

    not working is making life very very difficult-don't wanna tell you how empty the cupboard is...or how many apps i have completed!

    the SPCA will only allow me to have one of my two cats back-they think they are doing the cat and me justice--- and they want $85 after the fact that i paid them $40 to surrender to ( i know food costs)....and my Michael does not want anything to do with the one that the SPCA wants to give me back...i am too tired to fight and feel like sitting down and just crying....and i don't cry.

    ali i am really sorry to see that you are sick again -or still- this has been awful for you.

    mlb-yay for another "you" i know that feeling!

    everyone-hugs and prayers.....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Back at you lumps! Hugs and prayers.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Lumpy, it never ends with problems I know what your going through. Not a day goes by when there isn't a bloody drama in my house. I'm feeling better but very weak but glad to feel better.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Monica, your decorating sounds awesome. I love seasonal and holiday decorations. I do a bit myself but I don't have the knack for it that others like you have, but I enjoy looking at what others do.

    Ali, I don't know what pleurisy is but I hope you feel better. What is it? Scared

    MLB - new help at work, and a day off! Very nice!

    Margo - I'm crossing my fingers and toes that you'll get that job. It sounds promising. Oh that is so sad about the kitties. Some of those groups have ridiculous rules, it's very frustrating.

    Healing well from my stage 2. From what I've read on the DIEP board, what happens at stage 2 hugely varies from person to person, and depends on what your PS did at the original surgery and how it turned out. Compared to others I did not need much at all. My PS excised some tissue from the outer side of my noob; my noob turned out at least a cup size larger than the other and had too much side boob. She also grafted some fat to the inner part of my noob so the curve/cleavage was a little more symmetrical (I thought it was pretty good to begin with but I went with what she recommended). She said that my noob was about a finger's width lower than my other breast; I had no idea but she said I would notice when I started wearing regular bras (I'm only wearing very stretchy bras right now). So she lifted that. Then she lipo'ed at little at both hips, and to the right of my belly button, where I had a bit of overhang over my tummy scar. And she cut out the very little dogear I had over my right hip. Really the only parts that hurt much was where she lifted the breast; she said she would have to put sutures "deep inside" and that I would have achiness from that, and she was right; and the lipo to the hips, especially the right hip. Looked like a horse kicked me when I took the bandages off. These two spots still bother me off and on but I've just been using Aleve and Tylenol since Tuesday, 5 days after the procedure. Anyway it sounds like a lot but it was all pretty minor stuff, especially compared to what some other women needed done.

    I wasn't thrilled with the shape of my noob after I took the bandages. But Monica you were right, it just needed some time. I'm quite pleased now. I can't wait to get my nipple next! lol I see my PS on 11/18 and hopefully I'll get to schedule that procedure at that time. PS says it's no big deal, just a little office procedure. Not sure how long it takes to heal so I can get the color tattooed on, but I imagine it will take several weeks to heal that much. I'm hoping to go into 2014 with only needing to get the tattooing done.

    Can I tell you gals a secret? Not really comfortable sharing this with anyone else... I got hit on this week. Of course I told the fellow I was married and not available... but wow, that made me feel SO GOOD inside. All this stuff (treatments, hair loss, mastectomy, I have scarring everywhere) has really effected my self-esteem... I've had a big smile and an extra spring in my step since then! lol

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    christina! I'd say that would make you feel great! Also good news about the small tweaks on stage 2! That's awesome. So glad your noob is looking fine. Such a relief. MLB, good to hear you have more help at work. Lumps, still praying for you. Ali, I guess drama is pretty much life.

    Shout out to Gritgirl. How's it going?

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Quiet in here this week! Monica I need to get with you one of these days for a tarot card reading, if you still want to do it. I feel like I'm reaching a crossroad in life and I'm not sure which path to take...

    Stage 2 follow up with PS on Monday... hoping to get my nipple procedure scheduled. Yes, definitely going to do it even though I thought I would not... looking forward to it now.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    christina, do you still have my contact info? Otherwise pm me. Good luck with the follow ip. Hope all is well. And if you want nips GO FOR IT. OR THEM WHATEVER. LOL ♡

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Definitely go for the nips if they make you happy, Christina! And getting hit on! Go you!

    I finally went to ob/gyn for back pain pelvic pressure issue. We think it's due to the prolapse, which will require a hysterectomy. But since she is very thorough, she did a uterine biopsy which was negative, and ordered a pelvic ultrasound that showed thickened, cystic uterine lining, which is common with tamoxifen but she wants to explore further. So I get to have a D&C with a hysteroscopy (sp?) on Friday. I asked if being about 5% worried was appropriate and she said that sounded about right. I love my OB/GYN.

    I stupidly went online and read my ultrasound report, which is never a good thing, and now am more than 5% worried, although I know I'm being paranoid.

    You know you live in a different world when you are rooting for a result that indicates just a routine hysterectomy is in order. Winking