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February 2012 Chemo



  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Happy New Year everyone! My wishes are for us all to have a healthy and happy new year. I heard a great saying the other day- Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath way.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    May everyone have a great 2014. Stable. Few Dr. Visits. No new surprises of the bad kind. Strong immune systems. A good batch of patience. A memory that forgets the bad stuff. And Much Much Love!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Question- How often is everyone having pet scans?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I don't have any scans scheduled at all.  The only one I had was just before chemo as a benchmark that's it.

    Thanks for the kind words about my Uncle Paddy.  He's still with us believe it or not.  Its agonizing for his wife and kids/grandkids though

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    MLB - I am so sorry about your uncle. That is so hard... your aunt is going to be really lost now. I hope there is comfort to be found in being with family during this time.

    As far as dating goes MLB - put on some lipstick and heels and go for it! Frankly now that I have hair and two boobs again, and have lost my chemo weight (and grad school weight) I am feeling pretty hot and enjoying it. (My husband is enjoying it too lol). Just go out and have a good time. Forget about cancer for a while, and do fun things you've always wanted to do. Life is short, enjoy things now, hopefully we will have decades to enjoy but that doesn't mean we have to worry and wait for life to be perfect.

    dipad, I've never had a PET scan. Had a bunch of CT scans in the beginning, and now I only get scanned if there is a problem or concern or whatever.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Just thought I'd let you guys see my kidlets LOL we finally had our family Christmas yesterday. We have 3 of the 3rd shifters, and 2 in health care meaning schedules suck! LOL.  

    Note I am a head shorter even sitting... LOL.  Everyone stay warm. It's a whole -5 right now. Getting colder still. Sigh....


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    monica. Great pic

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Everyone looks so happy in that photo, Monica. Definitely a keepsake. :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Great pic of the family.  Looks like a good time had by all. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thanks everyone! As my daughter noted, "it's the first picture of the family in 8 years where no one is in a wedding dress!"

    It's strange but true. Getting the all together is tough. But at least they are all in the same state now! LOL

    Much love to all. (Please excuse typos. Got the hiccups and keep on hitting the wrong buttons!)LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi All

    My Uncle passed away after 6 days off life support.  God love him. Was such a lovely man. Funeral is tomorrow.  I told my Mom but I don't think it registered.  She is now the sole survivor of her immediate family. It will be a sad day tomorrow and my heart goes out to his wife and kids/grandkids

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, so sorry about your uncle.  Please extend my sympathy to your aunt as well as yourself.  Do they know who caused the accident yet? 

    Much love. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    mlb. I am so, so sorry. I really feel for your mom. Sad day

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    So sorry for your loss, MLB.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    MLB- So sorry about your loss. My prayers are with you. Its never easy loosing someone. 

    God Bless

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Thanks everyone for the kind words.  I didn't have the heart to ask my cousins or Aunt about the person that hit him you know.  Thankfully one of my cousins will be moving in with her to help with the day to day tasks as her health isn't great so that's a relief for the family for sure.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Moonflwr--love that picture! Everybody looks so happy!

    MLB--I am so, so sorry to hear about your uncle. Hugs to you and your family. What a hard thing to have to accept.

    Dipad -- no scans at all over here. They wait till you have symptoms before scanning. 

    Next visit, however, they are  at least going to do some bloodwork to see if I'm properly post-menopausal, and check for things like liver enzymes. I think I'll be switching to the AI's if I am PM, about which I am ambivalent. Don't like the idea of bone loss. I'd frankly rather have the hysterectomy and stay on Tamoxifen. We shall see. 

    Nothing much going on around here, other than the usual harried running around looking after kids, working, cooking, etc. I did take up fencing at a local studio that offers a beginners' class for women, and that has proven to be fun. Skating has also been amazing, although we are now slogging through a depressingly long January thaw that is decimating the ice.   Patriots  will probably get blown out by the Broncos this weekend, but that team dealt with so many injuries I feel as though they are playing with house money these days.  Then again, I thought the Red Sox were going to stink last year and that prediction fell pretty flat, so who knows? 

    Heading down to see Vinnie the Nipple God on March 18--pretty excited! I was originally going in Feb. until it dawned on me that I was scheduled to go during Feb. school vacation. Oops! 

    Hope all is well with everybody! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy that's exciting!  I want to get my nips at Vinnys too. Hey when you go you tell him he needs to sell a T shirt that says" I got my nips at Vinnys" LOL

    Much love to all.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yay on getting Vinnie nips!  Very exiting!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    It is exciting! My PS and BS are quite excited too, as I don't believe they've seen Vinnie nips before. 

    So does this sound familiar? I went to see my breast surgeon for my good-bye follow-up visit. Everything looks good. Casually mention that I think I pulled a left pectoral muscle because there's been a twinge for the past couple weeks when I move my arm. She pokes and prods and says it feels slightly different than the right side. It's probably a result of being radiated, but just to be on the safe side she sent me for ultrasound. Ultrasound lady comes in and pokes around and the muscles look fine, but she finds a bump on, I think, the underside of my clavicle that she thinks is nothing, probably standard degenerative stuff, but again, the right side doesn't match up and besides, ultrasounds aren't meant for bones, so she sent me to have an X ray, which I did. Then I went home and waited for the doctor to call with the results. And fortunately, it really was nothing. 

    Nonetheless--Even when everybody says its NOTHING and not to worry about it, you still have to worry a little because why the heck would they keep ordering new tests if it really were nothing?

    Edit: Moonflwr, I AM going to tell him that--I'd get that tshirt!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, Hildy I'm sure they are just being careful but I know what you mean. I had pain in my good armpit for 18 months and only now it has stopped. I would have it checked everytime but the first two years your more likely to have a recurrence. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy I think a lot of us have had scares. I had to have an US to check out a lump. Turned to be a lymph node that was fat infiltrated. That happens when they have been damaged. It was removed when I got my new TE in Sept. It was 5 cm! So we do understand the sheer fear of the words, oh we need to look again! LOL Much love..

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hildy, yes, that does sound familiar! I'm glad your tests came out negative but boy that is scary and stressful.

    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Monday is Martin Luther King day and that is when I found out I had cancer, two years ago. Spooky spooky day.

    Oh and I finally saw my ob/gyn this week. She said the uterine fibroid I have, is probably not from the tamoxifen, but I had no fibroid, I took tamoxifen for a year, and then I had a 11cm fibroid. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm still not going to take the tamoxifen right now (I stopped at the end of September). She very kindly told me that it was very unlikely I'd ever be able to get pregnant, and if I did I probably would not carry to term. She recommended a hysterectomy, but since the fibroid is not bothering me she said there's no need to right now if I don't want to. She said there's really nothing she could recommend to try to shrink the fibroid significantly, either. So I am pissed off and sulking and depressed and feeling sorry for myself this week. Going to head to town later today and try some retail therapy.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hildy that must have been so nerve wracking and know how you feel.  My left upper left arm was kind of tender the last couple of weeks, nothing major but there.  I starting measuring my arm and taking my temperature but nothing was off.  Its seemed to be isolated to a particular area.  My back is always out of whack too so I went to see my Chriopractor.  Turns out its my rotater cuff.  Not that its fun but it sure beats LE.


    A girlfriend of mine had alot of issues with fibroids.  She was scheduled for surgery and had to come off all meds including birth control prior.  She was concerned about the possiblility of getting pregnant and her doctor said it would be a miracle if she did.  Guess what, she did, her son is now 23 years old.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Wow MLB, that actually makes me feel a little better. DH and I aren't trying or anything, it just makes me feel bad to think that there is something wrong with me that I couldn't.

    Good news, I got my nipple today! PS had a cancellation and I got to get it done. I already think it looks great! And that (God willing) was my last surgery to do! Tattooing will come in early April. I'm so psyched!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I too couldn't have kids, cause undetermined.  Although I did get pregnant in my late 30's but miscarried.  Once I hit 40 I had pretty much made the decision that childless was OK for me.  I didn't want to spend my 40's doing fertility treatment etc and then be in my 60's with a teenager!  Wasn't for me.

    Update on the ex and the SIL.  Out of the blue he calls me to say its over between them, that he made a huge mistake in getting involved with her and how she ended up being quite the evil one LOL!  Per him she was trying to alienate him from his family and he saw the effect it had on his brother so he's moving on.

    Act #2

    I get a Facebook private message from her saying I guess I should be happy now they are no longer together.  I respond saying "who saw the light, you or him".  She responds, "what do you mean".  Me "don't be coy with me, that only works on men".  Her:  "I know what I did was totally wrong and I hurt alot of people with my actions including you for which I totally apologize for.  Got caught up in something that I shouldn't have.  He isn't the man I thought he was.  It's just that he was always there for me and I didn't see him for what he was. Me "remember the measure of a man isn't how nice he is to you when he's trying to get into your pants, it's measured by how he deals with the tough stuff. Her; no further response LOL.  What a couple of idiots!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    well I'm off men but still married to one hehe. My eldest daughter likes a guy who quite frankly is a twat. Loads of money,  house in every country ( parents) into drugs and only wants to see her when he wants ( doesn't want a girlfriend) she saw him last week but thankfully only dinner and has moved on. I fear it is not over yet. She dates many guys ( only dinner ) but none she really likes. As always the riches twats she likes. 

    A friend on her who lives in my country has breast cancer and they didn't tell her it was in her windpipe as well. Went into hospital to have her whole breast removed and when it was time to go home they couldn't reach him. The next day he brought her home ( been together from age 16 and have three kids youngest 9) sat her down and said " I don't love you anymore you have made my life shit" it came from no where and he left her. Turns out he was seeing a woman who son plays with her son. He took this woman away on holiday for Xmas and cleared out all the money in their account. She has had a terrible time and only has an aunt in this country. Her sister and brother live abroad. Her sister sent her some money to live on over Xmas. Anyway it turns out she has all the money and two houses so she is laughing he is always asking for money. She goes on the 30th to get her results from surgery and about the windpipe. She has no one to go with and won't let me take her 2 hr drive. 

    Bloody men

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I know what you mean, off men.  My friends keep asking if there's anyone I'm interested, aren't I lonely?  Meanwhile there own relationships are crap.  It might be nice down the road to have  a companion with benefits LOL, but I don't see myself ever living with another man.   I only see where it benefits the man not the woman.

    And if he thinks for one second to ask me back, I will laugh right in his face.  I know how much he hates being alone, so that's what it would be all about anyway. 

    What this girl didn't see or didn't want to see was her lovely new man had bailed on his woman during a life threatening illness. Speaks to character right?  As for your friends husband, I'm happy to hear she has control of the finances.  What a dirtbag.

    I read here and know other women that went through this and there significant others were totally supportive and loving and I get a knot in my stomach.  Not that I'm not happy for them, more knowing that I never had that is so very sad.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    My father so screwed my mother over in the divorce, that I never allowed a man to get control of my finances or livelihood. I also never got married.  I'm the exreme of distrust of men, which is too bad, because there are some decent guys out there.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    My folks have one of the better marriages I've ever seen--they just had their 59th anniversary, and genuinely enjoy each other.  But in spite of growing up with that excellent role model, I still dated a long string of bad boys, thinking I'd be able to reform them. (Too many Georgette Heyer novels as a teenager I guess.) It took me until my early to mid thirties to figure out that relationships don't thrive on drama. It just goes to show that one can be an idiot regardless. 

    Edit: To be clear, I am calling myself an idiot, not anybody else. :) 

     And I'm with Grit on the finances. We have joint accounts, but I also keep my own and have continued to work throughout. Don't want to be without resources.