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CONSTIPATION--problem with so many of our drugs



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Fredntan, Some indicators for colonoscopy earlier than what the recommendations are now. Bleeding with stools, change in stool habits .ie constipation/ diarrhea, weight loss unknown origin, family hx of bc and colon cancer. Abdominal pain unexplained by any other reason, history of previous polyps.Change in stool size as described in the diverticulosis section. Hemacult positive card. Abdominal bloating unexplained by any other problem( have uterus/ovaries checked out too) Those are the first that come to mind. Get a GI doc appointment.This needs insurance approval so don't forget that step b/c it will be expensive if not properly approved.

  • BlueCowgirl
    BlueCowgirl Member Posts: 132
    Fredntan, should have mentioned as Sas-schatzi kindly reminded me - I did have an intial appointment with a GI doc who agreed with RO that mine was not an emergent situation. I'd certainly at least make an *appointment* with GI doc (RO wrote referral for mine) to get the ball rolling.
  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,779

    This was obviously a great thread to start! 

    In addition to the wonderful responses from the members, there is also a lot of helpful information on the site on Constipation.

    We hope this helps!

    The Mods

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    pain meds in particular also cause 'slowness'.  I really cannot stand irregularity. 

  • gr4c1e
    gr4c1e Member Posts: 124

    Organic baby prunes.  (yes, baby food)  Whatever they do to them to make them more digestable for infants has a profound effect on how quickly they get things "moving" in adults.  I had a bout with constipation after my last round of chemo and my physicial therapist suggested I give them a try.  What a life saver!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    TO ALL--I read the section that the Mods have linked:Don't pass it by it has many good suggestionsCool
  • NCbeachgal
    NCbeachgal Member Posts: 67

    I too am experiencing constipation that has led to rectal bleeding. It feels like I'm pooping a pine cone. Ouch! I haven't mentioned the bleeding to my MO yet but probably should. I am concerned about infection especially since my white blood counts are low for a time after my treatments. I'm using tucks soothing wipes, and prep H to treat the pain. I'm using colace, Miralax and flax seed in smoothies to hopefully relieve the constipation. The BMs are getting better but oh the pine cone! Any suggestions?

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237

    Thanks all I'll see the GI doc when Rads done. 

  • gentianviolet
    gentianviolet Member Posts: 105

    I, too, suffered constipation with calcium supplements.  I have used magnesium citrate because I found the magnesium oxide did not solve the problem.  The mag. citrate works well for me; I have been using it successfully for years.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403

    I am interested in hearing more about probiotics that Fran mentioned.  I give these to my horse on a daily basis - why not myself?  What form do you use, what brand, give me info!

    I am on pain meds on a daily basis.  I take the target brand stool softener/laxative nightly - I am currently taking 4 pills per night.  It is the only way I can have a daily bowel movement and not get constipated.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    NC beachgal, talk with your MO,but don't expect much of a response------. But with the presense of bleeding and such severe constipation, you have enough symotoms to be seen by a GI doc. They may have some suggestions. More importantly, you meet the criteria for getting a scope. Colonoscopy for colon cancer isn't routinely done with BC, even though it's one of the places it can mets too. The GI doc wouldn't scope you until chemo is over and your immunity is up. If he does scope you , it will give you great comfort to know the colon is clear of anything, Criteria for routine screening with first scope for women is 50 y/o(unless it's changed again). Make the appointment or get a referral now. The doc will exam, and likely write the plan for scope after chemo complete and immunity re-establish. Important to get it documented now. If you wait until chemo complete, your s/s may go away, which then doesn't qualify you for scoping. if you are under 50. Hope this makes sense
  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    About coloscopies... a little off-topic for this thread but close enough, right?...

    If you're having regular scans (PET, MRI, blah blah blah) is it still necessary to have a colonoscopy?  

    I've never gotten one because I just figured I am scanned every which way already and surely if there's something there it would light up a PET...? 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Jancie , two good brands for probioticas are soloray, Bluebonnett. I'd really recommend a good health food store that has a certified nutritionist on staff.  Some require refrigeration , some don't I had thrush after last round of Keflex and 10 weeks of regular treatment didn't work. 24 to 36 hours major control was gained by taking heaping teaspoons of probiotics and lettng  it melt on my tongue This by the way was the recommendation of the ENT doc. It took a few weeks longer to get the rest of the system cleared up. Esophagus and intestines. Yet I had taken probiotics for years. What I think happened is the antibx's so totally wiped out the good flora that it just to heaps more than usual to re-establish some balance.
    Increase intake when you have alcohol. Alcohol is horrible on normal flora.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    LuLU you tell me Pet scan 9/17 2010 no finding, scope Jan 2011 3 cm polyp. I was stunned. I have a call out to a doc, so check back here later and I'll see what kind of answer I get. sheila


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Gra4ci--------where do you get the baby organic prunes. Are they in a jar?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    TO ALL----any bleeding present means there is vessel breakage or microtears in the mucus membrane of the colon-----nothing should be stuck up the anus in this situation. No suppositories, no enemas, no fleets enemas.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I had the issue even before tx because I have IBS. I always ate dried apricots everyday, pro-biotic and lots of veggies anyway… but then came the big blockage with chemo! The first tx was hell. Even Milk of Magnesia didn't work for me. I got hemorroids as well. Finally got it to move with Metamucil.

    What worked for the rest of my tx was I started taking Metamucil as directed the night I started chemo. It kept things moving, granted slower than normal but it did move and I didn't get hemorrhoids like I did the first tx. I only needed it for 3 days after tx day.

    Happy Crapping.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Omg so glad I'm not the only one. I have had IBS since a teenager and I have had to live off senna most of my life on and off. Had first chemo two weeks ago and I was so ill with not going to the loo. The pain was so bad it travelled up my back and I thought it was going to come out my mouth. I'm sorry sorry for saying that but it was that bad 5 days without going. I must tell the onco this Friday because she will have to give me something. If I eat too much fibre it bungs me up. I drink lots of water and keep mobile all the time.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266

    Chemo made my digestive system freeze up like a slow computer and having a bowel movement was like giving birth through the rectum. Man that was painful. The onc. never mentioned any se's to me whatsoever except for a lame comment such as "you may lose your hair." 

    I never had digestive problems before chemo, so I am convinced chemo more or less killed my digestive system. I cannot eat the foods I used to eat before chemo. I was so worried about these new problems that I had a colonoscopy to make sure everything was okay. It was.

    But, if I eat bread, pasta, potatoes I will freeze up again, so I avoid these foods. So for me its green veges 3 times per day. I have a green drink in the morning with a freshly squeezed lemon and a small bowl of spinach (I pour boiling water over the spinach and let it sit for 20 mts or so) plus a bowl of oats. At lunch time, I have a bowl of kale, piece of cheese and an apple. In the evening, another veg: kale, spinach, brussel sprouts or broccoli with chicken or fish. I eat so much green veg that I think my eyes are changing colour, LOL.

    Not far from here is a health food shop that has a juice bar, so when I am in the area, I stop and have the juice from carrot, kale,broccoli, spinach, apple. Man is that ever good. I wish there were more of these juice bars around as it is a lot of work to make a drink like this and the one I have in the morning is a commercial one, but at least it is green.

    About the hemorroids: Has anyone had surgery for them? I will be having surgery in a couple of months. They put rubber bands around them and then they dry up and disappear or something like that. 


    The other problem I had could have easily been avoided. My urine was so toxic that it burnt my skin on contact. So afterwards, whenever I went to the bathroom, I would grab a bottle of water and pour the water over me as I urinated. Now what could be more simple! I passed that little gem on to a number of women in the treatment room.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    I take a probiotic every morning - I get the cheapest one on the shelf - Intensive Bowel Support, by a company called Digestive Advantage. You can find it anywhere. I found it really helped me after I started taking it. I also eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and take fiber tablets four times a day.

    So, before my BMX, I smugly assured myself that I wouldn't need the stool softeners or laxatives. After all, I had been soooo regular before that!

    But nooooo.......took the Colace faithfully, and nothing...then Milk of Magnesia, and nothing, then FINALLY.....NOT a good experience to have in the midst of everything else we go through.

    I'm off the narcotics and back on my regular diet. I didn't need chemo or rads, and have not yet started the Arimidex.

    Here is Dr. Gott's Colon Cocktail for those who might want to try it. (Dr. Gott has a newsppaper column) I haven't tried it...


    DEAR READER: My colon cocktail consists of equal portions of unprocessed bran, applesauce and prune juice. Mix the three ingredients together, and place them in your refrigerator for at least an hour to blend. Then take 1 to 2 tablespoons daily, more if necessary, for relief. The remedy may take up to two weeks to be fully effective, but the ingredients are safe and natural.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Pitted prunes ( sold in VERY large bags in Costco, so very economical), add a little water, lemon or lime juice - HEAT IN MICROWAVE - so they are moist, mushy, and eat.  AS often as needed.  Good for our bones too.  Buying the pitted ones makes it so much easier to consume - my heath food store has them too, in bulk, but so much more expensive.

  • gr4c1e
    gr4c1e Member Posts: 124

    sas-schatzi - You can get them at any supermarket.  Gerber makes them.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    PAINTERLY---------Kale is a very good source of vita k, betacarotene and c. , But too much of anything can be a bad thing . So, I suggest reading on all 3 in depth so you don't get any surprises.

    If you will go back in and edit your post. Please, cap and bold the section on how to manage burning urine. Add at the bottom it may help a burning butt Thanks sheila

    On hemorrhoids that was my second post ---it intially was written for a post hemorrhoidectomy patient. Talk with your doc about when to increase the bulkiness of the stools. Each has their own routines.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Colace never worked for me.

    BTW prunes are also very good for the bones. I tried to eat them but they upset my stomach so I stucek with the dried apricots. Do a google search on: prunes bone density 

    I also never took any narcotics even after the BMX/TE placement/14 nodes (I know my BS keeps saying he can't believe it ) so I never had the issue from that.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Lago, the best thing I see happening here is there is allot a very practical solutions to a plugged up problem. I see many choices that we can make if one thing doesn't work ---well, try this. It's obviously, something that we didn't realized was clogging up the system.

    I posted a note on many threads, but didn't find out the link was bad. I tried to correct it on as many links as possible. Noticed people were putting there PUN lines on those threads. I'd rather see them here. We might as well get to enjoy the funnies , since the pooping is so terrible.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Well, sas... bummer of an answer, huh?  You'd think a PET would pick up cancer in a toenail...

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Has anyone ever tried mineral oil?....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Linda mineral oil isn't good b/c it can block the absorption of other vitamins. But the use of flax-seed oil or fish oil ------which are Omega 3's is very good. How much you choose to take is your choice-------since Bc I take 2gms  twice a day. What I choose to do ,Is not a recommendation for someone else.

     Unless I know it will cause harm.  I won't say anything. Mineral oil will cause harm.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    thanks for the info SAS.....I really did not think I could get that stuff down anyway....but if I knew it would work I would surely try. LOL