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CONSTIPATION--problem with so many of our drugs



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    My DD is a PT and has a self imposed strict diet.  She has no processed sugar at all so this makes it difficult for sweet treats when she is visitint.  She does eat dry fruit so I decided to experiment in the kitchen.  I made what I called fruit salad balls and apricot and almond balls, both very simple and very tasty.   Where I'm going with this is, there were a few left after her last visit and I was feeling peckish, saw them in the fridge and decided to have a couple.  I had been a bit bound up for a couple of days which is really unusual for me and I thought just maybe the dry fruit might help.  I ate two of the fruit salad balls and was full (they are very filling) and tootled off to bed.  Next morning......yes you guessed it......a wonderful visit to the jon and sweet relief.  I have since kept some in the fridge at all times as I find my new pain med binds me so rather than let it go, I like to keep it

    If anyone wants to know how to make them just let me is very easy as most of it is done in a food processor.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, of course we want to know -sounds delicious! Could you post the recipe here please?


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    LInda There are so many non medical suggestions here. I strongly suggest working trough these suggestions first. Add no drugs to your life regimen unless absolutely necessary.

    All think of this, the old ways got us here over thousands of years, let us not ignore what our ancestors taught us.  They survived b/c they payed attention to what worked. So, many of the suggestions here are or could be considered old----------DUH they work. I suggest start with the prunes and or apricots first-----then move up the list---------reason,  our ancestors did the same. Go with the lowest first, if you must move higher to get the poop out . However. Senna as it was described by SWEET APPLE, has been used for centuries.

    let's see how the thread goes and I ask you all that care , watch for a person in trouble. I'm working on a brain tumor resection. Not to make anyone overly concerned or sad. WHAT I'M ASKING IS YOU PUT THIS ON YOU FAVORITES SITE AND SOMEONE COMES IN AND YOU CAN HELP DO IT.------------IF IT SOUNDS LIKE IT'S OUT OF YOUR BOUNDS TELL THEM TO CALL there doc

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Apricot Balls

    Place into a food processor,300gms dried apricots, 100gms flaked blanched almonds, 1 tablespoon coconut oil and two heaped tablespoons of desicated coconut.  Process until very finely minced than roll by teaspoon measure into balss and then into desicated coconut and refridgerate.

    Fruit Salad Balls

    Place into a food processor, a good handfull each of golden raisins and black currants, a few cranberries, some dried apple, pear and apricot and a really good handfull of whole almonds.  Process untill finely minced.  Roll into balls then into desicated coconut.  Refridgerate. 

    They will keep in the fridge for many, many weeks and are great as a healthy snack and a help meet for the GI system.

    Sas was saying about apples and I know they also work.  My dad had a great fear of bowel cancer so to make sure he had a healthy bowel, ate an apple everynight about half an hour before retiring for the night.  First thing each morning he had a movement and I never every remember him commenting that he was constipated.  When I had my secong DD, I was so badly consripated that I was in excrutiating pain and I remembered my dad's habit so started doing the same.  Yes, moving the bit closest to the exit was hard work but most had sofened and moved easily.  Even now, if I eat apples I go!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    ChrissyB, Please post your recipe. It sounds good. Thanks

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Thanks, Chrissy!  So simple and they sound yummy!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,315

    Sounds delicious. Reminds me of dates with almond rolled on coconut. Thanks!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    You may also want to try Compute. It's something served on the Jewish holiday Passover. What many non Jews don't know is eating matza and matza balls for a week can make you constipated. This dish combates that: Dried Fruit Compote

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266


    I couldn't see any info about eating too many cruciferous veges. It seems I would have to eat a truckload for it to become a problem. I read an article that said to vary them, though, to avoid becoming allergic to any one of them.

    You made a comment about old fashioned remedies that have been used over the centuries.  When I had my op, I mentioned to the BS that I was a nurse when I was young and what I have noticed that many of the simple ideas used in hospitals when I was young are no longer used and that the nurses today hadn't even heard of any of these simple procedures . He replied with a smile that if it doesn't generate money, it won't be used.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849

    Prunes are the way to go. DH was very constipated after surgery and was about ready to bend iron. I woke up one morning remembering cooked prunes from my youth... my grandma made me cooked prunes for my stopped up issues. DH balked at the idea and had been eating dried prunes with no results, but I cooked them anyway... sprinkled a little sugar on them. I told him that Mom and Grandma told me to give them to him, so he ate them. Within an hour, off he went to the bathroom! It worked!

  • Booboo2
    Booboo2 Member Posts: 5

    I've had hemorrhoids ever since my breast cancer surgery in the summer of 2010.  I am now scheduled for a colonoscopy this spring.  I'm wondering if there is any danger of bleeding while I'm doing the prep for the colonoscopy.  Should I ask the doctor to do a rectal exam before the prep, just to be sure there is no irritation that could start bleeding during the prep?

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    I was never constipated on Femara, but ever since I started Faslodex + Xgeva, I am fighting a daily battle just to keep moving at all.

    Time to soak some prunes, I guess... 

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266


    The colonoscopy was never a problem for my hemmoroids.I asked the doctor to have a look at them when he was doing his colonoscopy but he forgot and never gave them much thought. When i was leaving I asked him what he thought and he replied, no big deal.

    I had my gyn/ob appointment shortly afterwards, and I knew she would have something to say as they see plenty of hemmoroids due to pressure from pregnancy. When she looked she said, it was a herniated rectum and gave me a script to see a surgeon specialised in that field. He confirmed it: herniated rectum. Which means my colonscopy guy just did his thing without thinking about what the entrance looked like. LOL

    PS, it wouldn't hurt to ask him to have a look and give you his advice.

  • Booboo2
    Booboo2 Member Posts: 5

    Your doctor sounds a bit insensitive, painterly.  I'd be very annoyed if a doctor told me a problem that's making me miserable is no big deal. I'm not too uncomfortable at the moment, but for several months I was waddling down the street like a duck, it was so painful to walk.  I felt as though something was sticking out of my rear end.  My family doctor didn't take the problem as seriously as he should have, I think, but I would be surprised if a specialist didn't look at something that is causing severe discomfort.  I'll see if I can get the specialist to give me an office appointment a few weeks before the colonoscopy for a rectal examination.  He may find something that should be treated before the colonoscopy.

    I still don't understand how breast surgery could have given me hemorrhoids, and it's possible that it's just a coincidence.  I don't remember having a problem with constipation, but I did have a lot of heartburn for a few days after the surgery.  Something must have irritated my digestive tract at that time, and that may have caused the hemorrhoids.  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    General anesthesia gives me heartburn and constipation. Not all that unusual. They should be telling you that.

  • Booboo2
    Booboo2 Member Posts: 5

    Nobody said anything to me about the side effects of anesthesia, though I was given a Zantac about 45 minutes before my surgery, so the doctor must have realized that it could cause heartburn.  Another patient in my room, who had similar surgery, had a problem after the anesthesia with nausea and vomiting, which I fortunately did not have.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I also have terrible nausea but not vomiting. The last time both I and my PS warned the anaesthesiologist. He didn't give me any gas and a different concoction. No nausea but of course a little cconstipation for a few days and heartburn for a month. I think because I have IBS it messes my system up because usually they say the heartburn is only for a few days.

    Most let you know about the constipation though. They want to be sure you "go" within a few days of surgery or they start prescribing the colase.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Pianterly, That was a big miss on the Gi doc 's part---he had two chances to see them, going in, coming out. Really good Gi docs can do a special maneuver that flips the end of the colonoscope so they can take a look at the rectal vault area very carefully. It's all in the wrist action. Not all of them can do it. So, it makes me wonder what else he missed. I'd call my insurance case manager and express my concerns. See if you can't get approval for another complete exam, trust me big miss. Talk with your Gyn doc also and get her opinion. May be she or the surgeon can help with getting a new exam. Have  them use these words"I tusted that he would give a complete and thourgh exam , This doc missed it in the preprocedure exam, the entry on the day of the exam, the exit on the day of the exam, If I show up with colon cancer between now and my next exam , how can I be sure that this could have been avoided if he had not been negligent. Everyone is now aware that he is negligent, whom is going to accept financial responsibility for this?" You already have the back up of the gyn doc b/c she referred you to a surgeon. The GI doc was cavilier. Your gyn doc didn't refer you to a surgeon for the fun of it. Get copies of records, Especialy GI doc, office note, And procedure note. Don't tell him why.

    The obvious, get a completely new GI doc.

    Herniated rectums are very hard to miss.The look allot like a rosebud coming out your arse. From a small BUD to full bloom(tell this to your gyn doc and see what her reaction is .Had the Gi doc been paying attention ,I have know Idea how he good have missed it, They usually make the scope anywheres from a bit more difficult to introduce to very difficult.

    Too true about using the old ways.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    TO ALL a general rule pre-op , intraoperatively and post -op: Generally docs will have you do a clean out the day before, even starting with a low fiber diet 2-3 days pre-op, Cleanout by several methods they have their own routines. Anesthesia may give you something preop or at the beginning of anethesia(your in twilight already or asleep) to prevent nausea and vomiting post op. Almost a 100 % of the time narcotics are used for anesthesia, along with an amnesic drug(usually midazolam or diprivan). The use of the narcotic is self explanatory-reduces post op pain, but can cause trouble going post-op even to the point of causing the GI tract to go to sleep. This is called an Ileus.(refer to post on Entereg page one). Then most people will get narcotics post -op(BLESS you LAGO , better girl than me sweetie).  

    Then post op a routine with a stool softner is started day one if your allowed . Sometimes not allowed due to the nature of the surgery.

    BUT not all drugs work for all people--so, if you wake up with too much pain that generally means the doc didn't use enough narcotic during surgery. That can be addressed imediately in the recovery room ------you just have to let them know., sometimes vociferously.

    Nausea and vomiting ( abbreviated N/V)  can also be corrected by use of a different agent post op in recovery.Some older agents like the "gases" while good agents , do tend to have more s.e's For those that are OLD enough to remember the WORST was ETHER-----No longer even allowed in hospitals.

    If you have a bad anesthesia experience. Get a copy of anesthesia record from med records at the facility you had the surgery. For next surgery, you can either chat with the same Anes. doc or ask for a different anesthesiologist( they tend to be stuck on a certain routine and sometimes can be inflexible as to what they use), You can ask for a pre-anesthesia interview, but not always available. Have the doc review the record and explain what your problem was i.e prolonged nausea, Nausea& vomiting(N/V). The reason to have the anesthesia record  is, the doc looking at the record can identify right away what AGENT should be switched. It's truly a help for them.

    Anesthesia drugs are given in what I call, a smorgadboard way-------A little of this , a little of that, some of this, some of that. This avoids using too much of any one drug. The greater amount of one drug --the greater  the side effect's.

     Again Lago your approach, got you a different drug approach YEAH, your so smart!

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487

    Hate to rain on the prunes parade, because I have osteo and wanted to guzzle them as my miracle cure.  However, there is some speculation they are contraindicated in those with cancer:  There are also studies showing they can help prevent cancer, too.  Kinda like red wine, what's a girl to do, for or against.

    What works for me, I've posted here and there on this topic before:  750 mg of magnesium/day, probiotics at 2x the recommended dose, significant water, not eating a lot of sweets, beets, chia seeds, chloraphyll and avoiding bananas.  One banana is an overnight problem for me!  Tried and failed:  Triphala, Heather's Tummy Fibers, and lots of fiber supplements.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Wait, do you mean you DO eat beets, chia seeds and chlorophyll... or you avoid them?

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    ps. I told my onc today that Faslodex has officially backed me up, and she said for me to put a spoon of Miralax in my coffee every other day.

    I cannot imagine what this Miralax stuff must taste like. 

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487

    Lulubee, that was one lousy post of mine! Eating beets, chia seeds, and chloraphyll helps.   Not eating sweets and bananas help.  Bananas are the worst!  That BRAT diet does constipation victims no good!

    Oh, yes, Miralax is great stuff.  I use that a lot when I'm traveling, start a few days before and keep it up the whole trip.  A lot better than waiting for other things to work.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    number one help for me is drinking lots and lots of water.  When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is drink a big glass of water.  Then I get on my treadmill and walk for at least a half mile.  By the time I'm done walkiing, usually I'm ready to go. 

    Also, I eat LOTS of fruits and vegies, no grains, no dairy, and small amounts of meat.  (Nothing constipates me as bad as a steak.. except possibly cheese.)  I am not fond of prunes and have found that most dried fruits don't work that well for me unless I also increase my water consumption proportionately.

    I've used Senna tea in extreme situations, but am very careful to sip really small amounts during the day, as otherwise the cramps are too much for me. 

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586

    Lulu, found my way here too !   To me Miralax doesn't have a taste.  Never tried it in coffee. 

    Had my last treatment on the 23rd of Jan.  Came home, took Miralax and 2 stool softeners "with stimulant" - next day same thing, next day Miralax and 3 stool softeners; next day Miralax and 4 stool softeners/w stimulant.  Finally - 5 days and I could go potty.  There has to be a better way.  Maybe the Gerber organic prunes????  

    I just don't think it is healthy for our intestines with the kind of meds we are having to take to not be able to go. 

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Hey Nan... I am thinking the same thing.  In a case like you're describing (especially with a gut full of 5-day-old Faslodex!), I would definitely go for some glycerin suppositories.  They really do spur the bowel muscles into action, and besides that their lubricating effect really makes the eventual event much more comfortable.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266

    Thanks Sas, I will check into it.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,315

    I usually buy my Smooth Moves senna tea in a regular supermarket. They offer a regular flavor as well as chocolate (never tried it). I was in Whole Foods last night and they had it in peppermint and chamomile. Had the chamomile before bed. Slept like a baby and had "success" this morning.


  • panamajayne
    panamajayne Member Posts: 73

     Help for constipation..........a friend is a colonoscopy nurse told me to buy "Nutri Slim"  tea which comes in a bright green box in the tea section of grocery stores.  It really works without diarrhea.  I strongly recommend it as nothing else helped me.  I use 2 bags for 1 serving. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    To all -we are doing GREAT----each one of you have offered a suggestion that worked for you. THAT IS HUGE. Anyone  coming to this site may go through so many of the suggestions and they don't work----THEN they come to your suggestion and it works. YEAH. So, anyone who thinks they have heard it all and tried all, don't give up. TOO many of us have been through it not to have an idea that works             Yeah for Moving things Forward and OUT !!!!!!!!!!!