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New Jersey/NYC/CT/Eastern Pennsylvania ladies

I've seen a lot of postings from women who live not so far from where I live in Central New Jersey.  Since I know that many women travel for treatment, I've been thinking it might be helpful to have a thread of our own to share resources - not only doctors but support groups, locations for Reach to Recovery, retail sources for wigs, post-mastectomy products, etc.

I'll start.  I'm Joan and I was diagnosed with a Stage 1 IDC in December, 2011.  It is my second time with bc, having undergone a lumpectomy for another Stage 1 19 years ago.  The first time around, in 1992, I had my lumpectomy at Mt. Sinai Medical Center with Dr. Tartter and chemo with Dr. Ana Ferari, formerly of Mt. Sinai and now of NYU (I think).  This time, I had a bilateral mastectomy with Dr. Gendler at Morristown Medical Center, my PS is Dr. Isaac Starker and am undergoing chemo with Dr. Fein in Somerset, who is affiliated with St. Peter's.

Anyone out there for whom this might be a useful thread?




  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2012

    Just wanted to say hello to my fellow Jersey girls, although I live in Missouri now. I grew up in Sussex County, went to high school in Milford, PA, moved back to NJ for college, and have lived in multiple places in NJ, including down the shore for a few years, and then between Trenton and Princeton for four years before moving to the midwest.

    Someone please eat an onion bagel for me, they don't have them out here and I am DYING for one!

  • Karmil710
    Karmil710 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2012

    Hi Joan,  I'm so glad you created this thread for us Jersey Girls!  There really does seem to be a lot of us.  Joan, you look so youthful, I can't imagine how young you were when you were 1st dxed.

    I was dxed in October of 2011.  I had a BMX, followed by an Ooph/salp (I am BRCA2(+), and then chemo: TCX4 from Dec till Feb.  On Monday I had my TE exchange surgery.  I'm recovering well, with no real pain, and I like my new boobsSmile!

    I am getting all my tx at Overlook Hospital.  I got a 2nd opinion from NY Hosp, and a 3rd from MSKCC.  I opted to stay close to home for tx and I'm glad I did. 

    Christina:  MO is far from Jersey!   Like they say, "You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take the Jersey out of the girl!"  Can I mail you an onion bagel?

    Have a great evening,


  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2012

    Can a PA girl join the conversation?

    I live right over the Commodore Barry Bridge, in Delaware County, PA.  I work in Philly and am receiving treatment at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.  Actually, I'm an employee of the U of P health system as well. 

    I was diagnosed in October and had surgery in November.  I had a BMX with immediate DIEP reconstruction.   My BS was Dr Brian Czerniecki, who is in the midst of some really promising research on breast cancer vaccines. My PS is Dr Stephen Kovach, also a great doctor.  I am almost done chemo, 2 taxol txs left.  YAY!  My MO is Dr Keerthi Gogineni.  I'll be starting radiation soon under the care of Dr.Gary Freedman.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    What a crazy ride this has been!

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies:

     So glad you think this thread is a good idea!

    Christina - I can't imagine why they don't have onion bagels in MO!  As Karen said, just say the word and we'll squish one into an envelope for you.

    Karen - thanks for saying I look youthful!  I'm actually 53, going on 54 and that photo was taken about a year and a half and 10 pounds ago.  I was 34 at my first diagnosis.  I was so excited to read that you had had your exchange and that you were doing well.  My exchange will probably be in June.  I'm not having any trouble from my t/es but they are SO hard.  I am going smaller...that is the one good thing to come out of this mess!  Overlook is the sister hospital of Morristown, where I was treated, and where I am actually working right now (I'm a graduate student in social work and am doing a year's internship at the cancer center at Morristown, which has been a real challenge since my diagnosis).

    Jane - of COURSE a PA gal can join in!  (My older son is in college in PA at Temple U).  Glad to hear you are almost done with chemo.  I have heard that women love their DIEP reconstruction.

    I am hoping other NY-metro area ladies will join us - have a great evening everyone!

  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2012

    Joan - My youngest (daughter) is also a Temple student!  She is finishing her second year as an art student.  How does your son like Temple?  My daughter has mixed feelings.  Its a tough neighborhood, but she loves the city, so she is comfortable there.  I tried to convince her to go to Penn State (Middle son is a senior), but she couldn't imagine herself in the middle of the PA mountains.  It is a beautiful campus but not very metropolitan.

    And yes, I'm starting to 'bond' with my new foobs.  It was a rough surgery and a long recovery but I'm starting to see results that I can live with.  Of course, I still need stage 2 - tats and nips.  Maybe a little lipo here and there.  Stage 2 won't even be considered until late summer or the fall.  My DR wants time and gravity to do its thing before we look to finish everything up.

    I can't imagine working in a cancer center after diagnosis!  How do you handle it?  I would be over-identifying with everyone there.  It must be difficult.  What type of SW are you thinking of persuing?  I teach disabled students and our SWs are amazing.  They seem to be able to accomplish things that neither families or us are able to do.  They work magic sometimes.

  • Chocolaterocks
    Chocolaterocks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2012

    Hi All,

    I am in Eastern PA.   I don't discuss my situation in my day to day life- so this is my only place to do so.   So thanks. My breast cancer surgeon is in Wechester NY (one step bilateral ns) (long trip) but he is good. My MO quit 12/11 and she was local - I was really sad. I have been to U Penn but I am not  thrilled with MO (sorry Janet) since the approach is so conservative. I need a breast MRI and was trying to do it at Sloan NJ but they only take their own patients and to see one of their MO's  in Jersey you need to have active disease . My last breast MRI in the fall was done locally and incorrectly so i did it twice and the job was still not done well so that is why I need another one and don't want it locally.

    Thankfully I am stage 1 so  I try to be mellow as much as I can. I also would like to see a PS who does  minor lipo for the sides of my breasts.  My NY PS wants to do real surgery, no thanks.  Saw a local PS who told me to lose weight (BMI- 24- size 8 -124lbs) which my PT  (breast ca speciaist) said was to crazy. Yes, I would like to lose weight. So I would be interested in finding a PS if possible- ideas?

    Hey thanks for reading.


  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2012

    Hi there! I'm way up in the northeastern corner of NJ, in Bergen County. Seems most of you are south and west of me. All my treatment has been local, in Paramus and Ridgewood, and I just had another reconstruction procedure three and a half weeks ago. I'm a runner, and I'm happy to say that as of today, I'm finally feeling good in my own skin (which I still have!). Officially my PS says I'm free from all restrictions of this surgery once I'm six weeks post-op, which is convenient, considering I have a half marathon race in Central Park at that point (April 15).

    Christina, my town has the BEST bagels, though my favorite is the pumpernickel. When my kids were little, I used to tease them and tell them they were chocolate bagels! 

  • Karmil710
    Karmil710 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2012

    Joan:  With my reconstruction I chose to go smaller also.  I always thought I was a tad too buxom.  I'm continuing to feel good, 3 days post-surgery. Everything seems to be healing nicely.   My PS said dont drive for a few days.  I'm, SO tempted, but I'll try to wait.  My Onc/Gyn who did my ooph/salp surgery is from Mrristown Hosp, Dr. Slomovitz.  He was very good.  I'm curious, which came first, your dx and tx at Morristown Hosp, or your SW internship there.  That could have some potentially awkward moments...

    Chocolaterocks:  My PS is Dr. Hall at Overlook.  He's wonderful!  He is married to my BS, who is a BC survivor.  He truly "get's it".  I'm not sure if he would be more or less aggressive with the surgery you want, but he'd make a great 2nd or 3rd opinion.  He does not take all insurances, so ask if he takes yours before you go.

    Orangmat:  Wow, I can't believe you are getting ready for a 1/2 marathon at only 6 weeks post-op!  You are amazing!

    Janetanned:  Way to go on almost being through with chemo.  That's a long road!  Like you and Joan, I also have a child in college.  He's a freshman at U of Maryland and loves it.  I also have a 16yr old son who is a Jr in HS, and a 10 yr old daughter in 5th grade.  They keep me busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Hav e a great aftternoon,


  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited March 2012

    Hey Chocolate:

    My PS at Morristown Medical Center is Dr. Isaac Starker and I like him very much.  Granted, I still am at the T/E stage and won't see my final results until the summer, but my other docs think he's done a very good job so far.  I also consulted with Dr. Brian Glatt, also of Morristown.  I would have gone with him, but he wasn't available the day my breast surgeon was for my BMX.

    Karmil:  I was already an intern her when I was diagnosed.  I am interested in medical social work, likely due to my life since my original breast cancer dx.  Thus I sought an internship here, which started last September.  I was diagnosed in December and chose to do my surgery here as I already knew some of the docs and knew I would have a lot of support.  That said, I am doing my chemo elsewhere as I didn't want to sit next to "my" patients in the infusion center!  At first, it was a blessing to come to work.  I am in a state of denial so I could look at patients with "their" cancer, denying it was mine.  Now, I am feeling as though I am looking forward to the internship being done (four more weeks) because I am just so tired of being surrounded my cancer - mostly my own - everyday.  But it has been a wonderful experience.  I love my colleagues, most of the patients are fabulous and I learn so much from them everyday.

    Jane:  My son is really enjoying Temple.  It took a semester for him to settle in but he's doing well now.  He is also a sophomore, majoring in Film.  He only comes home on holidays, so I know he is happy there.  :)

    Orange:  I lived in Bergen County during high school - Teaneck!  My mom lives in Fort Lee.  I admire you for your half marathon - let us continue to know how your training progresses!

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2012

    Hi Everyone,  I too am a Jersey girl.  Was born and raised here my whole life.  I am an MRI Technologist having done thousands of Breast MRI's it is hard to believe I am going through all this.  I started out with Radiologic Technologist school at Overlook Hospital graduating in 1983.  Love medicine and MRI was new in the late 80's so I jumped on board to learn new technology and do what I love,help people.  I have learned so much over the years, some times too much.  My husband says that I need to remember I see more of the bad stuff being on the medical a patient I have learned so much in deed about patience. One day I hope to become a Breast Navigator and help others. My Breast Navigator has been a huge blessing in my life.  I work at the Summit Medical Group in Berkeley Heights.  I was a patient many years before I was an employee and can't say enough good about the professionalism and level of expertise with the physicians in all areas of practice.  I have my Breast Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Oncologist, Rheumatologist, OB/GYN, Internal Medicine....all in one practice....all my records available immediately.  Anything I have needed was done, in whatever time frame requested by the doctor..most of the time STAT.  From the day I made my first phone the OR table was three weeks.  I was able to get every test, second opinions and get my surgery to kick cancer to the curb. All my docs are "Top Docs" and it is always interesting how when I say where my treatment is there is always some level of "oh" because it is  not a "Cancer Center" but we are certified as a "Breast Center of Excellence" --one of only two on the East Coast.  I went to Sloan Kettering for my second opinion, my Oncologist sits on the board there as well, and all my information was confirmed.  I will be going to MSK in Basking Ridge for my Radiation Therapy and loved the RO there!  SMG doesn't have radiation therapy and with MSK around the corner I feel so blessed.  It is hard to be a patient where you know everyone ...both Overlook where I trained and went to school and worked in MRI for 18 years...and now SMG. On the days I don't feel good I just have to wave and keep going....I have learned not to worry if I hurt anyones feelings..... I am all that matters right now.  My Breast surgeon went through this with his wife and is so understanding about what we all go through.  He believed in me when I had a sharp pain.  Neg. Mammo 5 months prior....nothing on fact Memorial Sloan Kettering couldn't figure out from all my records how on earth I found this cancer.  Just a sharp pain and an amazing surgeon that believed in me.  I knew something wasn't right.  My dear friend had a pain and walked around for two years with it.  By the time something surfaced it was everywhere and very aggressive.  She passed two weeks after my mastectomy.  All this after I had been her chemo buddy....took her for all the same tests I then had to endure....Life can be very strange.  I learned to listen to your body and be an advocate!  I plan to take all this experience along with my medical knowledge and move forward.  I wish that no one had to go through this....but to make someone's journey less bumpy would be a way for me to give back.  Diagnosed in September....BMX 10/4...the day before my 25th Anniversary...chemo ending 4/6....5/8 having TRAM to fix TE removal due to staph month post op I start Radiation Therapy.  Moving on down this road and I hope that we all find health and peace.  I often wonder what I will do when I am "done"...I am sure when my road comes to an end there will be plenty of ways to fill my time in a positive way. 

    I saw everyone writing about Jersey Bagels.....I live here and so miss them...I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease right before the BC.  Gluten Free are just not that good......Have to find a replacement...I do like chocolate and that is a great replacement for sure :}

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone!

    I live in Sullivan County, in NY...just 20 minutes north of the point where nj,ny and pa meet.  I have had all of my medical stuff done in Orange County, NY.  I had a umx in October 2011 for low grade dcis, no reconstruction.

    I workout a fair amount, with a little running (not like orangemat, but a 7 mile stretch now and again), and am looking forward to returning to swimming.  I am a high school teacher and I have two young children (7 year old daughter and 11 year old son).  I am 44.

    I love bagels, too...but don't eat them anymore as I avoid all flour, among other things.  But, boy are they yummy.  When I was a kid, we used to have bagels, lox and cream cheese with onion every Sunday morning....mmmmmmm...:)


  • Chocolaterocks
    Chocolaterocks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2012

    Hi All,

    thanks for the names- I really appreciate it. When i am off at the end of next week I am going to make some calls.  See what they say. Very helpful  I also have 2 kids one in college and one in hs- we are starting the search for colleges again.... 

    JoanQ- 4 more weeks - the end of your internship is so close- Congrats.

    take care


  • sandik
    sandik Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2012

    Hi guys! I'm Sandi and Im from between the Poconos and Scranton. I'm about 50 min from the Water Gap. I had a lumpectomy two weeks ago. Waiting for a date to go back in. ( had clean margins but RO wants more because of my age and triple neg status.) After that I'll be moving on to chemo and ads.

    I'm doing all of my treatment on Meade St in Dunmore. Gotta say I really really like all of my doctors.

  • LockeKopp
    LockeKopp Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2012

    I just moved to NJ from Germany 2 month ago. I got diagnosed with TN IDC March 12th. I'll start chemo next week. I go to Kimmel Jefferson in PHL for treatment. I still cant believe this is happening, I am 29 years old and I thought this is going to be a awesome last year in my twenties.

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited March 2012

    Hi Sandi - I've seen you on the other threads - welcome!  So glad that you like your docs - it's so important to be with people you're comfortable with.

    LockeKopp:  so sorry for your recent diagnosis and especially that you're experiencing this so young.  I was diagnosed with my first bc at age 34, so I can understand some of what you're going through.  A couple of the ladies on this thread live in/near Philadelphia, so you may be able to compare docs with them if you like.

    Hey Claire:  I really admire all of you runners!

  • Karmil710
    Karmil710 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2012

    Hi LockeKopp:   Welcome to NJ.  Im so sorry you need to be here at BCO at age 29!  Where are you in terms of treatment.  Have you had surgery yet?  I think this can be a scary place to be before you have your treatment plan mapped out.  Hang in there, I'm sure you'll love hanging out here with the most wonderful women you'll ever meet (or never person).

    Hi Sandi!  That's a bummer about having to go back for more surgery.  Do you know which chemo you will be doing?  I just finished TCX4 in Feb. 

    Claire, good for you with working out!  I've been getting back into exercising, but just had my TE exchange on Monday.  PS said no exercising for 2 weeks.   It's frustrating, but I'll take it as a 2 week "couch potato pass".  I love to swim too, but couldn't imagine doing that now, with BMX & recon.  I wonder if that's a possibility for this summer?

    Bonseye:  I got all my BC tx at Overlook Hosp.  I was very happy there.  I also work in the healthcare field- I'm an RN.  I never worked in Oncology, so all the BC "stuff" was new to me.  You're gonna love MSK in Basking Ridge. I went there for a 2nd opinion and was very impressed.  Not only is it beautiful, but it's staffed by Drs who, for the most part, work in NYC.  Also, there's a shopping center at the foot of their "driveway" that has the most amazing Mediteranian Restaurant. 

    Joan:  I totally "get" why you are doing your chemo at Morristown. I actually know a few people who went there because that's where their MDs were. I've heard all good things.  Have you started chemo yet?  Which one?

    Have a great night NJ ladies,


  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited March 2012

    Karmil...I don't know if swimming is really an option for me, and I will be 7 or 8 months out from surgery.  I am really hesitant because of the LE risk.  I plan on building slowly up and seeing how it feels.

    Joan...I don't really think of myself as a runner.  I have only been doing it for a year and a half...and not competitively or anything.  But, is nice to see me called one!

    Have a good evening, all!

  • sandik
    sandik Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2012

    I go in tomorrow for the re-excision and the port. I should start chemo in May. I will be doing ac dd x4 + t x12 weekly.

  • Karmil710
    Karmil710 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2012

    Hello Jersey Girls, 

    Sandi:  Good luck tomorrow!  Sending healing vibes your way!

    CLC:  I have so many exercise questions.  I keep hearing about yoga after BC- Doesn't "down-dog" sound like a bad idea right about now?  And swimming?  Not too sure...

    Joan:  Just curious, where did you get  your wig?  I got mine at Wigs Naturally in Clark.  They were SO accomodating.  I picked out a wig there before I started chemo then it sat on the shelf.  I called them weeks later in a panic because my hair didn't really fall out- it matted into something like a carpet on my head!  (My hair was very curly)  I was sitting in their beauty-shop chair 15 minutes later.  They wouldn't shave my head, but they scissor-cut what was left of it and helped me feel comfortable in the wig.  I get so many compliments on my "hair"!  I would definitely recommend them.      When is your next tx?

    Have a great night,


  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited April 2012

    Karmil - I got my wig at the Wise Center/All Care Medical in East Brunswick.  I also got a free one at the American Cancer Society in North Brunswick - that is my back-up wig. 

    Quite unexpectedly, my hair seems to be growing in.  This go-round I didn't lose all of my hair (though I lost most of it) and what is left is growing and unruly - but I'll take it!  I don't think the hair that fell out completely is coming back, but with the leftovers growing, it appears that I've got some hair. 

    My next treatment (my 4th) is tomorrow (Tuesday) and then I've arranged to have #5 in quick succession - 2.5 weeks later - because I'm going to the West Coast of Florida for a girlfriends weekend at the end of the month and wanted to be 7 full days beyond my latest treatment before going away.  Then my last treatment #6 will be in mid-May.  I'm a little bit sad.  I was only supposed to have 4 treatments so tomorrow would have been my last.  But they were unable to find my sentinel node during surgery.  Because the tumor was so small and they didn't seem any outward signs of swollen lymph nodes, they declared me node negative.  However, I asked my oncologist "But how do we know I'm node negative?"  He said in all likelihood I am, but given the unknown, it might make sense to give me 6 treatments, if I'm tolerating it well (I am - knock on wood).  

    Had tomorrow been my last, I would have felt that it went very quickly!

    A great day to all!


  • Pegs
    Pegs Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2012

    i am in southern nj, about 20 min. from philly.  I was diagnosed 2 years ago, having last surgery on monday for nips .  and getting fat necrosis taken out at the same time.  hopefully recovery will be easy.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone- great thread joan! I've lived in central jersey my whole life. I was dx in june and am being treated at Fox Chase in Philly. Its only about 45 minute ride for me & I like all of my doctors, especially my PS who did my exchange surgery a few days ago. Im married with kids - 10 & 13. I have a pretty stressful job and have been on a leave since august so that I can focus on getting thru this. My employer has been great. Im planning to get an ooph over the summer and go back to work in august. I hope by then, I will feel physically and emotionally stronger than I do now. Its actually the emotional part that's been the hardest for me. Have a great day Jersey Girls!

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited April 2012

    Sounds like a lot of the Jersey gals are being treated in Philadelphia - that says a lot for the quality of the hospitals/docs we have in this area.  We are lucky in that respect.

  • Snoopsmom
    Snoopsmom Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2012

    Hello...another PA gal here. I'm having my treatments done at the Morgan Cancer Center at Lehigh Valley Hospital Network in Allentown. (I live in the Lehigh Valley). My BS is Dr. Heiwon Chung, RO is Dr. Alyson McIntosh, and MO is Dr. Usman Shah.  I love them all....they listen to my questions and concerns and don't treat me like I'm an idiot! I had a lumpectomy in January. I've done 9 of my 34 rads so far, then will go to Arimidex. No problems so far (knock wood!!). I'm fortunate that the center is only 6 miles from my house. I know of several gals who have received their treatment at this center and all have done well. Hoping for the best for everyone here!

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone,

    I'm in Delaware County, too--my grandson goes to the Walden School in Media, Janetann. We love Media!

    It's been a whirlwind of DX, starting Arimidex, getting ready for our anniversary trip to Tuscany and then UMX/DIEP a few days after we return. The Bryn Mawr Breast Center nurses and Dr. Barrio are fabulous--no question left unanswered except for the ones I don't know to ask yet. Dr. Barrio will do the MX and the head of U.of Penn plastic surgery--Dr. Serletti--will do the DIEP. He has a great track record with flaps.

    We are so fortunate with the medical care available in this best wishes for everyone on similar journeys to wellness. 

  • alexandria58
    alexandria58 Member Posts: 202
    edited April 2012

    Hi all,

       Another Jersey gal who was treated in Philly.  I went to Dr. Anne Rosenberg at Thomas Jefferson in Philly for my BMX last April, (hard to believe it's a year already), and I live in the Trenton area. 


  • Pegs
    Pegs Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2012

    I probably should have gone to philly, not crazy about my ps, his work is good its how he speaks to people that really needs to be worked on.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies, East Hanover girl, all surgery at St.. Barnabas in Livingston, now known as Barnabas Health. East Hanover is town next to Livingston.

    For any and all mast. products, wigs, extra care, Just For You Too, Mount Pleasant Avenue, East Hanover, Ladies there are terrific. I recommend them highly.


  • LockeKopp
    LockeKopp Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2012
    I was at Vitura and now I'm happy to be at Jefferson in Philadelphia. I was supposed to get a port tomorrow but my insurance denied it. Hopefully that issue is solved by tomorrow. I just don't understand how the health insurance works here in the states. I guess I need a little more time to adjust to the American way of life Smile
  • Chocolaterocks
    Chocolaterocks Member Posts: 94
    edited April 2012

    hi CLC and all,

    I just want to comment on swimming. My LE specialist highly recommends swimming which I do about twice a week (30 or 40 laps- in swimmer terms not much) in my world plenty. Its great exercise, good for aerobic, stretching and no pressure on the joints. I started with 8 laps and I was not a swimmer before this. I started swimming because I had trouble raising my arms after the bilateral and it really has helped.  I really also need to be doing pilates and that is definitely in the summer plan. Hope this helps.
