The Hermit Club



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy yoga is great to do the whole idea of it is good---so I'm glad u'r going and let us know when u can put u'r legs around u'r head, or can u already hmmmm U'll be vvery popular. LOL

    Birl I know u have had a bad time so I truly hope things get better for u.

    So many of u have moved forward and I love it--but I'm glad u still come back cuz I really got used to all of u and welcome to the newbies u'll feel very comfortable here. U can see how great these gals are in no time.

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I had my herceptin treatment on Friday - it went fine though the nurse had to try about 4 times before she got a good vein.  She was very nice (as all of them there seem to be) but she's a bit 'heavy handed' when it comes to doing the stick for the IV. 

    My weekend was quieter than usual.  I didn't go out to visit family on Sunday because they all did their get together stuff on Saturday this week instead.  I don't like to go out there on Saturdays because my boyfriend works that day and I don't like taking an hour+ drive by myself.

    It's nice now not having so many appointments and stuff going on.  I feel like I'm getting back into a more regular routine.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    ah Jazzy thanks, and good luck with yoga, wish I could get into it, did it once....

    Jink 1 down....

    I think I have to start taking Zometa again, ribs are hurting and I tend to cough and break them, so have drs. appt on the port is a PIA and only have 1 vein in my hand to get blood out of but when they try pushing in veins are blowing....

    am busy week off, trying not to push myself cause I am feeling fine...working tomorrow night, @ macys getting magical training (personally I think I am magical enough, been trained 3 times already) thursday and told boss that I would or could work saturday for some hours just not 145 - this week off and am bed all day on puter and going to make a turkey sandwhich in a few, how is everybody?

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Rant away Camille! We love you (((hugs)))

    I went through it today. Bone scan, MRI and X Rays (with a young cute tech).

    "How long has this been bothering you?"

    Me: awhile.

    "How long is awhile"

    Me: well, not before 2011 but definitely after. Probably has something to do with whatever my oncologist wrote in that order (grumpy and tired)

    I tried to look at my scan as I was walking out but couldn't really tell. I saw a bunch of bright spots but that could be anything. MRI was long and annoying.

    Blondie good luck with work!

    Jazzy your job sounds so difficult. Dealing with people and all their needs!

    Bgirl, you are so right!

    Hugs and hopes of a good week for everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    MARKAT--how come I don't remember u telling us u were having all these tests? Did u tell us? I know my memory is like my tyoing it comes and goes, mostly goes. Well as soo as u start getting results tell us, I'm waiting too.(for u)

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille, I was supposed to have them a couple weeks ago but the whole family came down with a stomach bug. So I rescheduled during my Spring Break. I'm sure it is just the lovely side effects from Tamoxifen, chemo and life. I'm just sick of being in pain! Maybe cancer has made me a big baby, but I hate not feeling like a 31yo! Grrr. I think the MO wants to pass me off onto someone else, which is fine! I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired :( I try to get it all, kids, work and now school. Oh well!

    Sorry, I ranted lol :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    MARKAT-the word sorry should not be used in this situation I don't blame u. U'r so young and now working wow and all this shit has gone in u so u should have all these done anyway ---but as soon as u know we all want to know.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    You ladies crack me up.  I love seeing what everyone has to say--from rants to raves and all in between.  The electricity just flows--the energy and passion we all feel about wanting "normal" back and knowing we can never have it.  And being reluctant to vent and moan, and then knowing each hermit gets it and loves us right back anyway.  It's just so refreshing not to have to hold it all back and worry about stepping on toes or being misunderstood.  Camille--go for it!!  We all love you.  Jazzy--I wish I had the patience for yoga!  Last time I tried it, it didn't go so well.  (I blame my missing chunk of back bone, but it could've just been an enormous lack of coordination...)  and, oh, I envy your weather.  Rain, rain, rain, cold rain here.  Markat--prayers your way.  Hope the day can just be one of those glad-it's-over moments.  Lily--welcome to the best group of hermits ever.  Teka, blondie, jinkala, fl, bgirl, whaevah, all...  hugs to each.  And please excuse the "cracking up"--I've been grading essays and it's just so refreshing to read complete sentences that make sense at this point!  Cool

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Thanks ladies! I do feel a lot better than when I started posting here (I remember us watching the Olympics and craving Taco Bell). Also, I am thankful for everything I have and for you all understanding!

    Teka, I sent the girls outside yesterday to pick up those little gum balls that had fallen last year and were hidden under the snow. If I didn't feel guilty cutting a tree down, that one would be gone :)

    Skittle, thank you! I'm not sure that our grammar is much better than your kids :p

    Camille, you all will be the first or second to know- I promise!

  • grover
    grover Member Posts: 13

    Markat, jazzygirl, teka & all- Thanks so much for the support. There's definitely something special here, knowing others 2 sisters are great, but I can't expect them to totally get how i feel, & the youngest is dealing w MS, so I don't want to complain to her.

    Blondiex46- God bless you! I will be contacting a parent advocate soon if I don't get what my son needs for high little has really been done in middle school. I work in the same district, so it's been difficult.

    I'm doing a little better since Easter, not hiding anyway. I'm hurting from physical therapy & my daughter's home sick w throat infection, so not feeling positive...

    Coincidentally, ladies, just got an email from my aunt who heard from my cousin that chemo these days is sooo much better than it used to be, & that a woman she knows only missed work 3 days during treatment. My aunt, however, told me to listen to my body; she thinks it's dumb to go to work even regular sick. Honestly, when I got my diagnosis, I never even considered going back this year, probably because of teaching middle school. I knew I wouldn't have mental energy, even if I did have physical energy, to do my kids justice, & I didn't think it would be fair to them or myself to be in & out, with substitutes. Plus, WAY too much germ exposure for reduced immune system! I know some don't have a choice, but when it's there, I think we have to do what we feel is best for us, and no one can tell us what that is.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi ladies-yoga class felt good today, although at times, I felt wobbly! My favorite yoga teacher  was there tonight and so glad to see me, wanted to know where I had been? I just said I had some health issues going on for awhile, but was better. She told me to take it easy and kept an eye on me during the class, which good yoga teachers will do when they know you are new, resuming a practice, have an injury, etc. I found I could do twists in better ways than in the past , but other poses with the stiffer joints these days were a bit more challenging. I am glad I went and may try to go again thursday evening. 

    Markat- do let us know about your tests as you would like too. You have a lot going on, but seem very positive despite it all. Having to do all the tests is just a drag....

    Teka- glad to hear you were outside and getting fresh air. 

    Grover- I do think we have to figure out what works for us. Lots of free advice from folks who have never been through it, but at least you know here that all of us have been through something! 

    Skittle- I will send you sunshine and you send me some rain! We have a very bad drought here in NM (west in general has had problems for awhile now).

    Cami- I could not get my legs behind my head tonight so no dates yet (LOL!)

    Time for bed. Wishing everyone a pain free day tomorrow!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Ugh, that's my biggest pet peeve, Grover. The "I know someone who did it so you should too."

    You just do things how it feels right for you and your family! It doesn't matter if you're a professional mattress tester (wouldn't that be nice!!!) if you want to take the time off, then do it. Everyone goes through this differently, so what's right for one person could be horrible for the next.

    I'm currently sabotaging that 10lb loss by stress eating Reese Eggs. Oh and I also use real antipersperant and mainline sugar filled coffee. I live on the wild side :p

    I need to take up yoga again. My 8yo is fantastic at it. She looks like a little ballerina. I look like a big sweaty, Richard Simmons. While trying to not break my lamps by flailing and falling, and telling the beautiful person on the TV where she can stick her downward facing dog... but I hear it is fabulous exercise :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Mrkat Richrd Simmons is thin so good for u

    Jazzy It's god to feel good--it'll all come and before u know it u'r legs will be behind u'r head--I have to know when u can do that.

    Grover whatever u need or want to do --dombut it's a good idea not to work--kids, germs plus energy level of brain, everything u said--I think to it depends on u'r job sometimes--Imean if u'r a teach on top of it u must take home work--for grading or prepping whatever and patience that wears thin sometimes-- so as long as u'r able take it off and u can rest whenever u feel like it and if u'r having a good day do something fun. So don't feel like u have to do what anyone else is doing--it's for u no one else.

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I was taking one week off work out of every three weeks when I was on chemo.  I also missed a scattering of days during my good weeks for various appointments.  I was lucky that I'd been working here so long without using my sick time that I had a lot of it saved up.  I'm having to be more careful now about my sick time usage since I don't have a big surplus anymore but I haven't really needed to use a lot since I finished chemo.

    There are a lot of different chemos and everyone reacts differently to the ones they get.  There's no way to really predict how much you can work through it or even if you can work at all.  Even after you've been through one cycle, the later cycles might seem a little harder or a little easier - or even both. Heheh   Just don't be afraid to focus mainly on yourself and on getting through it.  Keep up with your eating and keeping hydrated because that will help you stay healthier and stronger which does help in dealing with side effects.

  • grover
    grover Member Posts: 13

    Thanks, again, all! I am definitely in a funk, but it's nice to know that's normal for this "new normal." Also kinda depressing...I'm just going to try not to think too much about chemo anymore, beyond the "shopping list" posted in the chemo thread. Prepare for the worst & hope for the best...

    Markat, What's the deal w/ deodorant, anyway? My med. onc. said no, but that won't work for me!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Grover I dn't know much so my words aren't gospel but I think deordorant (most) have aluminum in them that some studies had shown it was not good so go natural with them. There are a few companies that do make natural, but I don't know how true this is. I know my niece has gone natural but I haven't nor my sister or cousin so I wouldn't put this on my worry list, that's for sure.

    As far as chemo like Jinkala said everyone is different so try not to fear it--it's time consuming we all know that--other than that we've all pretty much have different reactions, but tell usu'r and someone will say Oh I had that--so don't worry about that either. We're here for u.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Markat--flailing is my yoga style as well.  Love your humor as you rise above all you've been through lately.  So glad your little ballerina has you as such a great mom.

    Jazzy--wow.  Great teacher to be so watchful.  Glad she's on the lookout for your well being, so you aren't likely to injure yourself, getting back into it.  Sounds wonderful.  (My only workout lately is vigorous tummy scratching for our new family member.  He's so sweet and gentle for his size.)  And I'd love to trade weather for a while.  We'll be in drought soon enough.  Springs are squishy and summers are crunchy...

    Camille--Did Joey choose a project?  He sounds like so much fun and a great source of unconditional love. 

    grover--sixth grade language arts here.  You're right about the energy and focus.  It gets rough sometimes.  As an echo, do what's best for you.  Your strength and core being are what need protecting right now.  Sometimes we each do the best we can to just breathe deeply without an inner voice saying, "oww.  did you have to do that?"

    teka--Sealed  be safe.  Hope you are having good days.

    bgirl, fl, blondie, jinkala, all...  have a happy Thursday ahead.  Glad, always, to be among you.  Before this forum, I never had any idea there were so many sweet hermits out and about.  I guess I thought my tendency to withdraw/hide/turn inward was an oddity, and felt all the more awkward because of it.  I'm glad to have learned differently.  Not the circumstance, of course, but glad to get to know each among us...  if that makes any sense at all.  (apologies...  suffering brain fuzz.   Next week is state testing and we're all a bit wacky with stress.)

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    @grover, It sounds nuts but you may really be able to just skip the deodorant, at least during chemo. I didn't smell, even though I sometimes woke up twice or three times during the night soaked with sweat.

    Then when I finished chemo, my smell came back with a vengeance. Surprised I'm avoiding commercial deodorants because of the parabens which most of them contain--they are suspected of promoting ER+ cancer. Since finishing chemo I've been using rubbing alcohol, an idea I saw on another thread in bco. I add cornstarch baby powder for a nice fragrance. Works OK so far.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    I use aluminium and paraben free deodorants - Dr. Organics is one brand

  • placid44
    placid44 Member Posts: 179


    My advice with chemo would be: be proactive about reporting any troubling side effects to your oncologist so that he/she can manage them and you can stay on schedule with the chemo (not skip or reduce doses) so you get maximum benefit. Best of luck with everything!

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Hi Hermits!!!  My you are busy posting away!  I had 3 pages to read! 

    Work is kickin' my a$$!  I go to work, come home, eat, fall asleep sitting up. Get up and do it all over again. My job is way to intense for a hermit recovering from bc hell.  I am looking for a new job, something less intense! I do not want this kind of stress anymore!

    curveball, the rubbing alcohol - to kill bacteria (that causes the smell in the first place) and corn starch to stay dry, I assume.  Do you do this in the morning and stay good for the day or do you have to repeat through-out the day?  I have tried the natural deodorants, but I have not found one that "works".

    I used to enjoy yoga.  umm uumm Sadly, I have no motivation to begin practicing again. I think about it and wish I could, but I can't seem to DO it!  I am also scared to begin practicing again because I have axillary webbing syndrome and I am afraid it would turn into full blown LE.

    Markat hope you get great scan results!

    Welcome to the new ladies joining us.

    ((Hugs)) to all and HAPPY WEEKEND!

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Speaking of might find this thread of interest.

    All Topics           →           Forum: Moving Beyond Cancer           →           Topic: What kind of deodorant do people use?????       

    Topic: What kind of deodorant do people use?????

    Forum: Moving Beyond Cancer

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    U know I was thinking I really didn't need deordorant while doing chemo, or maybe I didn't care, but herceptin was a different matter. It was like a family of skunk got mad at me and my Onc. said well no one explained it that way, but that was a common SE--It's balanced out more but perfume dosn't smell the way it used to on me at all. 
    Fl u'r job sounds so difficult I mean stress wise, if u can find another job that would be better.

    Teka hahahahahahahaha

    Markat---nothing yet?????

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    @FLwarrior, so far once a day does the trick but that may only be because it has been cool weather ever since I finished chemo. It wouldn't surprise me if I need to re-apply during the day in the summertime.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214


    You have described me to a "T!" I can SO relate right now. It has all become very overwhelming and I just want to crawl back into my shell and sleep the days away. The waiting games that happen in between tests and procedures are so very hard. We are forced to continue with day to day life, but have the BC hanging over our heads.

    God bless you and thank you,


  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Laurie, the Hermit are a great, non-judgemental bunch.

    Finished everything to go to the accountant's for our business.  Happy dance time.  Although I should be looking for a real job too!Frown

    Happy Friday's hermits.  Flwarrior ... hope you find a less stressful job With Benefits!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi fellow hermits- getting ready to head into my big conversion weekend (again) and system launch on monday for my client. I stayed home this morning to work remotely and plant some pansies and johnney jump ups that I picked up last night. Wanted to get a bit of color into my yard, although it is still too early to plant much of anything else, as we can get a freeze here for a couple more weeks. 

    Laurie-welcome. As stated by the other hermits, we are safe place for you to share. It is all very overwhelming and good to have others who are or have come through it to talk to here.

    Teka- I hope the frog recovered from the big scare this week! Ribbit!

    FL Warrior- I am in the same boat with you. This contract I took is way harder than I should be doing, too much stress post bc treatment. I am thinking of ways to opt out but have a feeling something else may happen before then. They are already starting to let consultants go, blaming them for things the management put into motion a year ago. I know there is more reasonable work for both of us out there.

    Cami- I hope you are doing okay as the week ends.

    To the rest, wishing you a good weekend and hoping you are getting some more spring your way.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hey all! I haven't heard anything and I didn't feel like calling. I have a "lets go over your scans" appointment monday so it could go either way.

    I smell and sweat like a lot. My girls use Toms and I tried it, but I just smell like a stinky flower then. My ER+ was 50% but my K (bunch of numbers) was really high. Like 70 or something.

    I'm feeling yucky! Been doing some DIY projects are the house then get all the supplies and realize I have zero strength and my hands go numb lol. Poor DH. I did fix 2 toilets and spray painted an old light fixture.

    My college advising session was kind of disappointing. I have a lot of petitioning and hurdles if I want to get back into Speech Path. Apparently my grades are way too high to try and wipe out my semester that I didn't withdrawal properly. But not high enough in 2 classes to be competitive for grad school. Dumb!!!

    Hugs to all. Have a fabulous day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Markat I hate when they do that everything sounds like a mystery---that happened to me and what they had to explainwas a whole bunch of shit--no cancer and I said u couldn't just tell me--well welike to explain it. Blah And I kinda of understand what u'r talk9ng about for school but that stuff never makes sense cua again if u are oder they give u credits for life experiences??? Well u've hadd a lot of experience in life that's for sure.  OK now we wait.

    FL and Jazzy u both seem like u have similiar jobs in a way --both to much pressure.

    Laurie excuse me but I can ask u the same thing a number of times--brain clog---so don't feel like I didn't read what u said, it just doesn't stay in the top of my brain--it kind of melts away.

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    teka...only washing your armpits, that would scare the frog Tongue OutLaughing

    *waves* to skittle, flwarrier. camillegal, bgirl, jazzy,blondie and all the peeps I missed, hope everyone is ok

    *hugs* to all the newbies, sorry you have to be here but welcome

    markat...I read your posts and still laugh, well most of the time, not on the scans though:(

    I do think they will be all clear, it is just normal for us to worry...~big hugs to you~

    Have a great weekend all!