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ALL THINGS Gloves and sleeves



  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    Cindy, lots of lymphers use "It Stays" to keep their garment tops in place...

    Wouldnt it be great if that worked for you ?  Yes, do let us know if you decide to try it.

    The garter idea is actually cute, but yes, do see what Josh says !

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited March 2013

    If I pull it high:

    or if I leave it a little lower:

    It rolls. :(

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited March 2013

    Cindy, Your sleeve is way too high in the first picture. It should be about 1 or 2 finger widths below axilla. Second picture is better. maybe it wants to roll because it is tight looking. it is great you posted a picture, as we can see the roll. If I knew how to post a pic I would too. It really helps for us lymphers to get a sense of what is going on. Thank you so much.

    I have short arms and my Juzo Varin off shelf fits high just like your first picture, but if I get the same juzo varin style off shelf with the shoulder strap and no band then the length fits perfect. It's so weird but true. I can't figure it out. I have reordered both sleeves few times and the shoulder strap one is perfect length every time. When I don the longer Varin( which is suppose to be identical in length as the other one), I try not to stretch it so it doesn't go right under the pit. Funny cause they are both off shelf varins. Weird.

    Anyone with super short arms is wise to order the shoulder strap, no band Juzo Varin. This is the only one that fits me so far. Well if it comes in Dreamsleeve, or tie dye it may fit also, but it has to be the shoulder strap style.

    IT STAYS works but be gentle pulling it off with sensitive skin. Take your time working it off.
  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for the thoughts hugz.  If I pull the sleeve fairly high it seems to control the swelling better, lower and it's kinda like a bra a cup size or 2 too small. As the day goes on I just spill right out. (this is why I really need to find a shirt with better sleeves than the short sleeved Under Armour, I think that would help a lot.)  My Juzo cotton can be almost touching and it'll stay put and head off the spill over. The lymphediva sleeves just don't seem "structured" enough.

    Posting pictures is easy, but you need to upload them to a photo site first.  Photobucket works good, or facebook.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited March 2013

    Cindy, this can be so frustrating. Having to nip, stick, tuck, pull, push etc to get sleeves to work just sucks. I am waiting for my bionic arm to come in the mail to solve all these problems. That should fix this LE in a hurry! :P

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013


    I wonder what would happen if you emailed Josh the pics and asked him if you could order a SHORT with a full refund if you needed to return  it within 7 days .  It seems to me  that MAYBE if you had the proper size and then pulled it way up  but where it would not be so high under the axila as hugz pointed out,  and then perhaps it would not roll.    I've actually considered a "short" myself  under Joshs advice , but changed my mind recently.

    Anyhow, if Binney is correct and there are  others who have similar issues with the Divas you may in fact be helping the cause if it is poven to be the issue!  I say it couldnt hurt to email him with a direct link to this thread and the pics.  I'm sure you could work something out. If you do- please let us know.

    Good Luck!

  • RosesToeses
    RosesToeses Member Posts: 244
    edited March 2013

    (butting back into this thread even though the topic has already shifted--thanks, Purple, for the discription of the new line! A couple of them sound like they're really going to tempt me.

    Ok, everyone, as you were!)

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2013

    I have the same problem as Cindy with my LypheDivas sleeve. Mine has the diamonds, too. It reaches just where Hugz suggested--about two finger widths below the axilla, and the very, very top rolls over as in Cindy's photos. I've tried tugging it less (making it shorter) to see if that helps, but it doesn't. I've always wondered if a version without the silicone diamonds is less likely to roll, so perhaps some of you who use Divas with no diamonds can comment.  I do find that when I wear an UnderArmour shirt over the sleeve (short-sleeve men's version), the UA sleeve overlaps the Diva by a couple of inches, and it's not tight, but it seems to give just enough friction to keep the Diva sleeve from rolling.  But if I wear the Diva sleeve with anything else, i.e. normal clothing, it rolls.  The rolling is very limited--it's not like it comes down an inch or so.  But since the UA keeps it from rolling, I save my Diva sleeve for when I'm exercising and need the UA, too, which is generally when I'm lifting weights in the gym.  The Diva sleeve feels like a lighter material than my Juzos or Jobsts or Allegros, so I like it better when exercising, anyway, as it tends to sweat up a bit less. I think it wicks better than the other brands' fabrics.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    I've always wondered if a version without the silicone diamonds is less likely to roll, so perhaps some of you who use Divas with no diamonds can comment

    I have one without the DB and at first I wasnt too thrilled that my fitter took it upon herself to order it.  Now, I actually just requested one ( 1 of three that Josh is  giving as compensation for the photo shoot !) 

      This is because I have come to I love the  one without the DB (Then why not order  3?)  ...  on a day when I am ' less active'.  As you might encounter with any sleeve , I would imagine, if you are planning for lots of exercise it does tend to inch down a bit with  the movements.  I love it for when I know I am going to the office and a meeting, chair work if you will .... no Lebeds ( repetive arm movements ) or aerobics.


  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2013

    Interesting, Purple.  My Juzos have silicone dots and once tugged into place, the sleeves do not budge an inch, regardless of movement. 

    I think it must be very, very difficult to make an off-the-shelf sleeve that works for such a wide range of arm sizes and shapes, even when we order sleeves going by the sleeve makers' measurement guides. Honestly, and I mean this sincerely, I tip my hat to all the garment makers who even try to meet our very diverse needs. 

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited March 2013

    I sent the link for the pictures to Josh, so we'll see what he says.  I've got the sleeve in the picture and another one that I haven't even taken out of the box, but that I assume will have similar issues.  I'm sure that it doesn't help that my upper arm is one of my worst swell spots...

    I too am in awe of the amount of work and caring it takes to provide a custom fit in an off the shelf world.

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353
    edited March 2013

    Okay, I'm chiming in here.  I am fairly new to LE.  it flaired up during rads last summer, then settled back down.  I was able to quit going to LE Specialist.  Then in late January, I picked up three heavy grocery bags, and BOOM.  It is back with a vengeance.

    Question- I have been wrapping with short stretch as it works for me, and my insurance deductibles aren't met yet but will be soon.  I ordered a Lymphediva sleeve - just wasn't right for me.  Ended up selling it on ebay.  Then I got a Juxtafit velcro sleeve which is fine for temporary things like when I need to put something on in a hurry like to exercise or do some temporary lifting.    But for everyday wear, I don't know what to get.  My hand swells with the ones that stop at the wrist- with wrapping I seem to be able to control it. 

    Is there an all in one glove and sleeve?  Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013


    LindaKR wears and all in one- perhaps she will be able to add to this .  You can search her posts out on this thread.


    RE:  My Juzos have silicone dots....

    I would imagine that being akin to the Diva DB.  I was referring to no band, no dots - nothing at all at the top.

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2013

    Purple, I did understand that the Diva version you were talking about is without the diamonds. Just thought I'd point out that at least for me (and our arms are sure all different), silicone on the Juzo works very well. The Juzo dots are more prominent than the Diva diamonds, and I think the upper band on the Juzos is a bit stiffer than the Diva upper cuff. I wonder if these differences contribute to one rolling and the other not.  I really do love the feel of the Diva sleeve. Maybe my off-the-shelf arm dimensions just are not 100% compatible with the off-the-shelf Diva dimensions.  Sometime, perhaps I'll try a Diva sleeve without the silicone to see if that makes a difference.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    Purple, I did understand that the Diva version you were talking about is without the diamonds

    OK, I see Carol- never can be quite sure if this type of " convo".  Hope you are feeling better!
    Take Care

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2013

    Purple, I am feeling better. Slept a good part of the afternoon and feel good as new. Back to normal life tomorrow!

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited March 2013

    I had that exact problem with Juzo over the counter one with out the silcone dots.  It Stays worked great but now I break out from it.  My custom ones don't roll.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    Great Carol, and for you, I presume that means  back to exercise   :>)

  • Maxine58
    Maxine58 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2013

    Hugz4u - The Farrow sounds like an easy product to use! I have a whole drawer of things I purchased, tried and found they didn't quite fit the bill (I'm sure we all have a drawer with some of those things since there is so much trial and error while we are learning how our bodies react) so  I took a kind of "McGuyver" approach when my hand was still swelling with the gauntlet and even now with a custom juzo glove when needed.

    I cut a bit of the grey foam used for wrapping to go on top of my hand and over my wrist (kind of a spoon shape with a wide handle, cut to the length that stops at the edge of the gauntlet or glove wrist), then slip it under the glove on top of the hand. It added that little bit more compression I needed on some days and at no cost. I found it was a little itchy, so added a piece of silk to go between me and the foam and it works perfect for me.

    DiZZYMom  -  As for calming creams, I have super sensative skin and experience the itching and also "road map" marks where my flabby arm bends above my elbow. I was afraid of rash and infection as well because it never seemed to get better. Then I started showering at night, then using a 1% hydrocortisome smear on the road map line, then Nivea Smooth Sensentaion with Shea Butter over all. By morning, my arm feels ready for another day because the cream has had a chance to do its job overnight. Just a thought.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    With all the different issues ppl have from certain sleeves , gloves or other garments, I am wondering abou a garment swap.

    Is that feasible or would  it be dangerous ? ( cellulitis)

    For example, I bought that  allegro and just didnt like the wristband.  I tried it for 10 mins. I finally found someone who said they would like it.  I happily mailed it to them.  They are now using it.

    What if I started a garement swap thread ?

    Are there ppl . who  have items they cannot use ?  So many have no or limited insurance .

    Would there be a danger of infection even after laundering  ?

    I knew my allegro was safe because I had never worn it and also I have never had cellulitis. 

    I have  a brand spanking new spanx  (pun intended )  right now that  I have NOT tried on. I ordered online .  I just  might like it , but when I see there are ' bra straps' rather than wide elastic, I have my doubts.  If I tried it on and didnt like it, I wouldnt want to toss it in a drawer.  I would rather give it to one of my BS friends here  - tags and all.

    Can one of our resident experts pop in and  say if this is a dangerous idea ?


  • Maxine58
    Maxine58 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2013

    Carol57 - I started with LymphaDivas as well, and love the feel and the variety, but now have a custom Juzo sleeve and glove and can really tell the difference. The Diva would be so much better if they allowed for a structured top band that is shaped more like a sleeve is shaped when cut from t shirt around the arm hole.

    The distance from axilla to wrist is less than from shoulder to wrist so to get the sleeve high enough to control the lower shoulder, you end up too crammed and folded at the axilla. It seems like it would be a no brainer to shape the top of the sleeve just a bit differently.

  • kira
    kira Member Posts: 659
    edited March 2013

    Denise-G: I don't see that anyone has answered your question about night garments/day garments, and it sounds like you're handling things with wrapping--which is great, but clearly bulky and not suited for day time, unless needed.

    I'm wondering where you LE therapist is in all of this? They are the ones who are supposed to help you figure out how to transition to maintenance and get you hooked up with a good fitter--if they don't fit themselves.

    Some people have medicare, which doesn't cover garments.

    We've all done the order on-line thing: and like everyone else here, I have a closet full of expensive mistakes.

    So, as a fellow person with hand swelling, the ideal approach for you is a well fitted glove. Sometimes you can get away with an off the shelf glove--Juzo makes nice gloves--I prefer their stronger fabric the expert/helastic, their sizes are a bit rigid, but if it fits, that's great. I also like medi 95 as they're slim and have good finger compression and more size range. And the medi 95 has lower compression at the wrist, so you don't get double compression with a sleeve.

    In my ideal world, there would be a store where you could try them on for fit. But I've never experienced that, except when you go to a conference and can see the vendor's wares.

    So, for someone whose LE has come back with a boom, you should have a well fitted sleeve and glove. I personally never tried the all in one, as while it is a nicer fit at the wrist, it's a royal pain to wash your hands.

    And, for night time, if you swell--wrapping is the best, and if you get sick of wrapping, you can try the night garments, but they are expensive, and personally, I have a closet full of expensive night garments that don't do a great job on my hand.....Seriously: a jovipak, 2 Tributes, a readywrap and I'm finding the best bet for me is a Caresia sleeve that goes to my hand and I finger wrap and do 2 short stretches over it. My $600 Tribute chews up my hands.....The Caresia is $140 retail....And I got it as a sample at my CLT class, and never tried it for a year.

    So, with hand swelling--always compress the hand. And ideally not with a gauntlet, but with a glove. And gloves are hard to fit and expensive.

    Does that help?


    I went to pm you and saw that you're being treated at U of M: I went to school there, and they do have a good LE program, from what I've heard.

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited March 2013

    Maxine58-That's exactly what I need... a sleeve that wraps up over the shoulder, or a top with decent sleeves... actually, a long sleeved bra should work, but I've not found one that does...

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    So if the upper arm bulges out the sleeve , the sleeve is too tight?

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2013

    The sleeve could be too tight and/or too low.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2013

    Purple, I think exchanging some LE items is a great idea. I'd guess that careful laundering would make exchanges safe. JoviPak insists on washing before sending garments in to them for adjustments, and BrightLife redistributes laundered compression garments that are returned.

    The real danger would be in a bad fit, and the temptation to use a garment because it was free, whether the fit is right or not. Obviously you'd want to check the fit with your therapist, but for many of us here that's not an option either financially. So, just something to think about.

    One other thought: I too have a drawer of rejects, but over time I've found that many of them end up working for me at a later date. Kira's therapist says you have to "keep LE guessing," and I find that's true--what doesn't do the job today might be just the answer tomorrow.


  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for your input, Binney. 

    You make  a good point about the poor fit.  I just can't imaginbe having no sleeve whatsoever and knowing one was sitting in somebodys drawer just causing clutter.  I'm glad to know it seems it would not be a cause of cellulitis with proper laundering.  That was the main thing.

    I guess I will wait and see what others say about  needing these items.  We would stioll need to caution people regarding fit.

    I know it's not ideal, but even self- measuring *may* be better than  nothing- ESP., if you dont have  a good fitter.  My fitter was terrible with  gloves.  I now  have no fitter, but thank goodness for my wonderful LEist.  She would measure and help. Anyone with LE, must get some  professional they can trust. 

    *EDITED TO ADD:  Binney, you said :
    "BrightLife redistributes laundered compression garments that are returned."

    Are you saying  if I order a brand new garment I ( or my INS) am paying full price for , it may  have been used ?

    Lymphedema on LEFT. NO radiation. 2 clean nodes. purple32. Hope is our light ... in the night.
    Dx 3/2012, IDC, <1cm, Stage I, Grade 1, 0/2 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 05/01/2012 Lumpectomy (Left)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013
  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2013

    Purple, absolutely notSurprised! But they do have an excellent return policy, because they're then able to donate the returns (which are standard, off-the-shelf sizes, not custom) to an organization that provides them (through therapists) to people who can't afford them. They don't send them out willy-nilly to anyone who thinks they might fit--they go to therapists who can make sure the fit is right.

    Basically, I disagree that "self-measuring may be better than nothing"--and especially WITHOUT a good fitter/therapist. A poorly fitting garment can do a lot of damage, sometimes permanent, so I'd have to say THAT is definitely the "main thing" that needs to be considered if you're going to be swapping garments. You really, really don't want to be responsible for causing another "swell gal" trouble.


  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013

    But they do have an excellent return policy, because they're then able to donate the returns (which are standard, off-the-shelf sizes, not custom) to an organization that provides them (through therapists) to people who can't afford them.

    Thanks for that clarification, Binney.(phew)

    Well, I understand your disagreement , but I was really saying that self measuring might be better than a BAD fitter !
    One thing we surely agree on ...I do NOT want to be responsible , in any way, for making anyone's situation the slightest bit worse.

    Many thanks!