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ALL THINGS Gloves and sleeves



  • Victoria38
    Victoria38 Member Posts: 187
    edited April 2013

    Yes indeed, strange to feel fortunate about some aspects of this disease.  The wearing of the glove daily has made my arthritis worsen, my hand to become weaker than ever before, and additionally now the extra fluid around my thumb is causing it to pop out of joint easily.  So therefore I am hesitant to use it, causing the cycle to only worsen.  It is a small joy to have my fingers free at night. 

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

     small joy

    And suddenly , we seem to appreciate the small joys just when there are so many we have lost !Yell

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013


    Hi Ladies

    Many of us seem to like the light weight Farrow glove.  With summer coming, I ordered 2 more from

    I just wanted to pass on the fact that my INS CO would not cover this glove initially.  wanted it covered at 80%  (out of network)  but they did not ' recognize' Brightlife direct.  I  got their tax ID number and gave it to my INS CO and they then approved it so long as  I paid up front and they then reimbursed 80%.

    I am just telling you that sometimes, you can  push with your INS CO and get results. Bright Life is very good to work with- just a tidbit.

    EDITED to add;  Having said all this, I am keenly aware that we all dont have such ' good ins'.  This is why I feel  it is vital for all of us collectively to visit

  • GuyGirl
    GuyGirl Member Posts: 102
    edited April 2013

    Not having much luck finding an under armour garment that fits me.  The men's small is too big and the compression on the womens small did not seem like enough.  Anyone know of another manufacturer that would have a men's XS or a youth large with adequate compression for my truncal lymphedema?

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013


    You might want to check out the thread " shirt design for lymphedema"
    Just go to the search box, choose forum - lymphedema from the drop down menu,  and type or cut copy paste  shirt design for lymphedema

    Chatting with those ladies might help.

    Good Luck!

  • dassi52
    dassi52 Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2013

    Great you got all that covered Purple. I am allowed only 2 a year (83% back) but if I ask my LE therapist to write me down as needing 2 per 6 months (she indicated she may be able to do so) then hopefully I can get four a year. I already wrote on the forum that Farrow was terrific and gave me great service when I told them that my new glove (bought through Brightlife) was fraying and opening at the seams, so I actually have a brand new glove from them. Nevertheless, the more gloves I have, the easier it will be with laundry and the regular wear and tear. Today my OT gave me two finger splints for my pinky and ringfinger of the LE hand, which are very crooked and don't straighten out. (nothing to do with LE). I am supposed to wear each of them for 5 min several times a day. Just another thing to add to the to-do list. 

    Victoria, I didn't even know I had arthritis or the beginning of it, but all of the sudden it showed up on my pinky of the LE hand, basically right after my LE was diagnosed. Maybe the LE just aggravates these issues. By me, it just means that the joint is permanently swollen and reddish, and the finger is more prone to hurt. Other than that I ignore the arthritis.

    I finally dealt with the IMAK - the wrong one is going back to that store for a refund. I ordered a new one from a different place, and the best part is that my daughter-in-law's sister is coming here for a short vacation and is willing to bring the new pair. I have all of you to thank. I would never have heard of the IMAK if it weren't for the forum, and it's great to have an extra cotton pair of gloves around, especially with the summer coming up. I showed the Imak to my OT. No one has heard of it here.

    Different issue - does anyone have trouble with varicose veins and finds that the situation got worse? I am not sure why this is so for me.One of my legs got very painful. Is it EL or AL (Anastrazole) related? Does MLD also affect the veins of the legs? if anyone can shed light on this, I'd love to know. 

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    she indicated she may be able to do so)

    I'm betting she can, dassi- and I would push for it .  There is sort of a 'form letter' on he NLN site that you can adapt if need be. My DR . put unlimited !  ( we'll see  :>)
      The more gloves the better, I say.  We never know when our INS might change/ be more limiting.

    In any case, I am glad you  will be all set on the IMAK, and do hope you like it.

    As for your questions- someone else will have to answer. I dunno'.  :>)

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Speaking of gloves....where did I put my gauntlet. Not that I wear it much anyhow. It would be nice to know if someone out there is goofy enough to be wearing it! :P ....I wish all the gloves at the manufacture sites would get lost so they could invent something better real fast.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    It would be nice to know if someone out there is goofy enough to be wearing it! :P

    You are too funny, hugz! many mornings  I am rushing for work and then., " Where's my black glove? YIKES-  I'm going to be late ; Where is it ???!!!!"

    No, nobody else has ever snaked it away for their own- I usually find it camoflagued by my dark brown couch where I dozed off the night before while doing MLD or else underneath my black cami or in some other ' black hole', but the darn thing always turns up !Yell

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Got my jovipak night vest and sleeve - the other sleeve needed to be exchanged - Having issues wearing it because of my spasms in my scapulas - in PT for that but I did wear it for about 2 hours last night until breast and scapulas started hurting.  Its not too tight I think it is just the padding is irritating the nerves where the spasms are??? Should I even be wearing it through this time of spasms?? What do you all think - I really like the feel except in the area that hurts LOL.  

  • dassi52
    dassi52 Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2013

    When in a rush, the question is not only "where is that glove" but when I find it, very often the fingers are inside out and it takes time (that I do not have) to wriggle them back in place. I try to leave the glove in a specific place, but it does get covered up from time to time and I go nuts looking for it. Much worse is when I take off a sweater and I need to take off my glasses. If I don't know where I put those glasses, I can't see well enough without them and the only way to find them is patting down the place (usually somewhere on my bed)

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    Worse yet is when planning to wear the sleeve and glove, and I am ALL dressed, running only 5 mins late and realize I forgot to put the sleeve on .Surprised

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Dassi, You sound exactly like me with the glasses. I usually have to call for help to find them on the bed.

    Purple, Oh yes, and then I have to peel off my shapewear to get my sleeve on because it has a cross strap to hold the sleeve up. grrrr. opps wrong thread.

    My gauntlet and brain (some days)must be in the collective black hole because It sure ain't anywhere else.

    I wanted to find my good gauntlet because I asked my LEist if I could get away with just a gauntlet. My LEist had a really good look at my hands and said I could experiment with a gauntletSmile. She said I had barely any swell.Smile I think we talked about this the other day on kick butt thread and so and I have made the big decsion to try it slowly to see if I have any swell reactions.

    It is scary to experiment but I just hate the glove so bad that I think I am wanting to dive in and just go for it! 

    My LEist spent a good 5 minutes feeling up every square inch of my arm and hand then said that if I was over 2cm larger in my arm then she would have me in the glove but I have only had a small increase over the years.Smile I am going to take the plunge and try the gauntlet at different times of the day. But for exercise I will use the glove and sleeve always.

     Definately for meetings and dress up time I am hoping to loose the glove and trade in for the gauntlet.Smile

    PS. For the Newbies, This may work for me but you always should talk to your LEist if you are going to try something new.

    Only if I could find the gauntlet.Cry

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2013

    hugz, my suggestion on the lost item, stop looking for it!

    then the cure guy will likely drop it in your lap....ok so that is how I find lost items (not the cure guy but..)

    you know it is in the house so it is only a matter of time till the dang thing shows up, thinging "found thoughts"

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    ha ha, your right but i want to find it before i chicken out on my experiment.

  • Victoria38
    Victoria38 Member Posts: 187
    edited April 2013

    Hugz, I 'm supposed to always wear a glove, but I "cheat" and wear a gauntlet for a few hours at a time, for church or lunch dates, dinner, etc.  I do get some swelling back, but nothing too terrible that my Imak glove can't bring down in no time.  I made a big fuss about hating beige sleeves, until I realized they do look better with most clothes and I just add a colored gauntlet.  Usually black.  And now I've taken to wearing flashy loose bracelets on that wrist.  It might might as well look pretty!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013


    Thats great!

    I too hate the glove the most. All winter long , the sleeve can be hidden, but not that darn glove . (ggrrrrr!)  I also would like to try a gauntlet.  Right now, I continue to have one puffy area under the finger where I wore my wedding ring.  My LEist was trying to get that down with kinesio tape, but so far it didnt work.  I may ask her to try a different ' pattern ' with th tape and not have iot go around the finger, but she is out of state at the moment.  We'll see.


  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Hugz, my watch must be with your gauntlet, so when you find your gauntlet, please let me know where, so I can retrieve my watch.

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Oh, I should have said that the reason I took my watch off (in some locale that has left me clueless) was to don my gauntlet.  So I'm blaming the missing watch entirely on the gauntlet.  Darn LE.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Ok, I can't resist this comment. Purple said earlier that her lost le stuff shows up in her couch or some black hole. Which black hole are you referring to?Surprised I have many black holes in my body and I need to see which one my gauntlet might be in.Tongue Out That is the only place I haven't looked. I'll check for Carols watch toWink 

    Yah Carol, Lets just blame EVERYTHING on LE, it deserves to be punishedYell SO.. where does this LE stuff go off to anyway? I just looked in my backpack and found a extra glove but NO.... not that dang gauntlet. OH MANNNNNN!

    Victoria, you little vixen... wearing bracelets with that gauntlet. Your stepping out girl! I just got to order that imak soon.

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    A few weeks ago, I thought I'd lost not one but two complete sets of sleeve and gauntlet.  Was sure I'd left them in a hotel room.  Called two hotels and begged for room searches. Nada. Nothing. Lost. Ordered replacements from Brightlife. Pouted over cost, because it's too soon for insurance to pay for new ones.  Then last week, took out the suitcase I searched over and again when looking for the sleeves.  And there they were, in a pocket I swear I looked into multiple times.  Problem:  black bag. black sleeves. black gauntlets.  Cataracts in development. Can't see squat in dark places.  Need to install a battery operated light that turns on when I open the suitcase, apparently.  At least, missing-sleeve-and-gauntlet problem solved. And now I'm rich in compression garments! Wish all of the above explained where my watch is.  Between memory and eyesight both fading, getting older sure stinks.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Carol, Yup we are getting older when we need flashlights and suitcases that light up. My dad carried a flashlight on himself for about 30 years and I could never figure it out as a youngster. Guess what! I have a flashlight by the bed, in the kitchen, downstairs in the car and on my key chain. Go figure.

    At least you won't be doing sleeve laundry for awhile with the extras. I would totally panic if I left my LE stuff in the hotel. When going on holidays I carry it with me in my backpack, even on a camping trip. I won't let anyone look after it but me.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2013

    Carol: was my missing sleeve in your suitcase too? Brenda

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Brenda, I'll get my flashlight and take a look for you!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    I've found your sleeves with the dust elephants under the bed. How did they get to my place!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2013

    Gosh, that was fast fed ex ladies! Got them on before take off from San Francisco.we had a great 6 days there! It's time in my life to drink champagne and enjoy!

  • Victoria38
    Victoria38 Member Posts: 187
    edited April 2013

    Does anyone here have LE in their Right hand and wear a medium glove?

  • dassi52
    dassi52 Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2013

    Hi, Victoria. LE in right hand only. Tried a medium glove (Medi 95) but it was like a vice (quoting Purple!) and it hurt a problem spot on my hand terribly. In the end I got the Farrow which is great compared to Medi95. The fabric is softer and more pleasant. And definitely not so tight. I guess you need more pressure than me. (I hope I understood correctly that by medium you didn't mean size but pressure)

  • Victoria38
    Victoria38 Member Posts: 187
    edited April 2013

    Actually I meant size medium.  I have purchased several pairs of the Imak Active gloves and I only use the left hand.  Unfortunately the right hand can't be worn insideout on the left, due to the nubbies on the palm.  I would like to find someone who could use these right hand gloves.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    Thats very nice of you. Victoria.  I  have something to offer as well and started a thread :  FREE/ new garment  (under LE forum of course)

    It would be nice if we could set up some swaps there.