2013 Survivors!!!
@ luvmygoats, SwgeeWI and ALL,
Yes, I go for treatment at Texas Onc. Associates in Flower Mound. They are absolute ANGLES!!!!! I cannot say enough about the expert care and caring I have received since this whole mess started. Dr . Nyugen is my MO and i will begin workig with Dr. Ilahi on June 3.
I will wait a bit until I purchase any moisturizer and see what the good folks at Texas Onc. have to say. I'll also get on those RADS threads and begin to converse with those Sister Warriors too.
We are all safe and sound here north of Dallas and I'm so glad U R 2 luvmygoats.
And ramols - BIG CONGRATULATIONS on the clean and clear neck scan. God is always with us I presume.
Peace, luv and blessings y'all!
"Flowers" (aka cmbernardi)
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Congrats Ramols!! I'm sooooooo happy for you! HAppy DAnce!
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Ramols! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! now we just need to hear from Websister....
Momof3; Happy Anniversary and nice to hear this house got through inspection ok.
Alas that is not the case for us. It seems the septics seepage pit (if that is what it is - he's going to look at the health dept records today and go back out there for a 3rd time) is burried so deep (over 4 ft.) that he cannot access it to make sure everything is working/draining properly and therefore per the new EPA laws put in place wince the last owner bought the home - he won't be able to pass it. The current homeowner thinks he has a leech field - but there is no field there and the health dept records seem to indicate seepage pit on them (according to the adminsitrator who described them to him).
SO - we then go tot he homeowner who can choose to spend the monies to uncover the pit. (but most likely won't since it's a short sale). so then we go to the bank with an estimate of the cost to fix septic so that it can be inspected (keep in mind we will have the same issue when we go to sell downt he line) - and ask them to fix it. AND although it the actual tank and upper part of the system is working fine, I was also told a bank won't give us a a mortgage on a property without a acceptable inspection of the septic system.
It's all very upsetting. We are totally IN LOVE with this house...but it seems that it might slip through our fingers. We will have to be patient and wait and see what happens at this point.
Back to work... hugs to all in need. Hang in there those still in treatment.
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Happy birthday chrisrenee!
Yay Ramols! Woo Hoo liefie! To all I am missing sorry but sending good thoughts and wishes your way!
Happy to know all my sisters are surviving the storms.
So how is this for a crock of shit - not only do I have to get used to the new me but now I've been diagnosed with arthritis! WTFUCK! Really? I went to a rheumatologist based on blood work my MO did and she wasn't too concerned about the levels that were raised but after feeling around said I have some arthritis in knees and lower back. Which freaked me out because when I went for reiki last week when she touched my knees my legs started tingling like crazy! Coincidence - I think not! So she ran even more blood work and tomorrow going for xrays then back to her in 2 weeks. You know I'll take arthritis over a recurrance any day!
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Juneau I'm sorry about that. Just remember you don't want a house that will give you issues down the road and if this one doesn't happen there is one out there for you. Yes I know you are sitting there going "don't give me that shit! I want this one!" LOL. I have been in your shoes with houses in the past and I know it sucks big time however if it's meant to be yadda yadda I know you're cursing me out right now! I cursed out the people who said it to me too! Smooches sister!
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@ KarenZ0305
So sorry for this recent news. I know that is JUST what you needed (NOT)! Keep in mind that the medicine and procedures for arthritis are greatly advanced from the past and have faith that you will find a reasonable protocol to follow and get relief. I will add you to my daily prayers. Peace!
"Flowers" (aka cmbernardi)
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Thanks flowers! It just shows my body feels like getting old! Good thing I'm not gonna listen!
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Karen - Glad it's only "arthur". So many other worse rheumy diseases. And like you said PTL not recurrence. Glad she is being thorough.
Juneau - Sorry about the house. We've been here 15 years and septic issues still scare the s$$t out of me. We had the whole thing redone about 6-7 years ago. Lines, tanks, leech field. Nothing I would want to mess around with. Texas is so dry (despite our recent storms) that the leech field is the greenest thing around in the summer. The ground over the new and old tanks is so thin the grass dies first if not watered/rained on. There is a house out there somewhere for you. I know they say this is the prime time to move (your weather mileage may vary) but we moved 2 days after Christmas.
Ramols - Yeah for clean scan. Now on the next CLEAN one too!
Yes indeed, waiting for good news from Websister. Friday, right??
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Karen, so sorry to hear about the arthritis. Couldn't it have chosen somebody else? You've had your turn, right? But Cmbernardi is right. Huge strides have been made in the treatment of arthritis, and you should be able to get and keep it under control.
Juneau, sorry to hear about this roadblock re the house purchase. Hope it all turns out okay for you guys!
Marian, so glad rads are going well for you so far. You have me wondering now what happened to the old Vic General Hospital when they built the new one on the Island highway.
DD came home last night. What a pleasure to have her here! She took over the cooking, and I'm looking forward to a chicken dinner tonight. Lost another drain, and have only one left. Doing really great.
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Hugs to all with crappy news.
Been in HR workshops all day and tomorrow - will post weights on Friday.
Jumping in pockets if needed.
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Yay Ramols!!!
Sorry Karen!
Juneau - I second what the others have said. Also, remember our inspection yesterday was on the 2nd house since there were major issues on our first house. You will find the right house if things are not figured out on this one. Your house is out there somewhere.
Hugs to everyone!0 -
Hello Ladies - it had only been five days since I posted but man I feel like a deserted and also like a fish out of water without all of you:)
So man oh man does life not slow down even though we all probably made commitments at some point to not let things ever stress us out again, or atleast I did!
It has been completely an insane week for me! Then last weekend arm swelled up and that seems better and then yesterday I was getting a sharp pain in the side of my head. Kind headache like but not really. Hard to explain. I was like ouch ...what the heck is this..so took some aspirin and heading to bed, woke up this am and it was worse. I took some more aspirin and headed to work. Then my face started to feel pressure so I thought it was a sinus infections so went to doctor. She was not very thorough but said my sinus look clear. Then mention Bell's palsey early stages or maybe a inflammation of (can't remember name) vain. Wanted to put me on Steriods and I said hell no! So on 800mg of Ibprophen every four hours so seeing how that goes. Not sure why the hell my body seems like it is fallen apart lately. Not sure if I am just worrying over nothing or maybe something else is going on with me. For the love of Pete!
I am flying to NC Saturday for a trip with some of the other teammates that are running with me in my marathon. I have not meet or talk to any of them. I am sharing a room with a women who has been a three time cancer suvivor. I hope she like me:) and puts ups with my snoring:)
On another note- we are schedule to go white water rafting - and here I am being a little scared bitch about my frozen shoulder and ask if I would be ok. My organizer came back and said, you will be fine we have two people that have only one arm. Dam someone always trumps my sob story LOL but it into prospective for me which I needed this week because feeling a little sorry for myself:)
Have a wonderful rest of the week! I will try and catch up now on everybody!0 -
mcook.... we missed you too. Sorry to hear you are going through such crap - as if our bodies haven't betrayed us enough eh? I am sending positive vibes your way honey, and cant wait to meet you.
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OK - mush to follow warning
When I read mcooks post about being like a fish out of water with us all - it really resonated with me. I was in this bloody boring workshop today, but in the break chatting with someone I only get to see once a year due to the distances of where we work and we only have these get togethers once a year, and yes of course we were talking about my cancer and I mentioned all of you and the friendships we have formed and our road trip in July and it got me thinking about what wonderful friendships we have formed - and I haven't met any of you (yet !). When I look back at some of my darker days, I know that you all made them easier to bear... because you get it like no one else. Although we have met under the crappiest of circumstances, my life now is richer because of you all - thank you, hugs and love xxxx
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Ramols - great news - keep it coming!
Mcook- of course your room mate will love you! Sorry you are having other aches - they are a pain, indeed. Hopefully nothing terribly serious. You do so much running around, not evn counting the marathon. Remember to schedule some down time too so your body can recoup.
Cmbernardi - I had rads too. The mapping took about 5 minutes and includes tattoos. Not the kind of tattoos you would ever go out of your way to buy. Just dots, hopefully small dots. They don't hurt. I used the same products everyone has mentioned but I got the most comfort from small blue gel filled packets that I bought at the dollar store. You freeze them, kind of like the ice mask you'd use for a bad head ache. I carried a little insulated lunch bag with me with the frozen packs. I put them on right after being zapped. They thaw quickly so I carried quite a few and changed them often. My RO had no problem with them, but ask yours. My boob was burning hot but manageable. My skin held up pretty well I have 16 zaps and 4 or 5 boosts. I peeled when it was all over and got very tired but I was able to work through the whole treatment. My chest looked like an iron had been placed on it, an unusual looking tan line. It's still fading. (Where's your avatar?)
Having a hard time keeping up but doing my best. Glad you Texans are all safe!
Juneau - you are right about not wanting a problem in the future. If its meant to be, it will happen. The bank may be willing to pay to fix the problem, ask before you walk.
Momof3 - hopefully your inspection went well.
Hi Shari!
Tazzy, I agree with all that you said! We are soooo connected now.
We bought a scale today. So far, I don't like it! Are we really weighing in on Friday?0 -
Mcook -You are in my prayers. Gentle hugs coming your way.
Tazzy - What you said is so true and I agree 100%. I could not have made it through the last year without all of you. I love you all and think of you all as my sisters. We will meet some day. I only wish I could be there in July, but a little thing called hernia surgery a few days before is keeping me home. I will definetly be there in spirit and waiting to read all about it from everyone.
Believe - I have never met a scale I liked. The inspection went well and we are just waiting to hear back from the sellers and get the appraisal done. My DH and I built our house 20 years ago so I have never been through the house buying experience before. Man, it is like a fulltime job. Hopefully this house will be the one, but if something else happens I know there will be another one eventually. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed though as I really like this 2nd house.
Take care everyone else and in pockets as needed.0 -
Morning! Funny scale story:
So one morning I weigh myself (I do every morning) and I didn't like what the scale told me so I put it in the closet. I tell this story to my BFF and she says to her dd "Karens scale was acting up so she put it in a time out!"0 -
is it sad that i don't remember the last time i weighed or how much i weighed? I'm sure Tazzy will give us the breakdown later. Depression had kicked my butt for the better part of April and May. I was just eating whatever i could find. But my weight today was 243.
Karen- mine wasn't showing me what i wanted to see either so i ignored mine obviously. lol
Juneau- so sorry the inspection isn't going your way. If it doesn't work out, i'm sure you and your DH will find something you love. Jon and I close on our refinance tomorrow on our house. I'm so ready for it. We dropped our interest rate from 7.5 to 2.6%.
Shari- how have you been? Are you healing well?
Scottie/joanne- you two doing ok?
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Just checking to in to say hi and wish everyone a great day! Too bad there wasn't a LIKE button here as it is next to impossible to reply to everyone.
I'm saying DITTO on Tazzy's post. I think that coming here almost daily has really, really helped me get through the the time since diagnosis. Just knowing that everyone here 'gets it' has been the rock that I have needed. Thank you for that.
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@ Believe777
MANY thanks for the tip on the cold packs. Sound like a GIANT winner! I will be looking for them while shopping in the next couple of days.
KarenZ0305 and ALL - may I please get the scoop on and join in on the weigh in activities. I just lost 8 pounds after the last crappy chemo and then the debilitating 2-3 day side effects. Anyway, let me know the details please and thanks!
Happy, Happy Day ALL with Peace, Luv and Blessings! You are all the BEST!
"Flowers" (aka cmbernardi)
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Thanks all for the good wishes on my scan. Want to respond to you all individually, but can't keep up and remember. TMI but my period is kicking my butt right now and it's making me exhausted and cranky. So to those who need hugs - sending plenty your way! Juneau - sending good septic vibes! Our septic tank overflowed into our basement my first week of chemo - which was the same week our new nanny flaked out on us and didn't show up for work her first day. Thank goodness chemo-brain helped me block out how I truly felt that week!
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Flowers, as far as I remember, those of us who want to, submit our weight to Tazzy on the thread every second Thursday/Friday. She then publishes the list with our previous and present weight on here to keep us accountable. It is an uphill battle - lol.
Tazzy, soooo agree with what you said re being on this thread. This is where I have been coming for a year now to find some solace, friendship, consolation and advice. A sincere thank you to you all!
Mcook, so sorry to hear of your latest trouble, and hope it gets sorted out soon. How's the running coming along? I am so in awe of you!!!!!
Chrisrenee, cut yourself some slack. You've just been through hell with your little nephew's accident, and your weight was the last thing on your mind. You've got the rest of your life to lose it, so be easy on yourself. How are the little man and his sister doing?
So I've been awake since 4 am - post DIEP insomnia, I guess. Otherwise recovery going remarkably well.
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@ ramols - Keep up the good work Girl! Peace, Luv and Blessings to all today and into the future!
"Flowers" (aka cmbernardi)
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Hi all. I apologize for dropping off of the radar for so long. I'm fine although I have been in kind of a funk over 2 deaths in the family (on Dad's side) due to this stinking disease. Although I haven't been close to those that died in years, I am still so sad that this stinking disease brought so much sadness to their immediate family as well as to my other cousins and family members. Anyway I know I told a few the story but my oldest cousins daughter who was in her late 30s, broke a bone basically doing nothing, several years back. It turns out that she had breast cancer that had already metasticized to her bones. Her only brother, insisted she move in with him, his wife and her niece during treatments and my cousin (late sixties) and her husband who had retired and moved south for the winter went back to help their daughter through surgery, chemo etc. A couple months into all of this, my cousin snapped a bone in her leg! Although they could not find a breast tumor in her, she was found to have cancer in her bones of estrogen origin. They believed it to be an occult breast cancer. So mother and daughter both battled then both got mets to the liver a couple years later. My cousin passed away in December and her daughter in April. My cousins husband lost his wife and daughter and her son his mom and sister , and the precious niece her grandma and aunt, within months. I feel so sad for them and pray that my cousins granddaughter escapes all this. When the daughter 1st got it we thought maybe it was from her Dad's side because my cousins husband had lost his mom to bc around the same time I lost my mom. But when my cousin got it, that thought changed. I don't know if they had been Brac tested; I know I was and tested negative, so i don't know if it would matter anyway-there is definitely something familial I just don't know from which side. In addition, my Dad has been going through lots of procedures and I have been worried about him. Ofcourse finind out about my cousin and her daughter, he commented on how glad he was that I never got it- thank goodness my secret is still safe since no one knows but my DH, Ds, brother and 2 friends. Anyway I missed all of you but I didn't really want to see BC related stuff for a while; but it was like I was called back to the forum. Not only did I find a pm from Juneau yesterday asking if I was ok but I saw this plaque while shopping which was a definite sign (I'm thinking mental telepathy from Ramols?!-lol):
While I can't respond to all as I have lots of catching up to do but from what I saw in a quick scan:
Websister- prayers that everything turns out fine . I hope you found some escape from the stress. Hope Mom is doing ok too - in your pockets tomorrow
Ramols- so glad your scans were ok!
Liefie- So happy your procedure went so smoothly and that you are happy and feeling good about it! Yep-I'm jealous of that flat tummy! Love the icon by the way!
Cmbernardi- sorry to hear about the foot! Dang thats no fun!
McCook- Dang hope you get squared away soon. Thats funny about the sob story though but heck does make you realize sometimes that others have it worse.
Believe you should have had Karen ship her scale to you instead of buying a new one since she put hers in time out! (cute-lol).
Well thinking of you all and hoping good reports, treatments, and all for those I didnt get to yet.
For those enjoying dilema free times right now- Enjoy; have fun! I had a painless Onc appt so other than taking Dad for his appts I am free to enjoy a few doctorless months- I think!
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2FriedEggs, we sorely missed you, but so sorry to hear what was going on in your life. That is truly so sad, and makes one wonder when or if a cure will ever be found. My 36-year old cousin is at the moment agonizing over single or double MX at an age when this should not even have been on her radar . . . Glad your life is free from doctors at the moment - a real blessing.
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Hi ladies!
I have been absent for a couple weeks now. Kind of been busy with life and trying to move on. Dealing with my ailing dog and trying to get the kids thru the last month of schoolwork, finals, baseball, softball, dance recitals! Lol.
I hope everyone is doing well! I am going to catch up on all of your posts over the last couple weeks to see what everyone's been up to!
I actually had a question... I just had another 3 month MO follow up. She did ca27-29 which was the first time it was ever done. Came back at 24. She said this was perfect and well within the normal range. And since this was my first it is going to serve as baseline. But for some reason that sounds high to me? Probably just me worrying but what does everyone else's levels come back as? And my vit d was at 21 so she has me on supplement now. Ugh.
K. Have to go pick up my kids from school!
Thanks for any input you guys have!
Melissa0 -
Hi Melissa I too have been missing. I know how hard things have been with your poor pooch. Anyway the CA27.29 is a cancer marker which you can read about here http://www.dslrf.org/breastcancer/content.asp?L2=4&L3=7&SID=132&CID=591&PID=0 .As Dr Love says in the article some doctors test them and others don't. Mine doesn't as he feels they are not that dependable but does do regular blood tests. Anyway, 24 does appear to be quite good from what I read on susan Loves site at the bottom:
- a normal CA 27.29 level is usually less than 38 to 40 U/ml (units/milliliter), depending on where the lab test is done
- because anything under 40 is considered normal, you shouldn't worry if it's 20 one time and then 30 another time
- just because the test result is higher than 40 it doesn't mean your cancer has spread. Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, first-trimester pregnancy, benign breast disease, and kidney and liver disease are just some of the noncancerous conditions that can raise your CA 27.29 level.
So relax and enjoy your kids and all those activities because those times all go too fast- pretty soon you'll find yourself at your grandkids games and recitals. Take care
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Liefie, I am sorry to hear about your cousin having to make such tough decisions. You are right, she is way too young to be worrying about breast cancer. In thinking about it now it seems more of my female aunts and cousins , on both sides of my family had/have BC than those who haven't had it. Heck since they include me in the list of "lucky ones who haven't had it's" since they don't know, maybe there are more in the "haven't had its" that like me haven't said anything . I would definitely have said something had I been Brac positive though. I feel so fortunate that I got it so much older than my Mom who I believe was 38 or 39 as well.
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Hey everyone!!!!
It's been a few days and I've missed you guys, so much has happened while I was trying to get my gardens planted and weeded. Taking today off mostly because its crappy outside but also because I'm exhausted lol.
I know I'm going to miss a lot, but the tamoxifen has really increased my body temp as well, I'm almost always hot. I said that I'm not going to like this summer, bring winter back lol. I'm taking magnesium, Effexor and gabapentin. I still get hot flashes so bad I feel like I'm going to faint and night sweats that soak my clothes.
Carolyn so sorry about the foot, that sucks!!
Juneau, sending prayers about the septic, that house is beautiful and I know how much you love it.
Liefie I'm so glad you are recovering so well, I found the surgery was the easiest part of all this!!
Mcook... Now THAT really is shitty!!! OMG girl, you really haven't had much luck lately. Praying that you feel much better very quickly.
Chrisrenee, I agree with liefie, easy on yourself. Weight and age are just numbers. How is the little guy?
Ramols.... WOOOHOOOO!!!!!! So awesome!!!!!!
2fried, my sincerest condolences on your family, this disease is just horrible, comforting vibes sent to you and your family. That plaque was definitely a "sign" for you to check in, we were getting worried and we missed you.
I agree with Tazzy about this group. You guys have really saved my sanity over the last several months. I tell people about us and they think we are "just a group". It's impossible to explain the depth we have here. You all know more about me now then most of my blood family, my in person friends don't understand why I still need support, I'm cured after all. You guys understand, we get it. Not each of us has experienced all the same things, our sizes, staging, grade, +\- , brca, nodes etc are all different but we understand the SE, stress, fears. We understand something like seeing a son get a camo belt can reduce us to a blubbering mess, how you can barely hold it together before you get to the elevator after your last rads or chemo. That the sweetest words ever spoken are "all clear". No one understands how my heart was bursting with love when I opened my bracelet package from believe77 and her very sweet mom and saw a hand written card was inclosed (which is now taped to my bathroom mirror so I can see it every day).
Simple things mean so much more. Sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad, but I'm so thankful to have met each of you to share them with!!0 -
Thank you Shianne. I agree with you and Tazzy 100% about our little group of "bloodless relatives" here and all the feelings we alone share.