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2013 Survivors!!!



  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone!  We are busy on the road. Thought I would share this little video we made to let you know how I am doing.  Hope everyone here is continuing on!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited May 2013

    Shianne, so sorry to hear that you have pain, and that energy is low. Hopefully as time goes by, those symptoms will get better. What a road to travel with this disease, eh?

    Swgee, hope your DH will be able to play still. You guys certainly have had your fair share of trouble -wow!

    Websister, PS was very pleased with my quick recovery - said all the exercise I did was greatly responsible for that - and took out the last drain. Can't do any strenuous workouts for 12 weeks, just walking. Told me I can now have 1 cup of coffee a day - yayy!!!! - and have to start massaging the incisions in two weeks time to minimize the scarring. Also off all pain meds since Thursday. I did some walking in the yard today, and we are having a really good season here. The hydrangeas are so lush, and just covered in small flowers which will be a lovely sight in a few weeks time - just love them. You have a lovely weekend!

  • a-childs-prayer
    a-childs-prayer Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013

    No one told me about massaging the scar.  At what point is it too late?

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited May 2013

    A-childs-prayer, maybe ask this question on the 'DIEP 2013' thread. There are many there who can answer your question. I personally don't think it's too late. I will be about four weeks out when I start doing it. Can't think that two weeks later will make a big difference.

  • Michele2013
    Michele2013 Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2013

    Lostinmo!!! I loved your video. I want to get on the road and see as much as I can.

    Very jealous, but happy for you :)

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited May 2013

    lostinmo...have fun, I'm jealous............

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    Achildsprayer, not sure when you had your diep. Mine was January 12 and was told 3 weeks ago to start massaging with vitamin d. Hope that helps

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2013

    Shianne, DH was d'xd about 15ish years ago. He had optic neuritis before we were married and they now know that can be an indicator of MS. He started out relapsing-remitting and was taking copaxone injections.  He is now considered secondary-progressive and is no longer on anything. Yes, we're quite the pair!! He told a friend the other day he wants to be able to dance with the girls at their weddings. Your mom has MS and then BC???? WTF???? How is she doing?  How is she managing/adapting to a wheelchair?  She sounds like a very strong woman!!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    Just caught up reading all.  Not going to respond to all - too many of you Laughing .  Jeesh... away for 2 days and how much you all chat.   You know I find it amazing when I've not been here for a few days how much I miss - doesn't seem we are that much of chatty cathy's when looking in every day.   Sending hugs and love to you all xxx

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited May 2013

    Hi my beauties! I am enjoying my 3 day weekend with shopping. 2 pairs of pants 2 shirts and 4 pairs of shoes later. ha  Yesterday 5/25 was my one year anniversary of my dx. I got through it without crying, thank goodness. wasn't sure if i would get through it. I was very surprised I did. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. For all those asking about my nephew. He is doing good, him and his twin Damien celebrated their birthday yesterday with a petting zoo themed party. He is doing so good, i'm proud of his strength and my sisters. Scottie- this picture is for you, I know how you like cowboy hats! :)

    Photo: Handsome birthday boys!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Beautiful picture and beautiful boys Chrisrenee.  Many thank for posting it.  It really buoyed my spirits and took my mind off my OWN family issues for a hot minute  And to all my fellow Sister Warriors, Happy Happy Memorial Day with Peace, prayers, luv, blessings and minimal to no SEs to everyone today and everyday.  Enjoy ALL!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited May 2013

    chrisrenee..I'm really glad to see he is doing so well, so cute. Congrats on your 1yr anniver, may you celebrate with NED for many more years.

    Happy Memorial Day, ladies.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited May 2013

    Awwww, Chrisrenee, he has a twin brother? What a wonderful source of support for him! They are too adorable. There is just something so endearing about little boys, and they are two beauties! Congrats on their birthday, and your 1-year anniversary. Last year on Dec. 19 my first 'cancerversary' went by without me remembering it, because we were on holiday doing nice things, and I only remembered afterwards . . . good thing too.

    Happy Memorial day to you all! Was moved to tears last night by that tribute concert on TV. Those people who serve, lay their lives on the line selflessly every day for all of us, and thanking them in this way is so appropriate.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for posting that picture chrisrenee made me realise I have nothing to feel crappy about - just in one of those moods today I guess.... bitter at aching and tingling and all the other crap.   Sure did put in perspective - thank you.

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    Exactly what Tazzy said. Woke up with a cold and was feeling like shit mentally, that little boy made me smile. So did the thought of the poor mommy with twin little boys!!! Sheesh one drives me insane!!

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2013

    OK. so we let the house go this morning.  Well - told the seller we wouldn't by it unless they uncover the seepage pits.  Its VERY doubtful that will happen... *sigh*.  Back to the drawing board...

    hugs to everyone in need.  Websister - I'm planted firmly in your pocket. Glad you got some Gabepentin... I'm telling you it's my new miracle drug!  Everyone else - hang in there.... xoxo

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited May 2013

    Bummer for you, Juneau, but way more of a bummer for the seller, because unless he uncovers the seepage pits, or spends money correcting this, he can never get rid of this house. You made a wise decision - you don't want this trouble. Happy hunting - the right one is out there!

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited May 2013

    Liefie glad you can get back to a cup of coffee. I considered giving up my actonelfor my osteopenia because I couldn't have anything to drink for a half hour in the AM once a week! Fortunately I got on the once a month pill now so I only have the one coffeeless half hour once a month instead of 4 times a month. Good thing because I really can't function with out my coffee 1st thing.

    Chrisrenee Both boys are such cuties.

    Juneau that is a bummer but like liefie said It does seem to be the wise decision as much as you wanted that house. But either that will encourage them to uncover the seepage pits or something else will come along.

    Websister Thinking about you! I know how hard it is  not to worry when something "weird" comes along  so I think we should all just stay in your pocket for the next few weeks until the doc confirms you're A-ok . So Scottie, get out your wine, Jo your chocolate jujubees and Believe get out all those bakegoods from your freezer because we're in this pocket party for the long haul.  

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited May 2013

    2Fried Eggs, I just love your idea of a long haul pocket party for Websister - how cool! I'll bring something nice too!

    About the coffee, good for you that things worked out the way they did, eh? I drink only two cups a day normally, but boy, did I miss that first cup in the morning! That's the one I have reinstated. In the afternoons when DH comes home from work was when I had the other one, but we now drink herb tea instead. Works well so far.

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited May 2013

    Just jumping on quickly to say I am thinking about you, too, Websister. You may need a seamstress to expand those pockets.

    Wish I could write more now, but I just want you all to know I am thinking about you! I read your posts every morning on my way to work. Gets the day off to a good start! But it is hard to post from my phone.

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    All you ladies that are taking tamoxifin, what time of the day do you take it? Does it matter? It seems like all my meds are either in the morning or bedtime and I'm too full to eat breakfast lol and at night I'm running to the potty from washing them down with so much water!! Thought maybe that one I could at least take that one at lunchtime

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited May 2013

    Chrisrenee - great picture of the twins, so nice they have each other. Congratulations to you also on your one year 'cancerversary'. It's been quite a year! Also sounds like your shopping expedition was a very productive one.

    Shianne - sorry to hear about your pain issues and a cold on top of it :(

    Tazzy - did you talk to your NP about the tingling and pain?

    Juneau - a hard decision for you and DH to make but the right one, as others have said.

    Liefie - you continue to do so well :). I like my morning cup of coffee also and would miss it dearly if I had to give it up.

    Ramols - did you have your shoulder MRI today? I have been in your pockets - hope results are back soon for you

    All of you are so nice to stay in my pockets, what an incredible group of people you are :). I haven't heard anything re: MRI booking, they're hard to come by up here so I am not holding my breath.

    Take care everyone

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited May 2013

    Shianne - I tried Tamoxifen at all of those times and ended up going back to morning but that is just what works best for me.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    Shianne :  I take tamox in the morning- so far it works for me.

    Websister: Jumping in your pockets.   I see my GP on Thursday about my tingling and pain.   I really do think it is tiredness.   Really I haven't had a minute to myself this past month with the outlaws here.   So looking forward to this weekend - Outlaws leave Kelowna airport at 12 noon and then at 2pm DH flies off to Vegas for a boys 4 day trip.... I cannot wait to have the place to myself.Laughing  I am hibernating.

    Before that we have 2 friends from Vancouver Island, their 4 year old and a big dog visiting for 3 days.   I will need those 4 days on my own.  

    Hugs to all and positive vibes and chat soon xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    2Fried... Aruba - was it one of  you who had rads in the prone position.   Lady on the Canadian thread is asking and has questions?  

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited May 2013

    wasn't me Tazzy-I think there was something different about Arubas rads though.I missed your post about the tingling and pain; where is it, could you be overusing your muscles gardening or anything? I do find myself with different things these days now that I have resumed more of the lifting and moving things around and yardwork that I hadnt done for so long.  Dang girl you are busy and sounds like that alone time will be a real nice break.

    Liefie, it did work out getting to take the 1 a month pill so I could have that morning coffee. I usually have atleast two cups first thing. I was drinking more but I think the actonel is making my stomach more sensitive so I decided to try stopping after 2 or 3 then in the afternoon have some green tea with a little menuka honey in it. The guy at the health food store said that alot of people with stomach issues use a spoon or 2 of the manuka so I thought I'd give it a try. It seems to help but of course I didn't check to see how bad it might be for er+; I don't think I even want to know because I already gave up sugar in my coffee so I don't want to have to give up everything sweet. lol

    Shianne always something huh? I never wanted to be one of those pill box people, let alone one that has to have multiple compartments for one day but here I am and it sounds like you're not far behind lol. I dont take Tamoxifen but I know what you mean about taking them at bedtime with alot of water too close to bedtime(doesnt help that one of mine is a diuretic anyway), taking some in the am that knock you out for the day or that you have to take with food- its a definite PIA.

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrrow

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    2Fried:  Tingling and pains are right arm and surgery site - I am sure it is tiredness I really am.  I managed to get to bed at 9pm last night and did feel better today.   I am seeing my GP Thursday.

    Ha I never thought I'd be a pill box person but I am and only take 2 vitamins and tamox.  Darn chemo brain I can never remember if I took them which is why I bought the boxSurprised

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    Tazzy, you're a lucky girl!!! Lol I take 2 gabapentin 2x a day, tamox, 1 Effexor 2x a day, 2 vitamins, anti inflamtory 2x, and anti histamine :-( that's not talking about the other must haves like pain pills, pills to make you poop, pills to stop the poop, pills for heartburn...... The girls on the golf course call me the pharmacy!!!

    Websister, doesn't matter how long it takes, we are here, holding your hand, well, except when it our turn to table dance!!!! But we are with you.

    Speaking of pockets, if I could ask for a few prayers right now, (yes 2fired always something) my DS had his ECG done yesterday, and usually the techs don't say anything but she told him that one of the valves in his heart isn't working. He's 20, very athletic, health conscious doesn't smoke or drink to excess (he's always the designated driver when they go out with friends). She told him dr will have results by the end of the week. I'm very worried as us mommies get, and although I'm sure it will turn out to be nothing serious or easily controlled with a little pill I am anxious to find out what exactly is going on!

    Thanks ladies, you guys are the best!!

    On a more celebratory note, same DS just qualified for 'mens match play' golf next week only top 20/100+ qualify that's next week. AND he qualified for 'men's amateur' golf basically same qualify. That is July 9-12 lmao, so I'll be returning home from that, doing laundry for a day than leaving for our Iowa trip.

    It's a rainy miserably day here, just got little one off to school. Think I'm going to mak a pot of tea, grab a book and cuddle under the blankets!!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited May 2013

    I take my vitamins in the morning and Tamoxifen right after dinner(6:30pm), melatonin at night.

  • aruba
    aruba Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone!

    Hurricane drinks: $11

    1 lb Lobster: $21

    Trip with daughter to NOLA: PRICELESS

    Just got back from the best trip with my 26 year old daughter.  We had a blast in New Orleans, from eating bignet at Cafe du Monde to taking a boat ride on the steam boat paddlewheeler.  Bourbon street is crazy fun.  DD had palm read, visited grave of Marie Laveau, founder of voodoo for good luck. Celebrating birthday at a piano bar singing our heads off was a highlight...did not do a table dance as that is reserved for being with you all someday! Now back to reality and having to work off those bignet, poorboys and lemon drop martinis....lots of exercise needed!!!  Take a trip if possible...even a small getaway!  It feels like it washes your soul from the daily grind and lets your mind have an escape as well. Iowa trip will so fill the guys will have a blast!!! 

    I have tried to keep caught up on here, in pockets Websister Ramols and Shianne too.  Think I am a bit bigger after this trip so can you guys still squeeze me in Embarassed?

    Tazzy, about the rads.  I did not do prone position (lying face down with only breast getting the beams through opening in table).  I had breathing apparatus to have me hold breath and thus push heart/lungs away from the beams.