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2013 Survivors!!!



  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2013

    Chrisrenee - you have time:) do what you feel is right for you:)

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited January 2013

    Mcook: another beautiful soul set free. (((Hugs)))

    Gma: kick your feet up, grab a good book or movie and snuggle up for the weekend. Oh the beauty of winter... You can't "snuggle" in the winter!

    I can't weigh in on the nipple debate either. I had nipple sparing surgery so I don't have to make that decision. When I had my TE it was always at attention. My dr said that would change after exchange. I told her if it didn't shed have to file it down... LOL. Sure enough, now that the breast isn't rock hard, it's not sticking straight out. I know that my BS and PS ability to save my nipple has spared me yet another decision.

    Night night ladies!

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2013

    Joanne_53 - OMG, that tattoo is GORGEOUS!!! Not sure I'd have the confidence to do that, but oh, how pretty!

    Hi, KarenZ0305 - wishing you the best at WW!!!

    So sorry, mcook301 - prayers for Janice....

    Sorry, too, LorAll, for your MI'Ls battle...

    Chrisrenee77 - I am five months out from exchange. The scars are fading, and I'm getting good results from my new Myofascial Massage Therapist. Esthetically, the New Girls look pretty good. Even though I don't go braless, I could. So why in the world would I want high beams all the time? 1) Don't want to look like the air conditioning is always on Wink; 2) Don't want more surgery; and 3) I'd always planned on going to get two of Vinnie's works of art when the time came. However, my massage therapist (who works solely with BC patients) says the nipple - either reconstructed or tattooed - gives the breast mound the finishing touch. It completes the look, and makes even the most obvious scars seem to disappear, as the brain looks at the nipple and areola and sees "BREAST".

    Ramols - sending you happy vibes and sending up big honkin' prayers!!!

    GmaFoley - hope you feel better soon!

    Juneaubugg - I have a dear friend who was dx'd with ILC last year. She told one person in her family, plus her husband, and me. She didn't want any of the books I had, any information I had, and didn't seem to want to know one iota more than she needed to. She simply followed her doctors' advice, and now that her lumpectomy and rads are done, she is absolutely finished with this whole BC thing.

    When I got my dx, I went in the bedroom and boo-hooed until DH came in. He took my hand and I told him I had BC. He hugged me and said "No matter what happens, we're a team. We'll get through this together." So I boo-hooed the rest of the night and finally got some sleep.

    But the next morning I was ready to roll. Tell me more. Be specific. What do I have? What does it mean? Teach me all the terminology. Make me understand as much as you understand. Of course, having a background as a medical counselor was invaluable, but my main motivation for gathering as much information as I could was power.

    I believe that knowledge is power.

    I couldn't control the fact that I got BC, but I could make sure I became an expert in whatever was going on with my body after that. It was the only control I really had.

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Hi all. Im reposting this from another forum. Haven't been on here in a while. My apologies. I had my last TC treatment yesterday. It was half a dose because my WBC is taking longer and longer to creep back up.

    I have a good bit of dark fuzz on my head which makes me a bit happy. Unhappy at my 20 lb weight gain though. I too have horrible hot flashes and they suck. My Dr put me on Effexor which helps SOMETIMES!

    Now I wait approximately a month and then schedule one of two surgeries...oophorectomy and exchange to a bigger implant and perfect them more.

    I hope you all are well.

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2013


    Welcome back and congrats on last tx. My husband is from MS and we have lived in Gulfport, Biloxi, and Jackson. I do love MS. Went to first grade in Biloxi (father stationed at Keesler) and when I went back and drove Hwy 90 after Katrina all I could do was cry for the loss of such beautiful old trees and homes. Take care of yourself. Sheryl

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2013

    Chrisrenee - I am having my exhange surgery in March, and was wondering the same thing about the nipples. Not sure which way to go. Has anyone seen the 3d tattoo? does it look realistic?

    Hugs to all that need them and happy Saturday!!

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited January 2013

    Chrisrenee,you are so right! The summers in FL make me wanna take a cruise to Alaska.

    Joanne,I was in Montreal that yr. When I landed,it was warm and 80 degrees F but after that it got misty. The Canadians had put on long leather coats and I was freezing. Should have known better. I always pack a coat when heading for San Francisco even in July.

    So have we decided where the meeting is? I wanna go to NOLA and get tatooed by Vinnie unless anyone knows someone comparable here in FL?

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2013

    tazzy - no weight change this week, I guess that is better than gaining....

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2013

    Good Morming Ladies,

    Got to get out and do something productive today :)

    Have a good one

    Tazzy- haven't weighed myself but with surgery next week I think I am screwed for a couple weeks cuz mom is coming to stay with me and this equals her cooking and me indulging!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2013

    I am not going to post our weights until next week anyhow - at Scotties suggestion which I thought was a good one.

    mcook - enjoy the indulgence with your Mum.  I know when I went back to England, my Mum would fuss, and I'd tell her to stop.  But its what our Mum's do, especially when one of their children is sick, no matter what age.

    Today for me is housework... maybe some grocery shopping and watching the footie (soccer) on the tv.   Hope you all have a great Saturday.   I remember now how much I love weekends Laughing

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2013

    I lose track of who posts what, but somebody posted a picture of a BC survivor with a beautiful tattoo covering her chest. I love that idea. Is anyone on our board not having reconstruction? There is a whole separate discussion board for this, just wondering if anybody in our group is making that decision (or having it made for them).

    McCook, sorry to hear about the death of your friend. It must have been hard for her loved ones, especially since she seemed to have survived it. I got to know one of the Stage IV ladies on these threads, and she died recently at the age of 25. Different situation--they never really got control of her cancer. She was in a clinical trial and things were looking good, so it still was a bit of a shock that she died so suddenly, even though she was Stage IV. But I am so glad I got to spend some time with her. It was truly a privilege.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited January 2013

    Welcome back MrsCich Glad the chemo is done! I had 2nd exchange in December-much happier with size as I'm sure you will be too.

    McCook so sorry about your friend. Cancer sucks regardless of what kind it is. Everytime I turn around it seems someone I didn't know about is battling one kind or another.

    Layla this lady is supposed to be great with 3D tattoos for BC patients in Ft Lauderdale.

    For others questioning nipples:

    there are temporary tattoos you can buy and play with until you  decide what you want to do

    as well as nipple prosthesis that are supposed to stay on for  about 2 weeks at a time. Interesting because they have a prosthesis making kit if you get to them before your mx that you can match up to the old ones but since that doesn't really apply to our group they have a catalog you can choose from. Someone else on one of the forums said she was looking into these so she didn't always have to have pointy nips if she didn't want to. A little more expensive but if they hold up as they say it could be worth it if you don't want surgery or tats. (Or if you get tats you could get a set to have points when you want lol)

    Thinking of you all. Have a great weekend.

  • 301724
    301724 Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies - I just have to share. Had my first 'long' run this AM since my surgery and chemo - ran 5 miles in 10 degree weather. The part to celebrate? It's wonderful to feel 'normal' - even for an hour!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2013

    301724:  Great news for you.  Enjoy the 'normal' for the rest of the weekend.

  • lisa2012
    lisa2012 Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2013

    Can't help it, I weigh myself every day. Doing OK. Having terrible dreams lately... I never used to remember dreams, maybe it's because of the more sketchy sleep patterns. Had one last night.. My back was hurting and I was told that every vertebrae was "caked" with cancer. Lovely, eh? Well, just a dream. Meanwhile my hair is soooo curly that I don't see how to fix it. Have tried gel, molding paste- nothing controls it. Plus it is a mix of medium curly and super curly so it is hideously disorganized. thank goodness my wig is my friend.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2013

    Wow! This forum is so lively, and moves at breakneck speed. All the nipple talk has me properly confused, but fortunately that is a decision that does not need to be made soon. Lots of possibilities to consider.

    Mcook, so sorry for the loss of your friend. May she rest in peace. Stride, it is so sad that a young woman of 25 can die of bc. She has not even begun to live.

    Had my second haircut today. The first one was more of a trim, so this was really the first proper cut. I actually have a style now - a very short pixie, and I love it. So much better than the unruly, uncontrollable mop of curls that I did not know how to handle at all. They had a life of their own. Lisa2012, I understand where you are coming from. Maybe you can also try a pixie cut to get rid of the curls?

    Tazzy, will post my weight on Friday. Now I have to be good!

    Ramols, I hope your mojo comes back soon. You have come so far already. Just do it one day at a time, and let tomorrow take care of itself. The worst is behind you. Best wishes!

    On Monday afternoon I'm getting a routine mammogram of the remaining breast. Hope this time around I will be less nervous than with the first one after the mastectomy. Had bloodwork done last week. It seems my white cells are still lower than normal nine months PFC. That chemo certainly does a number on our bodies. Everything else is normal though, so it is all good. I am grateful.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Liefie....get your big pockets ready for Monday....we're there with you. nice....good for you....I treasure my. "normal days" now and never take them for granted anymore.

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2013

    Hi all, As I sit here reading on this site I have video music on TV in background and this video/song came on. While I already liked it I hadn't actually listened to the words. It seems like it is so appropriate for what we are all feeling and thinking during this time in our life. I hope you get a positive feeling from it as I did and think of all the wonderful people here on this site.

    Phillip Phillips was the American Idol 11 season winner and these are the lyrics from his song “Home.”

    I felt it said what we are feeling so clearly.

    Hold on, to me as we go
    As we roll down this unfamiliar road
    And although this wave is stringing us along
    Just know you’re not alone
    Cause I’m going to make this place your home

    Settle down, it'll all be clear
    Don't pay no mind to the demons
    They fill you with fear
    The trouble it might drag you down
    If you get lost, you can always be found

    Just know you’re not alone
    Cause I’m going to make this place your home

    Settle down, it'll all be clear
    Don't pay no mind to the demons
    They fill you with fear
    The trouble it might drag you down
    If you get lost, you can always be found

    Just know you’re not alone
    Cause I’m going to make this place your home

    Hang tough, Sheryl

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Thank you Sheryl!!!!! This should become our theme song it.

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2013


    I actually just posted a big thank you and hug on Phillip Phillips Facebook page. I think it says it so right!!


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Hey Sheryl....maybe you could ask him to dedicate this song to all us BC gals !!!!!!

    The words just say it all. Thanks again for sharing.

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2013

    SherylB - That song does say it all, thanks for sharing!!

  • allurbaddayswillend
    allurbaddayswillend Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2013

    I cannot keep up with you ladies!

    So those of you who are really getting into the exercise programs and such: how quickly were you able to do pretty intense workouts? Any fallout from it like dizziness later, or sleeplessness, or intensified side effects of hormonal therapy? I am back up to a 20 minute mile walking but I think I did too many yesterday, not for my legs but it's like it triggered more tamo side effects. Maybe I'm metabolizing more? I dunno, any thoughts?

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2013


    Love that song! But I had not really heard all the lyrics and you are so right:)

    Liefie- in your pockets Monday!

    Ok burning nervous Pre surgery energy today! 5 day count down.. Oh and by the way still haven't seen my ps was told I will get to talk to her day bf surgery! Welcome to my hospital they are a teaching hospital and of course excellent for cancer treatment and other major health issues but it seems that after that I am just another case. I am sure it will be fine and I am worry about nothing but it still makes me uneasy! At least the nurse that I speak too has been in Ps at that hospital for 20 years and will be in surgery. I have students in there as well ugh I wish I could at times switch hospitals but it would take moving all my treatments and doctors and I don't want to do that now.

    I see a light at the end of this hell!

    Exchange surgery jan 31st

    Three more months of herception! I am counting that down! April 26th

    Can look for a new career after my surgery recovery! (wanted to wait till after this)

    Trip to Italy getting organized and planned for June!

    Hair, eye brows, eye lashes all growing:)

    Shoulder still frozen but atleast it does not hurt anymore just a pain in the ass!

    Feb. 28th marks one year from DIA or in other words...the day I thought when I heard those scary words that I would never be able to go through all this! I wanted to run and think the worst. Almost thought about taking my life that week but my dad was there to hold my hand! I just was out of my mind and thought my life was over. I was 43 years old just started dating a man a few years younger than me, just starting back running after years. I had just bought a new BMW after saving for almost five years. (dam money sucking thing now LOL) Company was going through reorganiztions and I thought I would lose my job. I was stressed more about my body changes, life changes then I was about dying? Sad huh? So cancer has taught me so many positives this year about myself and I am still learning.

    I know that I will constantly worry about reoccurence and I will have to find tools to cope with this but I can't let it control my happiness! Just means I need to live the life I love! And try every day to make positive changes for myself without putting too much pressure on being perfect, because what is perfect any way? Certainly not me:) I continue to make mistakes, get stressed, but I don't cry as much as I used too, secretly in my shower or on my way to work every morning. I know the hormone changes will have more challenges for me but bring it I can handle that shit too! Not going to let this dam disease take everything from me,I am going to continue to use my journey to learn and figure out my happiness. I am going to share my love and compassion and life lessons so someone who is at the beginning of this journey can have some little help to have someone to listen to the fears who understands this.

    I know that when I was in treatments this was not my complete view but I do get a little better each day:) not completely there yet still need shoulders to cry on of those who understand what the hell I have been through! So thank you because you all just let me type here and at times it is my therapy to type these thoughts out! My little virtual journey for the world to read:)

    Hugs and Love!

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2013

    mcook301, You have already won not only the battle but the war too. Attitude is the whole enchilada (must be hungry) You go girl.


  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2013

    Sheryl: thanks for posting those words. They really do say it all eh?

    Liefie: my hair still too short for a first cut… but what is coming back is unruly curls. I still have bald patches on the crown too… so take to wearing headbands. I always had straight hair so am enjoying the curls at the moment. In your pocket for Monday.

    Allurbad: My exercise routine is still only short walks. Cant say they have triggered any Se’s. I know I need to do something more, just don’t know what yet and really… cant be arsed. I hope that soon changes.

    Mcook: love your spirit.

    Not been up to much today, just normal household chores before work tomorrow. Then I realised that was what I did in 2011 before my dx… I did stuff at the weekends. You know it felt pretty good – the normality of it all.

    Oh I did make the soup Juneau posted.... delicious.  I urge you to make it.   Will be a couple of my lunches this week for sure.

    Peace, love & hugs xxxxxxx

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Member Posts: 540
    edited January 2013

    I'm back in town - I didn't miss a word.  Sending hugs, pockets, tears, smiles and empathy.  So wonderful that we have this place to vent.  I am there for you all and I know that you are there for me too. 

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2013

    Thanks, girls! I will make sure I have big pockets tomorrow.

    Mcook, I just love how honest and genuine you always are in sharing your thoughts with us. I am so glad that the end of your ordeal is in sight.

    Tazzy, yes, normalcy feels darn good, doesn't it? Sending positive vibes to those hair follicles so they can grow fast! The hair on top of my head is definitely not as thick as it was before, but it was always very thick, so it is not too bad. It's better than baldness for sure!

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone

    I enjoyed catching up today

    Sheryl - thanks for posting the words to the song, I went to You-tube and looked up him and the song

    Liefie - I would love to see a picture of the new haircut, sounds lovely. In your pockets with the others tomorrow

    McCook - thinking of you this week as you wait for your surgery

    Tazzy - hope you have a good week at work, thanks for posting about Juneau's soup, I'm buying my squash tomorrow

    Believe - glad you're back

    Ramols - you asked about my rads - I'm not quite sure yet when it will begin. The first radiation oncologist was very distracted, very dismissive of my need for rads when I attended the appointment in November. My MO felt with my higher risk that it was indicated. A second RO pointed me to several recent studies that showed that it would be beneficial for me to have. I will be seeing her for an 'official' second opinion and then gt started on the rads - hopefully soon as I am slated for back to work April 1st. Hope you were able to find lots of happy with your family this weekend. Maybe we'll have some of our rads together

    Have a good week everyone

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited January 2013

    mcook- love and hugs! your E-day is just right around the corner, I'm excited for you!

    Liefie- add me to those pockets!

    believe- Did we all have fun this weekend????

    I was watching tv and saw a commercial for a new product for us menopause ladies. Thinking about asking my Onc if it would be safe to take in addition to my other pills. It is called I-cool, it is a non hormone non soy based product. It is supposed to help with those pesky hot flashes that we all hate! I take Effexor and it works, but I seem to have more issues right now in the mornings from 7-10 with those damn things. Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out too.