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2013 Survivors!!!



  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited February 2013

    Ok so ... 20 minutes on the BITCH ... Or beast or ?? Better then nothing and a good start.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906
    edited February 2013

    Joanne...good for you...that was about the time I spent on it too. Once or twice at least!  LOL

  • allurbaddayswillend
    allurbaddayswillend Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2013

    Sheryl, what mcook and ramols said. Don't hesitate to talk with your MO about the headache ASAP and again at yr next appt. He/she may try to cut back on something like steroids or may have something to prescribe for the headache or who knows what?!? it's always good to tell them and check. Example, my MO cut back on my steroids and that helped ease my gut pain and nausea. additionally, I was having an anaphylactic reaction to the IV Pepcid they gave me. I knew there was something in the premeds that didn't sit well with me but until I actually started choking and gagging one day, we couldn't figure it out till then.

    mcook, that sounds like a good workup/workout plan to me. Good luck!

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2013

    Go Joanne! It is Sunday so equally hard!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited February 2013

    I think the weight loss for me is down to my new friend, the little white pill tamox... least that is all I can put it down too.... unless of course I have discovered a new diet of beer and wings - now that would be a diet I could stick to.Wink

    Sheryl - hope you can get some relief soon and yes make sure you tell your MO abut them. 

    Hugs to all - hope you can have a wonderful Sunday xx

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2013

    Everyone is quiet today! Enjoy your Sunday! Hugs!

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited February 2013

    I was thinking that too. We had a few little flurries last night but to much to worry about ... But just looked out and it,is snowing. A friend that lives 50 miles away had about a foot last night.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited February 2013

    Well its Super Bowl sunday.... not that I'm watching, DH is so I am taking the opportunity to finish my book.  No snow here.. just cloudy.

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2013

    It is supposed to snow here tonight :) I am feeling so good I am thinking crazy thought like going back to work:( help me! I can stay home for two weeks! Someone talk me out of this craziness:)

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2013

    Folks, read Scorchy's blog, Feb. 1 posting:

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited February 2013

    Mccook - Stay home. I would worry you might get in a wreck and be blamed since you had recent surgery. Not worth the risk. Enjoy your me time.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited February 2013

     Wow!  I totally understand (I think) where she's coming from.  I mean we know we are getting well and can get on with our lives.. however different from pre-cancer.   To be told you will never be better... fuck I can see how you'd feel disconnected.

    Whatever Scorchy.... if you are reading this just want you to know that you are loved.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited February 2013

    Stride- I read that this morning and wanted to cry. I would hate for anyone to feel alienated or alone on these boards.

    I have been doing laundry all freaking day and I still have one more load left. I can't believe Monday has already come upon us again. My house is probably the only house in the world that doesn't have the Superbowl on. Not even going towards that channel. Getting ready to take my pills and head to bed in about an hour 515 comes really freaking early.  Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited February 2013

    Mcook STAY home. You might feel strong but,it does take out body time to heal. Take advantage of it while you can. When you do go back then you will not have time for you.

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2013

    I suggested maybe she at least stick with the 2012 board if the "survivors" thread feels uncomfortable. But that means those of us who want to keep her coming back have to post on that board.

    I think there is a place for both. There is a need for a 2013 survivors' thread that deals with issues like diet, nutrition and the psychology of "surviving" cancer. And a 2012 sisters thread in which people post hopes, fears, dreams, humor, rants, raves and anything else they want. No matter which way your path heads, that would always be home.

    Statistically, it's pretty likely that at least one of us will join Scorchy at Stage IV someday. And I don't want anyone to feel alienated.

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Member Posts: 540
    edited February 2013

    MCook- enjoy your time off! It's perfect for the things we don't have time for when running from piler to post.

    Scorchy sounds very sad. I love our group and all of you! She's welcome anytime!

    Not a football fan either but I never miss an opportunity to see my grandson. Until halftime was the perfect fix.

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2013


    Thanks for the suggestion I will I can't stand the thought of another h/a like that, I'd rather skip the chemo and pray for the radiation to work. It was two full plus days of hell.

    I will insisit they slow it down, not like I have anywhere important to go. LOL


  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited February 2013

    stride:  Its not hard to post on both boards, but I totally understand that some people want to gravitate towards the 2013 survivor board.  I hate the fact the Scorchy feels alienated.  I hate the fact this fucking disease makes us feel that way.

    OK enough ranting... love you all xxx

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2013

    Believe: thank you... I am grateful for you too. ;-)

    Mcook; DON'T YOU DARE GO TO WORK!!!!! And regarding the girls. I have one franken boob. It looks pretty fucking good; and I see my natural breast sitting next to it.... I hate it. It's so round, and NUMB. Still, forever, always. A big object attached to my body. I don't feel it, my arm hits it and it feels weird. Especially when exercising. A yes, my new normal. Lucky fucking me, right?! Give it time though... I don't hate it; although not sure i ever HATED it.

    Tazzy; I'm so jealous... 9 lbs and your eating wings!!

    I did shit the last two days. Got on the bitch yesterday but then went to a birthday party. No cake but still went over my limit. Today was even more dismal. My friend made Nutella/peanut butter crepes during half time... I are TWO! And I mad home made guacamole. Yummy!

    Tomorrow my BS Is removing the big knot of scar tissue where my port was. It actually hurts. I get stabbing pains. I am not sure how it will affect exercising whilst it heals.

    Re Scorchy: I read it too. I love her blog. Part of what I love besides her sense of humor, is her honesty. I wanted to have something to say to her, but I'm not going to try to talk her out of; or disregard or devalue how she feels and perceives things. What do I know about walking in her shoes.

    Stride: we can't control how people use a forum and what they want to share and where they share it. We can't change Scorchys situation or ours to make them align better. I hope she can get what she needs here; because I have heaps of love to share... But I cannot begin to understand how terminal feels. I live in IF; she lives in WHEN. THAT is the nightmarish reality. I FUCKING HATE THIS DISEASE that makes a woman whom I respect, love and have grown to care deeply for, feel as though she is being left behind.

    Goodnight all.

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2013

    Juneau - thanks for your post. You have a lot of wise, honest and insightful things to say. Scorchy - if you are lurking out there, big loving hugs!

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2013

    Mcook - meant to send you a note too. Give yourself a rest. Surgery is surgery... Regarding the new girls - learning to love them is a work in progress. I told my hubby initially that I had buyers remorse. While I don't feel that way anymore - I don't dislike them. We have to learn to love them for what they are - replacements for what was stolen from us. they are no means copies. in clothes they look pretty darn good. naked and in our hands - its a different story. But give it time. Every day I'm learning to welcome them a bit more... Hugs!

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2013

    Ramols; your so wise and well first Buyers remorse; yes! So well put.

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2013

    Aw shucks. Txs juneau. Riding the rails for a day in the office with my colleagues before rads consume my schedule starting tomorrow. Will be nice to see everyone. Hugs all. Go find some happy today!

  • Scorchy
    Scorchy Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    Hi there everyone!

    I guess my blog post caused a slight stir.  I just want to let you all know that you are cool, and wonderful, and funny, and resilient, and BRAVE! 

    None of you--ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOU--have ever made me feel unloved, ignored, or marginalized.  No one.  And I tried very hard, when writing that piece, to be clear that the feeling of "not belonging" comes as a result of cancer and where we are in our respective journeys, not the result of individuals in any way.

    I have found, through my own little adventure, that I am constantly reevaluating where I fit in, how I might affect people by the "news", how it affects me, and how we affect one another.  This disease is horrfific.  I think of my being stage iv, yet physically you all have gone through so much more than me.  You have endured chemical warfare on your bodies, surgeries (pain, drains, stitches, tissue expanders, and implants and more drains), you've had lymph nodes dissected or removed and suffer painful cording and/or lymphedema.  Add on the psychological ramifications of going through all of that?   R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  You are survivors and you've earned that badge. 

    I still lurk and I love reading about your triumphs and progress.  I always love Tazzy's words of wisdom and insights. And because when I firstcame into the board I connected most with Juneau, I love reading about Jen's accomplishment and successes.  And she was smart to create this board!  We all need a place to celebrate triumphs and support one another through that next phase of recovery.  There is the "other side" of cancer and you should celebrate and live it.

    So please know that I value and respect you all tremendously.  I still learn from reading about your experiences, I'm just not jumping in to the conversation as I haven't walked in your shoes.  I have nothing to add to the specific discourse right now. 

    My voice is, I think, needed in a larger context,so I'll keep blogging.  And I am beyond grateful that so many of you read and follow The Sarcastic Boob.  Just knowing you do that supports and lifts me higher.  And I hope that my writing helps you too.

    Warm hugs and love to you all!


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Praying for all and *hugs* to whom needs it.. and happy dance for the ones celebrating... I have too much on my plate to catch up including a sleep study and other stuff including just being down... Love you all. bye for now.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2013

    Scorchy: 😘 I so GET IT. when you listed all the things we have endured I cried. I guess our pain and discomfort has come at the beginning of our journey, yours well... Will be an ongoing battle to maintain. Just know though, that being a part of your LIFE and CELEBRATING THAT is so important to me. So I will continue to read your blog; and make the damn time to pick up the phone and call you! I keep meaning too... I seriously need to find some balance in my life. It's busier then before I got diagnosed. ...all of a sudden people want to be in my life more. What's up with that! 😉

    I will post this on your blog too. Just I vase you're not here for a little while. OOOooos

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning Ladies

    I did stay home today but climbing the walls so maybe it is better I get my ass back to work and save the time off for a vacation! I feel dam good right now beside the buyers remorse :) loved that and it was perfect! But you are correct I had no choice if I wanted to try and fight this fucking diease. I know I can not at least to live in the present and I am trying to practice this every day. I meet with a stress clinic as a trial last week and one tip was to wake up every morning and before I step out of bed try and say things I am grateful for maybe this will help me not be such a bitch in the am :) I wake up with a millions things on my mind about what I have to do or accomplish and it stresses me out. I need to try and calm my mind so I can focus so working on this.

    Scorchy. Glad you are on here! Thank you for your honest blog and I read it all the time. You are amazing! Hugs!

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2013

    Juneau, yes, I think you are right about not being able to control how other people use a forum. And I'm really not one to be a control freak or tell other people how to behave. What I said was just meant as suggestions, although I realize now that unsolicited suggestions might not have been appropriate here. So I' ll shut up now. :-)

  • Scorchy
    Scorchy Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    Juneau, you're right.  I guess my turn at the shit will come later.  I can wait!  (Balls on cancer.  Fucker.)

    I know why people are wanting to be in your life: because you're happy and celebrating and open.  People can sense it.  That's an awesome thing.  Though you now have absolutely no time and need to balance your energy.

    Good luck with that one!


  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2013

    God dam it! I hate this fucking diease! My friend who has been fighting lung cancer had a brain scan Friday and they found two spots so getting an MRI now! Please dam it let it be nothing for fuck sakes! He is 43 years old and has been in chemo for a year now every three weeks! His wife and him are coming to stay with me in a few weeks and go to an event. I am just praying so hard right now I personally need him to be ok as we started our journey together selfish I know but it makes it once again too fucking real that I can be in his shoes as well. How do we live in the moment when these things happen? Give me strength! And him! Fuck fuck fuck cancer!