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2013 Survivors!!!



  • Believe777
    Believe777 Member Posts: 540
    edited March 2013

    2 Fried - I turned on my computer and saw the dance partner.  Now that is funny!  You made me smile.

    Juneau - you are too brave!  I really did only have a consultation yesterday.  The Doctor was very nice and his staff was too.  He was a referral from my Lasik eye surgeon from a few years ago.  Now I'm getting cold feet.  I really wanted him to take away the swelling under my eyes too but he says they are caused by water retention and no surgery will help.  HUM. The total cost is $2,600. which is $1,300. less than my friends in NV paid for the same procedure.  I think I need to get a 2nd opinion before going forward.

    Pretty quiet here today.  I have a hair cut appt and will be leaving soon but wanted to see what Juneau had to say about her appt. and to wish everyone a great day! 

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited March 2013

    Chrisrenee, you are so funny! Mcook having to run fast for that $1000 donation - lol.

    Juneau, good luck on the eye surgery. I don't regret doing it for one second. Like Chrisrenee said, it is not pleasant to be cut on, and I thought long and hard about it, but this really is a very easy surgery with such a big pay-off. If you can survive chemo, you will fly through this. You will be so pleased! Seems you have a good surgeon too. That's very important. Congrats on the weight loss too!

    Believe, good luck on the decision. It is always good to get another opinion.

  • allurbaddayswillend
    allurbaddayswillend Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2013

    Have any of you chemo survivors had peripheral neuropathy pop up stronger a couple of months after final chemo? I have been having some in my feet and hands for a few days now. I called my MO's nurse and she thinks it's probably just sensation where I'm regrowing nerves. I wanted to know what you all have run into and thought because I didn't speak to my MO directly. I'll see him in a little under two weeks and if it's still going on then will be vociferous.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited March 2013

    Just wanted to pop on and say Hi.  Crazy busy day at work...must be a full moon coming up with all the issues we are getting.

    Juneau - good for you.  If its something that will make you feel better - go for it.   See we stop obsessing about something (weight) and we lose it. 

    allurbad:   I have nueropathy in my 3 middle toes on my left foot - that is the only place.  Some days are worse than others.  My onc said it may go, it may not.   It hasn't been any worse than since chemo though.

    Hugs and hi to everyone I missed xxx

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Member Posts: 345
    edited March 2013

    Hello ladies! Two years ago I went to a neurologist because of my migraines. One of the tests he did was this thing where I look into a white cone and find the dots. After that was done he looked at me and said that if I ever wanted my eyelids done (my right one is droopier than my left) it would be covered by insurance as a medical necessity to prevent my vision being blocked. I gave up that wish because last time I said I wanted something droopy fixed I got this lovely DX and now have mismatched ugly droopiness! My luck I'll go blind!😳

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited March 2013

    Allurbadday, I have the same neuropathy as Taxxy, three toes on my left foot. I am nine months PFC. My onc said in August that the chances of it going away completely, were 95%. Well, it's still there, and I don't think it's ever going away. Some days I feel it more, but it does not bother or impede me in any way, so I just see it as collateral damage.

    Tazzy, are you still losing toenails?

  • allurbaddayswillend
    allurbaddayswillend Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2013

    Tazzy & liefie, thanks for replies. Wow. It's my third and fourth toe on my left foot that's the worst too. My fingers are tingling a little and my right toes but not impeding me at this point. I'm just a little surprised because I'm noticing this more than I did during chemo. I don't know if it's actually more pronounced now or just that everything else mostly feels better so I notice the neuropathy more, kwim? well, at least it seems "new normal" anyway...

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited March 2013


    Well hi there neighbor.  While I have only lived in Texas since November, I am familiar with Denton because that is where my dreaded breast biopsy was done in December.  I actually came to TX. to help my sister out with her son, a wonderful child who struggles with ADD but now it seems we are all pitching in to help each other.  I moved here from right outside of Wash., DC when my man-child husband could not find any way to be a proper husband (after 9 long years).  So, my Pug Rudy Giuliani and I are staying here for good, hope to go back to work as a registered dietitian sometime soon and have all the love and support of my sister, her super-great hubby and their boys plus a giant amount of friends.  If you'd ever like to get together for a nice mouth-soothing, cold smoothie or something similar, just let me know.  I hired a service to drive my car here and (snow permitting) it should be here by this Friday.  It's nice to know there is someone like you close by to commiserate with.  Stay safe and well fellow Warrior with Peace, Luv and Blessings!


  • Shari0707
    Shari0707 Member Posts: 260
    edited March 2013

    Hi all !!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited March 2013


    Hello Manhattan Lady,

    I'm living in Texas now because of this ridiculous BC stuff but I lived on 75th between Columbus and Amsterdam for over 10 years.  I was the Nutritionist and Food Safety Director for Balducci's.  What a great place that was to work until the Balducci family sold to a myriad of crazy investors who started getting their hooks into the business and destroyed it forever.  The Manhattan stores are no more and the new company that owns the name (King's Markets of Parsippany, NJ) pretty much killed whatever stores still remain in Scarsdale, NY, CT, MD and VA.  BIG BUMMER.  I so miss the BIG APPLE though so please, when you go outside again blow a kiss into the wind for me!  Thanks!


  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies,

    God dang I come from a hellish day at work and was trying to find a way to distress and I come here and just giggle at some of your post! And read others to bring me back into reality that I need to let these dam things go! Man I should have had children because leading 35 stubborn boys is a huge challenge :) They are ok but some days :)

    Ha! In regards to my DH (boy friend) it is not really his fault and we are still figuring things out. I truly believe he was the angel that came into my life during this time. He is definitely a great person but maybe we need to figure out a way to go our seperate ways because we both have been through so much. He is 12 year younger than me and we were just starting to hang out (I put him off for months because of his age) when I was dia and he never left my side. He was there for my surgery, during chemo etc and I will never be able to repay that but I think we both know it might be time to move on but we (I) don't know how too. Honestly I didn't not mean it to sound like he was a bad person because holy shit I don't know what I would have done without him. I nor he can just not see a future and I don't want to waste time and I know he is not in love with me. But I know he cares and I just want him to find someone who can love him, marry him and have babies with him:) unfortuately I am just not that person:) I want someone who likes to travel( he does not) he is very very introverted and likes to stay home and be by himself and I need someone who likes adventure and more :) He must feel the same way or he would have never brought up the conversation but I think both if us are scared of the change.

    Thanks ladies! Now you have me thinking about some PS to enhance myself:) mmmm?

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited March 2013

    McCook didn't you like the dancing guy I got you and Tazzy and Chris renee on the page before?

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    cmbernardi- would love to! You should check out some of the local hospitals to see if they are needin any dieticians. I know my hospital (denton regional), those stick thin ladies come and go so quick. I think half the time they stay pregnant and after the 4th one they finally leave. haha.

    Tazzy- Hello honey! Hope you are having a good day.

    Juneau- I'm excited for you and your upcoming procedure. I would love an ass lift a ton of shit sucked out of my body. lol

    mcook-Honey as long as you two are happy with your decision, no one can say anything. Make sure you make yourself happy first and foremost. Then the next thing is to get your ass out there and find Mr. Right!

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited March 2013

    Finished rads today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you're all having a fantastic week!

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited March 2013

    2fried - welcome back! I missed you! Loved the dancing guy! Great links too!

    Ok why am I so tired lately can't seem to stay awake past eight so nighty nighty ...yawn!

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited March 2013

    Sorry stride! Yeah! Congrats hunny! What a awesome feeling I am sure!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited March 2013

    Stride, YAYYYYY!!!!!! What a milestone - so happy for you!

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Member Posts: 540
    edited March 2013

    Congrats Stride! You did it!

    Chris - you are wise beyond your years. I love your advise to Mcook.

    I've exhausted myself with apps: Eyes, dentist, hairdresser. Have a great evening ladies!

    My Mo appt is coming up, trying to keep busy.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    2fried- yes loved the dancing man!

    stride- congrats on finishing rads!

    Believe- thank you! My mom says I have an "old" soul. I love 50,60,and 70's music, probably my favorites.

    I have officially gotten back on my eliptical. I "think" i am feeling a little better and have a little more energy. Going to my son's track meet tomorrow. Last week he came in 6th out of 30 runners. So proud of him. My baby girl is getting better on her flute, i just hope she wants to continue on next year in 7th grade. Well I'm off need to get a special card filled out and in the mail tomorrow. Talk to you all  tomorrow. Love ya'll!

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2013

    stride - yay!!! I'm pretty close behind you. Tuesday will be my last day. And then I think Websister will be soon to follow. Today is the day i think my skin has told rads to fuck off... so very tender and all kinds of weird black dots and discoloration showing up. Oh well...

    2fried - love that dancing guy. looks like chris farley from his SNL skit with patrick swayze. funny funny stuff!

    nighty night all! xoxo

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2013

    Allurbad... I'm almost 3 months out of chemo and just yesterday got a RX for gabapentin for the PN. My MO said its unusual but not unheard of. Mine is in my hands so bad I can't hold anything!! I had none during chemo, it gradually came on over the last couple weeks getting worse daily, nightly actually, always worse at night.

    I have to ask, because I've noticed mine. Is the droopy eyelid thing because of the chemo? I don't remember mine like this before!!

    So much has been posted, I'm thinking of everyone!!!

    Also, my aunt (moms sister) was just diagnosed this week. Her genetic tests came back + and mine were - Is this possible? Or should I be checked again? I'm concerned for my kids and future grand kids.

    PS, my mom is an 19yr survivor too

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited March 2013

    lets see we've heard from 2 of the 3 I got the dancing man for  so that means Tazzy must still be dancing on the table with him.

    Believe those appts do wear you out don't they. Heck I'm worn out just hearing about all of yours and everyone elses! Makes me just want to stay inside. It's pretty nippy here in Florida anyway. Actually I have an appt next week because I have a tiny little hard spot on my foob. It has me a nervous wreck but the ps thinks it's just a bit of scar tissue so I am saying my prayers she is right.

    Congrats Stride! Another major hurdle done! Ramols great you're getting close to endof rads. Do you get the weird spots because they increase it towards the end or is it just something you can get alll along?

    Chrisrenee thats great you are back on the eliptical and that was good advise you gave McCook You are right. Until she gave us more info we were all ready to jump on her DH to protect her like she was a baby bird in the nest. Now that she is ready to fly out of the nest though, we hope she finds her big bird. Hum wonder what Adam Levine would look like in feathers! lol

    Have a good day all.

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2013

    The lyrics are a little out of order but if there are any Jason Aldean fans I'm sure you'll recognize it. I thought this was fitting for our group

    We didn’t know the odds were against us

    Hit the wall smoking and spinning

    Still wasn’t thinking ‘bout nothing but winning

    Don’t stop 'til everything’s gone

    Straight ahead, never turn round

    Don’t back up, don’t back down

    Full throttle, wide open

    You get tired and you don’t show it

    Dig a little deeper when you think you can’t dig no more

    That's the only way I know

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited March 2013

    Shianne so sorry the big C struck your family again.  So many in my family including my mom had breast cancer. Back when she had it they didn't test but I started getting tested early because of the family history. Once I got it I was sure I would test positive but I didn't. My MO came from a family that was the same way which is why he ended up in oncology. He told me that they feel there is alot more at play genetically and that altho it is still good news that I didn't test positive that he would advise the females in the family to start getting checked at an early age because of the family history dispite my negative Brac tests.  He also said that he wished I would have been advised to visit the oncologist before I got a diagnosis as they may have put me on tamoxifen or something at an earlier age or had me on a trial.  Sounds like your daughters and granddaughters might have to consider starting their breast screening at an earlier age too despite your testing negative.  I definitely would ask you MO his or her thoughts on it.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited March 2013

    Shianne, so sorry to hear about your aunt. I'm also concerned for my DD and DIL - her mom also had bc and BMX in 2011. A first cousin of mine was recently diagnosed at 36. She had her first chemo two weeks ago, and sent me a photograph today of her beautiful long, thick plait of hair that she had cut off, and donated to be made into wigs for children who have cancer. When I saw that photo, I just lost it completely, and cried my heart out. That photo just drove home once again how much this cruel disease takes from us. Sometimes it just gets to me. . .  

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314
    edited March 2013

    2fried - Adam was pretty hot in concert:) sorry to hear you have yet another thing to stress over!

    Question? For those who had exchanges Since my PS is non exsist and I don't have a follow up again till next week. Do I need to be massaging these silicone implants? It will. E six weeks today? When can did they say you can stop wearing sports bras? My back is killing me and thinking it is wearing this harness full time?

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    mcook- I haven't been told to massage the girls yet. But since I have LE, I do massage around the implants. I will be asking tomorrow when I go in about that. Question on your 1K donor, is he cute? married? single? for 1K hook up with him! haha. I admire your strength through all this, but you know sometimes your head knows when it's time to move on, but your heart struggles with it. Love ya girl

    Tazzy- I'm a proud to say, i have not gained or lost i'm maintaining. Whew, I was dreading that damn scale this morning.

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited March 2013

    Good morning all!

    Tazzy - have been thinking of you, any results from the mammogram yet?

    2fried - good to hear from you, loved the dancing man, had a dance with him myself. Sorry to hear of your latest concern re: breast, sending dog vibes for scar tissue

    Allurbaddays - I have been experiencing peripheral neuropathy again also, mostly fingertips but also in my right foot

    Wishing all a good day, my rads will end next Friday - congratulations Stride!

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2013

    Hi all been out of town for work and apparently missed alot.

    No time to comment on it all just know that you are all in my thoughts.

    Just got back from a 5 hr drive where I was working 12 hr days, those suck. Now getting oil changed, then off to the PS to see if the gals are getting in shape for my swap, then off to haircut and finally to my daughters band/choir concert. So much for a relaxing day . Have a terrific day everyone!

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited March 2013

    Stride... So happy for you.

    Mcook; my last TWO boyfriends were 12 yrs younger then me. I was 32 and then 35 when we got together. Man were they hot! The one when i was 32 was Austrailian. I actually moved there for 7 months. it was a nice run while it lasted but doomed from the beginning. But my DH is a year older and just perfect for me.

    Believe; so cheep! My surgery here in the tri state area is $6900 That includes hospital op room, anesthesia, and the surgeon.

    I'm missing SO many people and I'm so sorry. I've been reading but notice to write and it's hard as I'm on my phone usually.

    I am going to a new therapist tonight who works with survivors/trauma patients. Looking forward to meeting her.

    Also found livestrong here. New program starts in May, so I signed up.

    Ttyl ladies! BIG HUGS TO ALL!!