STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Gma working on Trazadone storing links here till I get it organized

    I recommend this web site because it includes the package insert produced by the drug company. This is more complete than other web sites that pick and choose what they want to tell you. Other web sites do this b/c they simplify the language. Well that's nice, but when they leave off need to know info, we are at a loss. These package inserts also include the clinical trial info which is hard to find. The next paragraph is from daily meds description page: I've put it here for complete understanding of what is all about.

    "DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information providers and the public  with a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides this as a public service and does not accept advertisements.

    Drug labeling and other information in the SPL is what has been most recently submitted by drug companies to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as drug listing information (See 21 CFR part 207). The drug labeling has been reformatted to make it easier to read but its content has not been altered or verified by FDA or National Library of Medicine. The drug labeling on this Web site may not be the labeling on currently distributed products or identical to the labeling that is approved. Drugs marked "OTC monograph final" or "OTC monograph not final" are not checked for conformance to the monograph. Drugs marked "unapproved" on this Web site have not been reviewed by FDA for safety and efficacy and their labeling has not been approved. For more information about unapproved drugs, visit Enforcement Activities by FDA .

    Other information about drugs may also be available. NLM regularly processes data files uploaded from FDA's system and provides and maintains this Web site for the public to use in accessing the information. Additional information about medicines is available on NLM's MedlinePlus Web site"


    TRAZODONE extended release.

    In the side effect section, this drug caused somnoless/sedation in 93% of the trial group and 19% in placebo group. What this means is almost all people taking this drug will find that sleepiness/drowsiness/ arousal due to deep sleep may be difficult. So the drug is an antidepressant, if you aren't depressed, the sleep doc is using for it's affect on the aleep arousal area of the brain. This is called off label use..


    Doing drug interaction check on youscript from Genelex. This is big GMA. Tamoxifen can cause a 200% increase in trazodone in the bloodstream. This is in general use. What youscript/genelex does is dna testing. As a result of this the research on the drug interaction is immense. In the case of tamox and trazadone based on their research material, it's b/c of 3A4 enzyme metabolism the trazadone is likely increased to higher levels in your bloodstream causing your symptoms.  Even though you are at half the dose of tamox, your particular liver metabolism may be causeing maybe not a 200% increase, but enough that you are NOT IN EXPECTED RANGE of response. This is a very sophisticated drug checker. If your docs are not already into evaluating drugs based on interaction of the cytochrome 450 pathways, they are going to be resistant to what you are saying to them VERY RESISTANT. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS ONE BIT.

     Be back going back to drug checker. There are many drugs that could be substituted.  read the above and let me know if you understand it? Out to dinner again, will check in when i get home.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Honestly, I have great kids........they run when I need them for serious things, surgeries, BC, Heart Attack, 2 of them drove me everyday to Rads even though I was perfectly capable of driving...they took turns.....every Dr visit, surgery, right outside the door, biopsy, there, consults, all them there......Heart Attack...they got to the hospital, all 6 as the EMT's were arriving. Came here, stayed overnight...took off work, stayed with me all day........I think you get my drift........some would say...STFU have nothing to bitch about.....but guess's the smaller things that make life hard..........petty bullshit among themselves......being critical of each other which always escalates........then giving me a hard time about my relationships with their own siblings......always taking stock.......testing me......."mom, come for dinner".......heaven forbid you say not tonight, and 1 month ago you went to a sister or brothers........always a test.........keeping score......who you did what with, when you did it, ..........that is the f/n bullshit that always ends up in a pissing match....

    So good kids, the best kids, can cause you grief, just with the petty crap.......and you always end up the "bad guy" and the one with "ASSHOLE".tattooed on your forehead

    I cannot take family feuding, but I also will not be "shit on, or disrespected, especially from 6 kids I gave my life to, after giving them life"

    Anyone can be a sperm takes a lot more to be a Mother......

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    WHAT???  What am I missing again?  What/who is zeeeeeeeeeeeee?

    Chevy, you have not missed anything. Zee is my friend who had surgery recently and starts chemo this Thu. I have invited here here and hope she will come. But she is dealing with a lot right now and I do not know if she is the STFU type. So we will see. Please keep good thoughts for her.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Good thoughts for her.....and you....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013
    Sas I'm crying then ok then crying, I have a history of depression, so I think she is trying to help with both. But it backfired. Seems to be making everything worse. I have a call into her and also an appt. weds with my MO
  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Oh gma hope you feel better and get answers soon. This is not fun. As for me, was supposed to do chemo today but couldnt do it. For all you medical people out there, they're worried about long qt? something to do with the electrical impulses and my heart which is a side effect of the Halaven. So postponed it for a week as my readings were too high. I knew I was feeling weird yesterday, my arms felt like they were vibrating, full of electricity or something. Very bizarre.Anyway, sad week this week , am losing a friend on the stage 4 board, she was my first friend on these boards, and everybody loves her. Her daughter asked for farewell messages to read to her. She spent the last week in Hawaii with her grand daughter. She is a beautiful person. Im so sad.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, I know.  It is those that hurt us so much, and then turn around and will do something that just makes your heart melt.   Like yesterday.... DD#2 came over with a big bag of gifts from "both of them"..... I opened the card from DD#1, and it played "You are my Sunshine.".... I just sat there, crying like a nut!  I kept playing that card over and over. 

    See, my Mom and Dad always sang that to me....  and to each other.  And when Mom was dying, we were all there, and sang "You are my Sunshine to her"....  And DD#1 has that ring tone on her phone when I call.   So that song means so much.... and on Mother's Day, well you know.....

    Guess it's because you have a lot of different personalities there.... they can't all be alike... and maybe their feelings get hurt also, when in their little pea brains, they think you favor one over the other....  You HAVE to treat them differently, because THEY are.  Just don't let it get you down for more than an hour or so......   Just try and remember that one thing they did, that sent you over the moon!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Mary....sending you love and hugs

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Chevy.....great advice.......would sing that song rocking my grandson to sleep every day....he is my 14.........he even has a pillow that says....YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE ..bought by me.......

    Sweet what your daughters did....especially #1..............

    The daughter that gave me the hard time (the oldest of the girls, 2nd child) gave me a stuffed bear that plays the Beatles song....called....I it and listen to the's a bear with a fancy red hat for Heart Attack patients (Moi), and I love it........and this same one was at my side for most things, but got her ass in a knot with her sisters, and did nothing with me with BC.......yet I did nothing to offend her........if I had sisters, which I did not, no one would have kept me from my yesterday was a day for her to open up old wounds, and dwell on bullshit...........was not going backwards, so I unloaded things I kept to myself, for a long time not to start trouble.........

    Well no more,.......those days are don't come see me, mother use to say...."Hey who gives a shit, if they don't come, they don't have to go home"..........

    So my feeling today for all the shit givers......"screwy you and the horse you rode in on".......cause "The way they got the way they can get glad..........that is my story, and I'm sticking with it........HOLY SHIT...WHERE'S THE VODKA......

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    GMA go back to my post

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Ducks, I agree with Chevette. Also,  the grandchidren who thank you for their birthday gift, or call or send a card on Mother's Day - get their $100 gift next birthday. Those who don't, don't. Keep a list!

    If a daughter is being toxic towards you, no contact until she behaves. If she's got issues with how she was raised, go cry on someone else's shoulder - she can come back and play in the playpen when she can behave. She's an adult now, needs to GROW UP.

    Who paid for the damn sandwich without the mayo? Was that you Chevy? Tell her to pay for her own damn sandwich next time. Is it a joyride every minute I am with my mom? NO Sometimes I need to bite my tongue, cause I'm the daughter and she's my MOTHER for God's sake. She raised me, gave me everything she could even when she had 4 younger ones, and one of them autistic. She deserves a medal for what she has gone through and so do you Ducks! All of us do.

    oops - negative thought - I better let it go 🎈

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    GMA feel better, do something good for yourself....

    Shell feel better....

    Welcome Zee

    Phy....hope chemo is easy for you....I have wanted to take my lt, but get benedryl I will get all weird so what is the point...

    Ducky...omg mine was telling me that she is going through so much these days I have no idea.....OMG, really, she hated what I said on FB cause she did nothing for me and the others did....whatever, this is the one that when she meets a man leaves the family...telling me that she calls and texts and I never answer her, really she lives in swedesboro over the bridge about 20 min away....damn the ones that live near me don't do anything.....she is such a bitch....told her that she could have my life....she is a newly single parent and is complaining about all it entails....I said I was a sp to 5....I know exactly what you are going through....OMG...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    One more thing, Mary, a long QT interval on an EKG can be caused by many things: genetics, medications, etc. If it is a side efferct of Halaven then it's good they were monitoring you. They can treat long QT interval by medications such as betablockers and potassium. Don't self treat, let the physicians do that. Stress is a factor that can make it worse, so real important to not have loud noises or anything that is frightening. Hard to control stress with BC, I know, but let your family know that stress can make it worse so everyone works together for a real peaceful environment, especially while your docs are sorting it all out.

    My husband gets proloned QT interval sometimes from the methadone he takes for chronic disabling pain from the partial spinal cord injury in his neck. They monitor him closely and decrease the dosage when it happens.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Ladies and Charles - Long day today.  We left here at 8 a.m. then drove for an hour to chemo.  Sis drove while I ate an egg mcmuffin and took the Zelda chemo on the way.  Just got home about 5:30 p.m. I wanted to type this on my big girl computer because there are a lot of keystrokes and because Chevy taught me how.  Long posts suck on a tablet.

    blondie -  "Hope everyone is awesome....Had a good day yesterday...."  Glad you had a good day yesterday and glad your DD waited until today to have her tantrum.

    ducky - sorry that yours gave you a hard time on Mother's Day fer cryin' out loud!

    JanIAm, ducky, chica - thanks for your notes!  My sis and the nurses were impressed that I could read them on my tablet.  I did NOT let them read the thread.  They don't know that I was in prison and probably should be again.  Okay, well....I made up that part, but I still didn't want them to read the thread.  I would have had to give up my tablet.  And, OMG pie would have been fabulous!

    Jeanie - Thinking about your friend and sending good thoughts and strength to her for Thursday.

    Zee/phyr - Please see note to Jeanie above.  Just let us know if anyone treats you badly, we'll kick their behinds for you.  Especially me, because I have anger issues right now anyway!  :)

    cami - "who examined them Donald Duck that basicall only wears a towel when he gets out of the shower and then gets dressed just in a top--no bottoms."  Bahahahahahha!  I'm dyin'!

    shinyshells - SO glad you got to do some gardening.  Do all the healing you can this week before you start the peds clinical.

    chevylicious - I just love your long posts.  It was great reading them today. I was the only one on the unit that was laughing out loud.

    marywho - So sorry that you've had such a crappy day on top of losing a good friend.  Have as many hugs as you can stand {{{{{{{mary}}}}}}}}

    ducky - Holy Crap!  I have green apple Vodka - want some?

    blondiepurpledarling - First time through with T/FAC chemo, the benadryl just made me sleepy.  THIS time it give me wierd leg spasmthingies.  WTH!??  Can't even take a damn nap because my legs are hopping around.  I guess next time we will cut it back.  Not fun for others to hear me cackling with laughter over the posts here then swearing because I can't keep my legs still.  I managed to stay in the chair tho....does this count as exercise?

    wren - "It's really funny because I always thought the messy house was the kid's fault. But they moved out and nothing changed. They have both received formal apologies for my blaming them."  This was one of the times that I was reading and hooting in my chair. Love it!

    If I missed anyone, please blame Chevy.  Love you all!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Miss Pie Dough...glad you are home and safe!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Chevy virginal left u'r vocabulary so many years ago, don't worry about it. LOL

    GMA I'm sure they don't thik u'r nuts, many people can not tolerate all these drugs and they have to fine out the hard way, now if it were me I would talk to my pharmacist and ask what drugs won't interact at all cuz they know what in each med that might interfere with one thing in another med--If u know u'r parmacist it's even easier.

    Shell I'm glad u r doing so well---it's good to hear. Don't rush to much tho.

    And chick I told u that not a bad rhing by about 6 months of the Drs. they all called me crazy and tole the associate, in case I needed them that I was the ceazy one and I didn't care at all. My rad Dr. even sad to me when I forst met him Oh I know all about u--and the way he said it I knew. LOL

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    BS tomorrow, then to my MO, then to MRI for a copy of my vertebrae compression fracture picture so I can take it to the Ortho surgeon to see if it is possible to do another Kyphoplasty to repair may be too late if it healed....hoping not so he can do the job....I go to him on the 29th of May............with the Kyphoplasty the sooner it is done after the fracture, the better.....the last one I had done was only 1 month after it happened......we shall see.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Shell, potassium level was a little low today but not low enough to put me on anything. They just want me to eat potassium rich foods. My onc. is the head of the dept. and really careful about heart issues, so that really makes me feel better. Halaven is notorious for causing long qt- Ive never even heard of it til now.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami GMA that's good advice re: pharmasist check, but it only works if they run a checker that's at the level of mine. It's where the future is right now , but allot of doc's and pharmasist aren't there yet. They may have them on site, but don't use them. If either doc had checked , neither would have supported the use of these two drugs together.

    Marwhere, sorry about you loosing your friend. Hugs.

    Chevette/chevylious, pie dough, Zee/phyr,shinyshells, blondiepurpledarling,

    Krips ZEEEEEEEE has nick names and she's not even here yet, JAN ask her how can she not come???????

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    We discussed in full the possible interactions - sleep doc wanted me to try it this weekend. Didn't work.. Called back took me off the trasodone and missed the doc call will talk to them tomorrow.

    Sas, you called just before the doc called but was in the middle of LE therapy. I do have swell and will see him after PT.

    Will try to catch up with the posts.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    Zee, I don't know you yet, but please come.  If you just want to lurk, that's ok, but we would love it if you pop in to just say hi, if that's all you want to do.  Everyone of us has been there, done that with the shock of BC diagnosis.  We give good hugs and support.  We can snark, whine, rant, cry, joke, drink our morning coffee together, and simply hang out together.  We are waiting for you.  Jan I Am

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Ok Sas I understand they don't work together . Sleep doc had me do an EKG to double check my heart and we knew about liver issues. Cami, pharmacist said as low as my dose was, it shouldn't be a problem. Lol, so much they know. I told the nurse to leave me a msg if doc got back to her. She left a msg for me to call her back - what's that about? Now I have to wait til morning. That really stinks! Off to bed soon and thanks all for being there for me.

    Prayers for your friend & family, Mary. So sorry :(

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    GMA, it's not a liver issue in the sense you are thinking. The drugs are metabolized in the liver, The drugs go through certain liver enzyme pathways. This is known by research. The enzyme pathways can be slow medium , or fast, or not present. These pathways allow for drugs to interact. These paths can change the amount of drug available. The can cause too much drug to be present. too little. The bottom line is tamox caused trazadone to effectively be increased in your bloodstream which caused such a significant amount of s.e's. Esther all most all drugs are metabolized in the liver. So reread what I wrote before and actually several times. It's stuff that allot of doc's haven't got a handle on. It's not easy info. .

    Nice that he stopped the drug, if he had used the same checker that I use, he would never have prescribed it in combination with tamox

    Your pharm doc didn't check either. Your pharmacist said "Tamox as low as your dose is, it, shouldn't be a problem"-----dna testing for tamox and 2D6, You could be part of the 7% that are rapid metabolizers, which half dose would be the equivalent of a full dose.

    I'm not trying to make your doc's look bad. But they are not functioning under current scientific standards. You don't say "I think, or it shouldn't"  They need to be using tools to determine fact

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013 long can bruises/discolorations stay on my breasts after surgery?

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    SAS - I'm finding the discussion regarding Trazdone very interesting.   I take 50 mg. Trazadone every night, but I can't remember if I took it during chemo.  My chemo SEs were very intense and MO had to cut dosage twice.  Now I wonder..........      

    GmaFoley - Good luck for quick solution and blissful sleep.  Jan

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    My bruises on my breast surgeries, lasted for about a month but my anti-inflammatory injection into my hip bursa has been here for almost 4 months! Weird.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Ok tx...I was getting worried that my bruises were not healing fast enough...their different, kinda just yellowy brown...

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    ChickaD, Yellowy brown is good. They will be gone soon.

    Ducky, When your kids get into that stuff, tell them "This is about sibling rivalry, not about me, so I don't want to hear about it." When resentments go back 30 years, it's time for them to get outside help to get over it. I think most siblings squabble. If you're an only child (I was), it probably seems worse than it is.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

     I need to start moving my wake-sleep clock earlier, so I got up at 7 am this morning after 6 hrs sleep and stayed up! Hoping I can get in sync - my Professor called and said my peds clinical starts in 11 days! Yay!

    G'Night Beauties - sorry I miss you chirpy little birds in the morning - such bluebirds of happiness. Hopefully I'll be drinking coffee with y'all before too long.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Woke and wandered to the bathroom from my temporary bedroom, tried to adjust a temporary table, down it crashed, and so went the computer to the ceramic tile. Tada it's still working, albiet at another temporary table. The wexford plate didn't make it. Shards everywhere. It's May and the friggin room is still not done from Feb flood. UGH