STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    sas - Thanks for info and offer of help.  I want to reread everything when my brain clears up this morning, or when it happens.  I'll PM you later.  Brain: is it still chemo or is it alzheimers, or both?  Ugh!  Jan

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    I went to my first Rotary meeting today since all of this cancer carp started in March. It took a freeking hour to find clothes that would fit because I am pretty sure I have never seen anyone wearing sweats at the lunch meeting.

    I put on real clothes AND makeup. Can you imagine!? Then off I went, bald as an egg. I figured if they can't take it they can STFU? Everyone was great though. Nobody passed out.

    One person asked about my LE sleeve and I told him it was a fashion statement to go with my new 'do. He laughed and then I relented and explained. I'm glad that I felt well enough to go. They're a great group.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    OMG I am 23 pages guys have quite a lot to say...
    Chevy, I thought of you this AM when I went outside and the sky was a perfect bright blue and clear...I always say it's a Colorado day when it's like this.
    whoever guessed 64 is correct!  (I know, I know, it's hard to believe blah blah blah)
    Am still taking in all the posts and I don't want anyone to stfu....I'll have free time soon!  Yay summer semester!!!


  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    Went to salon to buy shampoo today-

    Cashier( complete with head tilt): SO. How do you feel?

    Me: deliberately ignoring head tilt, "I'm great!"

    Cashier: NO, REALLY- how do You FEEL!?

    Me( with the same head tilt): is there something that I don't know that you need to tell me?

    Me: in my head- STFU

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Phyllo....yay and I want pie...ugh

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Phyllo, and Mericat -too funny, STFU

    Dana have your interaction report in my fingers, cntrlV, but servers jammed. So, I will get it to you as soon as possible. Remember to share the doc's reaction to your questions. I hope your MO is as progressive as your surgeon. When is port going in? Put the Port thread on your reading list for dayor two ahead of insertion.

    Everyone, need to toot Chickiepoos horn. She is part of a major advance in breast care. Her surgeon at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio. Is doing bmx/mx with Diep same day without drains. What will happen now is he (really his residents and fellows) will track all patients until they have a significant number. They then will publish results. This advancement is BIG. One surgery instead of three or four. Think what that means to the person going through it?. The reduction in anesthesia exposure/ recovery/ loss of work. The reduction in cost to patient/insurance.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    How stupid is this?  The day after chemo, I am trying to something techie.  I bought an Android for Nook program loaded onto a card.  This will upgrade my B&N Nook tablet to the full Android operating system so that I can use more apps and upgrade my video streaming, etc. without having to buy an new tablet.  So I got the card this morning, have made the backup copy and started things rolling. 

    It's pretty self-contained, but I catch myself doing stupid after I made the back up copy of the card, I got out my USB cord to load it back onto my Nook.  DOH!  I bought the freekin' card!  I just need to put it in the Nook. 

    Okay, here is the stupidest/sweetest thing anyone has said to me lately.  I was sitting on the porch this morning drinking tea and reading.  A guy walks by and I said good morning to him.  He walked over and asked me how I am.  We talked a few minutes and he said "Are you sick?"  I said yes and I told him I was having chemotherapy for cancer.  (He seemed like a nice enough man.)  He then asked if I knew about Cancer Centers of America from the TV commercials.  I told him I had seen the commercials.  Then a short discussion about where I am having treatments.  I asked him if he had been treated by CCA or knew anyone that had.  He said no.  At this point, I'm thinking "WTF"? but he still seems nice.  He then goes on to day that well, his sister had breast cancer but she didn't go to them either.  But if I'm not happy with my docs, I should give them a try?  Again I think WTF?? 

    Then he says "Well, I hope your treatment works, so you don't die."  He said to SO nicely.  I tried not to wig out and said, "well, you know, me too!"   THEN he says, "I wouldn't like that.  I would like to be your friend."  Holy crap!  From one end of the spectrum to the other.  He then wandered off to do some mowing.

    I'm sure that there are plenty of explanations, such as he may not be a bright bulb, or something.  But I gotta say the whole thing was wonderful! 

    I know, I'm a goober.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Said I would call Genelex and verify the questions Beatmom asked. Here we go

    Question 1 Sas- my pain Doc uses the DNA testing...once they have the initial blood can they test as drugs are added....for example if u need an antibiotic? My answer:Once the test is done it will describe your metabolism status for each one 2D6, 2C9, 2C19. that status will not change. Genelex: if a new dna test is added, they keep the blood sample six months. But isn't a big issue, you can have a cheek swab for a new dna test. Other labs do genetic testing, but YouScript division of Genelex is the only company in the world that is providing the correlation between DNA results and drugs. That correlation is all noted by hyperlinks to source of information on the interaction report. They also have Pharmacy doc support for questions. This is available to the physician subscriber that may have listed all their patients with YouScript. It is also, available to the individual subscriber like me. 

    Mr Doherty added the following 52% of the population worldwide have an allteration in the metabolism in the 2D6 enzyme pathway.

    He corrected my understanding of the 3A4/3A5 enzyme path. 1. A test is available. 2. Only 5% of the population have an alteration in this path. 3. This alteration does not go below intermediate  metabolizer. Therefore, a patient is not likely to experience an adverse event. That is why they don't offer a test for it.

    Question 2: Can anything cause a pathway to be unavailable? Answer 1. a drug can be taken that can inhibit enzyme production for a prolonged period and thus that enzyme may not be available for weeks. 2. If the patient has severe liver damage from alcohol or other liver toxic source the pathway may be come so severely damaged as to be useless. 3. While taking a drug that inhibits that enzyme path, it will cause that enzyme path to not be available for processing another drug that is attempting to go through that enzyme path.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    GMA, the drug checker offers alternative suggestions where there isn't an interaction with tamox. Question for your doc? Is she using trazodone for antidepresssant affect and the s.e. of somnolence/sedation that the drug is well known for? This makes great sense. Some s.e.'s can be looked at as a positive if they cause something to happen that is beneficial to the patient. In your case getting some sleep would be highly beneficial. I can't send you the link  to the actual place I put in drugs to check interaction b/c it's protected, b/c it's a subscription site. I can send the link to YouScript. I'll have to get it and bring it back. Possibly ask your doc to call YouScript and ask for Mr. Dan Doherty. You might try to have your doc do this early.  1-800 -dna- test. They can email an instructional video that explains the system. Getting out of my comfort zone here. Have her call.

    I sent you the interaction report by PM ? Did a few today besides all the writing,  getting confused. Maybe Chevy can talk you through how to print off the PM or save it to somewhere else.. Isn't that a hoot, can't do that but I get the pathways.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    Phyllis, I love the idea of you dressed to the nines and bald! You go, girl!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    MY shower enclosure was completed today,has to cure for 24 hours. Bathroom not usuable since Jan 7th. YEAH, 1/3rd done.

    Anyone finding errors in anything I wrote today let me know and I will correct:) sassy

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Too sad to do much but lurk today, but wanted to give you a heads up on the naked women stry... The Lord told them to do it!See you guys tomorrow.xoxoxox

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    PHy so happy you went out dressed with makeup and the man, well hhhmmmm wonder what that was about.....

    hope you have a good chemo night......

    oh about AJ thing, whatever, not a fan, team Jennifer, can't believe her kids asked anything, just like I don't think they asked when they were getting married...what do kids know about marriage........I got the BRACA test didn't have the grateful....

    doing the chemo thing tomorrow, along with we go again, my life is about chemo/cancer hate that.....there has to be more in life than that, but not when you are 3 weeks on and 1 off....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Dominos have to quit sometime - right??? -- Just got a letter from my PCP - he is leaving.  

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Welcome Dyvgrl, from Alaska! Only 2 hours earlier than Hawaii - yay.

    I want my t-shirt to read:

    Yes these are fake.

    The real ones tried to kill me.

    Now STFU


  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2013

    Love it Shellshine!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    OMG..Shell they have the best t-shirts out there..I still cant get my tablet to post pics but that T-shirt is on my Facebook page as one of my favorites.

    SASSY. You still keep rockin my friend....and thanks for bringing the attention to my "specialness".

    Trying to get some decent sleep tonight so I sound intelligent tomorrow at the MO's office!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Thanks sas!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013


    How did the knitting lesson go?  I'd love to live next door and run over to help anytime.  Just sewed the button on my GD sweater.  Done in time, they leave tomorrow AM. 

    Went to my MO today and everything is fine.  Don't have to see him again for 4 months.  Yeah!

    GMA, Sorry to hear about your PCP.  I had a resident (from assisted living where I work) go for an initial visit.  The PCP told her and her daughter, "See you in 3 months."  2 days later they got a letter saying the PCP was leaving the practice.  Are you near Ashland?  I know a great FNP who is opening a clinic.

    Sas, I know about the remodeling/rebuilding blues...been waiting 3 years for DH to do the door mouldings around the front door and closet.  I guess I need to learn how to use a miter saw and nail gun.

    Hope everyone else is having a restful evening/night.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hey ladies......long day......appt with my Bc, and MO,....then down a couple floors to get my MRI vertebrae films......

    Daughter was in there for a biopsy of her lungs...nodules after seeing them on. Ct scan..anyway asked her if she wanted me to go with her....told "no, her sister was taking her".....felt like she did not want me bitch that I am, I went up to the short procedure area and found her, and her sister too........stayed till the procedure was done, and met her dr.

    Now I digress.....I need a pulmonary specialist because of a cough....a few years ago they also found nodules in my lungs....watched them for 2 years with ct scans...nothing grew so the stopped this cough.....possibilities are........reflux......allergies......result of lower rad overflow.......or the lung nodules grew into something........

    So.....since my daughter loves this Dr I figure....go to after the procedure she came out to talk to me and my daughter.........during the conversation I said to there a chance that this could be inherited....I have the same thing, but they stopped my follow-ups a few years ago......she said....I doubt it........that was all I said...........

    Tonight I said to my daughter.....I am going to make an appt with her..........she said.....NO DON'T GO TO HER....I SAID WHY, YOU LIKE HER........HER ANSWER CAUSE YOU WILL GIVE HER A HISTORY OF EVERYTHING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU........I said, well you have to anyway for a first time patient....her answer...NO TODAY IT WAS ABOUT ME! AND YOU HAD TO TELL HER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU WITH YOUR LUNGS......apparently her sister told her I said I had the same thing....but forgot to mention I asked because was there a heredity factor...........nice huh

    Well guess what....she can shove her Dr up her ass, and I will go to her Dr's partner, who is the head of the practice anyway, and screw her, and her sister, and the horse they both rode in I will STFU.....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Juliaanna, I'm about 2 hours away from Ashland :(  - I like the PA in the same office.  She is very knowledgeable about things and I would have preferred her to my PCP anyday - but you just can't trade like that.  Now, this might have been a blessing in disguise.. Maybe I can just see her instead.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Ducky AMEN! to what you just said.. You go GIRL!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh I can't catch up--

    Phy the first part of u'r post this is what I read, blahblah blah blah blah blah blah, but the 2nd part-whoa U 'r just sitting there and a man approaches u. U must be one hot mama--even without hair.

    Blondie u'll see it will go by---

    Mary just a sad day today or did somethig happen. sometimes that happens for no reason except the horrendous thig that u'r going thru--Let's face facts this is not a fun ride, but it does end, then u throw up. Rest and drinks loads of water--u too Blondie

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Dang, Ducky, are you sure they didn't get traded at birth?

    GMA, Glad to hear you have someone in mind.  Hope it works out for you.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Had a bad day but I have to tell somebody this story because I feel stupid laughing by myself. So, dh gives me a very nice samsung digital camera for m.d. Was so proud of myself for setting it up all by myself because as you all know i am not very tech-savvy when it comes to electronics. Anyway, dh and I decide to go to the park today and take some pictures. Now to go to the park is an hour 1 direction. So there we are and I take 2 pictures and the camera flashes memory card full. I thought wth! So I look it over and I know I did everything right but cant get the damn thing to take more than 2 pictures. So we get home and I say to ds, Will you look at my camera and see if you can figure out what is going on? So he looks at it and starts laughing. I say whats so funny? He says mom, there is no memory card in the camera. I said yes there is I put it in myself. He says where? I said right there! He says mom thats not the memory card thats the battery.Foot in Mouth

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    As for me, I was due on March 8th for my Mammo....found out today at my BS visit.....going Thursday....was shocked I slipped up, but did not realize....oh we'll...

    MO wants to do Reclast, or Prolia......came home, read the SE,s......way too much involves aches, pain, jaw problems, ( I have dental implants), not gonna do it......will take my chances with the Ostopenia......FDA is not real happy bout the Bisphonates anyway.....researched it......

    My MO said the letrozole can do a number on your bones......I am 78, I still have 3 years left on it, and she said it may be advised to go longer then the 5............well that will make me ass is done in more then 5 for me

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, wth is their problem? I wish I still had my mom around. You can come here to me and I will take care of you....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Mary that was a good laugh--u thought u had it all together hahahaha, u sound like me.

    Ducky that's quite a blunder--u forgot--did u write it down,? I've missed so many app't cuz I thik I write it down or I thik I won't forget that. Yea right

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Julianna, I used to have an aunt that used a sledge hammer LOL. 

    Phylloo, so, what do you make of the guy? creepy or good? Phy I think I need to take a class on some tech stuff.

    Beatmom and Dana:)

    GMA, one door closes another opens, if you get a PCP you don't like just switch.

    Ducky, not sure who said it , I think it was Shells, she needs therapy. Someone said let them come to you. Julianna's comment works LOL

    BlondieBBL Hugs, Did you see where I almost added Physiatrist to PHY's nickname list. I looked at it not thinking medical, and said to myself what category do I put this one in, then bam and duh. Lol

    Maryeeeeeeeee love it, i'm so right there with you. Once took a computer apart and put ot back together but to get skype, or camera working , or print a PM. OH WELLLLLLL.DS also laughs at me.Did you check your nick names pg 122?

    Ducky, I agree on the Biphosphanates, knew a gal with jaw necrosis, hers was from a different reason, but the result was the same. No way, I did Micalcin--ended up with bladder stones. Not supposed to be a thing, but there was no relationship to anything else? But yeah I have weird stuff happen.

    Cami that should be a tee shirt "Then the ride ends and you throw up"

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2013

    Sas! You should have gone into research!!! You are sooooo good at it!