STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Better yet, she did not want her daughter to go up to the hospital either, or take other daughter who did take her made the calls to the daughter (my granddaughter), and informed her of the findings...end of story...

    I texted said granddaughter and sai, your Mom looks good....she text back and said....On my way there in 15 minutes, what is the room number......told her, while both daughters (the mother, and her sister)......are saying ....WHO ARE YOU TEXTING. I said, "it's Genna, ( her daughter"........,,..,

    This was the comment......I DID NOT WANT HER TO KNOW THE ROOM NUMBER......I said "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......she said......I DID NOT WANT HER TO COME HERE! FOR THE SAME REASON I DID NOT WANT YOU HERE..........I should have said fu-k you, and walked out......instead I said......THAT IS YOUR DAUGHTER, AND SHE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE, AND TOUGH SHIT CAUSE SHE WAS ON HER WAY WHEN SHE CALLED......the sisters are up each others asses now.....1year ago they were like a cat and dog, and I kept trying to calm things down.......guess what not anymore..........screw them.........

    Going to do what my mother-in-law used to do and say.........OH I DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH MY KIDS PROBLEMS.........this bitch lived to 96, and my father-in-law to 103 1/2.............but had children who did not talk to each other for years........assholes all of them....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Yes, I would wear that T-shirt.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Spookie, had a supreme teacher, and supreme circumstances from age of 24-30, if I had studied in school as much as I studied out of school. My MH counselor thinks I'm a form of ADD or ADHD, he hasn't figuired it out yet, so, makes sense to me. I get soooooooo intense and then if it doesn't interest me, sooooooooo blah. SHELLS so identified when you talked of son. I was his age in the 60's , then they just called us under achievers. MH councelor who's ADD something, says we turn on to something that interests us. If it doesn't interest us , we don't become involved.  If it's a pet topic boy can I go LOL. Couldn't tell that here at all.

    What dear friend Joan told me is if someone doesn't want to read the long posts they just go by...... I pondered that and concluded YES......and thank you Joan.  What she and Cami solidified for me, particularly after the last 30 some hours is "Go with the energy". I have done that always, but it would have been easier to have used that phrase life long versus feeling like I was always swimming upstream.  AND you gals tolerate the energy or "Walk on bye'(Motown). But I'm OCD too! OCD and ADD HMMM guess my superlative MH guy has a reason to not quite figure it out.

    One of the things among many that I learned today was Genelex was the only one in the world to support the DNA testing by correlating it to drug reports. I then thought WOW, I knew they were new in 2010 when I found them on google. I could tell b/c when i talked to the people, I'd be referred up to Christine , she was top then. Didn't ask where she was now. Then tried to think what keywords and review caused me to find them and then lead me me to believe in them. What I liked for sure is they had lots of teaching stuff. Always have been a learning sponge.

    Also, had this thought about our wonderful Shells, She's disciplined, she has a BSN, Masters, now adding to that Masters under duress. I'm only disciplined when it suits me. Shells is disciplined in everything. Shell over time I have wished that I could have been disciplined b/c what you get to do now, is the epitome of what I would have loved to do. I'm okay with who I am, but envy(healthily-is that a word) who you are, if that makes sense.

    Okay, after rereading post, I did spend much of my life being very disciplined and out there at the same time. Not contradictory, but hard.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, wish there were words, I guess we wait till morning to see how Chevorlette put;s a spin on it. Damn now I have to go back to pg 122

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Ducky I'm sorry confusion reigns in my head, when did this happen--I read all the posts, but not all at once on and off and mybe I missed something along the way. But it sounds like u'r dgtr got mad cuz u'r grandD was coming to the hospital and they blamed u? How old is u'r GD? Help me someone.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami  Duckie's shit storm started Mothers day and hasn't let up

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami go to insomnia thread?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    okay cami , waited , now back here.

    Wren your suggestion about supersmellers lead to list for supers, was relating this too cousin at dinner several days later, last night. She ended up relating that she sees in color. She's one of the supers and didn't know it. She described that when she sees(sic?) a name, it comes up in colors, but colors are specific. She's 67. Didn't know till 10years ago that all people didn't see this way. Same with numbers. She is just as the super list describe her gift. She also decide to take singing lessons, she a super on pitch. When I described how special she is being two supers, she blossomed then retracted. we agreed to follow through. What's neat is your keyword lead to our conversation, and she no longer felt abnormal. Link on supers --good lord I had to scroll back to pg 118

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    SOh here comes my stupidity again don't we all se colors.?as i'm back I got sidetracked then whe I was there u weren't and someone else came on and so on

    I don't understand seeing in colors like whe u see something written down u see colors---

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami I'll try to find it, our pgs pass so quick it might just be easier to google.  be back

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas if u'r talking about body baance I thik I found it on insomniacs there I was reading that. Is that what u'r talking about.?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami ther you are:)))))))))), no the supers list . Had to scrollback to pg 118. Dear cousin seems to be two supers. Googled it and came up blank, that;s why threvese scoll, pain in the patutie.

    here is the name and what my cousin sees. It's so cool





  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    STFU, did a search on Synesthesia, OMG what fun---whish I had it!!!!!!!!. When Dear cousin ellicited this, I asked that when she got back to Canada, contact the universities.........She's study material LIKE major.

    WREN - your suggestion of super smellers lead to Synesthesia. WOW, always love what a single word can lead too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    A, bed

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited May 2013

    Read back some of the posts and just wanted to give Ducky a hug ((((Ducky))))

    Have been dealing with my diabetic kitty the last few days in between working and my exhaustion so have not been here at all. Have been hanging around the feline diabetes community with my million questions. They are amazing just like the people here. They actually stayed up all night with a woman whose cat had a hypo episode after too much insulin to get her through it without having to rush her cat to a pet ER which would have meant driving for two hours for this person. Perfect strangers reaching out.

    What the internet and communities like this have shown me is that people are basically good. They want to help and they reach out and are really wonderful. Like all of you have been rallying around Ducky with her sadness. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate all of you (YES CHEVY, even and most especially you!)

    Hugs ladies (and our one dude) and know that you are appreciated. Here is  a Mother's Day bouquet for you, although it is late! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Ah April!  You are a sweetheart!  I know what you mean about our "buddies".... Isn't it funny, that all of us here can just get along, and put our 2 cents in, and try and help someone JUST get through the day?

    And how is your kitty?  Geez, I just HATE when our "fuzzy kids" have things wrong.


    Duck.... it's settled.  Your daughters and their moods are a CF.... yes, little honey, a "fluster cuck!"

    Right now, they are all into themselves, and are just being snitty and little bitches.

    I would not go anywhere near them.... if you do, it will just get their feathers in a flurry, and they will start pecking away at you.  They think they have this privilege because you are their Mom.  They think THEY can boss you around now..... and be in charge.


    It's time now, to let them just go be little brats.  I wouldn't even mention it to the rest of them....  It WILL get back.   They love this little drama they create, and the "in-fighting".... and they feel in charge.


    And you know, whatever anyone finds that could possibly be wrong with them, it's probably going to be your fault....... I would just let it go.  They won't even think about "what if I hurt Mom?"..... They are just too much into themselves right now.  So let it go.

    Sooner or later, they will snuggle their way back....then smack them and take them to Starbucks.


    Sassi....I think your little brain is working 24/8.... or is it 7?  Nope, with you it's 8...  What would we all do without you?  YOU have mental energy...  I just have physical..... sometimes.   But I go to bed about 8, sometimes 9, and get UP at about 5.  So I am waking up just about when you go to bed!  ( Well THAT was brilliant!)   See how I put things together? 


    Man, I worked hard all day yesterday, changing clothes from Winter to Summer, and trying to organize what SPACE I don't have, running up the steps to our little room, (which SOME think you should call a Priest before attempting going up OR down) and then going down the steps to the basement, changing out MORE clothes.  I finally just stood at the top of the steps, and threw my winter coats DOWN, then made my way OVER them, to hang them up!  I thought that was pretty smart.


    Sass, I know what you mean about long posts... so maybe if I cut this one off now, I can come back & write, like in "installments"  and  then talk to the rest of you guys?.... so okay bye!
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Oh wait.... Phillissiness.... So what attracted you to this fellow?  Was it the beanie with a little propeller he was wearing?   I think he was sort of nice, but "out there?"  You must be wary of these stranger types!  I THOUGHT I taught you better than this.

    Your instincts know better than I do.... what do you think?  If YOU think this "stranger in the night" is alright, then you can be nice back....  If you get the chills when you see him again, and he comes by with a buzz-saw, RUN.

    Maybe he was just lonely, and saw you there, all gorgeousness displayed, with that perky smile on your face, and thought he would be friendly, and a pain in the ass.  WE will tell you you look beautiful, but we are a tad suspicious of this propeller wearing guy.

    If he comes by again today, with roses, and chocolate candy and his model train set..... just say "no thanks".....  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good morning --FUers I shortened it for now. I'm just tryinf to wak up now got to be way to late this morning.

    Sas that is amazing to see letters like that I never heard such a thing--ever or the smell--so many different things people have or do and I still don't know about them.

    I'll be back when I havemy coffee  Ugh

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013 the Duck, and you.......would love to have that little guy....he could sleep comfortable in my "Sleep Number Bed" instead of a would even allow him to pick his perfect "sleep number if he didn't agree with my #45.......

    Did I tell you all I missed my yearly Mammo by over 2 months........I really need to get my head out of my ass, and start writing things down..........but then I would forget where I put the thing I wrote it in....I swear the hospital always sent reminders, or Aetna insurance...someone did...but probably deleted the message after I got it....oh we'll shit happens......

    Problem with these 2 daughters is........the oldest girl, not oldest child, is she thinks I favor everyone else but her......was never the same after her father died.......she gave him every gray hair in his head.....I truly believe "guilt" haunts her, and denial that she caused his gray according to changed completely once he died....he was the glue that held this family together according to her...BULLSHIT.....he was a hard working, good provider, but his lines of communication sucked...........I may not have been the" Blessed Mother", but he positively was no "Joseph", but in her eyes .....after he died, he reached "Sainthood" question is to her is......WHAT F/N HOUSE WERE YOU LIVING IN ALL THOSE YEARS

    Now the other sister born 1 year after her is a Director of HR in the World Wide Operations Department of a major Pharma company....2nd largest in the world......this one thinks she knows it all, and wears her Director's hat home, instead of leaving it at the office.......knows it all.......this one and I were so close it was mind blowing, but when we were, the other sister was distant, and not friendly with said sister, and very critical of again hating family feuds, always tried to keep the peace.......

    Now they are thick as shit, and I am the evil step-mother......guess 3 can't get along at the same is actually nuts.........

    Then there is the younger one who just throws her hands up, says "I give up" , and avoids the negative siblings at all cost........says.....".Mom, I don't have time for this bullshit". Loves them dearly, would do anything for them, but says..."Mom, what the hell is their problem"

    Keep in mind....there are also 3 brothers in this whole mess, too, but that is another story......I never had any sisters or brothers, just a cousin I lived with for years......all of us in the same house......she was bad enough......

    When I see my kids act like assholes, as old as they are, I say......".IF THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL BROTHERS SND SISTERS! I GUESS I DIDN'T MISS A DAMN THING"

    By the way the granddaughter I spoke of regarding the hospital is married, and 28 years old, and a sweetheart....

    Sure I just bored the shit out of you all........sorry for the rant, and rambling......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Brava Sassygirl, good work, and don’t say you’re not disciplined, you hear me? ADD, OCD, PTSD, XYZ, I don’t care – you can be my roommate on our future cruise, but I’m bringing you sleeping pills and valium so you don’t rock around the clock. On 2nd thought, rock away, baby. What’s this that you’ve been in trouble before? YOU?  You’ve changed your herstory? DON’T TELL ME – I DON’T WANT TO KNOW…I prefer the mystique.

    I do wish we lived closer together Juligirl, I would really like that.

     Precious Purple Princess K, you’re one of the sisters who have been on the threads the longest, I’m so sorry about losing your friend.

    Chevette, I agree with you about Phyllandria, dishing with us DURING chemo….and Philly, I’m so proud of you getting all dressed up with your chic appearance. I have more admiration for an ex-con than I do for those stars who have their pick of the top plastic surgeons. Yes, Angie, it was hard. I did it, too. No one held a news conference for me, while I went to recover at my parents or friend’s house because I can’t count on my husband to do the job, so glad you had Brad.  Phyllandria, did you really go to prison. NO – DON’T TELL ME – I don’t really want to know. I love the mystique, and I will love you either way. Keep sitting your gorgeous self on your porch drinking tea, and next time offer that neighbor fellow a cup.

    Even Julianna Rancic– so sad you had to go thru what you did, but I did the whole infertility thing, too, honey. Threw so many blood clots in my lungs I needed a 12 hour surgery to get them out – had to fly to UCSD and leave my baby with my best friend so DH and DM could come with me. Turns out DH had a ….. oh, never mind, too negative to bring that old history up.

    Rest up Tiggergirl – are you recovering ok? I thought I would be jumpin’ back into the dance of life by now but I am still kinda tired. I hope you are taking it easy.

    Gritgirl – you lounge in that hotel, baby!

    Esther, I’m not much of one for taking prescriptions. I do take a few, but I’m pretty leery. Not sleeping well and being drowsy is HARD. I’m in the process of trying to regulate my sleep patterns, and it is hard work. Your OSA doesn’t help, nor does your night shift work. I’ve been practicing “sleep hygiene” to get myself back on track. Small, short term doses of melatonin helps. Meditation and exercise help me the most. Can’t really exercise that much right now, but frequent short doggy walks help.

    Hey Chickypoo and Merlycat, Beatmom and Savgi. Thanks for the Naked Walkers update, Mary! Now that's the kind of Lord's advice I like to hear about! Hail yee, Camillegirl!

    I’m with you on AJ, Blondie. How nice for her. Now let’s see her do your chemo routine and tell us about it in a press conference.

    Thanks for the flowers April, you take care of your little buddy.

    Ducks – Chevette is right on – Fluster Cuck! You are so  right on, Chev.

    Well, got up at 4 am, wrote this, gonna try to get a few more hours of sleep. My boy flys home from college today. Spent all day yesterday changing his room back to HIS room from being a storage room. Haven’t seen him since BC dx, love that young’un – gonna spoil him up, cook all his favorite foods, then give him my “honeydo list!”

    ~ Michelle

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Michelle....enjoy you time with your son......spoil him first, then hit him with the "honey-do list. Lol

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013

    The girls on the DIEP thread suggested that I post this one:

    A lady at work came up to me this morning and told me that Angelina Jolie stole my thunder?  Really?  Like I got cancer to get attention?  I hardly mention what I have been through at work, so this kinda came out of left field. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shell isn't it great whe they come home--it's like that butterfly feeling in u'r tommy--but a good one, so I'm excited for u.

    Ok Dicky I got the whole picture now--ltho it's kind of screwy at this age but sometimes they have to get those little girl feelings out and go from there. Since only having 2 girls my time was easy, I mean when they were a little oder and my oldest DD asked me who was my favorite, I told her my yougest one was and she said yeah she was mine too. She was always so nice. So I had no other siblings to tend to. But let them simmer down u know they are wrong and hope they don't start this up again. They are vyig for all of u'r attention and someone wants to win, but they're in a place where it has to be shared.

    And u'r granddtr is old enough to know and make her own decisions of what she wants to do, she's not 5 so that's a no go argument. Ducky u are so in the clear, they are just going for that who's u'rfavorite card. Tell them u'r GD is the one and don't get involved with all this quibbling. See eeryone wants to be u'r favorite.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Survived pet scan without being medicated. Friday I'll get the results.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    BTW Phyl I think I jealous of u---I worked the first 4 months of chome but wore adorable hats and exposed to loads of people and NO ONE ever hit on me or even said anythig about how I looked NOTHING good or bad, and here u are just sitting on a porch and a man approaches u> WTF and propositions u Geeze-u still got it--u lucky duck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Heavenschild!  Is that your kitty looking at us?  So cute!  Hey, don't pay any attention to ANYone, except us!   Besides Anjelina does not even have cancer!  She did that as a preventative.... but your "friend" won't get that bit of information, even if you smack her in the face with it.

    So just let it go, and look at her like "did you really say that?"  And go on about your typing or whatever....  You had the same type of surgery it looks like, only you had cancer!  What a FM that person is!   See it takes all kinds of people.... those that make YOU really look good AND intelligent, and some like us who really DO know what is going on..... and ALways want to make you feel better! 

    Congratulations Veggy!  Thinking of you....

    Cammi, what the hell is "I worked the first 4 months of "chome" but wore adorable hats and exposed to loads of people and NO ONE"...blah, blah, blah.... Did you mean chemo?  How the hell am I supposed to translate for the rest of us, when I don't even know what is going on?

    So I am here for you.... so go ahead and type anything you want, and see if I can figure it out....Wink  Good Lord, I thought it was "chrome" and then I thought that YOU helped develop that Internet Browser, and how intelligent you MUST be! 

    So Ms Duckster....  If you let it get to you, you are just asking for hurt feelings..... I would just stay out of everything they do, or say, until they get in their little heads that you ARE in fact THEIR Mother, and you deserve better treatment than that......  They are like little school girls, and will pout if they don't get their way, or if someone like you happens to step in. 

    Shells you are so cool!  You remember to mention EVERYone, and I love that!  I'm trying to do this in installments.... my new word.... So I don't forget anyone.... Okay.... back to polishing my Crocs....... no REALLY!  You just don't understand......Undecided  I can tell by that look on your faces.....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Chevy.....your so right.......happened again today.......literally told her to STFU, stop living in the past, and "the sun does not always shine on one dogs ass"


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Ducky let her think about what u said--u did say what u needed to and good for u--she hung up cuz what could she say---beside guit trips were my specialty, my mom's too-even now but say what u want u are their mother.

    And Chevy is u can;t read my rotten typing by now--I don't do spell check always should have just don't bother. CHEMO is the word like tht's not spoken enough here.But as many crime shows that I watch I would be leary of this man, but since Phylo is a convict herself she would know to look for the right tattoos. Remember the clock tat is very telling. LOL

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Cami......I can figure you out no s attention to that troll who hollered at you....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL