STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Ducky, Classic grade school scenario. Three friends, but one is in the doghouse. Who's in the doghouse changes over time. I think the youngest has the healthy attitude "She avoids them but would do anything for them." I think having your ear may be the reward. If you just refuse to listen to the complaints, they will eventually stop. Or at least you won't be hearing them.

    SAS, That video of the man drawing from memory was amazing. I think most of us would have trouble looking at a tree and drawing it accurately. Or a wooden chair. The chair is amazingly difficult even when you're looking at it--used in drawing classes.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Wren......good advice.........

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    I think Ducks, that I would not hold a conversation with any of them, that just want to dwell on the past.  Just say, "Oh I'm sorry, the hot water tank just exploded" and say.... I'll call you later!    And then make it a good month before talking to them again, and then don't be drug into their little snits. 

    They love when you play into their tantrums.... and sounds like they will always want to be right, with EVERYone....  So don't get caught up in it.

    Cammi!  I have little socks on that say LMAO!  Ha, ha!  And Ducky, I didn't holler at her, I just played like Miss spell check with her, and thought I would make her laugh..... Besides I am not a troll.... I am a gnome.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Omg CAMI, I love you! Lolololololol

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Ok Little Miss Spellchecker.........HAHAHAAHAHAHA.....laughed, now Little Gnome, you don't want to ruffle the feathers of Mother Duck........your always LYAS, so you needed a pair of socks to remind you........however, hey do sound cute, and since your so adorable enjoy wearing them, and LYAO........

    Have a baby shower on Sunday for my granddaughter.......she is due in July......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Okay cutie pies, here's a trick a learned from one of you and then expanded. I go to my last post, then copy every comment that has happened since - and paste it into a Word document. Then on my breaks throughout the morning or when I can't sleep at night, I write a little note after everyone's post, then delete theirs. I keep doing that until I hit everyone.

    Just decided to keep a little list of everyone's name in case I miss anyone - like WREN - I missed you last time honey....and VEGGY - YAY Veggie!! Go girl!

    Then I spell check it and post. (OCD admission:  I go back and read it a few hours after posting and edit it if needed) - I did that when I missed your name CAMMI, had gone back to add your name after you first read it - then scolded you to put your glasses on - hee hee.

    Did something similiar when studying - cut and pasted paragraphs from the journal articles we had to read on otitis media, failure to thrive, developmental nauseum, then typed the key info in bullet format - then printed out my version to review right before the test. 

    Start peds clinical on the 24th, a private pediatrician's office at Oahu's pediatric hospital. Kinda scared and excited - I hope I do ok. Will be studying my physical exam notes after we get cutie pie home and settled.💛

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Okay, I'm just KIDDING!  OMG, I just looked and I have my little blouse on inside-out!  Oh well... no-one will notice.

    Shellaroni....  I've been just moving this forum over, then hit "write" ...(to send an email) and it is on my left.  So then I start where I left off with my last post, and then read all you hooligan news, then comment, and go through each one.....

    So when I get to the end, I just copy, then paste it on here....  I didn't do it this time.... And yes, the AOL does it's own spell-check, Ha!  So I just go back and forth, and then that way I can't lose it.  Yours sounds more professional though! 

    Okay, who is cutie pie?  Were you talking about me?

    How exciting for you!  You will do GREAT!!!

    Okay Ducks.... just don't bring anything up when you go to the shower...   Just have fun, and pretend all is good.....  Oh you won't beLIEVE this!  I am watching NCIS, and one of them just asked Gibbs "What is Ducky DOING?".....  I just laughed....  I yelled "Go find her yourself!"  Do any of you know what I'm talking about?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Mums the word........have mentioned none of this to my other kids.....why piss them off.....and it will..

    Want to hear the kicker....the one who gives me most of the shit (for a long time) is the one that so many people think is wonderful........well sometimes she is............but with many she is wonderful ALL THE is according to her mood.......truth be told....I think she is bi-polar, and thinking back, I believe her father was too........but back then no one new what the hell that was just called "Moody"

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited May 2013

    I REALLY want to meet all of you cause I just pissed my pants laughing catching up with the stuff I missed the last week. I know it would be so hysterically funny, we would get thrown out of whatever establishment we met in. I am thinking we should do it in someone's private home just in case. Paddy wagons are not the most comfortable vehicles (right Phyl? - hey, I didn't say you were an ex-con, someone else so we should meet at MY HOUSE!

    I live in CT. Come on over. Lots of room in this big house with just hubby, kitty and me. I am a great cook and I can play cards like a man (better cause I don't drink as much as most of them) so we can play poker to the wee hours. I bartended for years so I can mix you up anything from a "Sip and go naked" to a LI Iced Tea blindfolded.

    Whadya say? Summer party at Joyce's house in CT? Here is a picture of what you see out of the guest bedroom in the fall!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    April - your house in CT sounds wonderul - I'm in - but I would have to go pick up the white knuckle fliers and knock them out before take-off. Wait - they are all on the East coast - right? They can take a train, boat or bus!  PPKantaloupe, Sass, Ducks, anyone else with FOF?

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    chevy, I really thought you would appreciate my camera story since you cant figure out how to put your blouse on right. I am not alone....Wink

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Scottie and Red - greetings to you💛

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    ROFL!! I just woke up from my 'I feel like crap nap' and you guys have me laughing so hard that I'm crying! eyelashes are falling out...but no matter. Too funny! I love you all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Marywhere!  I still have my blouse on inside out, Ha!  So that means I can put it on right-side out tomorrow, and it will be like "clean!"....  Ha, ha!  people used to do that, I know!

    Yes, your camera....  I just don't like to read the books that come with stuff!   But you know what?  I bought a new printer/scanner blah blah about 6 months ago.... AND I saw that little "card".... not the batteries.... and I took it out, and put it in my ever-so-smart printer whatever!  Well, immediately I could download all the pics onto my computer into Picassa, and every where damn else!  I was astounded!   I was in awe!

    So I didn't have to connect it with the usb cord to anything!  Damn!   So I will take pictures soon of the next-door Great Dane with miss Lacee!  He thinks he is a cat.... I swear he is so afraid of everything!  But he has the loudest BARK that I have ever heard! 

    Miss Phyllisisnavidad!  You are awake?   And so what were you in prison for?  Seems I heard something of that sort.  Was it raising cain with that neighbor of yours?  The one that wears the beanie-cap with the propeller?    And has he been BACK trolling for you?

    April... I love your house!  So sweet of you to open it up for all of us.... Wouldn't THAT be the best thing EVER???   I can't come, but I will love hearing about it....  I can't leave my DH....  actually we are both lost without each other, for more than two hours at a time....  Except SOMEtimes I would like to pretend  that we are NOT that dependant on each other.

    Hi GMA & Wren & Scottiee!  You were on this page, so I could SEE you!  Ha!

    Ducky.... Man, I just hate those moods.... those dark places.  And then they come out of it like "What?"   And we are supposed to act like nothing is wrong....

    Love you guys! xoxoxo

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    You guys crack me up! Be

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Tryin to catch up is impossible but I will make a few comments

    Yes I'll go to Ct.

    Ducky... That's not too far for you is it? You need it...are you sure our kids are not related? Bet they are especially the girls.

    veggy....tomorrow is no good for Gd has a meeting tomorrow a d I still have not seen my son yet.How about next week?

    The camera story cracked me up....could be me very easily.

    Hello everyone....been busy all day..some vacation but I'm lovin's cold here but I love it. come you are not bothering me??????miss you!

    Damn I miss all of you.

    Ill be back.

    Princess purple kantalope

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Awesome picture April.. Wish I could go your way but too far for me :-(

    Well Ladies here is a STFU for ya!  I went to the MO today for a check up on the tamoxifen.  I have been fighting with him for 2 years now.. I KNOW he has my best interest at heart.. To keep the story short.  About 18 months ago, he told me it was imperitive to use an AI (Arimidex, etc) for keeping my cancer away.. Even though my risk isn't high it would better my chances to not have a recurrence.  I try the first and got severe debilitating headaches. Try the second and me feet swelled to the point, I couldn't walk on them, tried the third and just was in pain constantly.. So he gave me a break and we tried arimidex again .. Exact same thing happened... ok about 6 months ago he told me we have one last thing to try - tamoxifen... I started this 3 weeks ago and 3 days after starting it started having trouble sleeping  - got up 6 times a night - MO figured I was getting up every 45 minutes. I also had other thing appearing that concerned him.. So  he says, "You tried all 4 meds, and the chances of having a recurrence was quite low - I went back to the beginning and looked at the issue, so no need to worry, you just can't tolerate having your estrogen taken away.  Besides, they radiated the tar out of the node that had cancer cell in them.  I know you tried but you need your sleep..." So WHY did I go through all this stress and pain if it wasn't necessary to begin with???? STFU!! 

    As of tomorrow, I have to take my chances and eat well hoping that my BC doesn't come back. I know I will be ok I just don't get the turn around... Is it because I tried them that now its ok not to take it?? I really want to understand this.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    PPK- I'll have to check my schedule and see when I have an opening.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    GmaF... I tried the ALs just a moth and the pains in my stomach almost killed me...stabbing like a the onco said we will try something else...he'll no.. To me...I never regretted not takin them...toooo many s/e. for me.

    And in the long run...a 2% chance over 5 yrs....

    Tryin to also read the 6pages on the Angela Jolie......lots of angry people there.very interesting....

    No one mentioned ....sometimes ya just pull the short straw.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Granny, Onc said that I have about a 12 % chance of recurrence. 12 out of 100 women with the same type of cancer, will get a recurrence.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Well tomorrow is my trip to Tenn.Im going to the Iris fesitval-arts and crafts and gardening type show. My sister lives there and is a jeweler and has a booth there. Should be lots of fun. Im not taking my computer! Dh says I need to take a break...So as hard as it will be for all of you, I'll be back Sunday. I will miss our conversations tremendously...Dont let anything catastrophic happen while Im gone strangling daughters or picking up strange men, putting your pants on backwards, anything like that, I trust you all to hold down the fort. Im off to bed, had gs this afternoon and as usual he was a pistol. xoxox

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Have a great time Mary !

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Mary, Hope you have a wonderful time.  We'll try to behave.  If not, will you post bail?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Long long day at hospital....this is the latest

    Fri..MUGA then Chemo School to place port

    Tues..1st chemo of TCH x4...every 3 week schedule

    Wed..Neulasta shot

    Then Herceptin continues while radiation starts...5 weeks of every day rads

    My Oncotype DX score is 25

    My AIB1 was acceptable to metabolize

    My DNA pathways are all groovy!

    This chickie is pooped.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    GmaF...I hope you are in the did try everything.....did he mention DIM?

    I tried that too.ripped the shit out of my stomach too.Maybe it just might work for you tho....Good luck...

    Have a good time Mary WHhhhh.gonna miss u.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    My MO wants to put me on the SE' way that is gonna cost $34,000 for the teeth fixing, and dental way am I taking a chance with those puppies......I will take the chance with my Ostopenia.

    Plus the FDA had numerous complaints, but are doing nothing....worked or big Pharma.....the top money is everything.....refuse to be a guinea pig.....any of tounladies on either

    All suggested Prolia....they are all the same.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone Lots to say with little memory or knowledge.

    OK U'r house in CT looks beautufl, what a view but I don't think Phy can leave her state or area, I don't know if she has that thing on her leg???

    Yes NCIS==I know Ducky I love him.

    Shell and Chevy WTF are u talking about, copying, pastin, word stuff memory , later, not forgetting==who do u think u'r talking to on these threads the people who created computer world. It's us for heaven sakes.

    Mary u'r going to have a great rime and we'll hold all bullitins til Sunday.

    Thank u Ducky for defending my unreadable typing and Chevy I know u can read it too--everyone is used to it by now--after all I worked for the State what else would u expect???

    Princess K I like when u post and I see how nice Chevy is to u lately---WHY is right. Here's a woman who wears bloues on inside out so she can get 2 days use out of them- Ha I get 2 days use and I don't even care to fool anybody. Of course i do stay away from people. Or maybe they stay away from me. Either way I don't give a rats ass.

    ChicaD u had a horribly long day today u must be exhausted physically and mentally. But now u know the "Plan" and port placement is nothing much so don't give that a thought and when u get chemo it makes it so much easier than veining it everytime. And whatever u do don't use permanent marker to point arrow where u think u'r Dr. should put the port or operate--use crayons the wash off. I put a smily face around my nipple with eyes and my nipple was the nose and then a smile.

    GMA If u've been on all of them don't worry really, the chances are really not much different look at all the women who have been on them and they get a recurrence--I'm going off Aromasin I feel like I've had enough and I don't care if I'm on anything anymore, my body is no beauty but inside it's worse so I'm tired of being in pain daily but mine it not reversible so why make it worse. Of course I'm thinking for myself now, one Dr. says i have cancer by my bladder, one say s no, the report say can't see it and my appendix is not swollen or infected in anyway---I don't have an appendix--so who can u trust or believe anyway. LOL

    OK I know STFU so I will, I'll put my musaaac on and dance to my old tunes and I just took my pain meds so I'm good for a little while.

    U guys are great.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Camille - YOU are great. Take care Chickydee. Stay out of trouble Chevette. Have fun fun fun Mary.

    My boy is home! Sooooo happy.