STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Oh!  So Shells has company now, and can't come out to play?  I'm just KIDding little Shells!   I know you will be doing EVERYthing that he loves, and cooking!  You DO cook, right?  .... 


    Wish my Grandsons would come to my house...  I think they'll come this Summer sometimes, but with work, a new house, AND the girlfriend, might be harder..


    Cammi.... Did they let Phylerina out?  You mean that ball & chain thing they wear, or that strap thing?  We might have to go visit HER!


    And what is this?    You DO have memory and knowledge!!!  You DO, or how else could you get back here?  Ha, ha! 

    You worked for the STATE?  Of where?  Let's say the "State of Mind."

    THAT is intelligent....


    THAT is so funny!  About you guys and my stupid blouse!  I have it on now!  Right-side out!  So HA!  And I don't even have my bra on!  You can't tell anyway, because it is so "blousy"....  the girls need to breathe ya' know.  (I heard that once.)


    Little Chick!  Damn!  You are going through a lot lately!  So ask if you get a bag of chips with all that!!  Just come back to talk to us everyday, and we can help you... Is anyone going with you?

    I think it is Phylidinkadink that is getting chemo too? 


    Princess Kantalope!  You woke up!  Let's see, what IS today, Thursday?  So you get to sleep endlessly while we are here waiting to hear from you?   What  6 pages of Angelina?  Why are people angry?  Because she has Brad, I'm assuming?   I mean she made the choice, she did it, and didn't even talk about it until it was almost over.....

    I think in her situation, I would hope I had the courage to do what she did.  Am I missing something here?  But that is a LOT to go through.


    Okay, so how are your almost teeth?  Do you have them yet?  Did you say you are getting implants or a plate?   And how is your stomach doing?  I HAVE to be sweet to you, because I love you!


    Marywhere!  No computer!  You just tell that husband, that it is YOUR computer, and you pay the gas and lights, so he has no say in this matter!  What?  They don't run on electricity?  Gas then!


    GrammieF.... So YOU mean you don't have to take the after-meds?  I don't take them either....  I think Tamoxifen works differently than the rest.... Other than the fact, that your sleep is non-existant, and the leg-cramps make you scream MOTHER, it isn't bad!  But it works differently because it doesn't "block" your estrogen, it just binds to the estrogen to keep it from feeding any cancer cells....  So in theory it probably works, but it is a BITCH to take!


    I took DimPlus also, but honestly I couldn't tell any difference...I couldn't tell a difference in how I felt with ANY of my vitamins... Do you guys?


    Beatmon!  Don't you have any squabbles we can take care of?  Or make worse?  Ha, ha! 


    Duckygirl...  Hope things have settled down....  I would just avoid any chance of entering into any discussion about which you will be almost certainly blamed for there being a cloud in the sky.  Just take the 5th.


    And so everybody else must be still sleeping?  I'm going to meet DD#2 for lunch today, for Mother's Day!  She was here on MD, but she wanted us to go to lunch on her day off!  So we will go smoke weed and tell dirty jokes....  Ha, ha!  JUST kidding!  She would laugh if I told her that!  So I will.    Love you guys! xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Shell, thanks, I felt guilty for that post about ADD/OCD so I deleted it, now feel guilty for deleting it........Okay roommates yeah. Have oodles of fun with the son!!!!!

    Mary, you may be gone already --have FUN tooo!!!!. Watch out for computer withdrawal, symptoms are the same as drug withdrawal. Went through it when I had a computer virus. Never heard that withdrawal from outside source could happen. Decided to go cold turkey and didn't get a computer replacement till symptoms gone for several weeks. Wonder if they have rehab for this and if insurace covers it?

    Ducky, drama, what chevy said is good, and Cami too.

    Spookie, thanks!

    April okay, i'm in, car or train, what town, i'll check out trains first

    Chickee, "dna okay", does that mean they already tested? Ask for a copy of the report. WOW if they did, but am in shock.

    Chevyyyyy, to funny , inside out, do you do that with your underwear too? You couldn't leave him for even a few days?

    Wren,, I know, those things are so much fun, wish I had superpowers too.

    GMA, your MO was just trying to be your coach, he believed what he was telling you was the right thing to do at the time, then he finally accepted that it wasn't the right thing to do for you. I think when he finally accepted this, his words were as much for himself as they were for you. It allowed him to "close the door" from the worry about doing the right thing for you.        Do some indepth studying about Melatonin The evidence based information is sparce, but it acts on a hormonal like level in the brain.

    Veggy, still breathing with you, glad you got through the machine. Waiting for Fri, Hugs.

    Cammi, you write just fine, No matter what noodle brain inside out,  says LOL:)

    Forget who said I go 24/8(Shell?), LOL. When I worked in one job I had them buy me a recorder, so I could record whatever i was working on in my sleep. A pen and paper didn't work, couldn't read the scribbling. Then went to hypnotherapist with the request to get me to stop working in my sleep and not work on home time. It worked mostly, less guilt. That was the job I was in on that changed history. It was so creative, so creative.....and the people that were in on the history change from all over the USA, were as deeply commited as I was. All that ENERGY was addicting. Any complaining was around trying to make things better. AND WE DID in so many ways. It's being practiced  every day in every community here and around the world where paramedics and emt's do their job , and was adopted by the US military as the model to use in medic response. Cool.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Well Hello Out There Sister Warriors,

    Just as I put my fourth and LAST Chemo treatment behind me, I foolishly and accidentally tripped while gardening last week and broke my left foot at the fifth metatarsal.  This event has been worse than all the Chemo put together.  I had an ultrasound which found a blood clot so I was sent home on Coumadin and IV antibiotics.  Of course I drive a new Jetta, stick shift, so relying on my Mom (who is visiting, Thanks Goodness) to revive her driving skills has been quite a hoot (bump, stall, jump, stall, bump, beep, beep, bump, jump, stall).  Now I am anemic, have 2 blood transfusions to look forward to today and then a chest x-ray and bone density study next week.  And the orthopedist told me that this is one of the toughest bones to heal so 3 months in a boot and schlepping rides to Radiation therapy next month I guess.  

    Please do your magic out there Sister Warriors and send some good Karma and prayers my way.  Who would think that the simple act of helping my Sister plant flowers would end up so crazy!!!!Peace and minimal SE's to you all.  I'll keep you posted.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013 sorry...WTF like cancer and rads isn't enough.........prayers for you.....

    Cami, baby girl,'s Chevy and the NCIS that Mark Harmon.

    Ok off for my boob crushing......have bad aching in my ribs on the cancer side.....will keep it to myself......except for all of you, cause we understand each other, we have walked the same path, and sometimes you just have to tell someone....especially when you live least with you all I don't get the " here he goes again to you all later........raining here.....

    By the way....thanks for joining me for coffee this morning.......

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    I'm going to take the side of Jolie. She could have made the media splash a self promoting thing. In reading her words, they are carefully chosen to teach others something about BC and what may save their lives. No other actor has done it this way. Her work with the United Nations for years is well publicized. Any Power person that has done this knows the benefit of a Name being attached to a cause. In many cases the media wouldn't comment on the "cause" without the Star being there. Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Matt Damon, Bob Hope, even Mother Theresa, countless others have done this. Jolie's present project with the UN announced the same day, or given media coverage on the day of the BC thing, is on the Un's initiative to bring awareness of, and fight against the rape of women in waring countries through the Geneva Convention rules. That rape of women in war would be treated alongside other atrocities and the prepatrators be held accountable and punished. Yes, her face and bod are photographed through these political "shows', but the media is there in part because she is there.

    I know using Mother Theresa and Jolie in the same sentence sounds out there. But MT did the same thing in her travels around the world. Media would cover where she went. So, she went. This brought much needed exposure to the plight of the poor.

    Are there women and men today that know more about BC, than they knew the day before Jolie's announcement? Are there more that know about genetic history and Braca genes? Are there more that know that having a first degree relative changes their risk? Are there more that know that there is an elective route?

    I'll bring the link here again, apply the questions to what she has written. See how many things she taught in the one article.

    Remember we, regretfully, are saturated with all that is BC. What did we know beyond the yearly Mammo, before we got the "call". How many posts and threads deal daily with the STUPIDS. Are those STUPIDS less stupid today, I hope. I believe Jolie has hepled.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Looking for Jolie's link found an article by another Star, Marlo Thomas. Where would St. Jude's hospital be without Marlo as spokesperson. She's carried her Father's banner.

    There is an explosion of articles discussing the pro's and con's of the Jolie thing. It's caused allot of ruckus. How many lives will be saved because of the ruckus?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Marlo's words, a domino affect. The full article is very nicely written.

    "Angelina Jolie sent us a very different message this week: that even though much of her fame and power have been rooted in her beauty (and beautiful body), in making this decision she claimed a different kind of power. Knowing that she carried the BRCA mutation that raised her risk of breast cancer to an astounding 87 percent, she willingly chose to undergo a surgery that forces all of us to rethink our fear: that it's not our breasts we have to worry about, it's our lives.

    Angelina sacrificed her breasts in order to save her own life - the life of a wife, mother, actress, humanitarian and, yes, movie star. She came out to the world not as a victim but as a woman taking control. She reduced the odds that her children will be left motherless, her husband widowed. With reconstructive surgery, her breasts are still a visible sign of her female beauty - the vulnerable tissue that was removed from within them was only that, tissue.  It's not what was inside her breasts that make her a woman, it's what's inside her head and heart.

    I'm so impressed with Angelina, not just for choosing the surgery but for publicly asserting her power over her body. Not every woman facing her odds (or a new diagnosis) will make the same choice, nor should she. The point is that we have choices now that we didn't have just a few years ago. The science of genomics has made available amazing amounts of new information. Some of it we can't act on, but some of it we can -- and Angelina did. Now that is power.

    "I do not feel any less of a woman," Angelina declared. "I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity."  as written by Marlo Thomas

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Grannydukes _ too bad you cancelled for today. I am in a very good mood. Woke up with energy and made homemade pancakes, 2 different kinds. Happy belly!  Just waiting for my coffee.


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Why do I feel like a failure though??  I KNOW i'm not but the emotions are flowing - guess its going to take awhile for the emotions to settle.  I am not at peace with this decision.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Up to check on the henhouse, chickies already up and  peeping.  It's 4 am here - back to sleep.

    Did I tell you my boy is home from college for the summer and I am so happy? Oh? Four times already. He's 6'2'' and still has a baby face. Not a drinker, but his friends coudn't stand it so he agreed to drink one night - had 8 shots of whiskey (cringe) - told me "Now I see why people drink, but it's not for me, that shit tastes terrible." Well, all I can say he didn't get that from me, and he sure as hell didn't get it from his dad.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good morning my lovely ladies--

    Oh Ducky I know it was Chevy--but the character on NCIS is called Ducky. I think his last name is like Mallard nd they call hime Ducky and he's their medical guy after people are kied--they never just die on the show--He's adorable with his English accent--I remember whe he first started out and now he's more sexy to me. LOL

    Chevy I believe Plyo has the ankle bracelet on--I hope her feet don't sweel or she's in trrooouuuble--I didn't want to scare her, so I didn't say anything about it. And how's the blouse thing going on? or off.

    Well, Well, Well Bernardo---In a way breaking u'r foot wah a blessing, but on the other hand it's found more complications that are a pain in the ass. So sorry about all this crap now--u just had to go in the garden didn't you, I do hope it heals well and u feel better soon.

    oooo my coffee isn't taken hiols yet zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Im off in a couple hours, stillneed to pack, gs spent the night and was a little terror from the time he got here. Poor baby doesnt know if hes coming or going. His dad is a sh#$, and it takes a while for him to get back to normal after hes been with him. He was mad at me too, and couldnt understand why I hadnt gotten him in 2 weeks, but hes been sick and I cant be around him then. But we slept cuddled up in grammys bed, and that was so sweet. Hope everybody has a good weekend. Veggy good luck with your scans and hope everybody else whos not feeling well feels better.xoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    the link is to a BCO thread discussing the pros and cons of Jolie's sx. Joan Quilts Blog is linked in her header. It's very nicely written.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    GMA, you feel like a failure because your HUMAN. Four times I quit the AI's and electively interrupted once before brain surgery. The pre-brain surgery is the only time I didn't feel guilt. You are making a "Quality of Life Choice". It's NOT easy. Your mind is waying the risk. You're dealing with the unknown. My fear in making the choice was the"What if". What if the Bc returns? Will it be b/c I didn't take the AI? Guilt, guilt, guilt. I still have thoughts of this and must push those thoughts away. I keep saying to myself "It's okay, you've(I) made the right decision for you(I)". My brain talks to itself allot LOL. L&H&P's Esther, time will heal your mind. Sassy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    GrammieFoley..... You are NOT a failure.....  I guess I don't understand why you said that....  Is it because of Angelina Jolie, and her decision?  I just want you to get out of that slump....and right now....Wink

    I think I must be missing something here..... but NO-one is a failure..... not on THIS thread anyway....

    Sassy, I agree!  I think that the one gal was really upset because SHE had one hell of a time with her mastectomies, chemo, and radiation.  And HER incisions were not "little" and so on.... I can see where she is coming from.

    Angelina chose to have all this done so she would NOT get cancer.... so her incisions were small....etc.  And no cancer treatment.  Maybe more of us would have  THOUGHT of doing the same thing, had we known we COULD get cancer, because of those inherent genes?

    She did this as a preventative, and is speaking out now, to maybe help someone else not go THROUGH cancer treatments...  And yes, if more celebrities WOULD speak out about what they are going through, more of us might listen...

    Okay, I took a shower.... which meant I had to change my blouse.... but I hung it back up to wear tomorrow....


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Think the same thing about Letrozole..on the days when everything hurts I think isn't it about quality of life......your 78 years long do you want to live......Can't do a lot of things..but fright keeps me on it........if the recurrence was BC I believe I could handle that........Mets to somewhere else, I don't think so.

    You ladies are my hero's for what you go through, and some are 1/2 my age with little ones, so I should hang my head for any bitching that I do.

    GMA you will do what is best for you........your what matters.

    They did 8 shots in my Mammo, cause my BC was way to the side o. my about squeezing the melon.......

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Cmbr, Have you considered renting an automatic for a month? I would feel so trapped if unable to leave the house (rads does not count).

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Flowers, OUCH, Foot and hand bones( and ligaments) are soooooo troublesome for their size. I've had I think 5 closed head injuries on the left from my right ankle turning. But same ankle has turned several dozen times. Oh so hope for better things for you sweetie. :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Wren that's a good idea.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    I appreciate what AJ did, but it there's a little part of me that is irked that she is being applauded, that she sailed through it so "bravely and easily" when so many others go through soooo much more.

    No one the hell offered me a special nipple sparing procedure, at a fancy breast care center, held my hand while I spent months looking at the different prostheses and wound up choosing one that's way too firm. I didn't have the option of having inframammary fold scars, mine go straight across my breast and don't look so great. So I go to sleep with my hard foobs every night, massaging the chest muscles with oil, wondering if they will ever soften up enough so I can sleep on my stomach again. 

    Does she have to make calls to her secondary insurance company to get them to pick up the co-pays for reconstruction? Is she losing 2 months of pay because breast cancer poked a f***ing hole in her life? 

    NO, but she's a good gal in many ways. Maybe later she can make a statement "I had it easy compared to everyone else, so after you're done applauding me, applaud them."

    I don't complain about my problems because they are MINOR compared to those of the BRAVEST warriors I know, the ones who hang with me on this thread. Chemo, mets, radiation, tamoxiphen, side effects, depression, lack of family support, financial concerns .......YOU are the ones I admire most.

    OK, now I'll STFU.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    OMG  I go out for the day with my daughter, Caitie, and its like reading a novel..... I am going to have to just stay at home with my computer poised and ready so I don't feel left out -- LOL  (Shell -- your son sounds handsomely tall..... I have a very very pretty blonde hair blued eyed beauty here that is 22 ... the one visiting HI    hmmmmmmm)

    Got my hair cut really really short today for me -- always had long hair -- not so sure I like it yet --- Caitie said I now look like a "mom"  ugh maybe not sure on that comment... my sweet husband did say  "wow... you look great"... so I will go with that comment!!!!

    Here it is.....  (oh yeah I figured out the posting pics thing on my BIG GIRL COMPUTER, but not my tablet yet nor how to take a picture of myself with my phone -- LOL  I'm missing the bottom of my face  HA)

    Photo: My new doooooo!

    Here are my puppies too!  Sammantha on left and Tasha on right and the little one in between is Rocky my nieces furbaby....

    Photo: <img class=" width="504" height="672" />

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Little Shells.... honey, you had cancer.... Angelina didn't.  So she could have the much "easier" surgery than all of you women that had to have mastectomiesl.   And she didn't have to have any chemo, nor radiation.... 

    What she did is bring attention to the BRCA testing....  and she elected...she chose to have the surgery.  You, and many others didn't get that option!  You and maybe all the rest of us did what we did so we could live without cancer..... 

    And even sometimes THAT isn't enough....  So it's alright.... I understand what you are saying... YOU are MY mentor's.... my hero's! xoxoxoxo

    Little Chick!  I love your hair! Wow, that is stunning!   No, you LIKE it... starting right now!  Wink  It honestly does make you look younger!!!!

    I love your "babies" too!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2013

    Love the hair, Chickie!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    DaNA how cute and furbabies, and the little one. Which ones the boss? How do they play together?

    Shells Hugs

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013 your hair choice....

    Shell.....yes it is a huge comparison....having .the gene is no fun, but she knew she had it, so she could calmly make a decision......being told you have the chance of getting BC or being hit in the head with a 2x4 after your call-back, repeat mammogram, an ultrasound, and then someone says, "the nurse navigator" will be out to talk to you in a couple minutes, then she comes, takes you in a room alone and you have a surgeon you use". think......just f/n tell me lady........"you have cancer"


    No she did not go through that hell so lets stop throwing roses, and putting a crown on AJ's head cause she got the easier route to 87% chance of no cancer, when all of us would give anything to say......."I have an 87% chance of no recurrence

    Tortured by the SE's of letrozole I have a 15% chance........let's celebrate our ladies.....the true "hero's"........and let me be the ladies rock.......AJ has nothing on you....hugs

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Sassy definitely Samantha is in charge of the bunch... the big German Shepherd on left..she's the oldest and definitely the matriarch and alpha dog. Yes they all play together...its actually a hoot!

    Thank you ladies on the if I could just get my beautician to come home with me that would be great.

    On my appointment yesterday with all the doctors (Sas) yes they had already run the DNA testing to check for many many things that are now coming available check pathways, etc, but not sure I quite understood it but it seems that there are extremely on top of things and always one step ahead of my questions...I did ask that they release on my report so I can make copies and put them in my binders.  I think I am getting spectacular care at the Cleveland Clinic! Smile

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Yes, I'm done with my little rant, thanks Chev.  

    Cute hair Chickadee. My son is very socially young at age 19, about where I was at when I was 16 (and don't you people get started on details because I would never hear the end of it). I think your 22 year old beauty would see him more as a much youngr little brother!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    wow again you guys were busy....Chic love the hair and good luck with chemo.....Ducky do ours kids know each other cause mine are azzholes these days, wtf, I won't STFU when it comes to my grandchildren the kids all of them tell me that all I do is criticize them, and put them down, which is not true but that is all they hear....their lost....get over it...

    feeling ok today, not yesterday and tomorrow is my friday horrible day but have to push through it until at least 6 then I can be sick...popping the anti nausea medication and getting ready to illegally do something....and oh btw wtf is charles....

    have a good night bb tomorrow

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Chick I love, love u'r furbabies they are sp proud and cute.

    And all my life I wanted hair like yours--damn u girl u'r the one who got it. LOL

    And again I applaud AJ but with one hand unless I see something good come from this like an ins. covering all of the testing. without proving people have died for it, just got it. Mine wasn't going to be approved til all was proven about my family--so ?????

    OK I have a new project going on everyone pay attention this is very important==NOT--I'm prdering what opens and looks like little compacts but filled with some bright colors and u put it open on u'r hair and close it and pull it all down and u have a stripe of a different color--it just washes out but here are 4 different colors--hahaha my DD can't do a damn thing about it except roll her eyes at her old MOM. This is the first time I saw anything like this so as ugly as my hair is I'm doing it. See how important that was.

    I know there are wars going on, disease not curable, famine, pestulance, over population---but right now I'm happy to have this stupid thing--those things have been since the beginning of time this is something new, I'm bad I know.