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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Well she hasn't said anything, I will tell you I am in the Philly area and there has been nothing on the news about some "granny person" stabbing or trying to poison a dr. or any other staff or family member for that matter....but I will continue to watch the news.....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    You be the "look-out".....  we are all in this together...Wink  We might even be considered accomplices.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    I love my aunt very much. She's like a mother to me. But she needs to STFU!

    I had my routine dental cleaning today. My aunt also sees the same dentist- the dentist already knew. I was the most horrified to go to the pharmacy at the grocery store and have the lady at the counter( don't know her well enough to even know her name) get all serious and ask, how are you? Me- great! Her- no really, how ARE you? While I was not driving after the mx, my aunt picked up meds for my daughter and apparently told this complete stranger my medical history.... Isn't this who mx b/c thing my tell? Sigh I know she means well but..STFU!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    Merlcat....this has happened to Me.....really sad....somtimes it take a while for us to get over...Liz

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Here's one for you ladies....conversation in our staff room today about cancer....won't bore you with the details, but at the end of the conversation, one teacher turns around and says...."well, you get cancer and then you die" WTF....there were two of us in the staff room who have had cancer. I stood up and called her an insensitive bitch and that she needs to STFU!!!!! and walked out.....give her her due, she apologized profusely afterwards.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    I moved to another town and the first time my SIL picked up my meds the pharmacist said How's Camille doing, she's een thru so much. I don't have a clue who he is. WTF I must have a reputation around the western suburbs.

    Scottie u really said that---good for u--that was really a stupid remark. More stupid than most actually.

    This is the day Granny is at the hospital all day right--no reports yet how things are going--or she needs bail money or anything.?

    Well I hope things are going better than she thought they would.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    I've got my cheque book ready just in

    PS....I really did say all of that, should have said more.

    I guess she won't check in until tomorrow.....maybe she's just too busy operating on some poor sucker....with her mask and rubber gloves on, who would

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2013

    I think my Anastrozole is working.

    DH and I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond yesterday  (Land of a Thousand Gadgets) and of course, found several we couldn't live without.

    We finally wheel our cart up to the checkstands. Two lanes are open, neither of the lines are moving. We go to checkstand #1. Two women unload two carts full of items with apparently no prices on them.

    The twelve year old running checkstand #2 could have opened up for us, but nooooo! He had to go help look all over the boxes in Lane #1 for the non-existant tags.

    Checkstand #3 suddenly opens up, and the clerk shouts and waves at us to come over so she can help us. We get out of line and before we can get to her lane, another couple wheels their loaded cart right in front of us and starts unloading their crap.

    "Excuse me." I say. "This clerk just called us over to help us, and you butted right in front of us."

    The man looked at me and started laughing like a big goon.

    At that point my eyes glowed red, my voice changed to the Exorcist, and I got REAL CLOSE to him - in his face -  and asked "And exactly what part of this do you think is funny?"

    He stopped laughing immediately, turned completely pale and whipped around so he wouldn't have to look at me. I think he was just hoping I wouldn't put a spell on him. Or worse.

    I left our full cart in the aisle, picked up my purse, and told DH we were leaving. (I actually used some more colorful words....) As we left, I said very loudly "Never, EVER, mess with a woman who needs estrogen!!!"

    Luckily, DH thought it was funny.

    I felt like I was channeling Granny....Surprised

    Here's to YOU, GrannyStrega!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Good for you Blessings! I laughed out loud. Especially at the part where he turned pale.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Blessings, that is a kick!!  Good for YOU woman!  How many times have we all wanted to do the same thing???  I just hate rudeness.

    For example.... On the way home from picking up our dear Grandson, I was just so happy, and talking and laughing, and ..... driving.   Saw this officer motioning me over to the R lane.  I thought wtf?  He walked up to me and said "This is a school zone."  I was going 31 in a 20 mph zone.  DAMNIT!  And it was beside the High School I went to!  I gave him my DL, and found an expired proof of insurance card, but he just wrote me the ticket, said it would be $280!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I said, "But why is it so much???"  He said a school zone is doubled.  I DIDN'T get into trouble for my expired insurance paper...(He sort of whispered, "find the up-dated one when you get home.")   (When I got home, I called Hartford, and she emailed me a replacement, which I printed.)  TWO of them!

    But to listen to my DH husband, mumbling all the way home, with GS in back seat, I wanted to open the car-door, and roll him OUT!  I'm SORRY I was so stupid to get that ticket, but it could have been worse!!   You would think I wrecked my car!  Or hit a pedestrian!  Or smacked him over the head!!!

    So getting a ticket was not bad... being with the ticket grinch...the ticket monitor, was worse.  So yes, paying it is no problem...  I will send it in today, then it will only be 2 points against my license instead of 4.   I haven't had a ticket in 15 years!!!  My Daughter in Orlando  said I "was about due."  Wink

    So DH husband, minus the beer, which was doing most of the judging will be a lot nicer this morning.  Right now I couldn't care less.   I do all the driving...It is MY car that I paid for, MY money that I will pay the ticket with, and I don't need to be made some sort of role-model for all  other bad drivers of the world.   OKay, not that I got THAT off my chest..... My GS kept rubbing my arm, saying "That's okay Grams...."  I just kept talking to him, so he would know I wasn't worried.

    Hey Princess K... How about living with my DH husband for awhile?   At least I have someone else to talk to for a few days....Wink 

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2013

    I've got one to share:

    I had jut finished my herceptin and figured it was about time to catch up with other appts.  So one day, I went to the optomistrist and found I needed a new prescription.  No biggie, I went to the dispensary to pick out a frame, when I ran  into the Strega.  She was an employee...ackk!!  Anyway, as I was trying to find frames, she kept going on and on about my arm (have lymphedema and wear a sleeve and glove at all times).  She kept insisting over and over again that the compression garment was for carpal tunnel.  I had already told her twice it was due to  a complication of surgery, and was trying to leave it at that.  But, she would not let it go!  Finally, exasperated and completely PO'd, I got into her personal space and said.."IT's FROM BREAST CANCER.  I HAD BREAST CANCER AND THIS IS CALLED LYMPHEDEMA".    The look on her face was priceless.  She didn't know what to say, and turned on her heel and started to walk away.  This ticked me off even more because I felt she should have not only acknowledged what I had just said to her, after all her prodding and goading, but that she also owed me one h*ll of an apology for sticking her nose where it didn't belong.  So anyway, as she was walking away, I said, 'Don't worry, it's not contagious!"    Obviously, I have never been back there.  Some people though.  I can laugh now, but was livid at the time.  Laughing

  • nurse_lizzie
    nurse_lizzie Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2013

    Alright, now here's one for the books.  My sister said to me yesterday: "Well, thanks to you my doctor says I need to get a mammogram every year!"  Really? 

    So I said: "well, kiss my ass.  Because of me you can take good care of your health." I couldn't believe it. I would have said STFU, except we were in church, at my uncle's funeral.

    She really is my MUCH OLDER, fatter, and not nearly as cute sister.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    You might want to drop the news that BC loves fat because it makes estrogen. That is, if you ever speak to her again.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Nurse Lizzie...what a bitch!   Sounds pretty sarcastic to me.... I think Sisters sometimes ARE a little jealous of their little sisters, because they ARE so cute....Wink  But that was not nice.  She should know better.  It's for her OWN good, and doesn't take too many brains to get ourselves those annual tests, etc.   So I suppose if she gets BC also, it is because of you?  

    It isn't even my Mom's fault, that I got BC!  She had it YEARS ago, and lived many years after.  I didn't have that BRCA gene either, to pass onto my Daughter's.   It just happens. 

    So she is whining about a mammogram?  So who will she blame it on if she really DOES get something?... It makes me feel bad for you..... (((hugs))) 

    Isthisforreal.... SOME people just aren't worth any response.  What an ignorant dink!  You should have slapped her!  Ha, ha!  I hope you made her feel as stupid as she sounded....

    I made out a check for that damn ticket.  I'll mail it soon... Have to make sure it is recorded.  It said to wait 10 days before paying it online.  But I just want it off my mind....  DH has not said a word about it today.... I wonder if he remembers???  Sometimes, I really worry, thinking the drinking is causing problems with connections in his mind......   Even at lunch today, he seemed so "with-drawn".... my Daughter looked at him and said, "Dad, I just love you sooooo much."  

    We can get so mad at each other, then 15 minutes later, I look at him, the way he holds his fork, or his hair being messy, and I think I don't, or I mean I wouldn't want to go on without him....    We all understand the drinking.... and how sometimes we are powerless to help.... but it still leaves us with all that love we hold onto....So I'll keep him.....Cry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    hahahaha U guys really got going the last couple of days--I would have loved to see all of this. The lines u used are priceless. I bet they're still talking about the crazy hormonal lady in the store.

    But didn't it feel good getting it out of u'r system?

    Well it sounds like things have quieted down a bit so all of u put u'r feet up and relax--that my answer to everythin. I have no imagination.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Well Nurse that sucks, she is probably scared that she will get it....

    My BC is genetic, am adopted my biologicial mother died of a recurrence of BC after 15 years and died within 3 months of the recurrence diagnosis.....mine ...recurrence 14 years and I am still here after being rediagnosed in 2009.....I don't carry the BRACA Gene so my girls and granddaughters have to get checked...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    I'm back...

    Spend all day in the hospital..dr had 2 emergencies soo we waited and waited as my son was getting more nervous and he started makin me nervous...but I couldn't scream at him cause I had that mask on..and if I wanted to choke him the rubber gloves were in the way..finally I lost it and told him STFU..all this without a drop of water or food.not allowed.long story they did the angiogram along with the Doppler and thank GOD he is good to go on the 23...sooo my stomach is in excellent condition cause I ate home at 11pm...left at 9am....

    So all in all I wasn't bad....everyone was lookin at me with the mask and gloves tho.Seee I'm being good so far!!!!!

    thank you all for all your prayers....your wonderful kind words..yeah right!!!!seriously I do appreciate you wonderful sistas for takin up two pages of all your comments

    They all made me feel sooo good..

    Someone must be prayin for me to keep this big bad tapper shut.

    Love all of you

    New name for this week Granny Straga!!!!! xoxoxoa

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Granny Straga - Glad to hear the good news and the surgery is on.  Also really glad you did not strangle or kill anyone.  That would not have been a pretty sight.  Have you been told how long the surgery is?  Keeping you and your son in my prayers.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    My sons surgery is all least 8 hrs.

    I think I'm gonna need a pocket party.

    I still can go totally off.

    I am not in the safety zone yet.

    Tomorrow is my Gds birthday...gonna spend some time doin some clothing shopping.Her husband said hey what about me?I told him he can watch the kids.

    I know he wanted to say STFU...

    Once again thanks everyone

    Hugggs madam kantalope

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Granny Straga.....welcome back!!!!! Glad to hear your good news. It's good too you didn't choke your poor son . Your rap sheet is getting

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Oh Granny we knew it would be a long anxiety ridden day for all of u--I'm glad it's over and thing are ood to go. U must be exhausted not from how long u where there but for not choking or beating the hell out of everyone, u held it together.

    (((rayers))) and (((hugs))) on their way and the'll keep coming.

  • sully7700
    sully7700 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2013

    I have wanted to scream this from my rooftop except I am too tired to climb up there! I have been through three surgeries in 6 weeks and begin radiation next week. I am scared and tired, and angry and sad. and I was laid off work two weeks ago. If one more person tells me to "be brave, keep your chin up, or my cousins sister in law had it much worse-consider your self lucky" my head will burst. Today I gave myself a day off and had a good cry. Now I feel guilty for doing that. I found this site and started to laugh out loud so thanks so much for that. 

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Member Posts: 179
    edited January 2013

    Sully, let it out! Scream, cry, throw stuff, whatever and don't feel bad about it. You need to let it out and you damn well deserve a release. You can always come here and yell. It's great therapy.

    Sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us. Welcome to the boards.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Oh Sully, have you come to the right place!

    Sorry to hear all you have been through, and to top it off the insensitive remarks that just take you over the edge. If you can't tell them to STFU, you can do it here!

    This group is just amazing, there will be more along to welcome you soon.

    Glad you've had a day off and I think a good cry is often really beneficial. Don't beat yourself up, and don't feel guilty. I think we have all been there.

    If you need a good laugh, this is the place to come. There are also lots of other good places here for information should you need it too.

  • sully7700
    sully7700 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2013

    I am so happy to have found this place! My god I needed a few good laughs today. Thanks to all.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Sully....let it all out here girl......this is an amazing place to come....some of the gals here

    have a sense of humour like you wouldn't believe, and then of course there's our Granny. I can talk about her just now because she's sleeping (I hope). She has a heart of gold (don't tell her I said that) and will give you many laughs.

    Sully, I won't tell you to be brave or that you're lucky!!!!!! Just wanted to say that you don't know what's round the corner. I was in your position last year....was dx in Feb.

    and lost my job as a teacher in the school where I had been teaching for 15 years.

    My colleagues were like a second family, helping me and supporting me through

    treatment....I wasn't ready to,let go of them... I got another position a fair distance

    From where I live, and of course, with people I didn't know. Well, around the corner

    came a colleague who was willing to switch schools with me so that I could stay where I was comfortable. I hope there will be something good for you around the corner!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Oh Sully U'r going thru an awful lot in such a short time---and to lose u'r job. u have every right to not only be angry, but sad too. Allow u'rself to feel that and please don't feel guilty. O have to be freakin out--this is the place to be vent, cry, rant all u want we;re here for u.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Camillegal....thought that was Granny's job..😜

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Dear Sully.... Now you KNOW what to tell all those people, right?  Especially the one about "consider yourself lucky"...  What an un-caring bitch! 

    We will all come help you climb up on any-one's roof-top, and scream all you want!   You have been through a lot, and we all know how you feel...

    Granny K, or Princess whatever, or Strega,  is currently in the throes of trying to help Son get through this surgery coming up...  We all have to behave or she will let us have it...Wink  We watch over her like a hawk... can't let her loose... or all hell will break loose. 

    So we are here for you too....!  Sorry you lost your job.... that bites the big one.   But just hang around with us, grab a drink of some sort,  and we'll tell you what we think.... unless we get in trouble....Surprised

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2013

    Sully, glad you found us .... Each and every one of us has a different story to tell but we have all found our way here .... Laughter is the best medicine.