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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    I just read a fellow bco s novelette (?) I can't remember her bco name but if you go on Amy Wolf's books name is "don't let me die in a motel 6 or one woman's struggle through the Great Recession " for all she went through- holy crap she retained a great sense of humor...and holy sh*t -she went through hell! And ;) is here to bitch about it.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Sully, Glad you found us.  This is the place to be. Don't feel guilty for having a good cry. Sometimes that is just what we need.  You are overwhelmed right now and it can be hard to sort things out.  I know I went through a period where I was so tired of hearing "You look good".  What?  Did I look like shit before?  I wanted to say STFU would ya?

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Sully just tell them to STFU!!!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    Sully....YOU, will come to a point when you start to think they are being RUDE!!  We, have always tried to be nice...but people make it about them and not is also OK not to answer any questions........Liz

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    Aww just watch what my darling sistas do to me...especially Chevy...let me introduce name is K..Chevy gave me manta lope..then princess...then Jo gave me madam princess....oh never mind...enuf...

    Listen to me these sistas are the will love each and everyone of them.

    We laugh,cry,scream and I say FU for everything.

    We walked in your shoes soon we know just what you are feelin...I hope you use thr FU

    word as much as u need to.

    Btw..I finally got my I pad today.

    Chevy...if you thought my spelling was bad before just wait and see now!!!

    today I did not say STFU once....I'm gettin scary.

    Love,hugs and kisses to all of you

    still madam Strega today.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Ok Madam don't have to worry about your spelling .....your IPad

    has spell check .....don't tell Chevy....if she asks, just tell her you've been hitting the

    books, better than hitting your ex

    PS....we told Sully all about you while you were sleeping this morning 😜

  • sully7700
    sully7700 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2013

    very happy to meet you all!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I'm pretty sure that "Strega" is Italian for bitch, or witch, or something like that.  Wink 

    Sully, "she" was named Kantalope, because she was having such an awful time with her newly surgeried breast...(I don't think there IS such a word...oh well...) And I was trying to tease her, and told her it must look like a Kantalope...(I know that's wrong too, but on purpose)  So I felt so bad for her, and always called her  that.  THEN she was actin like she thought she was some sort of Princess, so I added that.  Whatever you call her, probably fits.... Ha, ha! 

    She is pretending to be nice to you...Wink  but she is just "waiting"....  I have so much fun teasing the little shit!  She is like my "other" daughter... she mis-behaves, and we all try & get her out of it.... I TELL her I am going to make her stay in her room... wash her mouth out with soap... doesn't do any good. 

    And Sandcastle is right.... people ARE rude!  And we can politely tell them, to STFU..."please."  That sort of takes the sting out of it...

    Morning Scottiee and Blondi, Jo & Merlcat!  What IS that "Merlcat"  .... cute name!  I looked up that Author, and saw her on Amazon, but tried to get it on my Nook, and B&N doesn't have her!   Do you know her personally?

    I would like to have a better day than last night was.  Will only say I wish he had that whole pan of hot dried peppers that he tried to cook, and eventually threw out.... up his .... oh never mind.    It was the beer girls.... the beer that was doing the talking, right?  This morning will be much better. 

    What I COULD do is go out-doors, go over in the ditch, find those hot peppers, bring them in, put them in a plate, set them on the table, and put 4 cans of Coors beer around them, and say "Here's your breakfast honey!"

    Nuff' said....Wink  We're all just damn lucky I have the patience of a ...of a ...whatever, AND a sense of humor.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I shall add....  Princess K would have even added salt.... LOTS of salt.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Chevyboy....too funny, but you're winding her up again. I more or less told Sully our Granny is a pussycat....oh I just know, after those comments, I'm going to have to eat my

    words, or maybe you could send ME the hot peppers....that will shut me

    Good morning to everybody else.....It's so cold and windy here in Toronto....I'm on the 22nd floor facing north.....the wind had me up at 5 am this morning .... perhaps a nap this afternoon!!!!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Chevy- I met her on here....she was advertising a free humorous read, I emailed her, she sent a link- if you pm with your email and promise to write a review I'd assume that she'd send you a free copy too...

    Merlcat- my initials plus 'cat' apparently, I'm the pied piper of cats....2 (one of which is my profile picture) found me in the fall of 2011 and have been wonderful companions during all of this catstir bulls*it although I don't think I've suffered anywhere near as much as some of the other ladies on these boards...they are very lovey and therapeutic to me :) lol

    Guess I'm destined to be the crazy cat lady when my kids( 11,13 and 15) leave


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Mornin' Ladies--well most of u anyway--not saying any names now.

    I hope u all had a good nights sleep, cuz that's good for the body---yea riht who gets all night sleep nymore?

    It's cold here too--WINDY cold that's why, but we're still way behind in snow and super cold westher--but we do need snow for practical reasons, but not wind. We'll see how the rest of this month plays out.

    I hope Granny is ettin a good rest so she'll be pumped up for whatever comes her way.

    OK I'll talk to u later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Camille....that was funny!  Wink  "Well most of u anyway!".... ha, ha!  You COULDn't mean us, right?  I'm going to tell.

    And when SHE reads this, she will be Surprised

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Chevy - PLEASE don't get Princess Kantalope - aka Madam Strega - aka granny all stirred up again.  You know what happens.  She gets wound up that there sure is hell to pay.  LOL!.   How you doing sweets? 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2013

    Just letting you know that I controlled my Inner Strega last night...

    DH had some email issues, and since I am the computer guru in the house (scary!!!) I spent TWO HOURS on the phone with two nice young men in the Philippines (AT&T Service Techician and Supervisor) who tried to solve our problem.

    I was totally polite, as were they.

    Not so a few months ago, when I turned my verbal blowtorch on several pathetically idiotic and incredibly rude AT&T technical service reps. I amazed even myself. One of them disconnected me intentionally, and boy, did the next guy hear about it!

    I didn't exactly say "STFU", but I did say in very similar terms that they needed to just shut up and LISTEN to me, and then perhaps they might actually understand the problem. 

    I guess they don't like to hear that. 

    But last night the guys were very nice, and even though we are left with the same issues today, they did try. And even though I had a massive headache when I got off the phone, I didn't take it out on DH, for which he was eternally grateful.

    So I guess I do have some filters left after all. Wink

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    Ok Chevy...lets get the salt for DH....I'll be right there.

    I'm not happy with the iPad..keep on makin mistakes

    Just sent Jo a pm and lost it.

    And strata is Italian for witch..that's meeee.

    Thank u Scottie for the nice words...jojo too.

    Today a pipe broke in my sons apt...soooo he is with us now.

    Boy oh boy did I wanna call that landlord and yell FU to him but my GD stopped me.

    I'm Savin the STFU for this week...I'm sure someone will piss me off at the for now ill be that pussycat that Scottie calls me NOT!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Granny things keep on happening--BTW it also means old hag and we know u'r not, u'r more like a witch, cuz there are good withes u know like Samantha on Bewitched--so see witch can be positive--old hag usually isn't.

    I hope the week goes better for u and u'r family really--still sending prayers.

    And Chevy u used to be a quiet one, lately u'r really coming into u'r own--I guess granny pumps u up. Good goin'.

    I hope everyone has a good nites sleep--that's always good.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Granny, or whatever.... You say his "pipe broke"  ??? You mean his bong?  So what are you guys going to do now?  I mean I feel bad.

    I remember one time, when my youngest  was about 16.... I had TOLD her numerous times, I had to wash that little white cotton purse she carried, because  it was gross!  So one morning I ran upstairs, grabbed her purse, dumped everything out on the floor, and out fell some.... okay, wait... rolling papers, a bong, and a baggie of "seeds"... So me, being as "hip" as I was, just KNEW this was NOT for a class project. 

    When she woke up, I had that bounty laying out on the table.  I did not yell or scream, or act otherwise stupid.  I calmly said "come watch while I flush your seeds down the toilet."  (It took 5...mind you...5 flushingsto get that stuff DOWN!!)   She was almost in tears, she later told me! Wink I didn't break her pipe...she said is was Lorraine's.... yeah, right.  I showed her Dad her "stuff."   Rolling papers were burned, and not around the seeds! 

    So you mean THAT pipe little kantalope?  Wink  Is it possible it is the same pipe?  Ah geez....too fun! 

    THEN there was the time I went upstairs to their room... (their little den of inequity)  and I saw this huge plastic pot... with a PLANT in it!  AND a grow light over it!!!!  Now I figure it is NOT a daisy she is growing... So DH makes the trek upstairs, drags that huge pot down, with the 3 inch plant in it, and takes it outside, and throws it all in the ditch!!   I mean, if you're going to grow pot, your Mom's house is NOT the place to do it.  Wink

    How fun to remember that stuff... Ha,ha!  And that little Daughter is now 51, and I love her to pieces.  She is our angel....  I think I rescued her from a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll!  At least the drugs part...Wink  to a certain extent....  at least partially.

    My DH is so much better with our Grand-son here, Ha!  But today he leaves to go back home to Orlando... I think DH gets just plain bored.... I know, I know.... hard to believe with me around.  Wink

    Okay gals....  better go... the dawn is breaking....Oh I just looked!  Still dark out!  More coffee please.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone....Chevyboy....just logged in hoping you would have posted because

    I'm having a pity party here because of this lingering virus I get up and go got up and went....that's what I get for returning to work too soon and not getting the bloody flu shot!!!! I'm a teacher, I should know better, right,

    Love your stories and again, this morning, you did not disappoint. You are my entertainment in the morning, my morning smile, with coffee, of course. Thank you.

    I know this whole thread is about telling people to STFU , but I hope YOU never do that.

    Who will give me my morning smile 😃

    I hope everyone has a good day and, yes, Granny, who ever you are, prayers and positive thoughts still coming your way.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Scotiee, Grannie, or who-ever is still in bed...  Alone?  who knows..... Thanks honey...  you make me feel good...  Smile    I think her Son, who broke his pipe, is having surgery Thursday.....

    Guess it's just you and me babe... Ha, ha!  Are you feeling any better?  I've heard SOMEwhere that it lasts about 18 days.... are you getting close?  You know, you can always tell those Docs, that you are NOT any better, and make them give you something else, or more!  Tell them I said so.


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    I don't know what's going on in your neck ofnthe woods, but here in Toronto, so many people are suffering from the flu, colds and whatever other crap is going around. It's a matter of waiting it out....doesn't help that I work in a school where there are viruses and bacteria lurking around every corner!!! So I'm hiding from them, at

    I was trying to remember what the surgery date was, thanks....the little bugger must be

    going crazy at the moment....I fear for anybody who gets up her nose at the moment

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I know!  You know, my DH, AND Gs both have some sort of intestinal bug... or something!  Yes, so much bacteria being blown around I think!  

    Maybe I'm wrong, about the surgery, was it the 25th?  I think it was Friday?  We had better get this right... don't want to be thinking of her on the wrong day, ha! 

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Ok here is my controversial STFU for today. I am not a football fan. I could care LESS but being from and living in the Baltimore area with many fellow Baltimorean Facebook friends, STFU about the RAvENS! There is more to life than a stupid a$$ football game!i could vomit if I see yet another "woohoo" post or a play by play of last nights me GAGand STFU!!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Mericat.....Oh I'm so with you .....being from Scotland, I grew up with "real football"

    you know that game where you touch the ball with your FOOT!!! now there's a game

    I can get excited

    OMG...I hope Granny is not a football fan....I'm so going to hear from her if she

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Oh, you guys are in truuuuuble! 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Oh, I know I should STFU about American football ....I can't, don't make me. But, I will confess to NOT knowing all the rules, but I'm sorry ....a bunch of guys running around with those big shoulder pads....come on, shoulder pads have been more or less out since Dynasty

    Ok, I think I've cooked my goose here....maybe we'll have to talk on another thread 😱

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Lol I was starting to think that my STFU about football killed the thread ...Eck...that'd suck but I still stand by my statements...I hate hearing about it again and again and again ad nauseum. I have NO freaking interest about the minutiae of the game and if we're that interested I'd watch it my damned self- Facebook is supposed to be frivolous and stupid not crazy people ranting about football giving play by plays! For heavens sake, if you want to do that, go the hell back to school and become a commentator! Otherwise STFU!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

     Oh no Scottiee and Merlcat, don't leave!  I meant if "she" IS a foot-ball fan, or not, she will holler about something.  I don't care much for foot-ball... or even baseball....but I LOVE Nascar, Ha, ha!     So you can Not like anything you want!  I don't like FB!  Only because I had my debit-card "read" while it was in my hand-bag, THEN my identity stolen, and went through hell, trying to fix things!  So FB is just too scary for me....

    And I don't like turnips either...Wink 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA===Football has started lots of problems over the years and I don't care for the game either, I don't even know any rules and don't care to. Now if they were playing topless-- just saying

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Lol turnips about pah-snips?! If you've seen Ted, you'll understand the reference...granny dukes has nothing on the cussing in that movie! Lmfao! That movie cracked me up! Completely inappropriate!

    Holy $hit! How I the heck did your identity stolen through FB!? That's insane! I'm really paranoid about FB. I rarely , if ever, post things...mainly just read other people's stuff, not have my birthday or the town where I live etc etc...

    Loathe football but I do enjoy baseball not that I talk about it, other than my 11 year old and his team, and on rare occasion, we will go to Camden yards for a game but I'd pretty much rather have a hot poker shoved up my arse than watch it on tv( again, unless it was my son who plays). I'm pretty much that way with all sports.....