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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013 how you think.yeah topless, I'm there 💃

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    No honey, it was stolen while we were walking in the Mall!  Just plain old walking.... and someone must have been sitting there, when we walked by ..... ...  And their "card reader" looks like a "tablet".... They can read any of your cards in an instant, even in your purse, your wallet, or your pocket!

    I found this out that night, when MasterCard called me and asked if I had just charged a flight for $1400 on Spirit Air... Also one for $450 on the same airline.  I said no... WTF????  But she said my card was fraudently stolen by the reader, and she stopped my card, AND the charges.  She asked if I had it with me, or if I lost it....Surprised    (It was in my wallet, in my purse.)   So I had to go through a LOT to try and fix this....  FB is just another way for everyone to know you and to find you.... and I'm just afraid of it.    "They" had my SS # also... 

    I just hope I don't find out about any other thing they have done!  I don't know if they ever caught them....  But I carry a Denver Police report of Identity theft.     You have to carry your cards in an aluminum wallet, or make one yourself, with foil and cardboard and Duck tape.

    Merlcat, my Grandma used to mash Parsnips in with her potatoes.... Also turnips....!!!  Now that just ruins the potatoes... Ha, ha! 

    The Princess K probably has never even HEARD of a Parsnip... nor a Turnip.... A potato MAYbe, but that's about it, with her delving into any type of vegetable, or anything good for her.... except maybe a Margarita....Wink

    Camille.... topless???? Or even .... oh never mind....  I LOVE those tight ends.....  just sayin'.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Now who is in truuuuuuble ????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Scottie I didn't say anything about nothin' insulting to anyone. but someone has--truuuuble is right. Am I kissin' enuff a--. Wait am I older tht Granny? hahahaha

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    She's gonna see right through that kissin a least I have a chance....I called

    her a pussycat....she liked

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Now that u wrote that u don't have a smidgeon of a chance. hahahaha

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    I could get lucky....she might not be a football fan!!!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    think she is, she is in Eagles country but so am I but I am a huge Dallas fan...yep I love football and have withdrawal but have 3 boys that played (1 coaches now) and a grandson that plays..


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Sandy u have a good reason to love football. When u'r kids are involved, then u can't help but love it--it's in the family.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    If my kids played, I'd probably even watch the football $hit( teeeheeee). My dad was drafted to play for the Baltimore orioles but was drafted into WW2, was shot by a German? with a .308 through his pitching shoulder. Needless to say, that ended his professional baseball career chances but didn't end his love of the game- guess that's why I can tolerate baseball. Lol, and no, I'm not geriatric myself, I was born when my parents were in their late 40s, which as I'm sure many of you know, was an anomaly back in the 60s

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Scottiee....what did you say?  "You could get lucky?"  NOW you are REALLY in trouble...Ha, ha!   Are you feeling better this morning? 

    "My boys".... (Grandsons) played baseball, and THEN it was fun...Smile 

    Actually they used to call me "Power-house" or Mighty Mouse, because I could hit that softball clean over the fence in grade-school..... What was I, maybe  10 or 12?  Yep, and I could run faster than my Brother, and all the other "girls"....Wink 

    But I was the smallest girl in the whole class... They even took a picture of me and the tallest girl, of the same age, standing side by side once for a magazine...I think maybe at that time we were "oddities"... Ha,ha!  Now, looking back on it, I remember feeling bad, thinking that something was wrong with me..... and there WAS but that's beside the point...

    I'm 5'1... but I think Miss sleep all morning is about 4 feet tall.  And she wears size 12 shoes.    See, that's why she is called Strega, because she was in the Wizzard of Oz!    Love you little K.  Okay, tell me to STFU!  Smile

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Well- now I'm gonna give a big ole STFU to that beyotch Mother Nature. Lol. I have my exchange surgery tomorrow and good ole MN has 'blessed' me with my period this morning. BLECK gonna be a messy one

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Hi guys....sorry, just too sad right now....a new friend I met here was just diagnosed

    with multiple pulmonary metastasis , yup,lung cancer ......fucking sneaky little bastard...

    it's just lurking around every corner to catch the unfortunate ones!!!!! It's not fair.....she has gone through, well suffice to say, way to much in her life......just fucking sucks....

    Sorry ladies....still home, but will probably go back tomorrow, if the snow here and the cold make that doable. I need to get back!!!!!too much time on my hands here to think and swear about this fucking disease.....ok time to STFU...sorry gals .....I wil just read today please keep the funnies coming .....sure need them today....❤

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2013


    Have a story to share about having a period at a bad time. For everyone who thinks it is TMI just tell me to STFU, but I probably won't.

    I am a nurse and worked on a cardiac telemetry floor for heart monitoring. Had to have a cardiac cath one time and of course they put me on my own floor. Well when they came to get me the stretcher was in the hall and a crowd of fellow workers were gathered around. I had started my period plus was on blood thinners so bleeding a bit heavy. My nurse was a man as were the two guys who came to get me. You can't wear anything but the gown to surgery as they will be inserting a catheter in your groin and I can't walk to the stretcher with a pad between my legs. Well I had to announce to the entire audience that they needed to put a chux (protective pad) on the stretcher as I was having my period. Thank goodness I have little modesty. I heard a few giggles and someone say "Of course Sheryl you have to make everything more challenging." STFU....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I just want to make you guys smile...   but I'm so sorry Scottiee.... It just takes it out of you when this happens to someone you care about... You can talk all you want to us, because we understand the heartbreak.... GEEZ!

    Merlcat and Sheryl... what's a "period?"  Wink  And what is TMI?   Okay, I remember.... I used to have those every 3 weeks, and they lasted a week.  It's a wonder I had any blood left.  And CRAMPS?  Good Lord they just doubled you over.  I'm sorry you girls haven't "grown up" yet, and are still having periods...   That was a funny story  Sheryl.... maybe not for you, but the story was funny! 

    Did any ever hear this...  "Oh Granny came to visit".... that's what we called those "times" in the 50's...Ha!

    Man, I had better take THAT one back, in case she sees it...  she sleeps a lot you know...

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2013


    TMI too much information. Thank goodness my days of granny coming to visit are over. I really hated to hear it called "my friend" there wasn't one thing friendly about the bitch.


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Oh gals, keep the funnies coming....just what I need today....knew I could rely on you lot to do that.....

    BTW ...where's the princess???? She's so quiet...hope everything is ok with the little


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Okay, I got it...Wink  It wasn't too long ago that I found out what a CF was...  Ha!   And NO... nothing friendly about the "bitch".....And then my 2 Daughters...  but by then they were able to use the "other" kinds....  I never COULD use them!  Just the "pillows".... 

    I even used them after my lumpectomy.... cut those things in half, and stuff in the bra over all the tubes and drains.  There MUST be other uses for them?  Maybe pot-holders?  Ha, ha!  

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    I sure as hell hope that I'm getting close to getting rid of "my friend" I personally think that her bloody ass sucks! Maybe? Although in October, when my mom died, I had the biopsy, then was diagnosed and had surgery, I was "lucky" enough to have that who're show up 3 xs. YUK. Since then, I've been testing my visit every 24 days.:( why can't she just leave and not come back rather than continue making encore presentations?!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Lol I just re-read my pst- cracks me up that the autocorrect on my iPad changed WHORE to who're lol

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    LOl you guys are so much fun, chemo took my friend, except for 1999 when I was in DW and it decided to come for a brief period of


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Old age took "my friend" .....there are just some friends you don't mind losing.....PS ...Thanks
    gals....just what I needed today...knew I could count on you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Hi gals.... You know, I lost my neighbor Tracey, because she took her own life.  Drugs...etc...just EVERYthing.   Her Son had done the same thing 2 years before....

    But what broke my heart, is her leaving her little Grand-daughter like that!!  I mean she was raising little Tracey, because little Tracey's  Mom, and Dad were in Prison.  I met them when little Tracey was only 3!   It was so easy to love that little thing!  Over here all the time, always giving her candy and snacks....  She loved playing "her" games on my computer.  She helped me work in my gardens... For 4 years!  Her little brother Walker was also the funnest little kid.  Only he lived with his Great Grandmother.  So Tracey ended it all.... DAMN her!  She left little Tracey, and her Brother!  AND her Mom!  So I don't know who little Tracey is with.  Maybe SOMEday she will grow up, and drive over to my house....  I just miss her soooo much.  I didn't even know her last name.... didn't want to ask about her Mom, or Dad... I just wanted to make her happy when she was with me.  I know I will see her some day.... we were just so close.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Wow! That's one of the saddest stories I've heard in quite a while. Really sorry that you're dealing with that . I'm thankful that a suicide has never, and I hope never will affect my life- so so sad. Does remind me of a STFU story though. I was my dads personal representative listed in his advanced directives as well as trustee of some of his properties and other assets. This douche of a lawyer, knowing that my dads death was imminent and I was VERY distraught, came to my house, trying to bully me into signing over Various mortgages and telling me this hideous story of her friend who witnessed her sons( who is JUST like MY son who was in italy) suicide just the prior year, while my dad was in the throes of death( complete with 'death rattle'), my then 8th grade son was traveling in Italy with his school and I ( and my husband and 2 other kids) was leaving for Bermuda the next morning.

    Long story short- I kicked her the f out of my house..that bitch needs to STFU and get on down the road with her bad self! Effin cow!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    Chevy....That is quite a sharing....YOU...did the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!  Making the kids happy when unhappiness was in their made memories for them.....Now can you stop calling granny.....Kantalope?

    Had a bad experience today....I was asked Times about my gauntlet....Liz

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I'm sorry Merlcat.... I know how you feel....  So glad you kicked her OUT!  She knew exACTLY what she was doing!  Bitch!   I was trying to take care of my Dad long distance!  After Mom died, I promised him I would NEVER put him in a nursing home...  I didn't know really HOW I was going to DO that, with me being 1500 miles away...

    But I finally had San Francisco nursing take care of him... 24 hours a day, to help him out...  "Penney" was sent out.  That was until Dad said "Her Mom and she are in the bedroom talking about my Mom's coins!"....  I called her boss!  Her Mom was NOT supposed to be there.  I had Dad's neighbor go over, take Dad's check book, his expensive watch, and call me back!    Dad was so scared! 

    Her boss found out they stole my Mom's coin collection, and I don't know what else.  She was fired, and yes, I did file charges... She called me begging for me to get her job back.... Nope!    But Dad wound up in the hospital right after that.  He never made it home, but my Brother and I were with him.....  That bitch!  STILL makes me mad.... He knew Dad liked her, so she took advantage of him....

    There is always someone to take advantage of you....  Sorry about your Dad, too.  Maybe it helps us in someway, talking about it...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    I'm back...bad day yesterday.on the phone with the transportation ans the hospital from 9 to5..I screamed and cursed like a truck driver.finally the drs nurse called to ask what the problem was.when I told her she said maybe we should cancel.thats when I said don't think dr.cantando would like that as he is flying in a big dr.from the Netherlands.silence...then she said ill call u right back.2min.later everything was settled.the transportation co did not want to pay..guess what someone paid cause this morning the ambulated came cause the dr.wanted him at the hospital today.soo nurse carol will hear my STFU when I tell dr.cantando tomorrow someone did not wanna do their job.

    I'm here now with my new iPad in a lill hotel type beautiful place where they charge 15bucks a day with free meals.

    Tomorrow at 6am the surgery begins...

    Am I bet.

    Thank God I have all of you prayin and will listen to me scream STFU.

    I don't know unthinkable about the Super Bowl..all I do is give 100bucks to share 3boxes and damnit I beta win...

    Chevy u are gonna have a good time with my

    I'll try to come back later...Higgs everyone madam kantalope......roos.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Honey, we all love you, and will be praying with you!   What the hell is "roos".... Damn, she's right...  Anyway, glad you got them all straightened out.  You could straighten out the national debt!  The Green whatever it is! 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Oh Granny prayers and thoughts still coming your way for you son, and you of course.

    You go girl ....give them all hell if they need's your son your fighting for. Just leave the salt at home...ok

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2013

    Hugs, love and prayers granny!