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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited January 2013

    Hugs and positive thoughts coming your way Granny! You just keep doing what you do best, being your sons advocate. Whatever way you need to to get through the thick skulled idiots out there.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    Thanks everyone...we just had a wonderful dinner...and the group said a special prayer for Brian.what a wonderful place this is.its like a Ronald McDonald house.what a great experience this place is...and this hospital is blocks and blocks long.

    Enuf...I had enuf of talkin of this..

    Please change the subject..or maybe I will

    Hey Chevy...I remember those stories about you DD.and the growin the weed.Did she share it with you?Bet she did and you will not tell you gave some to DH too.

    Come on tell your sistas.......

    and where is Jo?

    Gotta check up on all of you.

    Ill be back!!!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Granny - Here I am.  Very busy the last couple of days.   Have not even had time to read any of the boards.  I did read your son's surgery is tomorrow.  Keeping you and your son in my prayers.  Please do let us know how he is doing once he is out of surgery.  Perhaps while you are waiting while he is in surgery, you can learn how to use your iPad - LOL!  Try and not stress out and please, please don't strangle any nurses.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    She could get away with you know...she plans to wear her mask and rubbers gloves again......😷

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    No fingerprints with ribber gloves. I'm just saying.

    Prayayers still coming granny---my computer is going crazy her not me.     It must be about time now too. cuz it's 4L30am here  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Wishing you and your son all the very best today from Downunder, Grannydukes.

    So glad to see you are in a good place, with good people.

    It will be a tough day for you, take care!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Morning Granny.... Bet you are at the hospital right now.  We're all thinking about you!  Glad you will be staying so close to him!   Just keep those rubber gloves on, those booties over your shoes, mask on, and your hair covered.  Wouldn't hurt to wear your rhinestone sun-glasses either.  You give em' hell girl! 

    And no, I was too chicken to try that grass, Ha, ha!  My brother did, I think, but not in front of me.  My girlfriends didn't either.  A whole lot of squares going on... Oh yes!  DH did, but just before we got married.  No-one did it in front of me...  I was too "delicate."  Innocent 

    I was just way too afraid that if I tried it, my brain would go crazy.... kind of like..... now.  Wink

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    I here...nice and quiet.they are doin the prep now...just waitin for the dr.

    Very busy here.lots goin on..

    I'll keep u all posted

    Just please now pray for the drs and of course GOD

    I'll beback

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    We're here little honey.... thinking of you and your Son...  Prayers for all of you....xoxooxoxo

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2013

    granny, Prayers for you, your son, your family and the Doctors today. (((((HUGS)))))

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Hugs and good wishes coming your way. It's going to be a long day. When DH had his heart bypass surgery, they had a nurse come out ever so often to give us a report. And better yet, told us when the next report would be.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Some surgeries are so long and u need so much patience--it's so difficult waiting. Prayers going u'r way Granny and all good vibes. Let us know.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Prayers and positive vibes going out to everybody granny..🙏

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2013

    It's been 12hrs...damn...I'm gettin. Crazy...

    I need to tell someone to STFU

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Granny - Go ahead and get it off your chest.  Tell me to STFU and then I will turn around and give you a great big hug.  I know this has been a very long day for you.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Granny I hope by now it's done--I know u knew it was going to be long but OMG this is just to long. Tell all of to to STFU if u need to. Prayers srill going.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    I woke up this morning thinking about you.... It should be all over by now, right?  Let us know when you can. xooxoxo

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2013

    I'm glad I found this thread. I had a STFU moment last night. My StepMom who is a Dr (& used to practice nephrology oncology) called me while I was having a nice soak in the bath.

    I didn't recognize the number because we are not close (long story). Anyway, she proceeds to tell me that she is concerned about my lumpectomy and I quote "back in the 80's, lumpectomy became popular to try and conserve the breast and the figure image. Do you remember (& she rattled off the names of 5 ladies from our home town)?"

    "Well, they all had lumpectomies and now they are dead. Five years after, the cancer went metastatic."

    I'm like STFU, why would you tell me that 4 days before my surgery and 6 days after my diagnosis?

    She proceeds to say "I'm only telling you this because I'm not sure if you are getting good information from your Dr."

    I took the high road because I really don't want to stress myself. I politely told her that The West Clinic Comprehensive Breast Center is considered the best in the region. But if it would make her feel better, I would put her name on the Dr list to receive the medical reports.

    And then her parting words were "you know we still care about you very much even though you never call." WTF?! Like you don't have fingers and a telephone?!!

    What a PITA. Oh well, not going to let it bother me. If she wants to see the reports, I don't care. She is a very good Dr in her own right & it never hurts to have a second set of eyes as long as she doesn't interfere with my decisions.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Shady!  Who IS this "Pita"  ???  I mean what is a "Pita"...Ha!  Do NOT let anything this person says influence you one way or another.  She sounds like my Grandmother who always said if I color my hair I will be bald in no time...

    I'm STILL coloring and I'm 75!  She knows NOTHING about lumpectomy's...  She is a dink.  Trust your team... I'm almost POSITIVE they know more than HER!  Wink   I had one, 3 years ago!  Don't worry about ANYthing!  Just worry that you can't put more space between you and her fast enough. 

    About those other women.... WHAT was she thinking?  Whether they are or not, is none of your concern.   Lumpectomies are safe... same as mastectomy's.  Just ask any of us here.  It is not the surgery that determines your cancer anyway.... It is the size, grade, stage, nodes, etc....

    And you will find out all this information after your surgery with the final pathology report.  And I would not share any of that with "her."  No matter what you tell her, she will not listen, and always think HER way is the only way.  I would beat feet to stay away from her.

    ALSO!  While doing my lumpectomy, they implanted the MammoSite device.  Ask about THAT before the surgery.  It is for delivering radiation, and takes the place of the longer, conventional type they will offer.   See if you qualify for that.....And don't tell "her."

    Oh wait till the other gals hear this one.... they will ALL tell her to STFU!  Don't worry.... we are here with you! 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Hi sisters old & new...
    Came here to STFU 'cause I know Granny K is here....and nowhere else right now.
    Chevy, were you kidding about 'pita'?  (hint:  starts with "pain....")
    Shady, welcome to the boards and sorry you have to be here...
    I think your SM should STFU!
    Apparently she has tunnel vision and does not read or keep current with BC stats.  In general, those outside of BCO know more women who have passed than have survived - because those are the ones they hear about.  Who knows what the circumstances were?   And no other person's diagnosis or treatment plan is for you. 
    Trust, as Chevy says.
    If you hang around here long enough, you will meet many women who have done well over the long term with lumpectomies.   
    Wishing you peace and support,

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2013

    Hi Chevy,

    PITA- pain in the a$$ ;)

    She lives 5 hours away so won't be involved locally thank goodness. Now that I have her phone number in my iPhone, straight to voicemail.

    To her credit, she is a really good Dr, she just has zero social graces. That's why I don't hang around them much at all. I'm too busy living my life to worry about if her feelings are hurt by not asking her opinion.

    The good news is that I'm stubborn and very independent so she can yap all she wants but it's my ffing life and I'll make the decisions.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Shady she might be a good dr. but if that is the bedside manner she has glad I am not going to sorry she did that, I would have said STFU but I am sort of like Granny, with the ADHD and all, things just fly

    Hey Joan!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Chevy - A PITA is a PAIN IN THE ASS.  I use this reference all the time.  LOL!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Ah Geez you guys..... I didn't even think about that!  Ha, ha!  Okay.... I'm still learning, it seems...Wink 

    Hi Joan, Blondi & Jo!  Yes, we will all be here to support you Shady....  Just keep that b@#$% at arms length...Ha!  She seems to think she has some sort of control of you.....  Just always "think" STFU when she is talking to you. 

    You will hear from Granny... (otherwise known as Kantalope, Princess whatever, Strega, and anything else we can think of to call her.)   SHE will always tell you what she thinks.  She would have put a curse on that step-mother of yours.... Ha, ha! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Cheve all this rime I thought PITA was an organization. hahaha I didn't know either.

    Hi shady--I'm glad u have the attitude u have cuz tht was a bit harsh to say when u'r just getting involved---these Drs. know more than they did in the 80's so no worries--and any dcisions u make are the right ones for u. Good luck with all of this and let us know what's going on.

    Good mornin' ladies.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    I learned pita from my daughter who uses that with her grandsons...and rightfully so sometimes!
    Hi Chevy, Camille, Jo, Sandy  and other sistas here  Cool


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2013

    Camillegal, The organization is PETA, people for the ethical treatment of animals. I'd never heard of pita before now.

    Anyone else really anxious about Granny's silence?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Oh man, I KNOW!  I keep checking to see if she posted!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Me too, I'm hoping she's having a good rest today, after all yesterday was horrible for all of them. So I just pretend she's resting with comfort in her heart and mind. I told u I live in my own world--it's so much easier.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    It's unnerving to have granny absent here....I have a feeling she may have been in touch with someone but can't deal with a lot of people right now....Camille, I'm with you --  believing they are doing well, just exhausted.