STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sweat Pea I didn't know u are a cardiac nurse Holy chit u'r smart then. No wonder why u write with patience. Not like some of us. that's why u'r called sweet pea--did we rename everyone here? WTF are we doing???? This is by far the craziest post and to funny for serious people. But it's good to be on it cheers me up so--Chevy yells at me, Sas tells me I'm smart and Phylodough well she doesn't do anything for me but that's all right. hahaha I thought that was funny hahaha Sometimes I laugh at myself even around people.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Yep, did my echocardiogram today, Long QT  was better, I cant explain what that is except that it is usually seen in atheletes who collapse for no reason, its usually congenital but is also caused by some chemo drugs, anyway according to cardiologist I have some congestive heart issues, probably from chemo over the years which I knew nothing about. He and MO will get together next week and decide whats safe for me to take. In the meantime no working outside in the heat until their sure about the other heart thing. I sure do miss working though. Sitting at home doing paperwork and invoices pisses me off.And talking on the phone to customers makes me want to scream STFU!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Stacey u understand all this stuff---I'm kind of surprised that they said anything about chemo, usually they stay away from those subjects and not directly blame it on that. Cuz when I go thru things I ask about the chemo, cuz like u Mary I was on about the same as u and took forever to get it all, but they say well it might but we don't know for sure--Yea right they know when u especially had all different kinds and alot of it too. I don't know u'r dammed if u do and dammed if u don't. So who's right with their decision ??? OK so now they'll come up with something that can helpu so that's a good thing. Mary (((HUGS)))

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Thanks, and I do trust my MO completely. Hes the head of the department and doesnt sugar coat anything, which is a good thing, hes the 1 who insisted on the ekg everytime. I dont think they usually do that. Been trying to find someplace to go this week-end, thought about the beach, but sticker shock! Since we sold our beach house this winter, was looking for a hotel or condo but I refuse to pay 200$ a day for a frigging motel room. Think Ill go out and buy a bag of sand and dump it in front of gs wading pool and pretend....And at least at home Iwont run into any lava-breathing fish ha ha.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Shellshiner, hope you see this before you try to catch me up. I saw your post on pg 161. SHOCKING, the guy ought to be prevented from ever having students in the future. Truly run don't walk and file a complaint and get another preceptor. You may stay silent to get through, but what will you learn. I know you know this. BUT this isn't the first time this asshole has been a preceptor. Based on what you have said, I'd guess he has every intent of black balling you no matter what you do, so get yourself out. He has friggen committed a civil rights violation. Does he not recognize he's apart of the USA. Shells, follow your instincts on this one, and you have very good instincts and strength. The downside is he is bigoted. If his unchallenged biogotry ends up as a negative for your rotation, your sunk right. If you act proactively and get out from under him to another situation, you can get a fare evaluation and learn.  Talk with the dean of student affairs and ask that it be kept confidential. Reason. if word got out you were asking for a change for the reason you are asking for a change the "white coat" collusion could be trouble. After you have the degree in hand go after them with everything possible. While at University of Detroit, I took a consortium course in Organic Chemistry, had a bitch of a nun that failed everyone that was NOT from her school, Mercy College of Detroit. None of the Mercy students were failed.  Didn't affect me b/c I had a choice about the grade transfer. BUT the whole class from Grace Hospital SON was flunked. Duh, Grace lost all there first year students. Believe it or not, it took 3 years before that teacher was removed for the same thing. Later I quit U of D and went to a hospital based school of nursing, challenged the NLN test, Organic chemistry score was 98%. Yeah right, I failed that bitches course. Inorganic Chem NLN score was 82%, NOT BAD  since I didn't take the college level course. But it does show I learned something in the bitches class.

    Girl don't let this go further cuz he's out to screw you. Just lay low till you are out, then screw him to the wall. Talk with a lawyer before you talk with the dean to make sure you get the language right to use with the Dean. Even take a lawyer with you to the Deans meeting. Maybe overkill. But if the Deans smart they will take it serious, b/c you actually have a federal case against the guy if you want to take it that far. STFU. BTW I'm not just talking about the Dean of Nursing. You need to go as high up as the chain allows---how about the President of the University. This is serious. THIS IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE. " "This is an oriental type of culture in this office and you don't really fit in."

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    April, just real glad you're well enough to post, was getting worried. Hope all continues to be better:) Want to have someone in your contact space on the roll call?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    PDG, not even a nerf gun is legal, b/c if you hit someone without their permission it's considered an Assault and Battery. Assault is by the use of words, battery is the touching without permission. Glad my son didn't know this as a 4y/o when the game was shooting him with a nerf arrow.

    To all, Sorry, we need to channel our words differently, i'm with you that they are the most descriptive of what we are thinking and want to express. But there are LISTENING/INTERNET devices that are keyed to pick up certain words. Once keyed, the site is monitored, dosiers are created for each person, then a meeting occurs. Each person using a certain word on "THE LIST OF PROHIBITED WORDS", is risk evaluated for potential threat.  This is done on millions of Americans a day. Somehow, those that are really a threat get by. The reality--"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING". George Orwells 1984 may have been off by a couple of decades--1984-1994-2004-2014, but considering he wrote it in 1936, quite amazing. All of what Orwell wrote has come true. Considering his focus was Hitler, even more amazing. Then there's Aldous Huxley with Brave New World and Brave New world Revisted. Between the two of them, it'd be a wonder to see what they would write now. If someone can suggest an author that has their genious, please, post.

    Every day we become less free, created by small minds that want everything legislated, using the "what if" as an excuse. Then we have the crazies that play right into the hands and minds of these small narrow minded people. In the near past, I had someone who grew up behind the iron Curtain say to me "You Americans think you are free, but you are not". Everyday it becomes less so. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Washington where are you now, we need you

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    I applied for LTD thru my employer and faxed all forms to them on May 24. I didn't hear from them this week so I called the ins co. I just wanted to be sure they had all necezsary docs. The first person that I talked to pulled up my file and told me that LTD is approved until Nov, 2014! Then she told me that I will get my first check next week and how much it will be. Then she said that my case person has me on her list to call, but I beat her by calling first.

    OMG, This was the first person that I talked to! I was all geared up for problems and I got A MIRACLE!

    I am singing happy songs tonight.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    yay, Phgraham....that i so cool....congrats...

    Sas you tell her, racist idiot...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Dear mary, ask for Coreg, Dh went from a high 50 ejection fraction to 20% within one month of him being put on high dose lipitor. 15% is heart transplant time. What happened then, he quit smoking, he took up water aerobics, AND he was put on COREG. His ejection fraction came back up to 50%. Just in time for lymphoma , but his EJ showed on the MUGA as 46% so he had to be done in the hospital. Bottom line. The changes made a difference, Coreg drug wise was a godsend.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Granny, your going to curse me, but the worst thing for any dental healing is smoking. If you've smoked through the extractions and healing, the fact that your not healed ---god forbid you will never talk to me not the doc's fault unless he didn't tell you not to smoke. I smoke. I have had a couple of dental mishaps b/c i broke the rules when I was told. I'm no angel. Smoking is the nemesis of gum healing. would have said something earlier, but in all our talks, I somehow missed you were a smoker. OH well. shit

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Camillegal all of my family had some sort of heart disease, healing from bipass, MI, or CHF so when I went to college I new I wanted to help heart patients. I worked in Cardiac Rehab helping patients post Bipass surgery, valve, MI, and Heart Failure. I learn something new everyday always a learner. The ladies I met had heart damage they thought it was from the chemo and sometimes from the radiation exposure. Other ladies thought the heart failure was maybe there possibly before the chemo occurred. You are right dammed if we do or don't do treatment. I just trust in my Dr and pray that I am doing everything I can to be around for Austin and DH.

    Mary your Dr's actions shows he takes good care of you! An ECG each time before treatment keeps you safe. A lot of meds prolong the QT interval further which can make things unsafe. It's so interesting some people have a genetic predisposition to have prolonged QT syndrome. My best friend Stacey found out after genetic testing all three of her sons have prolonged QT syndrome and her husband was the carrier of the gene. I know a little but again not an expert. I just want you to know I'm here if you need anything.

    Hope everyone has a good night... Sending prayers and hugs always. I again wanted to thank everyone for their support. Dealing with this new diagnosis has shaken me to the core. You all are amazing I feel so blessed to have found this group.

    Sweet Pea

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    So pissed...found out today I went from "mild to moderate " with the macular degeneration...... Damn it........was told my eyes are perfect except for that.....WTF......I have had glaucoma, cataracts, a torn retina, and now AMD.......if that is perfect, WTF is bad eyes.....oh we'll....shit happens......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    And to top everything else off, the guy who was buying my moms house terminated the contract today. Wouldnt give a reason,So here we go all over again. Im going to STFU now and go to bed...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Sweet Pea , another of our treasures, let all of the best be in your future. May god hold you in the hollow of his hand .

    Marymaryworriednowmary, There are many degrees of CHF. IT isn't simple like a pimple. There is much to evaluate, there is much to control it, there is much to learn. As I said earlier about DH going from an Ejection Fraction(EJF or EF) of Actually a 63% to 20% in a month. I almost shit. He didn't have a single symptom. Usually something that great, he would have been in major crisis. NOT. It did allow though for automatic disability. Make Social Security Disability application today if not done. He waited for 6 months. Why don't remember. But benefits were retroactive till the day his doc wrote it on his chart about EJF. The clock on SSD starts only with the day the application is filed. Some dx's are approved for benefits retroactively, some to date of application, some to approval with medical benefits to aproval date plus two years. Do not delay on this. Can make a huge chunk of change differrence in your nest egg.

    Mary your 54, this change sucks, you are now overwhelmed with the what is going to happen scenario. Now more shit is not what you want. Please, seek counseling if you're not already in counseling. There's a time to be strong and there's a time to have a helper to bolster who you are and let you do whatever in the space of their room.

    I realized in June  of 2009 while reading the chapter on "happiness" from McConnells's book "For the love of a Dog". That I thought we (DH&I-both with a cancer dx's)were ok, but reading that chapter slapped me in the face and said "Recognize your both depressed". You may not be depressed. But with all the poop raining down, give talk therapy a try. I intentionally chose a Licensed Psychiatric Social Worker b/c they CAN'T prescribe meds. They can recommend i.e to PCP or Psychiatrist. But there focus is talking. I didn't want to be bombarded with meds. I did though need meds , so, therapist recommended to PCP and we got it done.

    Marymarywhattodomary, CHF isn't a death sentence. Management can maintain for alllllongg time. Hey avoid salt, exercise regularly, avoid canned and processed foods,  ice cream(MY NEMISIS NOW), Anything you know is salt loaded. But say you want bacon, sniff and enjoy the smell, take one small partial bite, roll it in your mouth savor for minutes before you swallow. Total denial of a favored food can cause us to do things that make a condition worse. So, enough to satisfy the taste buds and sense of smell by a particle, can keep us happy. so, when they go through the teaching about foods to avoid,. Remember, the particle, it makes it easier to deal with L&H&P's sweetie sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    dwilli's survey:dwilli44832 hours ago

    dwilli4483 is in your Friends list

    The folowing survey is to identify those members that have had an experience with animals/pets that had behavioral activities, that led the member to associate the behavior with their cancer.

    Was this animal yours?  If None mark x and stop here:     X    No           Yes     

    Whose animal was it?

    What type of animal was it?                                                    Cat:        Dog:   

    Breed and age:

    Does the animal have any special training:                             No           Yes

    Specify training:   

    Did you seek medical advice because of pet behavior?           No           Yes

    How long before diagnosis did pet demonstrate behavior?

    Identify stage of BC and mets at diagnosis?



    Describe in detail activity that pet exhibited?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Dwilli is with us folks, she's a newbie, she like's us , OMG let's not waste any time making her a hooligan, I suggested she just jump in and start posting.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Too many posts for this chemo brain.....I will reply slowly and keep editing....

    Miss are helping out with meds...but nothing is/was working...I now have several meds for each side effect to play with....pooping still slowed and! My 5 min nap turned into 5 DD1 kept checking on me for breathing...I usually snore like a truck driver,, but I was out cold and QUIET for a change...ha. I would be happy to compile the furrbaby data to WordPerfect for you next week when feeling hopefully back to myself or Halle Berry....she is just too cute.

    Miss Beatbaby love the idea of 2 toilets front to front...could have used that this past week!

    Gma....RUN from is never fun.

    Thanks for all the happy dance pics them. the magic mouthwash...actually 2 kinds...sores are bad and down my throat..had cbc day after chemo and before Neulasta shot but not since....I go in on Monday for "checkup".

    PPK...:( on teeth

    Mary.....:( on heart probs

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013


    Chevy, LOL at your joke.  You are right...things almost always look better in the morning...especially if sleep happened...and even more especially in beautiful CO.  When I lived there, people were so darned happy..the sun used to shine well over 300 days/year (now Denver, like so many cities, has made its own weather) NY with the dreary winter/spring people get so whiney and depressed. 

    Chicken Little, good to hear you are  having a better day.  Smile

    Merl, I need a drink too after reading your post...some days are just like that.  Hope tomorrow is sorry about DD...such a disappointment.

    April, I’ve been missing you around here and on rads will feel better soon!

    Phyllerupwithpaintballs, great idea to make our own graffiti to let the world know cancer sux and some people do too.  (Phg - feel better)

    Mary, bummer...treatable, but it sux when it is you.  Gentle hugs for you.

    Cami, one more time -- is it Cam - illegal?  or Camille - gal?? 

    Sas, so full of wisdom...sorry to hear you and DDBF are waffling...wish you could find a peaceful resolution and be happy together.   I have developed leg pain that is intermittent and intense.  I thought of fibro...I went off statins while on a little better but sometimes i just get pain and it reminds of of the intensity of strong labor pains.

    Granny, good thing your dentist said he'd do the work for free or his name would go up in paint.
    Ducky, how darned frustrating about your eye dx.  Wish it were not true...hope they are wrong.  i don't know much about it but I hope it is a slow process and that it won't affect you much.

    Sandy, hang in there...when are you working?  Hope you are feeling well for the rest of the week.

    So, I feel like I never sit down, never rest....catchign up at work, fighting the union and assistant chair about my seniority rights; trying to purchase custom tile pieces to finish bath...have 2 grandkids coming tomorrow for the entire week end while DD is sunning in Morocco...and my Poison oak rash is still spreading and weeping and itching.  I just want to go to bed and stay there.

    Sorry for more severe storms in the midwest. it's hard to watch...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Sas, what you said was important - about our communications which are public.
    Not only does the government listen, and probably does not care much about us; but we also give away a lot of information every time we use anything electronic.  We are being tracked continuously.  Our texts and instant messages on computers are saved.  Our archived credit card records have been privately purchased and are stored somewhere in the event someone will pay to have it in the future.

    I'd love to get off the grid for a credit cards, no personal computer, no cell phone, paying cash, mailing checks....

    I meant to bring this up earlier when we were discussing whether our dear Red would want her family to know about her posts....everyone here should realize that this is a PUBLIC site and anyone can read all of our posts.  They cannot post without joining and they cannot read PMs.  But many of us have identifiable photos, names, locations, and personal information.  It is a choice to post here; but we have to remember this is not a private website. 

    And Sas, thanks for the college has listening filters now, and I must remember not to log on to this thread while at work Surprised

    nite all and sending gentle hugs to anyone who wants or needs them.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Amen Joan.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Mary, I want to add to the chorus. My Mom had CHF for at least 15 years until she died at 82 of something entirely unrelated. She had problems with stairs and hills (neither of which is prominent in Okla), but drove, met friends, flew, and did almost everything she wanted. She was very careful about her diet and meds, which probably really helped. (((((HUGS)))))

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Joan---poison oak rash---saw something in reference, but a days absence here is pages. What up? And are you on chemo? Chemo causes things to not heal.Guide me as to how i can help? Taught by an old Eagle scout the best initial wash was dishwashing soap. Therafter don't know?

    In re:DDBF well I've reached the Casara, casara point, what he doesn't know is that includes sex. So, don't know what will happen, but in all of history, everything comes down to sex. Women can control a relationship by sex. Unless their partner is violent. He's not.  BUT I did create a really good looking 54 y/o by the cleanup. My guess is he has many women after him now or making comments. It's something new for him b/c he never knew looks made a difference. Naive to then nTH. With each haircut i made it shorter. The last cleanup, I was struck, how handsome he was.....caught me on awares. It was so good he looked totally different, i was taken aback. Who was I with? OH WELL, time will tell.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Cmbernardi, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear sister, Happy Birthday to you!! 

    Let me be the first to wish you a wonderful day!  

    Saw this on a T-shirt:  I'm not 50...I'm 18 with 32 years of experience!

    Mary,mary...unhappy about your news, but I'm sure you will do fine.  

    Hugs to all of you!  Pleasant dreams.


  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2013

    I am offically a hooligan. 

    Shell, How awful to have to deal with a racist piece of crap.  It is hard to believe those kind of people are out there but unfortunate for us all, they are and they don't care because you are sick.  Zebras can't change their stripes.  Actually that guy is even an insult to zebras   Hang in there!  You sound like a tough cookie!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Ducky is it wet or dry MDG big dif? Would have to search it, cousin with it. had no idea that there was a dif. They gave me the low down, but forget. One's okay, one is not okay , but there's meds. One is very expensive, the other is a watch and see, and then there are other tx's... Ducky in 1991, might of been 1992, a doc told my mom she was going to go blind b/c of MCD within 3 months and there was nothing that could be done. She was obviously, upset. I said Mom give it up and pray and we will deal with what comes. The doc can predict, but doesn't make it so. Well she passed in 2004, full sighted@ 89. Why don't know. She and we just decided to deal with it.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    dwilli, Welcome!  Are you having to deal with the bad weather?  We are having some rain and wind-a few trees falling, but nothing too bad compared with the midwest.

    Ducky, My FIL has been having injections for his macular degeneration and the results have been amazing.  Hope you can tap into some of this treatment.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Dwilli Willie, there you are! You little hooligan. Did I tell you that I like your picture? I do. You look very nice and unhooliganish in it.

    SSsy and Julianna, why are we up so late? I mean you. I'm awake because the bottoms of my feet are bugging me. You ladies may have different reasons.

    Uh oh, I.thought I might have something to say but evidently I don't. Sorry.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    PHYLLYOFTHELTD forgot in the passing of post congratualations. Did you apply for SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY? DO IT TOMORROW

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013