STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    I'm here b/c I'm dealing with abreak up, drinking, doing whatever

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Paid for update on AVG today, amazing change in my computer, but took a couple of hours for them to do. Totally, sunk my idea of depending on local shop that I bought my computer. I paid today for tech support. They took over computerand worked it. Amazing color and so many other things. Now I realize the thing has never worked right since day one.Worth all the dollars.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Sassy, sorry about the breakup especially after you did all the work to clean him up. Be sure to drink any liquor he paid for.

    Nope, have not applied for ssdi. I keep hoping I can go back to work but I will read up on it.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Thank you Juliaanna and fellow hooligans for the first to wish me a Happy Birthday.  Yes, the day is here and when I finally get some sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow then real festivities will begin.  I do have a steakhouse dinner planned with the family and I must remind y'all that we are in Texas where the steak is the BEST!  I enjoy a Filet and some side dishes and by God, some good red wine.  Heading to Bob's in Grapevine, Texas thanks to Mom and Dad's affinity for the place and their generosity.  Then, who knows?  I'd love to go dancing and hear some live music!  Peace, prayers, love and blessings to ALL and Happy Friday!  Stay safe and well too.

    This Birthday Girl needs some rest now and after tomorrow the month party is sadly over until next year! 

    Checking in on all of you this weekend tho.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    PHYlolisweetie, Apply for Social security disability, not ssdi,

    All from the point of diagnosis should do this, reason, we don't know outcome, from point of application the clock starts.The story is long and I learned the lesson late. It means a great deal in the long run. You can stop the process at anytime without prejudice.

    A bit melancholy(sic) right now cuz I know what I must do, re:Bf, and i don't particularly want to do it.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Dear SAS - try not too be too blue.  I'm in the midst of a divorce with BC like you and I'm just letting it roll right off me.  Not enough time to be too melancholy but I suppose a little will not harm forever.  I wish we could all take that away from you just like the pain we have all experienced and jump into each others pockets to help with.  Hang tough Sista no matter what the outcome because you've got us Girls here who will support you and be here always. Come on over to TX. tomorrow and join in the birthday celebration if U can, really.  PM me for my mobile number and directions or flight info.  OK, now I will STFU!

    Happy Friday ALLand peace!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Thanks sassy, I'll do it.

    Hope things are better soon!


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Philly-dilly,  Up because it's just after midnight my time and I've always been a night owl.  Loved working evening and night shift.  Sorry you are having issues with your feet.  

    Sas, Wish I could slap BF upside his head for putting you in this dilemma.  Hope it turns out the best for you.  You have my support whatever happens.

    Better turn in as I have to go to work later today.  One of these nights we will have to have an all night "slumber" party.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLOWERS----THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH---Thank God the month is over. Have a wonderful day and year.

    It's storming like mad no wonder a little bit ago I couldn't cuddle with my Katie and then I woke up cuz she wasn't in my arms. Damn her waking me up like that.

    Phylodedum I'm so glad u were aprroved this helps so much for u--so put u'r shotgun away intil u actually need it, well in your head it might be later today so better keep it handy. Now that I'm up here's my story---at the same time I got my disability I did apply for ssd and I got it with no trouble---what I didn;t know is u can't get ful amt of Dis, when u get SSD for the amount u;r goven with ss they educt that from the Dis. so for over a year no one said anything and I honestly didn't know it, then I was told oops we made a mistake u owe us 19,000.00 hahahaha They started taking it out of my Dis 500.00 a month. I was getting an overwelming 3,000.00 a month, then they cut my dis. 1,000.00 and took an extra 500.00 a month from my dis. I was floored and that's how I lost my house it was a mess for over a year and I finally got them to take 200.00 out instead of 500.00--the battle I caused with the government that I worked for --for over 20 yrs was disgusting and it's not easy fighting with the government--during that time they thought I was making so much money that I owed IRS 6,000.00 which I wrote back and still arguing about that--in the mean time I went thru every penny I had and got in the position of Fu** everyone and didn't pay my mortgage--I ctually had an agreement with them that I could pay the interest as long as I was on Dis. then someone took over my mort. and viola the agreement was not with us u don't--during this time I was going thru chemo after having 2 going on my 3rd operation and I was beat down to a pulp--my DD did research for me but no way did we win--the government took everything zi had and I don't care if they read this because I write to them every single week telling them what scum they are doing what they did they made a mistake and from then on I was ruined. So watch what u do with Dis. so I'm sure I left things out but believe me I don't like them now. LOL So I'm not saying I'm not glad to be an American I am--but it's the people who are screwing things up on top that make me very unhappy.

    OK I spilled my guts cuz I'm wide awake and I hate being wide awake at this time--I did take some meds tho so maybe it will help.

    OK I'll STFU

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas I know u might be feeling down--but sometimes u 2 get back together too, so u know this might not be final. I've never been good with relationships so I can't help u--once I broke up that was that---well except for one guy, and that was difficult so I never was good but I understand

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami, all of that is horrible, sounds like a cluster cluclk. WTH

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami Thanks, it's been since last May, but things took an upswing in November. Now, no idea. it's very strange. I have no clue how I want it to end. Litterally, can't drown my sorrows b/c of genetic things. Yet that's where I want to go.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Shellshiner the more I think about what that analpore said to you, the madder I get. His one statement cries for an EEOC complaint. Regretfully, as a student, you know they can screw you. *&^%$$&*. Damn I hate reality, I still believe you can get a preceptor change.

    BUT How has this analpore survived as a preceptor in the system, unless the whole system is corrupt. Maybe the only way is to do as you're doing, sit on the stool in the back.

    I have been part of too many good systems, and a part of bad systems. Bad systems you rock the boat and end up in the water. Damn Shell, you are in the worst situation. doesn't matter if he's breaking State and Ferderal Law, he has CONTROL over your grade. FUCK.( sorry Mods, in the lexicon--it's legal whether you like it or not).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Actually it letters put together from old English so it. F.U.C.K. that was in some sort of code of illigal. Of course we here in the US made it one word , and a vowel, noun, adjective etc. so it really it a slang for 4 words. LOL Oh the trivia I know it adds up to 0. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami, besides being in the Websters dictionary, now I may go search it's origins, LOL Good lord, when I decided to research the alphabet after hospital IT people decided we needed to learn Icons, when previously to locate something the standard alpabet word was used.

    What I found was: Sumarians 5000 years ago produced symbols that had a relavence to objects and even thought. BUT there were so many symbols , there were learned people that spent their whole life learning the symbols. Hierglyphs came later. The average man had no knowledge of these symbols because of the complexity.

    How and why the alphabet evolved? Commerce.

    On the Mediterrean as ships made there way and traded goods from port to port. They needed a common language to have a "Bill of Sale". From the common man came the alphabet. Amazing. Isn't that fun.

    My objection and search came out of our IT, Information Managements mandate that we use Icons. Underneath the Icons, we could locate what we were looking for to chart on. IT felt it was simple. Well it wasn't, we were all used to the alphabet. The docs stood their ground and were exempted from using IT's Icons.

    So, from 5000 years ago an elite group determined that Icons represented language, but the common man not trained, developed a language that was communicable to others across the Meditranean, from that we developed a common language. Then in the late 21st century a small group of people determined that we should return to Icons. Is that stupid or what.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas I have to laugh cuz my Dad came here not speaking one word od English and he's always said it was the hardest language he ever had to learn because it made no sense in workds having silent sounds, or words sounding alike but spelled differently for each meaning and so on--In Italian if u read a lett it is said one word one meaning and most other languages are like that. So he said it ws difficult and I understand why now, but whe I was little I heard both languages and to a kid it's easy. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    okay did a search on the word fuck, it goes back to the 1400's. Usage has changed over centuries. It came into recent usuage with much of the old baggage. It is consider one of our strongest words of defilement, but as below

    Freedom of expression

    In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the mere public display of fuck is protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments and cannot be made a criminal offense. In 1968, Paul Robert Cohen had been convicted of "disturbing the peace" for wearing a jacket with "FUCK THE DRAFT" on it (in reference to conscription in the Vietnam War). The conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeals and overturned by the Supreme Court. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).

    So, not only is it in the lexicon it was upheld by the Supreme Court. Who new all these years of people doing F**k, ect. That we have  a clear right to use it, without being worried.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Camiiii your right....go to wiki.....the history(1400) is long and is as you say, except that there are multiple origins. It took hold in our society in the 50-60's. The usage described in our time is a hoot. There was a guy in Washinton DC, that produced swear words from different cultures every year. I never saw him after 9/11 The swear words from the mideast were much more creative. The one I remember is "May a thousand fleas infest your armpits". I thought ouch and ugh at the same time.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Cmbernardi, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear sister, Happy Birthday to you!! 

    Morning crazy hooligans....dare I say I feel better? Ok let's not instead of testing irony....but..........

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami- had to do cntr+ on that one for sure, I like #7

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    to work..........

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Cami, Sas, ChickaD and ALL,

    Thanks for the well wishes on the last day of May.  It took quite a while to arrive.  I DO plan on using some of the ideas on that hysterical list U posted Cami.  My family already thinks I am a nut so why not give them one last day of nuttiness?  Sas - I used to have a book entitled, "Spite, Malice and Revenge".  There were PLENTY of good ideas for dealing with A$$ holes of both genders.  I've got an expecially good one that has to do with roadkill if U would like to implement it.  PM me tho so I don't give the other Sistas and Bros here the wrong impression.  It's just sometimes, my Mom's Sicilian "gets way up" in me and I cannot help myself (100% Italian also - Dad from Tuscany).

    Well ALL - have a super Friday with peace, love, prayers, blessings and no SEs.  I will be watching you while I am drinking my diet water to keep hydrated and get rid of these aches and pains.  And I DO want fries with that!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Miss gWilligers....yay on your holliganism...LOVE IT! I noticed you are also +++, join us on the Triple Positive board....very good info there! :).................

    OMG Cam....seriously peeing, hmmm or maybe pooping, my pants over your sign....I intend to try each of them!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    good morning everyone!  And I really mean it!  The only noise this morning at 8 am was the street sweeper thingy.  I can live with that.  Wait, I mean the driver lives!

    Flowers - happy, happily, happy birthday to you!  Hope you've had a good birthday month.  Besides the C-word, of course.

    Chicklet!  So So Glad you are feeling better!  Did your docs get all of your SE's treated?  You may have posted that, but memory is a thing of the past.

    Sassa-frizzle - You are just an amazing dynamo of knowledge consolidation.  I'm in awe.

    Cammi - OMG, how AWFUL!!  All of that plus chemo and treatment.  My heart is broken for you.  Those Dirty Bastards!  Yes, I do worry about things like what happened to you.  Thanks so much for sharing that ugly and painful experience.  There is a board here on BCO about SS and SSI and SSDI that I have been following and I have all the links for application.  I've been on STD since March 3, 2013.  I will be on LTD beginning June 4.  My FMLA runs out in the next few weeks.  I know that for the SS disability I have wait 6 months from date of last working to receive payment.  I'm hoping to go back to work around that same time.  And my boss is hoping to be able to hold my job for me.

    Last year during treatment when I was on Intermittent LTD,  my LTD company explained that even though I am covered until full retirement age by LTD, if it appears that I will be continually disabled, they will push for me to apply for SS disability and even help with the process.  Then my LTD will be reduced by the amount of SS disability.  Really?  Nice that they can write policies that transfer the risk to our federal government.  That way we can all complain about the high cost of the SS system and "freeloaders".  Oh wait, that's a different soapbox.

    In any event, I do need to look into it, even though it seems like one more pile of crap to sift through.

    Right now I'm sifting through how to get a compression mastectomy bra. After that is sorted out, I have to fight with Express Scripts over how they are screwing up my insurance deductible with their reporting.  It is so hard teaching the whole world what they should be doing!

    I'm sure that I'm up to it though!  I just have to make sure I report trips out of town to my ankle monitor person. She is very helpful and knows I got a bum rap on the conviction.  She does NOT know about the paintball gun.  Shhhhh

    Have a beautiful day!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Yikes I wrote a book. Sorry! I'll go back to sleep now.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Lordy bernadi who could tell you might be Italian? Happy Bday!

    PYhlly got ya ping and splat.  Naw on the knowledge thing, just research what's needed or what irritates me. Was not happy to find out the circle of things regarding Icons created by a small group of people that were self important, that now translates to our time. But happy the working man just ignored them and went on there way creating something useful LOL Actually, if you have the help of your LTD , it may be good.

    Chickie you sound like you've come up for air:)

    Dwilli are you picking up on all your nicknames? I've no energy to transfer.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    off to bed have a safe day---------------------L&H&P's sheila

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Sas to answer your question, I am pretty sure it's dry.....she never said, but mentioned no blood behind the eye so I figure that is a good thing......not really concerned.......they can do a lot more today then they could a few years ago......and honestly, "it is what it is"...;,;just add that to all the rest of the the pre-cert ok today for the MRI to see if the broken vertebrae has healed...that will be done on Monday......if it has not healed then I will schedule surgery for the following week.......more bullshit.....the biggest deal with this is the anesthesia....they use General, but this is the 2nd time, so I know what to expect.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013