STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    yay veggy and how was it? and of course it was your beauty..

    Jan, good for you....what kind of jam?

    joan you do whatever you need to do....poison oak, whoa that DS2 is allergic to all of that schitt. and thanks....loving my week off...feeling sort of normal...well not really but it is what it is...

    Shell...I love that you do those arrangements and sorry about the you are loved by someone.

    CAM will do whatever I need to do to be is all about quality of life for me...

    chevy will try it, doing the dishes is for me what it is coming from, and of course the twins won't do them...

    Merk....damn that is alot of deal sorry....take a trip to the bahamas they are cheap there, I think

    yay happy you have semi relief.....there is a light at the end of the tunnel problem is it starts again...(sorry)

    luck Granny

    glad you checked in April...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Shells, I'm dying laughing!  I had to look up LMK in the Internet Slang Dictionary.  Really?  I'm such a maroon!  Anyway, it is a CD that I got while participating in MD Anderson's Relaxation Study with their Integrative Medicine Center.  It's a total of one hour and includes:  Quick Relaxation Technique, Joint Loosening with Breathing, Postures, Breath Energizing Practice and Deep Relaxation Technique.

    I don't think it is available commercially.  The study is in conjunction with the Rads Dept at MDA so I had a one hour one-on-one class every day that I had rads.  Four weeks.  Some of the teachers are from the University of _____.  Can't think of the univ. in India...I'm thinking Bangalore but that may not be right.

    I put the CD on my cell phone and listen to the instructions and breathe along with the instructor and do the stuff that I can do.  I have not used it since September and my new diagnosis, surgery and chemo.  I really need to.  It's all about relaxation and not meditation really, although there is a short piece of that.

    I also have a log that I'm supposed to be keeping and I send it to them every three months along with a LONG questionnaire about health and mental health.  Then they send me a $30 Target gift card! 

    It may not be what you're looking for, but let me know if you would like a copy of the CD and I will try to find it.

    edited to add PS - The integrative Medicine website has some Tibetan Bon Meditation recordings (love these!)  and other stuff that is available to listen and some can be downloaded. 

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Chick: we need 2 toilets front to front....

    Scottie: I see the we tv commercial.....she swallowed the Pitts! Hope it was a small one,

    Shell: you are definitely the better person. We don't know race or ethnic ties here, yet we love each other.

    Fill: let the rest of us know what u found in the dictionary! BE

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Beattie - LMK is Let Me Know.  I think it is one of those things that I used to know and lost in the black hole of chemo brain.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Beatmon, Thanks for asking. I was clueless as well. It's so humiliating when I have to ask GS.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Merl----I'm sorry for all that u'r going thru---did u call u'r DH'd Dr. so many meds say those warnings and if he's on one he shouldn't be. Please do that right away. And U'r poor DD, her happiness for dancing is shattered with a broken anything on her feet. Of all things, she must feel awful. How are U doing with all this. Bit u have to call u'r DH's Dr. let us know OK?

    ChickaD u'r not full of chit anymore YYaaYY

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    Well, multiple super cells forming again in Oklahoma. I have a cellar so pray for others! Be

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG Bearmon, not again---u do have a cellar, great bu tthis is to much---All these weather gorges of rain , WIND are gettin extremem all over the place--something weird is going on in nature--Mother nature's been haveing her feathers ruffled alot.---Never mind chevy and the feathers.

    This is scary tho to many crazy happenings.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Beat - Stay safe!

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Chevy sending your D hugs, I know it meant so much for you to be there for support. We love our moms so much!!! Our pets are family, unconditional love. It is the greatest gift of love helping them not suffer. I wonder what your hands are reacting to? Have you tried topical Benadryl maybe that could help.

    ChickaD I'm sorry for all of the SE ugh but thank God a normal BM. Do you have magic mouth wash? Pls ask for some it will help with the mouth and throat sores. I would keep ICE in my mouth when they were infusing the Taxotere and Carboplatin which helped me... I know it sounds weird but maybe try it. Nose bleeds can be normal bc of the platelet count could be low, you just don't want it to be too low. Have they checked a CBC yet?

    Princess have any lawyers gotten involved yet? Have you gotten any records yet? It makes me sick to my stomach. How could someone do that! It scares me how some people have no conscience. Keep us updated. Sending prayers your way... They have messed with the wrong lady and family. He has another thing coming if he thinks he can just walk way with no repercussions.

    Camillegal and GMA I'm sorry about all of the LE pain and swelling. If its not one thing it's another. I will have radiation after surgery how many nodes did they take out. Hope you don't mind I'm asking? I appreciate any words of advice I have one positive node they know for sure that's high grade metastatic cancer.

    Joan ugh what the heck poison oak... Hope you got some sleep and the Benadryl helped.

    Cmbernardi sorry about the pain you are experiencing. It took a while to get the Neulasta out of my system. Let us know what the docs think.

    Merlcat what medication did they give your husband OMG. Sorry for your daughter I used to dance and I know how much work you put in for a competition. Could they tape it for support? Pls send a picture of the ring when u get it, sounds amazing. My moms wedding ring is a emerald so beautiful. You are amazing juggling all of this.

    Phgraham I will try to search for those Tibetan Bon Meditation recordings hoping it could help with my anixety. Thank u for the tip ;)

    Beatmond every time I watch the news I pray for your safety. Do you have a storm shelter? Sorry for all of this stress...

    Sending healing hugs

    Sweet Pea

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Stacy when is u'r surgery, I can't keep track of everyone's I'm brain mixed up.It's nice when u have the surgery over with tho, and it's not painful so that's good. I had 20 somehing nodes affected but that was some from one side and the rest from the other, they took out more than 35 ---oh it says on the bottom I don't remember  but I do remember it being expkained like a string of pearls that they took out--and I immediately said my accessories--I've been goofy thru every part of this ordeal, ahahaha that is why my Drs. all called me crazy--I think they thought a was a mental patient at first but I didn't care really.

    Ok it's about nap time for me--like a little old lady---my mom at 85 didn't take a nap--she was good.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited May 2013

    I want to nap also, even though this round of storms are past me, more are coming! Guess I could nap in the shelter. Basically I have become lazy!

    Gma: I didn't have any luck with the gabepentin but did with the cymbalta. Even my normal joint pains are better.

    Cam illegal',can't believe they called you mental, they insulted the whole darn hen house! Be

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Be take a nap with one eye open--u have to be vigilant with this crazy weather. Keep safe.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Just got back from the dentist...grrrrr.yeah he did the impressions BUT he found the original lump in my mouth unsealed sooo today I had another surgery...can't talk,eat or smoke.The nurse came in and said this surgery is$350.00 plus 80 bucks for the gas...well I just busted out crying..and yelling you gave me a price and its your fault that that bone didnt heal right.i was shaking...he walked out sayin I have nuthin to do with the money.10 min later he came back sayin ill do it for free.I told him I really don't have the money.i guess the tears and the body shakin did it...I'm already in pain and its only 1 hr.since I got back..only God knows when ill get my teeth.

    End of rant.thanks for listening.

    Hugggs everyone.

    Princess purple kantalope

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh princess I'm so sorry---take whatever pain meds u have immediately andkeep them going. Oh u poor thing --well at least he didn't charge u. That's a good thing.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    So sorry princess! How awful for you!

    Sweet pea, here is a link to the page. It has a couple of different types of meditations. Another page has visualizations and guided imagery. The link is long. Hope it works!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Well, I was hoping to come back today with good news, but it is what it is. Heart beat is back to normal, but I have congestive heart failure.CryDue to all the f#$^&&g chemo Ive done in the past. That makes me feel 80 years old instead of 54. Realized today that means never working with dh in our buissness anymore. You guys should have seen me 5 years ago-up ona 20 foot ladder slinging paint like a man. I loved it. I was 1 impressive painter. Thats all Ive done for 20 years. Dont know what MO has in store for me next, but Ive got to get out of this hole.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    princess I am so sorry

    sweet pea {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}

    BEAT....stay safe...

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Camillegal thank you so much for your words of encouragement and sharing with me. I can't believe they said that!!! That just makes me so mad how dare anyone say that, WTF. I think you are amazingly strong.

    Phgraham thank you so much for the link ;) it opened. I will try tonight before I go to bed.


    Sweet Pea ;)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Reading and as usual it's all starting to flow into one so, if i get my responses mixed up Sorry. Chevy the merry go round thing PRICELESS. Had me going,  wow what kind of nightmare is she in, then the kicker. But the description is absolutely applicable to each of us.

    Chevy, what ever your doing take a break from it. Everything. Do nothing (like gardening ) or put anything on your hands, or wash dishes, keep gloves off for a week. Do not eat or drink anything you normally do for a week--or until it looks like hands are clearing up. Hopefully, you will see a change. If you do, then add only one thing back to your routine every third day, keep a diary. Wipe keyboard with clorox and let air dry before use. If hands get sweaty, dry with clean paper towel. If itchy try an ice bath, then dry gently but thoroughly. Wash all clothes and if you still MUST wear cloves--in Dreft. Remember one time I said a doc told me regarding the skin that we can "escalate a battle into a war". The absolute hardest thing to do is do nothing. We always want to fix something. If what the doc gives us doesn't work, we look around and by nature we say to ourselves "Well maybe this will work". 

    Blondie that was sweet, but what was it for? I love you too, you always help, even when shit keeps raining on your head HMMMMM I guess shit is a substitute for raindrops. Pray for raindrops:)

    I just broke out a bottle of wine. DS(lawyer) gave me a work assignment and I just don't feel like working. DDBF and I keep deciding to split, then not, then split, then not, then split, then not. Very long boring story. Neither of us knows what we want.

    Granny use the scenario that I wrote a few pages back and then build around that. It was dispassionately written and followed chain of events.  The people to send it to , you said you have a list of seven now. These different people, Board of directors, Jacho etc. Have the ability to create absolute havoc for the persons being complained about(DR Likeable and Dr Notlikeable). Each group will demand an explanation in writing. What is this about the bill being paid for? Is it b/c of your calls or is it coincident to the calls? Sometimes insurance providers just take forever to pay. Again the 5 records I suggested and how to obtain them are what you need to make your story work. For example, all 5 records make no referrence to Dr Netherlands, then he did not exist. BY law anyone in the operating room HAS to be identified on the operating room record. Just b/c a surgery failed doesn't mean someone can have their name taken off the record. Again, by law, all present in the operating room have to be placed in the record, the definitive record for completeness is the circulating nurses record. PKK I did it for 4 years, this is an absolute function of the circulators responsibility.

    Ckichsolid, yeah for normal poop, but am confused that a premiere institution in the world isn't helping you with the s.e.'s. Talk with the supervisor of the oncology area. This isn't right. It's NOT the first time they've heard of these things. The feeling in your hands could be the beginning of neuropathy. You MUST stay on top of this one. PM LindaN3, she's a friend, She's a pharmacist, she also, has neuropathy. She followed her doc's advice and now regrets it. She has been very open about it. She recently presented at a huge huge pharmacology conference in Texas--well west, on what neuropathy means in the patient versus a word on a page. Tell her I asked you to write. TRUST ME PLEASE. On of her goals is to help others in this area, you would not be putting her out, or asking anything out of line.

    Cami, the one who knows nothing , never says it well, doesn't offer anything etc..... WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON SISTER, IT'S NOT MY PLANET OR ANYONE'S PLANET THAT'S POSTING HERE. You are sooooo kind,,,,,,,,,,,,so funny,,,,,,,,take care of everybody. Please let go of those thoughts, they are really bugging those of us that KNOW they aren't true. Accept that you are WONDERFUL and just go with it, puleese. Oh yeah, then there's the typing LOL, we all do it.

    Shellshiner, What did I miss about the doc you are working under? Sounds negative. Could you catch me up :) Some teachers just miss the point of teaching, and think that being an asshole somehow is a substitution for guidance.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Marywiththeworstluck!!!   I'm so sorry little one...  We'll always be here for you....  Just wanted you to know, my Mom had congestive heart failure for years!  I don't remember what she took.... They lived in the Bay Area, and I lived in Denver, and she never even told me she had it.....   She had breast cancer like 20 years before the heart-failure diagnosis....  I knew she was just getting "tireder" and couldn't keep up with us when we would go to Pier 39, Fisherman's Whart, etc.   You are still "young"  kiddo.... I wish I knew when my Mom was diagnosed.....  She passed away after they decided she "needed" surgery on her heart.... She was 82!  She even DROVE to the Dr. appt!  So the surgery, then a stroke during that operation, and she didn't recover.  So see?  You have many years left.... just take care of yourself. 

    My gal-friend who is about 65 also has congestive heart failure, but is being treated for it, along with having BC over 5 years ago.   She also had chemo....  wonder if hers was related also.... 

    You can still paint.... just don't climb any 50 foot ladders...

    Don't go falling in the "pit" with Shells....  Or don't go hanging around with Phyllisidink.... with her and her ankle monitor....  You BOTH will get arrested.... again.

    Princess!!!!  You ROCK girl!  You caved!!!  And that's all it took!  I'll have to try that sometime.... I wish I would have been with you!  I would have smacked them all into next week!  Damn them for making you cry!  You had just HAD it!

    They BETTER fix you up this time.... I'm so sorry little honey....You need one of those dolls that you can stick pins in!  And THAT will scare them. Wink You can make a list of all the people that deserve a few pokings!  And then at least you will feel better.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Krips I'm posting and a whole nother page happens

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas the more wine u drink the smarter I get LOL

    OK Mary whatever WTF are u talking about? U have  congestive heart failure---u'r in u'r 50's for heaven' sake. OK now wait til u see a cardiologist and do tests, then u'll know exactly where u stand or sit if u have to--Do u get alot of swelling in u'r legs??? What tests have u already had regarding u'r heart only. This is crap---It might not be as bad as it sounds once u get a heart Dr. involved and I know there are some things that will help, there has to be-

    SAS get on this one---uknow all this stuff I don't know much.

    Mary I'm not trying to scare u but my Mom had that for years and didn't die from that at all so that's something. And she was almost 90 when she died --I know I'm not making sense but I'm just trying to tell u how long she had it and that crazy woman still did a lot to--well she didn't paint, but come to think of it she never painted that was me and my Dad that did that. So until u talk to an actual card think positively like I will.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Marywhatthehe**, I'm just sure they have you confused with another patient. Or maybe that wasn't your doctor that you saw? Anyway, that can't be right. Not fair! My happy place says it's all a mistake.

    PS can you teach me how to not freak out on a 10 ft ladder? I'm a sissy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Philydodo if u even think about going on a 10 foot ladder u'r name fits u and u'r gun slinging way,--Oh I get it the hight u are the better shot u'll have--I see u'r very clever grasshopper.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    rofl cami You made me wet myself!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Bernardi, sorry babe, talk to your doc's about a fentanyl patch. They'll be resistant(very), it's what got me through the muscle, bone, and joint pain that became relentless under AI therapy. Had a PCP that listened. I used the patches from dec 2009 until two weeks after Dh died, then weaned off. Have used very sporadically used them since. Used Oxy fro breakthrough, but that was rare as fentanyl worked. Mine was a low dose 25 mcg. There'd be doc's that would have all kinds of opinions on it. Only if they'd gone through the deep pain would have a clue. I also take Savella which is a SNRI, It's primary use is fibromyalgia with a mild antidepression affect. In the same family as cymbalta. Why Savella, felt safe with it AND my PCP has provided samples for the entire period. SO, no money outlay. It was approved in the USA by FDA in spring 2009, but it has been used in Europe since 1999. It's a new drug for USA, but not a new drug. That's important. If you haven't have had a fibromyalgia diagnosis before, be evaluated for it. Essentially, you have to have 11 of 18 painful pressure points. The person testing you for it should be skilled in the evaluation. I have come to think the stress of BC or any cancer puts us in the situation of Fibro development b/c our bodies are so attacked inwardly and outwardly. As my body has healed the fibro also has healed. Usually the medical community thinks of it as alife long thing. The full story is not written i.e. my opinion, they have their collective head up their ass on this one. If you are given the dx of fibro, let me run the drug checker on all your meds with each of the fibro drugs plugged in before you make a final choice. You can take the drug checker results back to your doc and talk :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Mericat---Dh suicidal---what drugs? Sorry about the rest of the shitstorm sassy UTI better?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    GMA HUGS , have gone through what your going through, it never is easy, they are our babies.  In a do over of all the years, I would have had them all creamated so, they would be with me now, and eventually end up with me where ever i end up. They are part of us. God love them, so sorry this must be another saddness to be endured. L&H&P's sassy

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Mary I wish I was near to give you a hug. I work as a PCU cardiac nurse now but I worked in cardiac rehabilitation for years. I have seen many women with CHF because of chemo and I want you to know they manage there symptoms and are doing good. Ugh can't imagine how you are feeling but I am here if you need anything or I can try to answer questions or help in any way. You are an amazing fighter and can attack this as you have done everything else. You give me strength!! Love it 50 foot ladders you go girl! I think I peed my self thinking about it. Please keep us updated on info as it comes your way! Take one step at a time...

    Sweet Pea