STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Chevy - you just made me cry too - My DH and I just were discussing what to do with Tigger dog... It breaks my heart, but we don't want her to suffer. Give your Daughter a big hug for me....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    I will Grammie....  I held both of them....  She put it off for so long.... never wanting to make that call.... She did a couple times, but they said they would be out whenever she decided the time was right.   

    I had to carry my dog Chevy into the Vets.... He just couldn't even stand up one day.... so I carried all 40 pounds of my boy, and laid him on the table, and they had the shots ready....  I held him, and just kept whispering to him.... It's never easy.... but at least we can do that for our fur babies...  and not watch them suffer.    Hug Tigger for me too!

    Princess, I don't know.... Just think about it.... I know you can raise holy hell, but if they are paying the bill?????  Then maybe you can live with that?  I mean what good would it do?  They KNOW you are ready to shoot them all.... because they all screwed up....! 

    But wait, was the Insurance paying it anyway?  If it WAS, then maybe I WOULD take it public...!  Better run that one past the rest of your family though.... including your Son....   See if they would settle with him OUT of court?     Could they compensate HIM for putting him through that?  They SHOULD pay, but I don't think they will.... 

    Geez Chickie.... I'm sorry!  I wish I could help you.... just know that we are always here to listen & give you a hug...! xoxoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG my oldest DD is going thru the same thing with her cat and it's so so sad, I cry thinking of it it horrible, why do we love them so--it's a shame.

    GMA u'r pain is awful I don't now what else u can do but take pain meds and use the rub--I mean it sounds like they don't know what to do and LE is not fun at all--I have it too. I've known people that have had cancer (don't know the stage) but when they got done with everything they felt OK, so I thought the same thing, the problem is with alot of us it just keeps on going with SE's or whtever was ruined in our bodies getting to the end of all the treatment. And all of the radiation our bodies have had, obviously we might need it but I never heard oh good u can have more radiation, it's really good for u. I have no answers, all my life I said i never had pain, real pain and I didn't til lately it's pretty constant and I'm sorry ChicaD I've had vioent D for over 5 yrs in the hospital a few time and they have no idea why--no one knows so many things but we have to live with them--I've hear unusual, rare, hmmI have to look this up or 1% of people have this WTF did they do the studies with 5 people, that's why I hate studies--who knows who's being used, at what age, how their own body works (which to me is a biggy) And then insurance gets sll screwed up right when u'r mind can't take anymore, now paperwork WTF

    And Princess u are going thru hell with u'r son and that should not be the case--what was promised was broken but to prove things otherwise is almost impossible--Drs. have a thing about this stuff and the hospital wants no bad image/ I know what I would do but I'm always off the map with what I do.First I'd make sure the bill was paid and have a copy of it, then I'd write to the hospital board and anyone on top, more than Drs. Hospitals don't likebig problems and I'sd send copies to all of them and one copy to the Gov. of u'r state--just to aggrevate them--But oh so kindly would I talk about this horror of thinking because u were old about this unbelievable Dr. from the Netherlands that u'r son thought this was the best thing that could happen to misrepresentation of the word Netherlands. I'd go on and on--again I always do these crazy things.

    OMG Am I ranting off on all this stuff but it needs ranting sometimes--we're all in this together and yet there is still more suffering than should be--IDK it's life I know and it's not fair I know that too, but sometimes things are just not acceptable.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    This entire page gives me a I just have to put it together.that could take some time.i have LE in that arm and I'm tryin not to use it that much..gotta put my thinkin cap on or maybe contact my old boss from that newspaper I worked for.every piece of advice I would a heartbeat...damn I would go to the highest courts if I knew it would work..I'm not afraid of them.i did nothing wrong .Makes me feel that I could still fight.My GD is the same way...but I know she will help.the plan has started.ill keep all of you posted.and thank you again...

    Remember if I direct things to certain people I never ever forget each and everyone of you.i read every post..Huggggs princess

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Gran remember in the PM I told you bout my DD itch her misdiagnosed Brin Tumor......told us .." No case cause bills were pid, and she suffered no permanent damaged......Dr f---is up, it's ok, cause she I'd not die....

    You do whatever you need to do......screw suing since you already were shot own with that.........make their existence as miserableness they m it or your son, expose them for what they are, and take it to wherever you need to......never go down without a fight.....I know you won't........

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Oh I'm goin down with a fight alrite...been workin on it all day...I have the list of who to send it to..about7 different people gave me names not only from here but my friends daughter who is a nurse told me the same thing...make a lot of noise...hey I'm a pro at that...I just gotta do it very professional...I used to write everything I showed in my fashion show.i spent the entire summers while all my friends were enjoying the summer home I did the writing..but I was 28 yrs.old.i need a pro.and I'm gonna find it.just like I thought I needed a shark for a lawyer I need a shark of a writer.I did work in AIG corporate communication dept.lots of writers there.gotta dig them up.

    Anything anyone has to offer I'm using..

    They started with the wrong bitch.grrrrrrrand I'm not afraid to go to court either.been there done that 2x..

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    SAS you are so wonderful....

    Mary, yay to DB

    Next Page

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    hair is still purple, DD1 said why is your hair purple, said cause I can and I want to....why do people care.

    CAM love the idea.....trying to figure out what color to do it next.

    thanks Shell!!! back at ya...what an idiot....

    phg good one, I need a shotgun OMG no I don't person she married would be gone and I would be in jail...

    Prune Pit....ROTFLMAO!!!

    GMA [[[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]] sorry!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY are a youngun!!

    have friggin fungus on my nails again...omg chemo is so annoying, no car still and no cell phone...but on the bright side I have yet another wendy's chocolate frosty...and I hang clothes out in the snow, love that...have to move soon and will miss that part...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    I went in McDonals's for a dipped cone. There was a young girl (14 yrs old) who just stared at me. She was probably in awe of my beauty. I stared back. We had a staring contest. I won. I got my ice cream and sat in a booth... me, my bald head and one boob.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    ChickaD - Oh how can I relate to your bathroom story.  It's miserable, no question about it!.  I remember making my poor DH stay in the bathroom with me for hours one night from hell.  Hang on little one and ruffle some feathers at oncologist's office to get something to help you. 

    Granny - Your son is lucky to have you.  I admire your feisty attitude and YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!

    Ducky - So sorry about all your medical appointments.  When do you get on Medicare?  That should help with those huge copays.  It's going to interesting (to say it nicely) to see what Obama care is going to do to us

    And to those of you in harm's way from the extreme weather, please stay safe. People are afraid of our earthquakes, but I think I'd be much more terrified of tornadoes and hurricanes. 

    Went out to the farm today and got apricots and necterines.  Yummmmm  Going to make jam.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013


    U R 2 funny!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Veggy, Of course she was in awe of you- you are the epitome of beauty, brains and bravado.

    Oh, you, wonderful women and Charles, too.  I am so glad I found you.  

    I'm crying with those of you who have to decide the "right time" for our furbabies.  I've had to do it 3 times, with each of our dogs, and it is never easy.  I'm waiting to fix up the backyard so I can have a nice place for their ashes.

    Gma, ChickD, PPK, Ducky and anyone else in pain, I'll keep praying relief comes to you soon.

    Shell, What a piece of work-your preceptor.  He is teaching you something-how not to be!

    Hoping everyone will have a peaceful night.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    The wake-up call award for Wednesday goes to Phragile Philagree whose delicate condition justifies packin' a shotgun for anyone who wakes her up... Phg in rare phorm... I hope you weren't thinking of phish-phryin' that little blue lava-breathin' philet...
    Jan, I was thinking the same will medical care improve (or not) for those who need it here? 

    Chickadee-dee, you have had one heck of a welcome to hell-week.  And yet you shine and fluff your feathers to make us smile.  You're gonna get through this.

    Chevy, you are a great writer...but next time can you please write a prologue..."get some tissues before you read this" ...sooooooo sad Cry

    Gma F, so sad about your pain.  I have no idea what to do but keep letting them know it's intolerable and that you will try anything.  Is there pain management for that part of the body?  Just for some relief without drugging yourself 24/7?  I hope you can find a balance between walking and not causing so much pain.  Gentle hugs....

    Granny K, I think it is wise to consider any impact on DS with the publicity.  I agree that the more credible approach is the non-emotional factual one.
    Been wondering if maybe there was a Dr. from Netherlands and he did not want to be named because of the failed surgery - maybe someone promised him (if he ever existed) that he'd never be identified.  It is a good idea to request the surgical log but I am not sure you can get that without legal action. 

    Well, I guess I'll try to sleep tonight...last night I was lying there for 2-3 hours before I got up and took Benadryl...then had to get up at 7 AM. 
    I brought something special back from California....poison oak....creeping over me and it won't stop.  scratch looks so ugly....not on my face yet but close. 

    Ducky, Sandy, thinking of you and wishing you could get some time away from doctor appointments!!  and ridiculous co-pays. 

    Veggy, you are gorgeous! glad you won.


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Hey chickydoos, want to let y'all  know about about something special.

     Noticing that more and more frequently I've been experiencing periods of peacefulness, joy and contentment. Reflecting on how it comes and goes: boiled down: it's being thankful for what I have, rather than yearning  for what I don't have. A favorite Buddhist saying is "the root of all unhappiness is desire." None of us knows this better than those who struggle with challenging  BC treatments. My true heroes are Blondie, Mary, Red, Veggy, Cami, Chicypoo, Phyloshellia, and our other sisters who have managed  to find joy amid the difficult challenges they face.

    I suffered a bit last night after that crotchety old peehole pediatrcian was rude to me yesterday, cranked about it last night, but happily managed to return to a place of comfort and peace today. Spent all day in the dripping cold rain picking and cleaning tropical flowers for my best friend's Fathers funeral tomorrow, then made the flower "derangements" as my DH fondly calls them - not florist quality but definately cute. I got my mojo back, and this is my message to you dear sisters: Follow your bliss. I returned to the  peaceful, contented place I have longed for these many years. It's easier to get back there now, and it's good. I wish this for all of us.



  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Hi to all and prayers to those who are needing them.  What is going go with me the last 3 days?  I wake up in pain; fingers, elbows, feet, legs, hips.   Should this not be over by now???  I took last chemo and shot on May 1 & 2.  Woke up at 4:39am really hurting.  Forced at this point to take a Dilaudid as the pain is bad.  Guess it is best to call them MO in a few hours and see if this is just more residual SEs from that last chemo, I guess.  Feel like I need a total body massage and then some.  Suggestions/thoughts Sisters?  Ouch, ouch, ouch!  Now I will STFU !

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Floers everyone is different, but this does not go away just because u stopped treatment, remember a lot of "unk" u'r body has been thru it usully takes longer than we'd hope. But call u'r Onc anyway. Just my opinion.

    Shell I think alot of u'r well being has to do ith u'r doing what u really love, thos u hit a snag ith snagglepuss, u'll get right tru it. And u'r family must be great u have a onderfu outook, but I do hope u visit us cuz we love success stories. And u are.

    I'm so sorry for all the pain everyone is having--this just sucks--If u'r not on pain meds start them--Say yes to drugs. U kno they made Pot legal here no and my DDs said to just get a prescrition, but I feel like a druggy asking for it--I'm sure they are not ready yet, cuz some are for baking with and some are for smoking it. And I have no idea what the price will be---well some of these corners ill be a little more empty soon. I seriously onder if that will help?

    Princess u are working hard and I think if u go after this the gentler way the way I did, u might have better results than u think.

    MYwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww's are sticking. Another reason for bad typing.

    Phylogun I would like to have u on my side if anything would ever happen,

    Someone will have to explain Obama care, no I orked for Ne York Life Ins. for almost 10 years and to this day I don't get or understand anything insurance related, it's all confusing to me--I hope it does something good, but again I don't know.

    ChicjaD--I'm sorry u got introduced to this crap so quickly, but it is no fun, well I had fun going to chemo and I'm glad I went everyweek--cuz I guess it's less dosage t a time than every 2 or 3 eeks but it still all sucks


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Morning gals... Princess, it sounds  like you have a plan!   Joan brought up something really important...


    Ask your Son what he thinks about your plans of blowing the lid off that whole surgical department, and MAYbe causing the News Stations, or some reporter getting a-hold of this, and running crazy with it! 


    I think it would be best to just state the facts, briefly as possible, and the "who" .... "what happened" ... "when" things went wrong.... and "where" .... and "how"......


    They will pay attention to a story stating facts....  But see, if YOU are doing this FOR him, you almost have to get him behind everything you are doing....!  Actually he should be in charge.... do you see what I mean?  If he were maybe a lot younger, then you would be in charge.


    So before you go full speed ahead, just take your time, and figure it all out, and have your Son WITH you on anything you do...


    Joan, I just took a Benadryl too!  For my hands... What's new?  I think because I was worried and stressed yesterday about my Daughter and her cat, it came out on me today...


    Sassy!  I used to take Quiet World....It was for nerves/stress.... And it seemed to quiet these reactions down....  Is there something like that NOW that I might look into?  My hands are now swollen, red, with little bumps, that will blister, and itching like you would NOT believe.  I have gloves on ALL the time, and every lotion MADE, AND cream to just make them comfortable.  I take either Claritin or Zyrtec to calm this down.  What do you think? 


    Veggy.... You rock girl!  That was priceless.... Ha!  Of COURSE she was jealous of you... We ALL are....


    And Shells!  That was beautiful!  Glad you can come through things the way you have, and still find something to be thankful for! 

    I do that too, sometimes, when I'm not tooooooooo PO'd...!  It's like we can get THROUGH it all, just give me a few minutes, so I don't grab the nearest small Volkswagon and throw it at someone! 


    And mornings are the best...  Everything about a crappy yesterday, seems to be "gone" when we get a new day! 


    Sorry Flowers!  Things just HAVE to get better for you, right? 


    Hey Cammi and Phyllofrypan!  Just try and behave today...  even with your ankle monitor on Phyllo...  Can't GO tooooo far, eh?



    You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed.
    On your right side is a sharp drop off.
    And on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you.
    Directly in front of you is another galloping horse but your horse is unable to overtake it.
    Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the horse in front of you.
    What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?
    See answer below
















    Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Chevy I love it--hahahaha

    U'r hands puzzles me like crazy--I hope Sas can come up with something for u--al I ever think of is calamine lotion cuz tht's all I know--but doesn't stuff burn sometimes on u'r skin.? ooooo Ouch

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Yes Cammi.... I really have to be careful with what I use.... I think whatever I use externally only helps keep them creamed.... I think I need something to KEEP things from upsetting me... It's happened before, but during a lot of stress with my folks, my heart started going crazy....!  It all settled down months later, but the palpitations were awful!   So having problems on my skin is nothing compared to that. 

    Someone else mentioned nail fungus from chemo?  I had this on one finger...or cuticle, and I used white vinegar, several times a day, and it is almost GONE!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2013

    It'll be y'all's turn to tell me to STFU BUT- husband is still down and out from back injury that happened Monday. Turns out that 14 year old dancer daughter did end up fracturing her toe- 2 weeks before a HUGE dance recital...I'm still working on getting a price on the emerald ring I want. Price that i was given yesterday was $1200-1700 higher than what we remember being quoted. I've been looking for one for 10 years. Another pool contractor is coming at 9 this morning and I need to squeeze in time to get daughter to orthopedist. Husband is having bad thoughts(suicidal) on the meds that were prescribed to him by spine specialist....dammit it's only 8:00 am here and I could use a vodka!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Ok Sistas....say HALLELUJAH really really LOUD......slept most of the night and this morning soft poop and NOT diahhrea......Shell I am thankful for this little improvement!


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    HALLELUJAH!!!! You don't go CHICKAD LOL!!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    YAY happy for you.xo

    Oh Joan..what next?

    I'm goin to the dentist for impressions .wish me luck.

    Veggy.ya did good honey..keep staring them down..F them.

    Ill be back

    Hugggs princess

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited May 2013

    I just scrolled back and saw that we lost Red. F&**^% cancer! So sorry to those of you who knew her well. She was young, wasn't she?

    Anyway, just stopping in to say hello. Nothing new with me except still not feeling all that well from those accelerated rads (clinical trial of 4x normal dose done 2 x a day for a week) and I tire really easily. Working all day and taking care of my diabetic kitty is about as much energy as I can muster these days.

    Love to all of you. Just really sad to read about Red...sigh

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013


    happy dance

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Happy dance!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    HALLELUJAH! and amen.

    chickie, yippeeyippeeyaya!  Hey wasn't that a song?  chickiechickieyippeeyaya!  If it's not, it should be!  Also, did you talk to MO about big D and mouth sores?  If not, DO IT!

    merlie - you will be busy today!  Hope hubby is better soon, you need him to take care of you.  So sorry about DD's fracture.  She must be so disappointed!

    Chevy - sorry about your hands.  That must be awful.  Loved your story though.  Made me laugh!

    Chevy and pet people - I'm sorry, but I could not read those posts.  They were so sad.  I just skimmed them.  My sympathies to you.  If I think about it I will be crying so I just skimmed.  I can't be crying if I need to shoot someone.  It throws my aim off.  I'm thinking of getting a paintball gun.  That's not a felony is it?

    Shell!  Very glad for you!  Yesterday I got out my meditation cd for relaxation.  Maybe today I will use it.  You inspired me.  Woohoo for mojo!

    Flowers - hope MO has help for you or a damn good excuse!  No, nevermind.  You just need help.

    April - welcome back! Hope you get your energy back soon and kitty improves.

    veggattention - good for you!  I notice teenage girls stare at me more than others.  Mostly I just stare back but sometimes I grin at them really big and nod my head.  That scares them, I think.  Not nice of me, but really!  Sometimes I want to just say "Let's sit down and you tell me what you are thinking."  I think it would be interesting, but I can see a lot of problems with that approach.  Anyway, you are awesome!

    Joanie- hope the poison oak is better soon!

    Princess-just what everyone else has said. Try those things first.  And remember, I'm getting a paintball gun and we could use it to write messages on the outside of the hospital building.  Like vandals!  and hooligans! "Dr. _________ is an idiot.  Don't use him!"  or make up your own message!  I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so someone may need to script the messages.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Esther - So very very true - THANK YOU!!

    Chicklette - I'm so pleased for you!!

    Phylette: what meditation tape did you get? Pls LMK if you like it.

    Thank you so much Chevy and Cammi - appreciate your support!

    How's it Sas?

    Chev - what type of soap do you use on your hands? Try Dove soap in the shower. What is your skin diagnosis so I can reseacrh - is it eczema or psoriasis?