STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    That's my whole point my hair is mostly silver with some strands of dark brown and I thought oh why not? I'm not trying to impress anyone or have to work so ust have fun.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    I don't remember when I stopped hanging stuff outside, but I would hang it inside over the heat vents, shower, drying rack....I managed, with cloth diapers, too,...then DM (mom) got us a dryer.

    MaryWahWah, go ahead and cry and pout when you need to...this is the place...

    Scottiee, hope the pit shows up before it sprouts...

    Sassy, you must have been a naughty little girl....

    (((Granny))) I think Sassy is right about exposing the truth; however, it may not get you anything that you really feel is more words...just a hug.

    Cami, your words of wisdom never fail to knock me off my chair ROFL...

    Phyllidahlia, we gotta believe...
    Feel better...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    OMG I'm ROTFL - Scottie -hw the hell could you swallow a prune pit?! Julianna - your response was priceless. Scottiee - you're priceless, too. Jan - I want to live in 100 acre wood and always get o weat t-shirt and jeans.

    Blondie - you are just the most beautiful lady on this thread. Cami, Sassy, Duckster, Chevette, and Scottsgirl - you all are such a hoot I can't believe it.

    More later, I'm too tired to say hi to everyone - got up at 5:20 and had to take the bus to the pediatrician's office because parking is  $25 a day....and the doc is a racist, told me today  "This is an oriental type of culture in this office and you don't really fit in. Remember, you are the lowest one here on the totem pole....and don't ever speak up again while I am in the middle of an exam" He was recommending a juice fast to a college kid who had been working out and losing some weight - told him he was still obese and should juice his meals for breakfast and lunch. I said - what about a smoothie so he can get the fiber. Quack. He gets $3000 of my tuition money for having me there for 6 weeks. I sit on an 8 inch stool in the back office to chart because the place is so tiny there isn't anyplace else to sit. The staff use the stool  to stand on to reach high charts, so I cover it with paper towels before I sit on it. I promised myself after BC diagnosis that I would avoid toxic situations from now on...but to change preceptorship at this point is too much brain damage. I'll just blast his ass on the preceptor eval, and continue to smile sweetly while I am stuck in there. Asshole - he's an old fart, not current on his practice,  hardly has any patients - I wonder why - guess bigots aren't that popular these days.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shell he said that to u??? OMG I would not have been speechless but I guess u had to be. Now if u were half woman and 1/2 dino, well then yes--totem pole> R U an American Indian? Well anything or one that u are he's an ass--and if he was referring to u'r age he's stil an ass, of course Dr. House would say that--but what he said was awful to u, u've worked so hard to get where u are--show hime up Shell so he eats every word.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Good morning early birds....don't have time for coffee but just had to respond to Shell... this old bigot to the medical board....what an asshole!!! Ok I'm going to STFU and run.....catch up with you hooligans later....luv ya all...❤

    PS...Shell....sorry you have to work with this moron for 6 weeks...maybe better to keep your mouth've worked too hard for this idiot to jeopardize your career.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning Scottie have a good day. And I agree with Scottie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Morning girls.... Okay SHELLS!   So you are interning with this fat-bastard for a grade?   You gotta be careful, at least for now.  Don't report him yet....


    He is like a supervisor I had one time, who thought he was God-Almighty!  I was called in to his office, because he had looked over the railing and saw me copying a recipe while I was standing there doing NOTHING, and that was against the "rules!"  My job was Receptionist, and welcoming guests into the Coors Brewery... BUT there was no-one THERE at that time!


    So he commenced to lambast me until I was in tears!  Blah,blah, BLAH, and more blahs!  I was ready to quit my job of 10 years it hurt and shamed me so bad.  I went to another Supervisor, AND the Director, and they removed him as MY Supervisor. 


    We got along after that, but only because I didn't shoot him.  Or maim him considerably.


    So you need him for now....  Don't pounce yet.... just stay out of his road....  Then when the time is right, meet him at high-noon, with your pistols..... After you complete your stint with him.


    Chabba!  I remember the clothes freezing!  Ha, ha!  I thought it was so funny! 


    And the Scotster swallowed a prune pit!  I don't thinks that's what you are supposed to do!  Next, you'll probably swallow the whole box!   

    YES!  They sprout, and grow... Don't you know all seeds DO that?  No-matter where they are... Best go have surgery right now.  OR you could wait until it actually DOES take roots, and call the tree-trimmers?


    And I SAW Julianna... She WAS laughing!  We ALL are!


    Janarama!  Okay, I got it..... You are a Hippie!    I loved your story!


    Morning Sassy..... You make a lot of sense.... how come?  Just kidding!   But you are soooo right....  When I lost my hearing, I WROTE those letters, sent them to everyone... The drug company, along with the FDA... Even sent some of the Tamoxifen.... 


    The drug company did write back, wanted my Oncologists name, to get the records, and verify that it was the Tamoxifen that caused my hearing loss.  It was like I was on a Merry-go-round!  No-one would take the blame!   So nothing happened.  And I just wanted the Tamoxifen label to state, that it COULD cause deafness, so it wouldn't happen to anyone else.   Never heard back.


    Hey MaryMary...  At least you get to think about that screened-in "my space".... right?  I know it will work out.


    And Princess.... You HAD to try it, right?  You are behind your Son all the way.... he knows that...But yes.... draft a letter, and make lots of copies.... Keep it professional, and don't let your feelings take over...  My oldest Daughter "corrected" a scathing letter I was writing to an Airlines once, for charging me for some STUPID stuff.... Well thanks to her I got our money credited back, WITH a nice letter of apology.


    Cammi... No, and she even said we were losers!  Ha!  Let's go GET her!   That was funny!  You gained 25 pounds just by looking at dinner!

    So I guess that means we don't feel sorry for Sas...

    And okay .... you ARE clever...... I mean REALLY clever.... Ha!


    I don't know WHAT my hair color would be, without my hair-coloring.... My guess is pure white!   I've been coloring it since I was 21....  WTH?  Who cares?  I just don't want to scare myself with all these mirrors around, so it's gets colored as long as I can breathe.


    Hi Blondie.....No, I don't wipe off the clothes line EITHER!  Those damp clothes will clean it! 


    Morning little Scottiee... Good advice for Shells.... don't make any waves with that idiot yet.... his time will come...  We should ALL get his phone number and bombard him with our Hooligan pranks!









  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Good morning ladies!  Guess what the first words out of my mouth were this morning?  That's right!  STFU!!  Just before 8 a.m. there is a huge clanking noise outside of my bedroom window. I was still sleeping because of my delicate constitution.  I looked out of my window and there is a guy unloading one of those Ditchwitch digger-thingies from a trailer.  He's throwing chains and tools from the trailer into the back of his truck.  Really????  I think he heard me yell STFU at him.  DH!  and I don't mean dear/darling husbing.

    The new sign for my yard will say:  "Caution! - Crabby Chemo Patient.  She Has a Shotgun"  I've always left off the shotgun part because I thought "crabby chemo patient" was self-explanatory.  Evidently it is not.

    Poor scottie swallowed a prune pit.  I did not laugh, probably because I am crabby.  However I am glad that lots of other people laughed.  Anyway, it's better to swallow a pit than to fall into one, I always say.  Okay, I made that up, but I like it.  I would go back and read what Julianna recommended but I would lose this post for the second time and I'm too crabby for that.

    Shelly - also report that old fart to OSHA, if we still have OSHA and the budget wasn't cut.  I'm mad about the stool you have to sit on.  That is NOT safe.  He needs your $3,000 because he doesn't have any patients!  Hey, let's put him in the pit with the DH ditchwitch  guy and then it will only take one shotgun shell.

    JoanKnee - I love the lava breathing carp!  Especially because he's blue....and has arms and legs.  He must have grown up in a cooling pond by a nuclear power plant.  I've heard it can happen.

    sassy - let me get this straight.  You have a boyfriend.  He doesn't like to be there all the time.  The sex is HOT.  And he cooks?  And you got to gain weight?  I have to say that I am CONFUSED! Help!  This is exactly what I'm looking for!!!!

    Marywhere - I'm sorry you're sad, but I'm still laughing about the thought of DH's in scottie's pit.  Maybe sassy's DDBF will cook you something nice. 

    Cammi - you are such poet.  And a clever one!  And a fashion icon.  How do you do it all??

    Chevy - Throw your old supv in the pit with the others.  We will all feel better.  Well, except the DHs in the pit.  


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    BOY what a crab!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Your post was SO funny!  I laughed out loud!   So you want Sass's boyfriend, right?   I don't think she would GO for that one.....  I mean I'm just sayin'.

    Don't go shootin' up those worker guys.... They are there for a reason..... ALONG with waking your crabby a$$ up! 

    And someone fell in a pit...???  You mean like a sink-hole or something?  And there was a lava-breathing blue carp in there?  Damn!  You girls really are not thinking straight!  And Cammi is a poet?  Why, because she rhymed something about blue and pink hair and is clever???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Someone is a little edgy this morning---no names mentioned but it starts with Phylocrab, but again no mention of any name.''Well It's actually perfectly all right here. BTW u speak of shooting alot---how many guns do u own --I mean it's fine with all of us just a simple question--well if we ever meet we 'd ike to know how u'd greet us if u'r in a not so good mood, altho remember u mood doesn't ever bother any of us---we are u'r friends, we care about u--Just remember that. OK Phyloshootemup.

    Chevy I think I got sarcastic with u on another board that we usually are more personable, I forgot for a minute.

    It's quiet here this morning, which is fine with me I laid down with Joey last night and fell asleep in 2 minutes and stayed there usually I just wait til he falls asleep--he was so happy I stayed there, I didn't mean to but acted like I did. See another clever ploy to keep him in my web.Muahahahaha

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Okay, okay.  I can't shoot anyone.  They would take away my ankle monitor and lock me up.  Anyway, I'm better now.  I think.  Tongue Out  I'm going to the park for a walk. 

    chevy, it is scottie's pit!  That's another reason I can't shoot anyone in it. What if I hit her?  I would feel so bad!

    Lol, cami.  That's a great web!


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    Ladies - you are all soooooooo funny and crazy today that I cannot help but laugh my a$$ off.  Went for my second round of mapping today for RADS and found out I was accepted for the 3 week Canadian version (I am participating in a research study) and will get to start on June 5, 2013 - just 1 week from now.  I am so happy.  It is like they have given me the ultimate birhday gift!  Yep, I'll be 52 years old on Friday but I actually think I only look like 42 years old and intend to lie about it as long as I can!  Ok, now I will STFU.  Peace y'all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Flowers what's the Canadian type>--Do they sit u in a cold room surrounded by snow? I'm glad u got accepted anything new is a good thing and BTW I love how u celebrate u'r birthday for a whole month before. U'r so cute.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    All -

    Canadians - 3 weeks of RADS with simultaneous boosts; Americans - 4-6 weeks of RADS with boosts afterward.  YES! - now you can all see why I am so happy.  And celebrating your birthday for a whole month (especially when you are born on the last day of the month - 5/31) is a neat trick and everyone just goes along with you.  HA!


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Don't worry about me, guys - I'm one smart chickypoo - I'll play the little game and keep my caucasian mouth shut. The clinical is pass/fail, and he doesn't give me my grade, the professor does (they are friends), he just evaluates 8 areas on a scale of 1 - 10. I'm not that strong in doing kiddie physicals but that's why I'm there, to learn. I do tons of reading in between sessions so I'll do fine, it's only been 2 days and I'm mostly observing.I was like that last semester, went slow at first but wound up get all "10's" on my preceptor eval.  Just wanted to share the experience here - hard to believe, isn't it! I wrote it down word for word and will make sure it goes on the preceptor eval and the course eval. The Dean is a friend of mine, I'll let her know after I finish that I was subjected to a racist comment my 2nd day. The university won't like it very much, will they? 👅 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    I still can't keep up with you all - but I need hugs today...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    This is for you GMA...

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Thank you Veggy,

    I'm having a frustrating few days.  I tried to start walking again, hoping that the nerve pain wouldn't be bad in the breast.  Well, first day I just made 10 laps around the perimeter of our house.  It is about a mile.  3 hours after the walk, I keeled over in pain.. Went to LE therapy and the therapist said just walk half that and keep hands in the pockets so to lessen the arm swinging. The hope was that it would stop the pain.. The pain came back in 1.5 hours of my 5 lap walk.. I hate to use the pain cream because the cream makes me rash out if I use it too much. But lots of pain cream yesterday and today.. Girls, I am 2 years out from my Dx. and lumpectomies/treatments.. I just don't know what to do - I have gained 20 lbs since I stopped walking.  Any suggestions???

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    GMA (((HUGS))) I wish I had some suggestions for u---we are ll in this rogether bu all so differently. Persobally--I think having a lumpecomy hurts much more than taking off all breast. Cuz something might have been touched where a nerve is and that takes a long time to heal if ever. Plus all he sttuff u had to do and have. But u should talk more about this to u Onc. or PT and say it's interfereing with u'r life and it should be done, I would think. I know sometimes it feels like will this end, it's a orrible disease.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Camilegal, I have been discussing with all docs about it.. The only suggestion I got from the onc is talk to your pain doc about upping the pain meds.  I'm already taking 1800mg of gabapentin a day and it works as long as I don't do anything.  My pain doc gave me some more neurologic pain creme and also suggested a nerve stimulator to be implanted  - you get a trial to see if it works then they implant the stimulator - problem is - $40,000. and I don't have that type of money.  The only other thing I haven't discussed with my BS is a mastectomy, BUT I have discussed this with my LE therapist and he helped me talk it out - if I were to have a mastectomy the following items wouldn't go away: Lymphedema, costochondritis.  Maybe the nerve pain will go but I might end up with phantom pain instead.  I have been mulling over these options for 6 months.  What do you do when your insurance is maxed out and you have to pay for whatever you do??? Just got me down today... probably because i'm in pain and of course Pain =Swell for Lymphedema people...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    I'm just so sad.... so I have to whine to you guys.... Youngest Daughter called, and was thinking of having her little cat, 19 years old, finally put to sleep..... She has been so crippled, and cranky, and with this growth on her little lip.... She has been going through this for 6 months.... I just said Honey, call me later, but call that gal that comes out.... 

    I just KNEW she would do this today.... I called her back to tell her we were coming over, and she said the gal would be there at 10:30....  So once they FINALLYY got Jazzie out from under the bed, it took another 20 minutes for her to settle down after they gave her that first shot.... then Janie got to hold her and talk to her, while she went to sleep.... Then she gave her the final shot....  I just felt so bad.... it was like she was holding her little girl.  Cry...  Then the gal finally wrapped her up, and placed her in a basket, and will bring her ashes back....  I know this is so much easier than waiting for them to die.... but losing your beloved pet.... even if she IS my Grand-cat, just makes the tears come....

    Okay..... I'll be back to normal later..... xooxoxo

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited May 2013

    GmaFoley  It broke my heart to read your post.  I am so so sorry for your pain and frustration.  I wish I had a suggestion for you.  I'll just hold your hand when the going gets rough.

    Scottie - That's the pits! 

    Shell - My DGD was born in Kauai and had a very interesting pediatrician.  We called him Dr. Scratch and Sniff.  He would pick up that darling little thing and sniff her all over.  He would tell my DD if she was keeping her clean enough in each area he sniffed.  We could hardly keep a straight face and would all most buckle over in laughter on the way out.

    Flowers C - Like you attitude!  If you can be 10 years younger, so can I.  Only 61 still sounds old to me.  My cardiologist told me last year that my heart was 15 years younger than my age.  I'll take that.

    To those who posted previous page, good wishes to you, too.  peanut butter and Jan

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    OMG...Im sorry Scottie I was lol about your Chevy says we will have a prune tree.yah right.we can name it Chevy..I'm sorry I laughed but dam girl it was hard.come shoot me now.

    Cammi...I think I'm losing it too.between the mask with the red lips and now I too want to not only cut my hair real short I want a chalk friends are screaming WHAT!!!!it is chalk right?

    Chevy...I would like you to pen the letter.i nominate u...since you write so well.will you do that for me?sas posted all the know I can't spell for shit.

    And yes OSHA is still around.when my GD was workin as the vet tech one of her co workers just recently called don't mess with them...

    Gma have I told u lately how much I hate the LE..I forgot that pain....I'm so sorry.yesterday I pulled out my compression bra and slept with it.Chevy remember well my breast once again looked like a kantalope..I'm betta today....worked on myself all day and slept with my arm raised all nite.along with the messages,deep breathing and drinking tons of's workin....I hope your storks for you that way.

    I cannot remember back 2 pages but one of u were being harassed by a boss...I k ow what that feels like and I too had to bite the bullet but he slipped up and I brought him right to the labor board...

    Just wish I was that tough bitch I was yrs.ago....I'm getting tired of friend is dying and I'm so down about it no one even wants to talk to me but you sistas.thank you

    If I forgot anyone(you know I did)remember I pray for each and every one of my sistas no matter how tired I am.

    Xo princess purple kantalope

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    GMA...........the LE pain sucks........or me it isn't a constant, but it happens......mine is right side LE, and I hate it.......

    Went to the Orthoped today and need another MRI.....he wants to make sure the broken vertebrae has not healed...had one done in Nov by the MO, because of spine pain (we all know what she was thinking, and I did not go right away to him, so he has to make sure it had not healed in the 6 month wait.........pissed off.....first for waiting, and 2nd cause now it is another $162.00 co-pay, and if it had healed they can't do Kyphoplasty.....but had I gone he could have used the same MRI....what an asshole I am, but after a while you get sick of Dr visits....should have gone right away when my MO said..."you broke another vertebrae" .....oh well....shit happens........tomorrow it is to the eye Dr for a check on the Retina, and the macular degeneration check.......isn't getting old just a f----ng hoot........then next week to a Pulmonary specialist to find out why I am friggin coughing so about because I take Meds that cause you to cough...huh, huh, could that be it..............

    Scottie.......lmao......swallowed a ....hold on, memory fails me......was that a prune, or plum, lol.......did you ever hear of "pitted"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Little Princess..... You can do anything....  Write down little notes...  No-one else can do this.... But you can write things all down together, and then have someone else "proof-read" what is written!  Without any emotions...  Don't say something like you are going to hang them by their heels, and then skin them alive.... 

    State the facts, and what you were told, what was done, and how it worked, or didn't..... and what was said to you AFTER!   I think you said you took notes when he went for his exams?  You can use those too....  And make it look professional, with paragraphs, and not too many extreme swear words, or ink splotches on the pages....  And don't include pictures of guns, or bows and arrows.

    Don't threaten them within an inch of their lives, or say you KNOW people....Wink  I mean I don't blame you if you DID, but it's not advisable.....

    You need to make a point....  And say what the emotional effects have been on him and your family.....  And the purpose of the letter would be to maybe help someone else from going THROUGH what your family did!    And they should be held responsible for hiring some bogus surgeon from wherever he was from......  

    I don't even think it would be a good idea to contact some news agency, like to broadcast this on a TV network... It wouldn't do your Son any good now....   xoxoxoxo 

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Today you all have made me laugh and heart and ((((((((((hugs))))))))))) go out to all in need...AND

    Just wanted to say that I love all of you women so much.... thank you for all the great information shared over the past week of my 1st chemo...I could NOT do this without all of you...all my love and admiration goes out to each and every one of you for helping me survive.

    More se's today....nose bleeds, more mouth sores (now in my throat) and some weird foot pain ? Oh well but most of all STILL POOPING ...anyone want to know how many tiles in my trying to keep my head above the toilet bowl and my butt out of the toilet water.......the joys!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Hang in there Chickie.....your gonna be ok......your a tough little bird.....we are all here hopin, and a prayin.....hugs.....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Why not the newspaper? The first shithead bs made the cover of the daily new.he left sloane and took his onco.and promised not only a betta job but he was sleeping with her and was married...well he didnt do the right thing and she went straight to the daily news.I worked for a newspaper in Brooklyn...they would help me...I just wanna make a statement....these friggin drs.who make mistakes (yeah he is the one that made the mistake on me) but I was told if I didn't have permenant injury or huge dr bills I had no case....with my son he has both.and BTW the hospital called and said they will take care of the bill....I smell a big fat rat...ill do whar sas says but I don't feel it's enuf.i wanna suck their blood and spit it in their face..bastards.