STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Granny it's wonderful to be missed, but I was only gone since Friday morning Lovey. MUAH MUAH_BIG SQUEEZE sassaroni

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Wren, how precious about the Marijauana plant, what did the police do? Did she comment on how healthy it was? Were they kind, What city? TOOOOOOOOO funny.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Scottie, it's your story, where ever it takes you, go with it. :))))))))

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I was a Cunningham. Took care of my grandmother. Took care of my sister. Always put others first. Now I dream of Harleys. DH won't let me have one.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    Omg, it is so hard to keep up with you guys! As soon as I read about the MRI for today, I thought, how wonderful to be able schedule on Sunday so people don't have to miss work. I guess u could have said u were just checking out where it was for tomorrow, but whoever can think that fast.

    Filledendron: like princess says, get on the LE boards here. They are so informational. My doc referred me quickly and I had a wonderful therapist. Drive on down to Oklahoma and I will fix u up!

    Sas- sounds like you give of yourself always which is wonderful, look out for yourself, too. You are our brain!

    I wanted to be a bad girl....but too chicken most of the time. Cluck. Be

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh fonz to be sure. There were 5 of us and 4 out of the five were wild. My poor parents....I was the baby, I think by the time I was a teenager they were so tired of trying they just kind of gave up..But in all actuality we all turned out pretty good. Now my kids-all cunninghams (well my dd was on the edge for a while-thats where the 7 tats came from) Never been in any kind of trouble though. So I did something right. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Wow veggy...more then a one never like the bad guys?

    Now you want a Harley.something is missing here

    And Wren.i tried to grow pot in my old apt...a freind of mine bought me all the special lights.took real good care of it.never grew anything.

    Come on fess up..who smoked weed?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    SAVI____whoop_WHOOP ___WhOoP,,,,,,,, yea for walkin congratualations, Glad you had fun :) Were in the middle here. I'm 62 till july. But thinking about not having any more Birthdays. They have a connotation. Don't want to be connotated. :)

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Sas..yeah you went missing on many pages did you miss?these sistas have all nite usually goin to sleep by this time...look what ua did to me now.changed my sleep pattern.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    I did smoke when I was young, but I never liked it too much. It always made me feel stupid. I was a big beer drinker though. I say was cause I havnt had a beer since dh quit drinking years ago. Now my only vice is my cigs. which I am down to 3 a day.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Can you be wild at heart and a good girl too? Hmmm I was a cheerleader, played sports (swimming), but loved all boys that were bad for a blue collar man!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Granny, whilse everyone's a talkin about putting out, that's ahhemmm why I can't just throw this guy to the curb at 62, he's 54. He put's out, allot, he's really easy. LOL. Still on pg 168, so, if this out of context for whatever pg this is going to scuse me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wow u guys never STFU--amazing Sas I know u sometimes take a breather so I would start worrying tomorrow, but not today and besides what did u do that was sooo worong--U'r just naturally nice so of course u would do that. I thought we had some juicy story here.

    Chicke I've done my own studies--and the reason u have no taste is this crap sucks zinc out of u. I know no one has studied that, but it makes sense to me--Lte my tastes are all off??? my zinc tho is fie, but all I want is salty and sweet--the 2 worse things I or anyone should have but that's all I eat veggie chips and cookies--I disgust myself so no lectures. And do check on the LE altho u can get it anytime, I got min before rads, that Dr. saw it, but my Hospital had a physical therapy place there so I went there and they massaged me and taught me excercises and I still do them --I'm not vigilants about wearing things tho--it's annoying to me--I swear my cat know because that's exactly were she massges me everyday on my arms where they did and she does it like for 5 mins an arm.

    OMG Phyloectomy u had over 45 nodes taken out WTF I had 38 for sure u'd get LE I never heard of so many, but I am sorry--did they make u'r anle bracelet elastic at least.

    Flowers I'm glad things calmed down for u, like  u said there's tomorrow to think about it, just finish u BD cake--u month is over BTW how old are u.

    You all know I do this by memory so if I miss somethig i don't mean to cuz I read everyone's post.

    And who was it that caught up and said NEXT I was LOLing on that one NEXT.hahaha

    OK down and dirty--when I was growing up just got in a little trouble being late--again Italian parents---but nothing to much--so I got married at 20 and divorced at 26 and then I was on my own--need I say much more--but I never got caught--Oh I do have to share a story with u--I was dating A knock down georgeous heart surgeon from oyal Hospital--and I knew some staff there but I wasn't that close to them as friends--but they said everyone was after him and he never gave anyone a look cuz they heard he had a girlfriend and we went out dor a while and he was georgeous and stupid, stupid me I broke up with him Why u ask?? He was too good looking and I knew he would break my heart if we settled down together, cuz he'd no doubt get tired of me, he said I was crazy, but I believed in my heart he would break it, Didn't think the whole thing thru like if we had a kid I'd get child support ??? hahaha So altho I got wild I was also sreally stupid then and now again but no men now. LOL

    NEXT Chevy u have to have tats u'r the type and yes we all have them because of rads, but I wanted a design on mine and the tat guy wouldn't do it. And u couldn't feel anything so I don't think it counts. If I was young now I'd get one, I know I would.

    OK Monday will be here in a couple of hours for those who get confused--some of us do again no names.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    What wrong with feeling stupid..alcohol makes you feel stupid too.if you have ducky always has a red solo cup.ya know what in it right?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Smart woman Ducky--I used to use a coffee cup--drank alot of coffeeWink

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    I have down back of neck, turtle (favorite animal) on shoulder and flower on ankle.....I ride a Harley and can hold my own with you Hooligans.......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Chicky I knew u had wild in u--u come across as this sweet young thing but underneath is a boiling hot woman that knows what and when she wants things. ooooo I need a fan now.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    I have four tats...from radiation. I did have my bald head henna-Ed last week. I had a peacock on the top of my head. It wore off already. I have some pictures of it on my iPad. Gotta figure out how to get them posted.

    I'm sitting outside on my deck. It's nice and cool out here. I think I'm starting to bud some hair. I found a couple of eyelashes growing. DH asked if I was growing any other hair. I told him I hadn't checked.

    As for pot... No. Kids smoked it on the school bus and in the bathrooms. I walked into the smoke and felt good, if ya know what I mean. Yep, I was a Cunningham. My only vice is wine and rum and coke, ok, alcohol. My oncologist said that she wouldn't deny me of it. She told me to go home after a treatment and have a shot of whiskey to relax.

    I haven't been sleeping lately. After everyone goes to bed, I'm still wide awake. The oncologist gave me a script for sleeping pills. Stupid things keep me up even longer. I'm yawning now. If I try to sleep I'll just lie in bed thinking. I hate thinking late at night. It's never about a typing good, if ya know what I mean. OOOH, I just heard coyotes in the distance.

    Well Princess how's this? I can speak in many sentences with many words. When we are together we never shut up. We wait for the other to stop for a breath and then we jump in.

    Good night hooligans. I'll be lurking.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Phyllodendron, your computer locked up and it appeared that you were hitting keys at random to seem swearing , but there was a pattern so is it swedish? sldfkdsfjsldfjsdlkjfsldfk!! I'm sure this will keep big brother working for at least a few minutes. Then they will Say AHHAH --SOME-LOWLY-DUMB-FLAKE-KILLED-DODDER-SO-FIESTER-JUST-SLID-LIKE-DODDER-FROM-JOUST-SWING-DONKING-LUKER-KLINKING-JELLYFISH-FIESTER-SONGMASTER-LUKER-DODDER-FROM-KILLIGAN.  Is that the message? You know we should help BIG BROTHER out when we can. What else we are good Americans, and BB works so hard :)

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Somehow chicky I'm not surprised...I bet you can and will hold your own...even with all that crap goin on...I put my $$$$ on U...

    Chevy must be fast asleep so ill tell you she is a closet drunk...when she reads this I swear she is gonna kill me!!!!nah I'm just kidding...but she does smoke pot.and she also has a tat...go figure.

    Lets see who else is gonna come clean?????

    I'm just about to close my eyes.way past my bedtime...and it takes me a while to fall asleep...and if it don't rain tomorrow I'm outa here.

    Nite all.tomorrow is a bright new day.

    Hugggs princess purple kantalope

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Joan811 - with You and ALL of the other hooligans here, I am sure everything will work out.  Yep, U may B right: no one wants to confront HIM.  I am not that kind of gal tho.  Just piss me off enough and WATCH OUT.  100% Italian gal here with NO FEAR!  Just trying to keep the Peace.  U understand, I am sure!

    Wren  - hysterical about the pot plant.

    Grannydukes - LEGAL in NJ and no LIST????????????   WTF?

    ALL - do not even bother with Marinol.  It sucks!



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Chevy maybe  mentally ballanced is a nonsequitor, that doesn't sound right, rotiuqesnon, yes that sounds better --still on page 168, this will take all night

    GMA----    word back at you :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Nit Princess sleep well

    Veggie I wake up all hrs and everything is so quiet and I like it, but I don't like too--so it's a mixed emotion that I have. But thank God I can kind of use a computer--but the I stay up more. so.....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    I was an absolute Angel.........did everything right.........Amen......that is my story, and I'm sticking to it...........

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    duckyb1 - R U sure??????  BTW, I was born and raised in PA (the Poconos)!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    CM....ask anyone on here....they will tell you.........right ladies..........ok Hooligans wipe that smirk off your faces.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited June 2013

    Joan "My Man Makeover" in the early days of the makeover, when I got him to go to a feastival, He said(close b/c it's been awhile) "I like this look". Why? "B/c so many women are looking at me" How do you know this? "Because I'm looking back". What was amazing is he was clueless that this might upset me, it didn't inwardly I laughed b/c there was insight on his part. He was amazed you could tell. I know this sounds crazy , but he said it with such innocense. I felt it would take awhile for him to learn how to be looked at versus dismissed. I told him from the beginning there was a time I thought he was scarey looking.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited June 2013

    Miss Sassyfrassy...what page is latest roll call list on?

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    I was a Cunningham goody-goody until I broke the trend and got married at 19. No tats for me but my boys have several. Do those count?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

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